Pantheon PvE Rules

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen In-game PvE Guidelines

These are the rules and guidelines for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen. We reserve the right to update or change these rules at any time. Please note that it is important to follow the direction of Visionary Realms team members or any official representatives. Failure to do so may result in account action.


Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen aims for PG-13 (Teen-rated) language and content. Coarse language, profanities, expletives, and overtly sexual content are not permitted. This is enforced in all open channels, including /tell and /group. Guilds may have their own guidelines for discussion and we encourage players to be aware that some guilds may be more free with language than others.


We are all here to have fun and enjoy the game. We expect players to treat each other with common decency. Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen does not permit players to insult each other, dox, or use ANY KIND of hate speech.


Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is a cooperative MMORPG. The mechanics inspire collaboration and competitiveness and this is desired. In that spirit, it is important for players to remember:

The game does not enforce camps. Make friends, share space, or group up!

Encounters are not locked. Kill stealing is probable. Avoid taking other people’s kills, but if it happens, communicate with each other respectfully.

Scenario 1: Bob is camping hobgoblins and Fred comes up and starts kiting targets. Bob doesn’t want to share his camp, so Bob targets Fred’s target and takes the kill. Fred gets mad and send a tell with “Omg, don’t steal my killz!?” Bob responds with “This is my camp, noob, go kite somewhere else!”

Bad solution: Bob and Fred fight over mobs with training and KSing until someone rage quits.

Good solution: Bob and Fred share the camp or even better yet, group to share in that sweet, sweet community vibe.

Harassment is not acceptable. While we encourage competitiveness, players found to be aggressively utilizing game mechanics to intentionally punish other players may be subjected to account action. Examples of this include spamming invites and trade requests, continuing to send tells to someone who has asked you to leave them alone, or following someone around and purposely engaging their targets in combat.

Exploits are not to be utilized. If you come across a bug, please report it. For the health of the economy and to avoid frequent wipes, players found to be exploiting for gain may be suspended or subject to character deletion. If you are aware of an exploit, you can report it by opening a support ticket.

General Rules

    These rules are applicable across all Visionary Realms and Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen platforms of communication:

  • Do not spam or flood the chat.
  • Keep conversations relevant to the channel.
  • Do not start political, religious or any discussion topics prone to huge arguments and debates.
  • Do not use profanities, hate speech or discriminatory language.
  • Do not post porn, inappropriate, or offensive NSFW (Not Safe For Work) material.
  • Do not post links to or information about cheating, hacking, game exploits, real money trading (RMT), account selling or sharing.
  • Do not share personal information about others or impersonate other users or staff members.
  • Do not share links to malicious websites or software.
  • Follow the instructions of the moderators and staff members.

Naming Policy

    As Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is largely a work incorporating the high fantasy genre, names should attempt to align to spirit of the game. Be advised that the following types of names will not be allowed:

  • Racist, sexist, profane names including, but not limited to, swear words, references of anatomy, meme tropes, misogynistic terms, homophobic terms, political jargon or slogans, threatening or terroristic terms or homonyms of any of the preceding, or word combinations that when read together produce any of the above, are not allowed.
  • Proper Nouns that infringe upon any trademark, intellectual property, or well-known names of celebrities, politicians, or other entities. Examples would be popular fantasy characters, sports teams, brand names, celebrities, politicians or your 9th grade English teacher that you’ve been wanting to doxx for 11 years. For clarification a character named Brady wouldn’t necessarily violate the policy, but one named Tombrady D’Goat would.
  • Drug references, both illegal and legal, are not allowed. This includes slang names, colloquialisms, paraphernalia or veiled references. Fourtwenty Bongripper isn’t an acceptable name for your Ogre Warrior.
  • Names used in the lore of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, as well as any name that attempts to impersonate the game’s creators, developers or other employees of Visionary Realms are not allowed.
  • Names cannot include numbers, special characters or symbols.
    Character names found to be in violation of this policy will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis with the following potential actions as consequences:

  • Forced Renaming
  • Account Suspension
  • Loss of Naming Privileges (temporary or permanent)
  • Character Deletion
  • Account Deletion
  • Hardware/I.P./Network I.D. Ban

Early Access Support Expectations

In-game support is limited during Early Access. As we work to expand the team, please follow these guidelines to make the most of your testing experience.

Terminus is a dangerous world and exploring will have consequences! Practice safe exploring by banking items you cannot stand to lose. Keep in mind that some features, such as swimming and climbing, are in a rough state and may not be fully working as intended. If you choose to test these features, do so cautiously. If you get stuck in terrain or are unable to move, you can use the command /stuck to send you back to your bind point.

Dungeons are meant to be dangerous and enjoyed with a full group. Do not attempt to crawl through areas that are above your skill level and if you do and die, accept that you may not be able to retrieve your corpse. In these instances, engage other community members to assist in locating and dragging your corpse. There will be intermittent support available to retrieve unreachable corpses, those that are stuck in the air, inside of geometry or beneath the world. To request assistance, please use the discord support channels.

Pantheon is still in active development. We cannot guarantee that in-game items will always be available, usable, or unaltered throughout your testing experience. At this time, items lost will not be reimbursed.

Please ask for help in the game support channel on the official Discord or official forums. Here you will find peer support, as well as team member assistance when available. Do not direct message (DM) members of the development team unless specifically directed to do so.

Always follow the direction of VR team members, the moderators, or GMs. These are the people who help keep order.

Report bugs through the appropriate channels on Discord or the official forums.

Exploiting bugs or features is not permitted. Report potential exploits as bugs and DO NOT CONTINUE to utilize an exploit. Use of exploits can result in suspension, a permanent ban, and more frequent character wipes.

Reporting Abuse

VR is committed to providing a safe and fun gaming experience. If you require assistance, contact us via our CS ticketing system or using our official Discord server. Please provide character names, server, shard (when applicable), details of complaint, and relevant screenshots. We will investigate the issue.

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