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Group kick via voting?

    • 1714 posts
    November 1, 2017 2:49 PM PDT

    As others have said, this "feature" is a nonsensical waste of time.

    • 69 posts
    November 2, 2017 11:32 AM PDT

    Voting to kick kind of defeats the purpose of the social aspect of the game.  If there is a toon in the group that is sucking, then open your mouth and ask what's up.  Talk to them and see if they are having game issues or maybe need help playing the class.  That's the whole point of how the social aspect of MMOs are great.  You never know, that person who sucked might become much better thanks to you setting them straight or can become your best game friend.

    • 234 posts
    November 3, 2017 8:02 PM PDT

    Radamus said:

    Voting to kick kind of defeats the purpose of the social aspect of the game.  If there is a toon in the group that is sucking, then open your mouth and ask what's up.  Talk to them and see if they are having game issues or maybe need help playing the class.  That's the whole point of how the social aspect of MMOs are great.  You never know, that person who sucked might become much better thanks to you setting them straight or can become your best game friend.

    I've had this experience more than once.

    One particular Ranger stands out in my mind.

    I picked them up on the way through a zone and we immediatly wiped due to a bad pull.  So I laughed it off, we re-grouped and I suggested they may want to use their Harmony spell and try pulling again. 

    "What is Harmony?", I'm rolling my eyes at this point.  So I say, "Ok lets go get that for you".

    We went to the vendor, chatting along the way about all kinds of stuff, got their shiny new Harmony spell and went back to try it again. 


    We had an awsome day, and many many days after that.  I even met this person in real life after some time and would consider them a friend to this day. 


    • 70 posts
    November 3, 2017 9:57 PM PDT

    A useless feature to have.


    EQ classic didn't have this and I never had any issues as a group (or raid) leader or member that needed this.

    - if someone is having trouble, talk to them; maybe they are new, or distracted and can refocus their efforts if you help them

    - if someone is truly a jerk or just not able to perform enough, then send them an explanation and tell them you are sorry but need to disband them for the group to continue

    - often what would have been a "push button" vote to remove, becomes a "oh they just didn't know how to do that" revelation, and they do fine


    In no case I have ever seen is having a voting button mechanism necessary to maintain a healthy group or raid.

    It is another feature borne from "modern" MMOs that insulate players from needing to communicate with each other in a meanignful way.


    • 107 posts
    November 5, 2017 11:44 PM PST

    Hello folks. Topic on group kick voting. As some mentioned, it can and will be abused by guild members or close/inner circle of friends. Group leader should be able to drop or kick that player out of group, no vote. It would be nice to warn player X if he/she does it again, he/she will be kicked. "Hey player X stop training mobs to other group or you be kicked, or hey stop ninja looting everything, or hey stop pulling additional mobs while we are trying to deal with current one...etc." Of course in a perfect gaming world, you would see server message showing "Player X has been kicked from Cookies group due to training mobs on other players" or Player Y has been kicked from Applepie groups due to ninja looting".

    Group kicking vote. No.