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DPS Meter

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    • 37 posts
    November 30, 2015 5:39 PM PST

    It's hard to justify something like a DPS meter in a game that is suppose to focus on social connections and interactions.  Meters turn the game into a spreadsheet that cares little for what a player's friendly company has to offer above and beyond the numbers.  It's part of the reason why I despise raiding as it dehumanizes the players and turns them into efficient number crunchers who are more worried about results than the actual adventure.

    This post was edited by Vorthanion at November 30, 2015 5:40 PM PST
    • 106 posts
    May 7, 2016 10:47 AM PDT

    Vorthanion said:

    It's hard to justify something like a DPS meter in a game that is suppose to focus on social connections and interactions.  Meters turn the game into a spreadsheet that cares little for what a player's friendly company has to offer above and beyond the numbers.  It's part of the reason why I despise raiding as it dehumanizes the players and turns them into efficient number crunchers who are more worried about results than the actual adventure.


    Was about to post a topic on this when I decided to google search and found this.  Glad to see they won't be supported through UI by the dev team.  I don't mind log parsing, as it serves a similar purpose without the "sheepful" approach of an ingame realtime dps meter.

    • 39 posts
    May 7, 2016 11:15 AM PDT

    Too much easy button for me or sci fi to have it graphed out. Again being an old fart, I like EQ1 style txt damage that I can put into another window.

    • 2130 posts
    May 7, 2016 2:16 PM PDT

    FierinaFuryfist said:



    • 668 posts
    May 7, 2016 2:18 PM PDT

    Since this resurfaced again, I guess I just don't want to see modern technology that simplifies anything.  I am not into simple point and click features that make the game easier.  Example, a simple program that allows you to measure your DPS or stats or whatever to gage your improvements.  Why not get to really know your class on your own, gage all your improvements on your many experiences throughout the world?

    Another thing is, I don't want a game that gets me mad obsessed about improving gear constantly.  I hope the game offers many things to get involved with other than chasing gear to succeed.  I am super old fashioned though, I would still love it if you have to utilize a fresh notepad to take many notes in or draw maps with key land marks.  This is what I love...

    This post was edited by Pyye at May 7, 2016 2:19 PM PDT
    • 2130 posts
    May 7, 2016 2:24 PM PDT

    The problem is that in a game like Pantheon, your DPS is nearly 100% reliant on your gear. The only way to completely optimize your gear for a given situation is to have data available to you to figure it out.

    Either the stat system is so simple that some items are very clear upgrades (item level), or you have to do some math. Measuring DPS is just a way of doing math for what is arguably the most numbers-based portion of the game.

    Being a good healer and a good tank require you to be very reactionary. Being a good DPS requires you to be reactionary as well, but the role of a DPS is reduced to math more so than any other role in the game.

    TL;DR: If you want to optimize, "experience" isn't good enough. Also DPS parsing isn't modern technology, DPS parsers have existed for over a decade in EQ and other games.

    This post was edited by Liav at May 7, 2016 2:24 PM PDT
    • 106 posts
    May 7, 2016 2:40 PM PDT
    Sheepish wasn't the right word. What i meant by it is everyone has to have it but don't really know why. If you have a log parser that you plug the battle log into that tells me you took some time and effort to acquire the knowledge. Want to discuss dps? Sure let's do it. You d/led an addon while you were grabbing new spell icons and a bejeweled game? My DPS is none of your business.

    Unlike you i believe a person's behavior can be influenced by their circumstances and surroundings. Nature vs nurture and all that. While someone doesn't become a jerk over night, they can do jerky things every now and then. Most people don't actively break the law while driving but put them on a rural road with a light that just won't turn and watch how many run it.
    • 200 posts
    May 7, 2016 3:45 PM PDT

    I know the concerns about dps meters. But without the knowledge how to play your role/class it will have other consequences. If the dps classes don't know how to make full damage, the fights will last longer an the healers could run out of mana. If the group wipes then the healers will be blamed although it was not their fault. Then the people will stop playing healers because they don't want to be blamed for other players fails and then you will have an overall healer shortage in the game. And a lack of healers is typical for the most mmorpgs.

    I find, ingame dps meters are not really bad. 



    This post was edited by Larirawiel at May 7, 2016 3:49 PM PDT
    • 106 posts
    May 7, 2016 4:41 PM PDT
    The ignorance of the players in your example might represent avg_mmo_03 but I'm not too worried about that here.

    One thing dps meters did is take all the talent choices of games like Rift and Wow and render most of them useless. All those different souls in Rift, many with good synergy, and only a couple out of the seemingly infinite synergistic combinations are valid.

    EQ had log parsing since raiding was a thing. But it was not a thing while grouping in High Keep or Plane of Justice or Lower Guk. When someone joined a group in Karnor's Castle nobody cared what your dps was. The DPS meter took a useful raid tool and poisoned XP grouping with it.

    All that said, maturity is key and even if this game came with a dps meter i don't feel it would see as much abuse as other games.
    • 79 posts
    May 7, 2016 4:49 PM PDT

    DPS meters don't bother me. As a matter of fact, I might actually find them informative.

    I'm hoping the community as a whole will discourage the "shaming" that they can be abused to cause. The truth is that a raid leader who would call people out from the results of a DPS meter, will exhibit the same behavior without it, and that's not the kind of guild I would have any interest in being part of in the first place.

    If it eventually turns out that that is the only kind of experience I can hope find in a raiding guild, then this just won't be the game for me. I really don't expect that to be the case, though.



    • 264 posts
    May 7, 2016 5:15 PM PDT

    DPS Meter, I don't like it, but if it is in the game or not I will probably have to have the ability to get the info and do the math; because later on in the game many people only care about how much damage or healing you can do. You can be a good player and intelligent in a situation gone wrong but it will not matter in the later game if it sinks into Flag, Raid, Rinse, Repeat unless you have a group of actual friends that you have made along the way. Lets hope that almost all content is for grouping, and discovery about a person will mean more than pure numbers.

    • 4 posts
    May 7, 2016 6:01 PM PDT

    I always liked being able to parse my DPS.  Tweaking my combat rotation/testing damage limits with different gear etc. has always been a hobby for number crunchers like myself, and raw data is needed for that.  Besides, didn't I see that they're going to have combat logs somewhere?  If there's going to be combat logs, I think this a moot discussion anyway.  Unless of course, I misread somewhere.

    • 106 posts
    May 7, 2016 6:12 PM PDT
    Alpha yes combat logs will be available but it won't be available ingame thru the UI. Won't hurt raid leaders where a tool like this is most useful.
    • 578 posts
    May 7, 2016 11:13 PM PDT

    I hear a lot of people talk about all these douchebags like having dps meters will bring out the pricks who will yell at you if you're not pumping out max damage. I've heard it with the discussion over in-game voice chat where people don't want to have to deal with annoying people or people eating in the microphone or the voice chat being a problem in raids. And I've never had a problem with voice chat in an MMO.

    And I've never had a problem with people posting results of a dps check. We have fun with it. And we use it to defeat boss fights. I personally like a dps meter so I can learn how to produce as much dps as I can. Sure, I'm a min/maxxer to a degree but I also like people to know they can count on me so I try to know my class inside out. In raids we've always liked to post dps results as a means of friendly competition. But it's never turned into a problem. The people I hang around don't shun people for low 'numbers'. We try to help each other as a team.

    I agree to a certain extent that boss fights can become lazy coding/design with the 'dps check' strategy. But it isn't always lazy coding. Requiring players to burn a boss within a certain amount of time is a valid strat just like requiring players to stop dps or only using magic/melee etc etc. If the boss requires you to burn it down and your group is having troubles with the 'dps check' then a dps meter can help determine where the group can pick up some extra dps. A good raid leader will never shame a player for not 'meeting expectations'. A good raid leader will help every player be the best they can be because a lot of challenging bosses require players to be the best they can be and that includes knowing when to cast a skill just as much as knowing how to produce a decent range of dps for your class.

    I don't mind add-ons so I would be fine if the game didn't have one and somebody made one. But I do kind of wish the devs would think of these things so that add-ons weren't needed. I feel like add-ons do create 'cheats' and then who can stop who from using them when they are permitted. I never understood how WoW allowed what was it 'boss mods' are whatever? The add-on that basically told you how to fight bosses, when to cast a certain spell, when to interupt, when the boss was going to cast a big spell, when to jump, etc etc. This add-on made it so you never really needed to learn any boss strats, you just follow the add-on's guidance and win. That's crazy to me.

    • 1714 posts
    May 7, 2016 11:18 PM PDT

    We talk way to damn much about bosses and raids and not the real every day experiences.

    • 578 posts
    May 7, 2016 11:31 PM PDT

    Vorthanion said:

    It's part of the reason why I despise raiding as it dehumanizes the players and turns them into efficient number crunchers who are more worried about results than the actual adventure.

    You need to come join the people I play with.I'm sure the Pantheon crowd will be pretty mature and so you shouldn't have much to worry about if dps meters are used. The people I play with use dps meters and we ALWAYS have fun. We don't abuse the thing and we raid and crack jokes and then somebody posts the dps results and we all laugh at the sorc who got out dpsed by the healer and then the next boss the sorc still comes in last place because they are new to the guild and don't have any good gear. Then 3 months later that sorc is crushing the dps charts because he got new raid gear and he either learned on his own how to put up numbers or the guild helped him learn how to be a better badass sorc.

    I know there are dbags out there but not everybody is like that.

    • 79 posts
    May 8, 2016 9:23 AM PDT

    I don't care about meters one way or the other with the exception of threat meters - I despise those because it makes for a worse player, they never develop a feel for their class. Personally I like to know by feel how I'm doing. It adds a layer of thrill to the game.

    I don't use them and don't feel I need to.

    As a raid or group leader if you can't tell someone is slacking then you and your group leaders are not doing THEIR job.

    One flip side I haven't seen anyone post about (but I may have missed) is the harmful side to the group/raid of meters on individual players. Wanting to be top DPS can lead to someone pulling a mob when they really shouldn't. Leads to healers over healing to top the heal charts (thus using skills/mana they may need later). Leads to tanks having to work harder than they should (also possibly using skills) because people are over healing and over dpsing or tanks trying to draw aggro from other tanks (in Age of Conan, for example, there was a damage taken chart). Trying too hard can screw up an encounter just as much as doing too little.

    I feel that, without meters, groups and raids can function as a machine better and it helps players learn their characters better; however, meters are so much a part of modern gaming I don't see them being locked out in any effective way. Compiled outside of game with a link posted in game is simple enough, for example.

    • 781 posts
    May 8, 2016 5:19 PM PDT

    FierinaFuryfist said: The ignorance of the players in your example might represent avg_mmo_03 but I'm not too worried about that here. One thing dps meters did is take all the talent choices of games like Rift and Wow and render most of them useless. All those different souls in Rift, many with good synergy, and only a couple out of the seemingly infinite synergistic combinations are valid. EQ had log parsing since raiding was a thing. But it was not a thing while grouping in High Keep or Plane of Justice or Lower Guk. When someone joined a group in Karnor's Castle nobody cared what your dps was. The DPS meter took a useful raid tool and poisoned XP grouping with it. All that said, maturity is key and even if this game came with a dps meter i don't feel it would see as much abuse as other games.


    very well said.

    • 151 posts
    May 8, 2016 8:10 PM PDT

    What I always despised about DPS meters is that people use their parse as a justification for their playstyle or validation of their playing ability. Cannot count how many times some DPS has posted his parse in group chat trying to show off. Three pulls later he pulls agro and wipes the group. Sometimes DPS forgets that part of their job is agro management. If you outclass your tank signifigantly or the game you are playing does not have easymode tanking and sgro management your parse does not mean a thing if you are screwing the group over. Those guys always blame the tank when things go south, because they were doing more than their share with that awesome parse right?

    You don't need a dps meter to know if the dps in your group or raid is pulling their weight. It will be known on the first pull. And by doing a quick gear check you can almost certianly find out where your weak link is without a dps meter. Ranks right up there with addons that tell you when to joust or when to cure.

    • 668 posts
    May 8, 2016 9:27 PM PDT

    Not many will side with me on this from the looks of it thus far...  However, I would love it if gamers just played and progressed because they learn how they play their class well.  A person playing their class well, does the key things during fights to add to success (manages mana correctly, situationally correct, high DPS when needed, etc..) I still do not get why someone needs to monitor "data" to become better Or be given this info for bragging rights.  This seems artificial to me, like we are being given information that is not a part of the game itself.

    I have defeated MANY solo games in my time and never had to have "data" to assist me.  There were many tough fights and I always stuck with it, improved what I needed to do, and succeeded.  Just because it is an MMO, you suddenly need data?  In the big picture of what games have become, do you think this all design related?

    I was one of the top PvP'ers in Archeage and never once had to parse data to become good.  I experimented out in the world against other players or the mobs and figured out the best combos etc...  

    Does anyone out there see my points at all??  I will play the game either way, just stating why I stand where I do on DPS meters.

    • 106 posts
    May 8, 2016 9:59 PM PDT

    Pyye said:

    Not many will side with me on this from the looks of it thus far...  However, I would love it if gamers just played and progressed because they learn how they play their class well.  A person playing their class well, does the key things during fights to add to success (manages mana correctly, situationally correct, high DPS when needed, etc..) I still do not get why someone needs to monitor "data" to become better Or be given this info for bragging rights.  This seems artificial to me, like we are being given information that is not a part of the game itself.

    I have defeated MANY solo games in my time and never had to have "data" to assist me.  There were many tough fights and I always stuck with it, improved what I needed to do, and succeeded.  Just because it is an MMO, you suddenly need data?  In the big picture of what games have become, do you think this all design related?

    I was one of the top PvP'ers in Archeage and never once had to parse data to become good.  I experimented out in the world against other players or the mobs and figured out the best combos etc...  

    Does anyone out there see my points at all??  I will play the game either way, just stating why I stand where I do on DPS meters.


    On this site I think you'll be in the majority.  Other sites you would  be extreme minority.  I fought against it during Rift beta, and was pushing for logs that can be parsed by an external program(what it appears we will be getting here).  We had that from launch until about 2 minutes after the api was released for add ons...

    • 578 posts
    May 8, 2016 11:33 PM PDT

    Pyye said:

    Does anyone out there see my points at all??  I will play the game either way, just stating why I stand where I do on DPS meters.

    I can't speak for anyone else but I see what you are saying. I like them and I can give an example of how *I* would use a parser to benefit myself, and my guildies. Because at the end of the day, I don't think parsers were meant to be evil. They actually do serve a purpose.

    To me, they help with bosses who have dps checks. Simple as that. Sure, a player can learn how to do a lot of damage on their own without a parser but with cool downs, global cool downs, timers, movement in the fight, etc etc a parser helps to really fine tune that top end damage. And some dps checks are strict. So in the raids I've been in, leader or member, a parser helps everyone to know if anybody is slacking. Because if we come to a boss with a strict dps check (especially one who is not on farm status yet) if someone's dps is lower than what it can be we shame them and point at them and make them cry in the back of the guild and make them watch the grown-ups handle things. Seriously though, noboy has a problem stepping up their game because we all know what's at stake and if the dps check is strict it's not any of the members fault, none of us designed the fight, so we know we have to make that check. And as long as everybody is doing fine on the parser then we can at least check that box off.

    I also find that some casual players can get a lot of benefit from a parser. In our guild's raid group we had like probably half of our force casual players. And most casual players are far from min/maxers so some can be low on their end of what their class can produce. So a parser really comes in handy when trying to help these players pump out some more damage. And most of the time they get excited when we help them see BIG returns. And I'd even be happy with if we could at least have a parser on training dummies. If we can't parse in dungeons or raids I'm cool either way. But I'd really be happy if we at least had training dummies that we can parse on because even though boss fights have a lot of movement and timing that interupts rotations, you can at least learn a good rotation on a dummy and then try to work with that in the raid.

    If they don't allow parsers I'm fine either way. I don't see why allowing them on dummies would be such a problem and if they are allowed in all the land then I don't think you will see as many dbags in Pantheon that you see in the other games. I apologize if this has gotten long-winded, I always find myself trying to keep things short and sweet but then 10 pages later I've created a novel. Ughh >.<

    • 769 posts
    May 9, 2016 6:18 AM PDT

    In games where DPS is the main function of a group, a DPS meter can be exactly what many are saying. A way for d-bags to show off and be pretentious about their skillz. I think we can all agree that nobody likes that guy.

    The difference - hopefully - between Pantheon and those other MMO's is that there will be more to a fight than DPS. There will be crowd control, aggro management, positioning. Strategy! Yes, you'll have those few jacks that will wipe a group because they just can't stop themselves from showing off that DPS meter, but this kind of goes back to the community policing itself.

    If they do that, don't group with them. If this game doesn't allow off the cuff name changes and server transfers, reputation matters. So fine, let them wipe the group, and let us blacklist them.

    There is nothing wrong with a tool. A tool is exactly that, a tool. It's where the tool is present and how to the tool is used that creates friction. In Pantheon, hopefully, this tool will be used exactly as it's intended. As a way for the individual to have data available to them in helping to improve their character. There is no harm in that.

    With that said, about the aggro meters, yea ...I don't much like that. Like, seriously, you need a meter to show that you can't hold aggro? We already have that tool. It's called a health bar.


    This post was edited by Tralyan at May 9, 2016 6:19 AM PDT
    • 668 posts
    May 9, 2016 2:20 PM PDT

    NoobieDoo and Tralyan...

    Great posts in response to mine so thanks for the input.  I am leaning toward a game where the majority of the bosses will not be pure DPS checks to succeed.  Teaching someone how to be situationally correct in fights is always a LOT harder when it comes to managing mana, and keeping people alive (which = DPS).  We all know those people that drain healers because they can't grasp situational mechanics!!

    I am excited and really think the Devs will not chase pure DPS check bosses.  There will be some for sure, and I can see where parsing will be necessary for serious guilds to improve on.

    Thanks again...

    • 79 posts
    May 9, 2016 2:48 PM PDT

    Krixus said:

    We talk way to damn much about bosses and raids and not the real every day experiences.

    This certainly bears repeating.