December Pre-Alpha Recap
This last month has been a wild ride for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen and our rockstar testers have ridden the waves like pros. The game made the full switch back to the MMORPG format but has continued to enjoy the consistent uptime that we introduced in September. In addition to that, the verbal NDA has been lifted, allowing testers to discuss the game as they wish. We are holding a Content Creator Showcase week at the end of December for PA-tester content creators to show off the game in whatever way they would like. We have our Pantheon Production Tracker available for the public to view patch notes and watch progress on big in-game projects. Finally, on December 16th, we are inviting alpha pledges into pre-alpha for a 24 hour session to experience Terminus for themselves.
So much content!
With all of that, this month for the PA-Recap, we would like to share a tester tale. It is a story of struggle, victory, and betrayal, all the things that make for an epic encounter in a world that we are eager to open up to our community. As shared by Diemondgames:
Picture this: Wednesday, November 15th – 40 brave souls embark on a quest to slay Windfeather, the level 20 Griffon boss in Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen. The countdown starts, but our heroes face the disconnect boss early on, claiming a few victims faster than you can say ‘loading screen of doom.’ (Sav note: Such is life on the test server, disconnects happen!)
Survivors, a mere 35, gather at the Crossroads, only to face another sneak attack from the disconnect boss, claiming Glorf, our level 12 Paladin and top tank. Undeterred, we press on, climb ledges, sprint, and face the Griffons. Testing our mettle on a regular one, we conquer it with ease.
Emboldened, we let our shaman meditate, send in brave Hendel to duel Windfeather, and discover a flawless healing strategy. The epic battle lasts 10 minutes until victory reigns. Cheers erupt, but the loot disappears faster than a snack at a gaming marathon. Turns out, in classic MMO style, the Wind Feather Scroll of Gliding was ninja-looted. Loot drama—some things never change!
This was a well-coordinated raid. The testers organized it the day before on our official Discord server to get the word out and players gathered together to do what we weren’t sure was even possible. Congrats to the Windfeather raid group!
Thanks to our tester, Jothany for these screenshots of the raid. If you would like more information on how you may help Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen development or how to join us in-game, please check out the pledge page.