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Multi Boxing

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    • 2130 posts
    June 25, 2017 4:07 PM PDT

    It happens. I get too carried away.

    It's a good discussion but really I'd just like to see it focused on one or the other. Boxing and cheating/botting/automation just aren't necessarily tied together. Not only that but even if boxing was prohibited, it would be virtually impossible to enforce (I think you read this part already).

    I think Kilsin may have already replied to this thread as well saying it would be allowed, but I could be mistaken, too. I'm sure they'll make the best decision.

    • 279 posts
    June 25, 2017 4:11 PM PDT

    Durp said:

    Sunmistress said:

    lutorin said:

    Boxing is a road to hell .

    It starts with some good intentions we all already heard .

    "This group will bust if we don't find a cleric . I'll bring my box ."  , "The experience will be much faster if I bring my off group high level buffer ."

    It continues with excuses .

    "When it takes too much time to LFG, I box ." , "It's an innocent way to profit from the game when I have just an hour to play ."

    And it finishes with a full blown antisocial behaviour where the whole Saint Trinity is boxed or even a full group and the players stop interacting with other players alltogether .

    When this generalizes, the MMO degenerates to islands of isolated individuals where all immersion and lore is gone and the players who still don't box are irreversibly chased away because there is nothing for them to interact with anymore .


    Bro you are painting with too broad of strokes.

    There are multiple subsets of the boxer type player, they are not all the same nor do all operate within each subset of the group type.

    I've been boxing in EQ for 18 years, I still group, even do groups with randoms. It's not a slippery slope or some all or nothing thing.

    You don't like it, don't do it, but don't try to ram your personal viewpoint with false equivalency arguments that are not based in fact but based in opinion.


    @Sunmistress:  I actually agree with Lutorin on this.  While you and many others, as you say, still group etc, there are 10's if not 100's times more that don't.  Yes, I have played EQ for 18 years+ too and indeed it is a slippery slope, once on it, hard to get off of it.  Unfortunately, due to mal behavior of many, the few like you, who do it right will suffer because of it.  

    An analogy: I only drive 100 mph when there is no traffic at all on the freeway.  But the law is still 65 mph. Is this fair?   Laws and rules are put in place not to hurt those that do things right, but to prevent those who abuse the priviledge.

    The only people on EQ I know that box just to box, wouldn't group with people in this game either. They are a subset of players who prefer to do things like a single player game, or they are in it for the RMT. 1 of those 2 types is bad for the game but not  both.

    And really this argument is moot, VR's stance has been stated afew times.

    Your analogy is lost on me, maybe it's just the highway system here, but I've not been on an interstate and gone less than 85. The speed limit is 70 here. Does that make me some terrible lawbreaking badass? No it means I am keeping up with the pace of traffic and speed limits are merely ballpark suggestions with minimal consequence if/when enforced.

    But if you are one of those types who follows those speed limits, please stay in the right lane. 


    • 483 posts
    June 25, 2017 4:18 PM PDT


    Yep pretty sure Kilsin on a forum and Brad in one of the streams confirmed that boxing is in, but they'll try and avoid automation software, don't know how though, we'll have to wait and see.

    • 9115 posts
    June 25, 2017 5:42 PM PDT

    I am going to go ahead and close it down as per the guidelines, it is a duplicate and should have been closed when I initially posted, I must have thought I did and moved on without realising.

    My Reply from Page 1:

    "This subject never ends well and it has been brought up so many times with an official response given each time, discussing this when the answer is already set only leads to arguments.

    Typing "Boxing" into the search bar produces these 3 results: ;(Closed) ;(Closed) ;(Open)

    Our Official Stance:

    Boxing will be allowed, but the way our characters and abilities are set up it will make it very hard. We will not tolerate cheats, gold farmers or botting programs but having multiple accounts to dual box is perfectly fine."

    Official FAQ Answer:

    10.4 Will multi-boxing be allowed in Pantheon?

    Our reaction to multi-boxing is to try something first before we even entertain the idea of artificially restricting it. We want to make combat, especially mid and higher level combat, so tactically intense, with so much going on, so much to do, so much to counter, so many companions to keep alive and the timing of many abilities crucial, that multi-boxing is extremely difficult if not impossible and likely far inferior to having an actual real person in your group.