
Pantheon Early Access Fact Sheet

Get the highlights of what we currently know about December's Early Access. Read More


Pantheon Aims for Early Access

CEO, Chris Rowan, addresses the community in this major announcement. Read More


June Pantheon Newsletter – Summoner and Ranger Incoming!

Two classes are making their way into Terminus. Get the details in our latest newsletter. Read More


Pantheon Video: Now in Season 3!

Check out this short form rundown of everything new in Season 3, including a new dungeon: Hanggore, the Acclimation system, 100+ class changes, and more! Read More


Hanggore Mid-season Update

The VIPs are currently experiencing the latest content, take a look at what that includes! Read More


April Newsletter Heralds Blood and Snow

Exciting updates from the team and the latest content in this month's newsletter. Read More


April Q&A Hypes Season Three

Listen in as we talk about the next incoming season and the future of updates. Read More


Mid-Season Update – The Mouth of Madness

Find out what is happening in Season Two in this mid-season update! Read More


March Pantheon Newsletter – Seasons Invites Pledges to Play

Read up on what the team has been working on, and what is coming next. Read More

Producer's Letter

February’s Producer’s Letter – Season Updates

Season 1 has launched for the VIPs, find out what's next! Read More


Pantheon Season One Update

Catch up with season one testers and find out what incoming testers can expect! Read More


Pantheon Season 1 Trailer

See the highlights from season one and get a peek at season two. Read More


Pantheon Seasons Questions Answered

The team answers community questions in this special edition Q&A. Read More


Welcome to Terminus – December Dev Q&A

Listen in as developers answer questions directly from the community. Read More


December PA Recap – Windfeather Down!

The testers hit up some boss mob content in this month's recap. Read More

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