Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Recent Feature or Mechanic?

    • 9 posts
    May 17, 2016 3:54 PM PDT

    I have to say Mentoring is a pretty important thing to have, it means you don't have to save character slots to level with certain people you play with,  and it also means there is no reason to try and speed people through older content later in a games life, as there is no reason to "catch up" your friends can always come and mentor, whatever their level so you can all play together. It doesn't even need to have an xp boost, probably better if it doesn't in fact.  The brotherhood system in Vanguard was really great, although being able to level your friends while they were offline was a little dubious :p

    • 264 posts
    May 17, 2016 4:31 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Can you name a feature or mechanic that you really liked from an MMORPG that was released within the last 5 years? :)

    I always thought the way you had to pick the lock on Chests that you discovered in ESO was pretty cool.

    In ESO I also loved my Destruction Staff with Throwback, It was just fun; but a caster would have to use it with care in Pantheon, That makes it even better.

    In Final Fantasy I liked the long Running Quest for the Thaumaturge (or what ever class you played) that you could go back to as you felt like it, However the quest givers were creepy little man children >Shudder<


    • 9 posts
    May 17, 2016 6:57 PM PDT

    Boats from Vanguard! Building your own boat for no ther other purpose than to speed up travel by sea was awesome, would love to see that again, although please make sure they despawn when not being used :)


    This post was edited by Veks at May 17, 2016 6:57 PM PDT
    • 12 posts
    May 17, 2016 9:14 PM PDT

    Offical disclaimer.. I do not play AA anymore but you have to give credit were credit is due. A hardcore PVE raiding/grind game with some of AA's systems would give Pantheon some long term subs.

    -Archeage's Farming/crop system (farmville on crack ..think of the demographics Kilsin)

    -Archage's Trade Packing (**** to do for money and use of old zones for off raiding nights and lazy days.. donkeys and beer)

    -Archeage's Boat systems/Ocean battles/Shipwrecks/Treasure hunting/Deep Sea Diving /ocean boss mobs..  I know I might take a beating for this.... but this might be a very nice way to integrate a Limited PVP ( dont give me the PVP speech) system into Pantheon.  I played Vangard from Beta to the last day (my true love of mmos along with eq1)... what was the most deserted part of the huge world?.. the ocean. We all took our boats out and sailed the 200 empty chunks to fish, how about using them. 

                         Example - What if X distance from shore  or Water Depth it became a "Pirate Enviroment".  Guidies/Group mates are the only ones that are not attackable.

    Sure some chunks are not PVP (raid mobs etc..), but think of the possiblities.  There are hundreds of ways to give value to the oceans... but would you dare to go to the deep sea seeking fortune alone with pirates about?  

    Fear Not Landlubber!! ... Everyone would be safe and sound on land/intercoastals or shallow waters.    A game within a game.  

    Anti Pvp'ers  Flame away.. (damn landlubbers!  gives you a knot in your stomach just thinking about EXILE in the deep blue sea hunting your scurvy hides.. Earn your Salt)


        The possibilites!!!  -  All I know is I want Hawkbane to Forge/fondel my 10" boat Cannon.


    This post was edited by epokkvg at May 17, 2016 9:17 PM PDT
    • 724 posts
    May 17, 2016 11:14 PM PDT

    epokkvg said:

    Offical disclaimer.. I do not play AA anymore but you have to give credit were credit is due. A hardcore PVE raiding/grind game with some of AA's systems would give Pantheon some long term subs.... 

    I already answered in this thread, but I'll have to give a huge AGREE with all you said. Archeage had incredibly fun gameplay around boats, diving, farming etc. The trading was also great, but in absence of PvP you would have to add PvE threats (NPC pirates, brigands etc) requiring escorts for the traders, or it would just be a rather dull FedEx system. If you looked at the boards, one very common request was to offer a PvE server...that's telling something, isn't it :)

    However I would hope that if farming/housing finds its way into Pantheon, it will be done differently than in Archeage, because the housing plot system there was just too easy to manipulate or hack, and annoying to maintain for the player (could only pay rent one week in advance iirc).

    • 36 posts
    May 17, 2016 11:31 PM PDT
    Re: autolooting things, here's my story. I started playing on a TLP server a bit ago with a friend. We left town, killed stuff, and said "wtf is this gigantic window? Holy crap, you don't have to loot corpses?!" Not sure either of us liked it at first, especially since the huge window can be really annoying, and choosing always greed/always need/never/etc is equally annoying on a first character, never mind the whole "not classic!" reaction. But here's the thing. Jostling around other characters to check if they left stuff on a corpse that you want but they thought was trash? Time consuming. Mob died to a dot tick waaaay up a tree and now you can't loot it? Frustrating. Sure, /hidecorpse looted fixes the lag from the pile of death around your group once you've checked them all, but it doesn't help with looting mobs out of reach that still look close enough on your end, or mobs stuck in the terrain, or this: right-click. Nothing happens. Try again, no luck. /tar a /loot "bleh, wrong A Crazy Adventurer's corpse" shift around, /tar a /loot "ugh" /tar a shift around /tar a /tell Axios "sorry, could you move a bit to the left? I can't target the corpse with the thingamabob." /tar a ... Kinda not interested in going through that again if it's avoidable.
    • 202 posts
    May 18, 2016 12:53 AM PDT

    Here are some things I like and some things I dislike from past and current mmo's that I have encountered (I think we need a "Like" and "Dislike" feature for the forums to help cut back on multiple posts of the same idea's, and will help show how many players like what Idea.(Only people that can comment on the forums should be allowed to use it))

    Auto/AOE looting (As long as the window is not super ******* annoying and overly large(like EQ1))
    Macro scripting
    Player Housing
    Guild halls
    FF14 Hunting Log
    BDO Trading System (Have not played Archage, so dont know if that is similiar or not)


    Middle Ground:

    Mini Journal (This is good and bad, I think only a specific amount can go on there, and you have to choose what you want on there... Does not automatically shows up (feels like that clutters it really quickly) and the UI for it has to be smooth and not overly annoying like some games out there)



    Instanced zones
    Offline auction houses
    Instant teleport to group (this one was a hard one, It is nice getting to your group pretty quickly... but makes the world feel smaller and you get spoiled after a while)
    Auto tradeskill combines
    Auto quest journals (ones that allow you to auto path to your ****)
    Auto maps (mini maps are nice and all but auto pathing and other stuff to do with mini maps, and automated maping is kinda dumb)
    Remote banking


    • 9115 posts
    May 18, 2016 3:14 AM PDT

    Awesome folks, love the different ideas, many are compatible with Pantheon too! :)

    • 308 posts
    May 18, 2016 4:18 AM PDT

    I liked archeage's airship fast travel system. it got you where you were going fairly fast, but it also let you experience just how big the world was.


    Also the fishing/farming system.... but the farming was a TON of RNG hopes to get anything good. i would like to see more skill and less RNG to get the rares.


    Most of SWTOR's raid mechanics were neat. like the raid where you had to platform down to the bottom of a hole while managing health and timing cuz the platforms were falling at a pretty fast pace.


    also from SWTOR i liked the sidequests for the datacrons. the puzzles and such were fun plus just finding em was a real treat.

    • 95 posts
    May 18, 2016 6:20 AM PDT

    While I don't really play FFXIV anymore the linking of dungeons/quests/story missions to progress your character with relatively limited dungeons made sense that you would level down into the level bracket for your role/class when you enter that dungeon. It kept the challenge alive in the dungeons despite having some slightly better gear/stats due to the scaling.

    I do not advocate the same system since it was reliant on instancing which is not the direction Pantheon is going, but it applicable to a possible mentoring system. 

    Losing access to the higher skill abilities and spells when you are mentoring someone and helping them out, but you still gain meaningful XP (not necessarily equal) for your current level. 

    • 116 posts
    May 18, 2016 7:49 AM PDT

    Assuming there are reusable, physical keys to collect for various dungeons, I would add to my list: keyring. Using only 1 inventory slot or maybe a dedicated "bag" to carry many of them.

    • 8 posts
    May 18, 2016 9:19 AM PDT

    I quite like (though its not really <5yrs) player housing in open areas with guild halls.  So players can create their own neighbourhoods, perhaps with slightly limited land availability to create a player driven market for that.

    • 378 posts
    May 18, 2016 3:58 PM PDT

    Treasure Maps from ESO were cool and a fun distraction from the main game.  They gave you a vague picture of a landmark or a piece of one and you had to find it, some were easy others to this day I still haven't tracked them down. 

    • 644 posts
    May 18, 2016 8:20 PM PDT

    Tralyan said:

    This is a bit ...excessive.


    Fair enough and I dont deny it.  


    I'm an extremist hoping to pull the pendulum back by sheer willpower (while fully and rationally understanding it will swing forward some)



    • 595 posts
    May 18, 2016 8:30 PM PDT

    It's really hard to answer this because many of the things I like from other games don't really work as standalone concepts removed from the larger game as a whole.  That said, I really like some of the offline concepts being developed over the last few years.  This could be offline crafting, LFG, guild chat, auctions, etc.  This can manifest in the form of an app or simply useable in a browser.  I've seen a number of different iterations that work well with the theoretical social aspects of MMOs.  I don't really know that all of these would transfer seamlessly into Pantheon but surly some of these concepts could add to the experience.  I know I personally would use offline features like this for Pantheon, especially in terms of diving into lore.  I personally spend much more time with lore out of game rather than in game.

    • 668 posts
    May 18, 2016 8:52 PM PDT

    Not not in the last 5 years but something I like to see....

    I am a fan of plentiful character slots:

    chest, head, shoulders, arms, 2 wrists, waist, legs, feet, neck, face, multiple rings, charm

    It really gives you a lot to equip and upgrade throughout your journey.  I am really a big fan of this and really gets me into a game.

    One of my favorite features in Archeage was the gliders.  Dang those were fun.  It allowed you to glide across to lower areas but really did not allow you to fly anywhere significant.  It kept the scale of the world and allowed you to immerse in all its beauty.  Miss calculate the landing in Pantheon, and it could easily be your death.  These could be quested and required to get to a specific ledge or place that is unique.  Possibilities are endless with gliders and they can be controlled to fit the game so they do not exploit it.

    This post was edited by Pyye at May 18, 2016 8:53 PM PDT
    • 2130 posts
    May 18, 2016 9:00 PM PDT

    fazool said:

    Fair enough and I dont deny it.  

    I'm an extremist hoping to pull the pendulum back by sheer willpower (while fully and rationally understanding it will swing forward some)

    I think once you label yourself an extremist, it'd probably be a better idea to just stop posting.

    • 644 posts
    May 18, 2016 9:13 PM PDT

    Liav said:

    fazool said:

    Fair enough and I dont deny it.  

    I'm an extremist hoping to pull the pendulum back by sheer willpower (while fully and rationally understanding it will swing forward some)

    I think once you label yourself an extremist, it'd probably be a better idea to just stop posting.


    oof....good point.....hadn't thought of that...dagnabit now I'm on a list somewhere




    • 112 posts
    May 19, 2016 2:29 PM PDT

    i like AoE looting, but wont grind my teeth if it isnt in.

    however, other game mechanics should be in place to avoid the headache of trying to click through a 'pile of 30 corpses' as was mentioned earlier.

    one could be the ability to target and tab-cycle through dead mobs in proximity to you.

    another could be the ability to drag a dead body, so you loot it, drag it off the side. a group of 5-6 players doing this makes it far less arduous than it sounds.

    or, a 'burn the body' option when you click on a corpse.  this would cause the corpse to despawn far faster (near instantly, maybe) than it woulkd do normally.


    obviously AoE looting is far moe efficent than these, but i think any one of them is a decent alternative if AoE looting is deemed not world appropriate.

    • 1434 posts
    May 19, 2016 3:19 PM PDT

    /hidecorpse looted

    My preference would be manually looting corpses subject to collision that cannot stack inside of each other... but in the meantime that command would work.

    • 2130 posts
    May 19, 2016 5:38 PM PDT

    Dullahan said:

    /hidecorpse looted

    My preference would be manually looting corpses subject to collision that cannot stack inside of each other... but in the meantime that command would work.

    Sounds like a recipe for bad performance with that many physics calculations needing to happen.

    This post was edited by Liav at May 19, 2016 5:39 PM PDT
    • 644 posts
    May 19, 2016 7:51 PM PDT

    OK one specific comment about auto/aoe looting:


    I think it breaks immersion by giving you rewards for winning a fight.  I want to *FEEL* like I am there and when I kill a mob I want to have to get to the corpse, rifle through their pockets and packs and get the loot.  I want the challenge of worrying about where the mob is going to fall.  If he falls back in his fortress, I have a big challenge of getting loot.  Its like chopping down trees - you have to pay attention to WHERE they're going to fall.  Otherwise you just hold a chain saw and walk through the forest in a straight line - that is, frankly, uninspiring.


    • 839 posts
    May 20, 2016 12:16 AM PDT

    fazool said:

    OK one specific comment about auto/aoe looting:


    I think it breaks immersion by giving you rewards for winning a fight.  I want to *FEEL* like I am there and when I kill a mob I want to have to get to the corpse, rifle through their pockets and packs and get the loot.


    My thoughts too Fazool, and more to this I also enjoy the fact that if your in a high danger area killing and looting you gots to be wary of the next mob wandering along! Don't dilly dally deciding if you want or don't want that giant rat tail, it may cost you your life!  I am definitely on the against AoE looting side of the debate, and to the use of the word immersion we definitely dont need to repeat another 2 pages of arguments over what is immersion to each person as we do in most threads where the dreaded word is used...

    A corpse getting stuck in the wall sucks, but it is 1 in 10,000 corpses that it happens to so maybe a simple command "/target corpse" targets the closest corpse and then "/loot"will loot it when you are very close but still can't click?

    And i guess with the above command in mind it is possibly a way that the people who want to speed loot can just set up this as a macro and spam buttons whilst standing in their pile of corpses

    • 1303 posts
    May 20, 2016 4:39 AM PDT

    I have to admit that I'm an absolute sucker for trophies in any type of game I play, whether it's an MMO, an RTS, a sim, whatever. EQ2 used this fairly well with the items that could be displayed in your house. You didnt get a reward for every little mundane thing you did, but it was somewhat common to get a trophy at the end of a quest chain. There were also those major trophies to be displayed in guild halls for raid accomplishments. I love the heritage items you could display from EQ1 too, but that's obviously not applicable here.

    The ability to right-click and item and change it from a wearable piece of gear to a housing item was nice too. It didnt work on everything but it was usable here and there. Sometimes you get that piece of gear that you just worked your ass off for. The day you get a replacement for it is almost bittersweet. It'd be nice to have the option to hang it in the closet, so to speek, for nostalgia's sake rather than have it clutter up your bank or be forced to sell it or delete it. I would have loved to display my paladin's set of Armor of Ro from way back in the day. I was so proud to finally get every piece. 

    Which, come to think of it, is exactly the kind of trophy collection that I'm talking about! An armor rack with you can set each piece of an armor set as you aquire them and see how the collection is growing. Maybe it's some weird compulsion only I have, but I will spend a lot of meaningless time searching out how to finish up a set like that even if I never intend to use it and instead only display it. Plus, it'd just look cool in your house, right?



    • 116 posts
    May 20, 2016 7:28 AM PDT

    fazool said:

    OK one specific comment about auto/aoe looting:


    I think it breaks immersion by giving you rewards for winning a fight.  I want to *FEEL* like I am there and when I kill a mob I want to have to get to the corpse, rifle through their pockets and packs and get the loot.  I want the challenge of worrying about where the mob is going to fall.  If he falls back in his fortress, I have a big challenge of getting loot.  Its like chopping down trees - you have to pay attention to WHERE they're going to fall.  Otherwise you just hold a chain saw and walk through the forest in a straight line - that is, frankly, uninspiring.

    *this is an argument for AoE loot and not Auto Loot.

    If this is about the want for YOUR immersion, then a simple toggle to AoE loot, like every game I can remember that had AoE loot, would solve the issue. AoE also doesn't  eliminate the the risk of having a corpse out of range and too close the danger, althought you could argue that it could make it a little bit less risky in some cases.


    I would also like to second Feyshtey's armor rack idea. When housing gets here, mannequin like in Skyrim or Terraria would be amazing. It would definatly help reduce amount of items on the market as well since some of us would keep our armor instead of sell it once we upgrade.