Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Does " reputation " really matter?

    • 239 posts
    May 8, 2018 8:31 AM PDT
    Just looking for other peoples history on this matter.
    I always found myself in the family type guild. Not big on raiding, but always helping each other with average play time of a few hours a day.
    The times I had run ins with jerks in the game they were usally in 1 of the top 3 guilds on server. Or surrounded by other jerks. Many times if we wpuld send tells to other group members they would admit whoever was being a jerk, is a jerk and they would say sorry and move on down the road.
    I never ran into a guy that had top gear, top level, and knowlede of the game a very friendly person ( unless you were one of his guys )
    A good rep would stand out, always know clerica that would spend their night helping you get a rez. The awsome rogue who would risk his ass you drag your group. The bad ass druid that would buff, and just hang to help your group out for an hour or so cause he was bored.
    But the people that train you, kill steal just to run by your group, to the name you have been hunting for the past 3 hours. These people have a bad rep from you, but they always seems to be surrounded by other like minded players.

    Anyone run into similar situations?
    • 1921 posts
    May 8, 2018 8:51 AM PDT

    SoWplz said: ... But the people that train you, kill steal just to run by your group, to the name you have been hunting for the past 3 hours. These people have a bad rep from you, but they always seems to be surrounded by other like minded players. Anyone run into similar situations?

    Yes, for several years on EQ1 TLP servers.  Agnarr & Phinny at least.
    The issue is, as you've pointed out, these guilds/groups exist in tremendous numbers, and they don't need to "play nice" or have a good reputation.  There are 150+ of them at least, willing to do exactly the same thing for exactly the same reasons, and nothing will stop them.
    The best part?  They're not breaking the TOS/EULA.  So there's nothing the company providing the service can do.  Nor do they want to, because that guild represents 2250 to 4500 USD in revenue per month.
    On Phinigel, 3 of the top 5 guilds were as you described.  They would simply train everyone in the zone, and then farm it for days at a time, if they were inclined.  If you didn't want to give up a camp, they would bring in as many monks as required to train that camp until you leave, then they farm that single camp until they get what they want.
    In a large part, on EQ1 TLP this behavior is driven by RMT/Money Laundering activities from Krono being tradeable.  But the behavior exists in other games without these features, so it's not exclusive.

    It's also worth noting that Pantheon, as demonstrated, will permit, facilitate, and enable this exact same socially toxic behavior, if the monks training groups videos are any indication.  Yes, I'm aware they're meant to be satirical or humerous.  Unfortunately, that's not how these things are interpreted by everyone.  Fixing FD would stop it, but there's no public indication this is a design goal, currently.
    tl;dr it's not 1999 any more.  People aren't impressed by the existence of EQ1 any more.  First/Third person 3D online gaming with 5, 12, 24, or 100 other players, concurrently, isn't "magical".  It's just expected.

    • 162 posts
    May 8, 2018 8:51 AM PDT

    Yes, I can tell you right now, in EQ I was in a top rated guild, with max everything, i had full AA's and max level on a few characters, my favorite at that time was my rogue. I was never intentionally a jerk, in fact, i was one of those guys that would retrieve nearly impossible to get corpses lol. I have had run ins with those people, and a few of them were fellow guildies, obviously they got removed, because I hate it when people tarnish my guilds name, it was me or them, and i was too good for my guild to remove me, eventually I became an officer and started clearing out the trash myself, EQ was busy enough then we could keep our ranks full with people that didn't want to make us look like dirt bags, and all of that nonsense. The problem is when dealing with those situations, who do you believe? The random guy claiming your guy is a dirt bag, or the guildie claiming he was just defending his territory. I saw it happen both ways, and it's tough to make those decisions. Now, I hope VR makes this game impossible to be a dirtbag, or very complicated, but there is only few ways of doing that. 

    So, hopefully you run into more people like me, and less dirtbags here lol. 

    • 769 posts
    May 8, 2018 10:14 AM PDT

    The OP brings up an interesting point, especially in a game like Pantheon and what we are all hoping it becomes. I think the answer to the question, "Does repuation really matter?" isn't really yes, or no. It's more of a ...Kinda. 

    A big part of the problem is that behavior is largely subjective. What constitutes a jerk move to me, may not to you. What you find disruptive and rude, I may find downright mundane. Even those things that many of us might feel are black and white, just by reading these forums it's fairly easy to tell that many of us feel very different about varied topics. 

    You might say that Ninja Looting isn't subjective. It's a black and white thing - and yet, read the topics on Looting (the dozens of them here) and you'll see many of us have different ideas of what is fair looting practices, and what isn't. And what's more, most people subconsciously try to give others the benefit of the doubt - especially when that other person could be of potential use to you. Rogue X who was accused of Ninja Looting the FBSS might be shunned by you one day, but when you need a corpse drag and he's offered to help? Well, suddenly many of us will think, "maybe I just don't know the whole story". 

    And maybe you don't. 

    Like the OP, I tend to run in family type guilds as well. The environment in these guilds have been very rated PG. In contrast to my guild chat, almost any other conversation I had with other people would've been unwelcome among my guildmates. Compared to them, damn near everyone I met was a jerk, and many of my friends outside of the guild would be kept at arms length from my guildmates for exactly that reason. Did I think they were jerks? Nah, just uncouth and a little too overzealous in how they played. Would you have thought they were jerks? Maybe. 

    I think what it comes down to isn't that "reputation matters", in the context of the entire server. What it comes down to is, reputation matters in the context of your own social group within the server. Someone has to do a whole hell of a lot of ninja looting, intentional training, and general douche-baggery to be shunned from the entire server. A LOT. But that's always been the case, even in EQ. Those bad seeds always still found groups, they always still found raids and guilds and people who would take them in in spite of their transgressions. They always have and they always will. 

    But you and I will still remember their name, and so will our friends and the people we group with. We will know who to stay away from and who to watch out for, and that's always how it was in games like EQ, and will be in Pantheon. So, yes, reputation DOES matter - it just has never had the far reaching effects we've all hoped it would. And frankly, I'm glad. As I said at the beginning, much of it is too subjective, and the punishment of being shunned by the whole server for being what you and I consider a jerk MIGHT just be a little ...much. Because you and I just might be wrong. 

    • 2752 posts
    May 8, 2018 10:21 AM PDT

    Reputation mattered once, but I think those days are long behind us. Community policing is marginally effective at best anymore, mostly a thing of the past that I am really hoping VR doesn't bank on working out. 

    • 239 posts
    May 8, 2018 10:47 AM PDT
    Not to derail my own post, but Iksar brings up the point I was trying to get at. I have heard at least 100 times people say " this has been a problem in game, how will Pantheon look at this problem" and most say you will get a bad rep. That does not mean anything. Haha. A gamr made to where players make the rules and regulate themselves might have problems.
    Yes, the EQ TLP servers are the best example of how a group of players can really ruin a game for the rest of the players.
    • 1479 posts
    May 8, 2018 10:58 AM PDT

    For now on... no one know. Some games where player had power over other failed due to that, but they were on full pvp and zone possession edges, where people had direct interest to engage against players.

    Kronos-like currencies are adding to break the line between what you get in the game, and what you get in real life. By making people save money when using kronos (while other people are simply paying more and the game distributor get more money per sub), you just make them overcompetitive jerks because they don't want to spend any real money.

    • 21 posts
    May 8, 2018 11:18 AM PDT

    SoWplz said: Not to derail my own post, but Iksar brings up the point I was trying to get at. I have heard at least 100 times people say " this has been a problem in game, how will Pantheon look at this problem" and most say you will get a bad rep. That does not mean anything. Haha. A gamr made to where players make the rules and regulate themselves might have problems. Yes, the EQ TLP servers are the best example of how a group of players can really ruin a game for the rest of the players.

    But reputation doesn't matter simply because of community policing; the game systems are a huge factor. For leveling, reputation definitely mattered way more when I was playing FFXI than when I was playing WoW. That wasn't because community policing was better in FFXI than WoW. It was because of how leveling was designed in FFXI (group based, skill and game knowledge made a difference, camp competition) vs how it was designed in WoW (solo themepark).

    I do think it is definitely more difficult to combat this at max level. In my experience, those with bad reputations do not seem to have any issue once they get close to max level because they usually can find other like-minded people that will not only allow their "bad" behavior but enable and contribute to that behavior. However, there are definitely ways to discourage "bad" behaviors at endgame just as there are while leveling. Discovering and realizing these methods are definitely easier said than done. I also imagine some bad behavior is probably good as well since it can work to empower opposing good behaviors and communities. 

    This post was edited by Knot at May 8, 2018 11:19 AM PDT
    • 1120 posts
    May 8, 2018 11:20 AM PDT

    vjek said:

    Yes, for several years on EQ1 TLP servers.  Agnarr & Phinny at least.
    On Phinigel, 3 of the top 5 guilds were as you described.  They would simply train everyone in the zone, and then farm it for days at a time, if they were inclined.  If you didn't want to give up a camp, they would bring in as many monks as required to train that camp until you leave, then they farm that single camp until they get what they want.

    To give you a perspective from the "otherside".

    It's funny you bring this up.   Because I was actually an officer in what we will say was the #2 guild on the server.  AMD we regularly would deal with people trying to push us out of camps because they "didnt like us".

    I used to constantly deal with gripes about members that just turned out to be disagreements on how the game was played.  When provided with proof of what happened. We would absolutely punish and if warranted remove people from the guild for it.  We did not condone training nor came stealing.  And to give you an example...

    I used to (as a necromancer) regularly solo the entire AM/Lord camp via charming undead frogs.  Groups would constantly come in and try to push me out claiming I was not killing fast enough, or just purely try to dps race me, dispelling my charm as so on.  All because of my guild tag.

    The playstyle in 2017 is different than the playstyle in 2005.  There is no GM presence to handle these disputes.  Everquest had a play nice policy that GMs would enforce.  Before I knew what camps were, and how that worked, I vividly remember being told to share the mobs that I was camping with another player.  

    It depends on how much the company and customer service will be involved in the game.  You will always have people that find other like minded people to play with.  And that includes, for lack of a better word , people that are scumbags.

    I dont think you will see this issue as much with this game as you would with eq1.  Eq1 was easily hacked which is why it was so easy to participate in RMT.  That shouldn't be the case with pantheon.


    • 769 posts
    May 8, 2018 11:32 AM PDT

    I think many of you are misremembering the old days - or viewing it from the angle of today's lens. Frankly, the only difference I see is that MMO's are more mainstream. There are more people, and therefore, more chances to see jerk-y behavior. That doesn't make reputation matter any less or more, it just makes rudeness more prevalent. It makes it HARDER for reputation to matter, but that doesn't necessarily mean people (or gamers) have changed. 

    • 1479 posts
    May 8, 2018 11:33 AM PDT

    On other addition is how EQ is known from scratch by any player taking part in progression server. Just like P99 where future nerfed items were farmed as soon and as long as possible because players knew they would have an edge by doing so, since most items would not be affected by the nerf but rather only the new drops would be changed.

    It's hard to have any point of comparison, because even old and social games were moved into easy to maintain fast food games, and relaunch/progression (P99 or official servers) are roamed by players that already done everything on non progression servers or on another and came for a fresh reboot to start all over.

    • 21 posts
    May 8, 2018 11:56 AM PDT

    Tralyan said:

    I think many of you are misremembering the old days - or viewing it from the angle of today's lens. Frankly, the only difference I see is that MMO's are more mainstream. There are more people, and therefore, more chances to see jerk-y behavior. That doesn't make reputation matter any less or more, it just makes rudeness more prevalent. It makes it HARDER for reputation to matter, but that doesn't necessarily mean people (or gamers) have changed. 

    I'm having trouble figuring out how the only difference you see between early MMOs like FFXI, EQ, and even Vanilla WoW and current MMOs is their popularity. You basically could not progress in FFXI without 5 other players. Just this one aspect of progression is incredibly different from current MMOs. And it DID put more emphasis on reputation. I was often setting up parties where I would ignore some people looking to group due to past personal experiences or general server reputation. That's not to say people with "bad" reputations weren't able to progress, but it discouraged "bad" behavior and encouraged good behaviors like giving notice before you had to leave and having sufficient game knowledge. 

    • 769 posts
    May 8, 2018 12:02 PM PDT

    Knot said:

    Tralyan said:

    I think many of you are misremembering the old days - or viewing it from the angle of today's lens. Frankly, the only difference I see is that MMO's are more mainstream. There are more people, and therefore, more chances to see jerk-y behavior. That doesn't make reputation matter any less or more, it just makes rudeness more prevalent. It makes it HARDER for reputation to matter, but that doesn't necessarily mean people (or gamers) have changed. 

    I'm having trouble figuring out how the only difference you see between early MMOs like FFXI, EQ, and even Vanilla WoW and current MMOs is their popularity. You basically could not progress in FFXI without 5 other players. Just this one aspect of progression is incredibly different from current MMOs. And it DID put more emphasis on reputation. I was often setting up parties where I would ignore some people looking to group due to past personal experiences or general server reputation. That's not to say people with "bad" reputations weren't able to progress, but it discouraged "bad" behavior and encouraged good behaviors like giving notice before you had to leave and having sufficient game knowledge. 

    My point wasn't necessarily that MMO's are the same - but that people are the same. Gamers haven't changed, reputation doesn't matter more, or less than it did. There's simply MORE gamers now in different MMO settings than what we were used to in EQ and even FFXI (never played FF, however).

    The idea that suddenly reputation means less is, I think, missing the point. There are just more opportunities for jerkish behavior to be seen now than there was in the days of Everquest, and more opportunities for "casual jerkiness", i.e. cross server dungeon finders. I think what we're seeing right now is more projection than an actual, observable, change of behavior within the gamer community. 

    • 999 posts
    May 8, 2018 12:05 PM PDT

    This topic has been hashed out often on these forums, but for me, it's simple.  Reputation only matters if you have to (*gasp* are forced to) rely on other players.  If solo progression is a viable alternative to grouping, then reputation won't matter at all.

    Here's a list of links that OneADSeven compiled in his stickied FAQ post related to the subject:

    15)  Will there be a reputation system in Pantheon?

    Quote from Kilsin  (06/04/2017)

    "We will not have a rating, reputation or ranking system, we have made this very clear." href="" target="_blank">  (Open) href="" target="_blank">  (Open) href="" target="_blank">  (Open) href="" target="_blank">  (Open) href="" target="_blank">  (Closed) href="" target="_blank">  (Closed) href="" target="_blank">  (Closed)

    • 21 posts
    May 8, 2018 12:14 PM PDT

    Tralyan said:

    Knot said:

    Tralyan said:

    I think many of you are misremembering the old days - or viewing it from the angle of today's lens. Frankly, the only difference I see is that MMO's are more mainstream. There are more people, and therefore, more chances to see jerk-y behavior. That doesn't make reputation matter any less or more, it just makes rudeness more prevalent. It makes it HARDER for reputation to matter, but that doesn't necessarily mean people (or gamers) have changed. 

    I'm having trouble figuring out how the only difference you see between early MMOs like FFXI, EQ, and even Vanilla WoW and current MMOs is their popularity. You basically could not progress in FFXI without 5 other players. Just this one aspect of progression is incredibly different from current MMOs. And it DID put more emphasis on reputation. I was often setting up parties where I would ignore some people looking to group due to past personal experiences or general server reputation. That's not to say people with "bad" reputations weren't able to progress, but it discouraged "bad" behavior and encouraged good behaviors like giving notice before you had to leave and having sufficient game knowledge. 

    My point wasn't necessarily that MMO's are the same - but that people are the same. Gamers haven't changed, reputation doesn't matter more, or less than it did. There's simply MORE gamers now in different MMO settings than what we were used to in EQ and even FFXI (never played FF, however).

    The idea that suddenly reputation means less is, I think, missing the point. There are just more opportunities for jerkish behavior to be seen now than there was in the days of Everquest, and more opportunities for "casual jerkiness", i.e. cross server dungeon finders. I think what we're seeing right now is more projection than an actual, observable, change of behavior within the gamer community. 


    Sure... there were jerks, there are jerks, and there will always be jerks. And the more popular MMOs become, the more jerks (and non-jerks) will join. But the degree to which reputation matters absolutely can, and does, change based on how the various systems of an MMO are designed. 

    • 1921 posts
    May 8, 2018 12:23 PM PDT

    SoWplz said: Not to derail my own post, but Iksar brings up the point I was trying to get at. I have heard at least 100 times people say " this has been a problem in game, how will Pantheon look at this problem" and most say you will get a bad rep. That does not mean anything. Haha. A gamr made to where players make the rules and regulate themselves might have problems. Yes, the EQ TLP servers are the best example of how a group of players can really ruin a game for the rest of the players.

    It's a solved problem, it's just that Visionary Realms won't be availing themselves of the solution.  What do I mean by that?

    Here's the solution for say.. 75% of the bad behavior demonstrated in EQ1 TLP & Pantheon. (Malicious FD Training)
    - Change Feign Death so it's not possible to maliciously train another group or raid with it.
    - Put reasonable leash lengths on mobs.

    Now, I have no expectation Daybreak will ever change FD at this point.  It's been too long.
    But Visionary Realms could change it in Pantheon.  There's a whole big bucketload of ideas in the Monk sub-forum about how that could be done.
    Same goes for leash lengths.  Do leash lengths need to be infinite?  They're not, in EQ1, any more.  Yet, it's a design goal, so far, with Pantheon, that they will be.  Mobs will chase you forever, until the zone line, no matter how far. (apparently)
    So, it's not that it can't be done, it's that Visionary Realms is choosing, eyes wide open, seeing how this ability/mechanic has been used in EQ1 for almost 20 years, NOT to change it.

    As far as we know, at least.
    I mean, they could change it tomorrow, hell, they might have changed it since the last stream.  Who knows.  But so far, their public design goal for Feign Death is:  It can be used for malicious training.  They have several vidoes humorously showing how it can be used that way.
    Once that public design goal changes, progress can be made.  Until then, this follows the same principle that has been true in MMO's since Meridian 59: "If players CAN do it, players WILL do it, 24x7 until removed."

    It's why EQ1 TLP is the way it is.  Players CAN maliciously train, so players DO mailiciously train.  And have been for almost 20 years.
    Idea: Don't put something socially toxic in the game when you KNOW it will be used that way.  Pretty simple.

    But you'll never get agreement that even sane leash lengths (huzzah for server load and A* pathing!) have merit, on these forums.  Because people WANT the bad old days of Malicious FD Training, evidently.

    • 3852 posts
    May 8, 2018 12:29 PM PDT

    I agree with vjek in all respects. There are many ways to make malicious training harder or even impossible. Please use them VR.

    • 162 posts
    May 8, 2018 12:37 PM PDT

    Raidan said:

    This topic has been hashed out often on these forums, but for me, it's simple.  Reputation only matters if you have to (*gasp* are forced to) rely on other players.  If solo progression is a viable alternative to grouping, then reputation won't matter at all.

    Here's a list of links that OneADSeven compiled in his stickied FAQ post related to the subject:

    15)  Will there be a reputation system in Pantheon?

    Quote from Kilsin  (06/04/2017)

    "We will not have a rating, reputation or ranking system, we have made this very clear." href="" target="_blank">  (Open) href="" target="_blank">  (Open) href="" target="_blank">  (Open) href="" target="_blank">  (Open) href="" target="_blank">  (Closed) href="" target="_blank">  (Closed) href="" target="_blank">  (Closed)

    See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Not sure if you even read the post at all, or what, but thos has nothing to do with it. The guy is just asking if reputation does matter to people, not will there be a system for reputation, let's read before pointing the guy in 15 different directions with other posts.

    I understand the good intentions here, but you're way off track. 

    This isn't a topic that needs hashing out. He is simply explaining a situation, and asking if that guys reputation would even matter to anyone else, or if they would still group with him/her. At least, this is what I'm getting out of this topic. I could be the one not on target here, but either way he isn't asking for a system in place to give players a bad rep, I mean, if EQ has taught us anything, the community is all the reputation we need.

    Often times you'll see a guy toss up his LFG in ooc, and someone will reply with "Don't group with him he just tried training us and taking our named" and that's pretty much the sign of all I need to group or not group with someone.

    • 1785 posts
    May 8, 2018 12:56 PM PDT

    So, I will agree that reputation matters more, the more game forces people to depend on others.

    Guilds complicate the concept of reputation because they allow people to just depend on their guildmates, rather than on other non-guilded players.  That's why sometimes it seems like people can "get away" with things - because they don't really need many players outside of their guild to help them.

    I think at the end of it though whether reputation will really matter as much as we want it to will be tough to predict.  Some servers, it might mean everything.  Other servers, not so much.  It's going to depend very much on people and how much they're willing to make it mean, if that makes any sense at all.

    For me personally:

    - If I witness someone being awesome, I will remember them.

    - If I witness someone being a jerk, I will remember that too.

    - In either situation, if I see it happen repeatedly over time, OR if it's extreme (good or bad), I will tell my friends/guildies about the person.  That includes other guild leaders.


    For my guild:

    - We have a code of conduct that we care about, and take seriously (which is publicly viewable).

    - If someone wants to join our guild and has a known bad reputation, we'll say no.

    - We'll go out of our way to help out people with known good reputations, whether they're in the guild or not.

    - We'll actively set up events to build up the (good) community of the server that we're on.

    From a guild perspective, we do this because we believe that the reputation of our members influences the reputation of our guild, which in turn helps us with recruiting the really good people for whatever our objectives are.


    Again though, I can only speak for myself and my guild.  Obviously, reputation matters to me.  Does it matter to most other players/guilds on our whatever server we land on?  That's the hope.

    I think right now that's all any of us can really say.

    • 2752 posts
    May 8, 2018 1:52 PM PDT

    vjek said:

     Because people WANT the bad old days of Malicious FD Training, evidently.

    I think people want the danger within dungeons which includes trains and the risk of aggroing any mob to carry weight instead of "just keep running and it will turn around eventually." Yeah sometimes there were bad apples FD training maliciously but I'd take that on rare occasion over a permanently neutered experience.


    Daybreak never had much of a customer service team (and they don't really seem to care regardless) to deal with things like that. If VR takes a hard stance on things like malicious training and actually fields a decent number of GMs/Guides then it shouldn't be near the problem it's being made out to be, especially with video capture on Windows or with any semi-modern graphics card just a button press away with minimal demand on a system. No need to sit and play the finger pointing game when you can just show video proof of it happening.

    • 239 posts
    May 8, 2018 2:19 PM PDT

    There really is no yes or no answer to this. It is a broad question to player rep. the FD training is one thing, but I am also talking about just general jerk moves. I sure I am not the only one this has happened to, but my group is 5 mobs away from our camp cause we are working our way down to the named mob to spend the evening hoping for loot. Group B zones in and the ranger sees named mob and the group invis past us to kill named mob and go about there night. Did the second group break and play nice rules? No Did the second group do anything to harm our group or give us a real reason to bother a GM? No. Did the second group just end up on my D-Bag list? Yes.

    This to me gives a guy, or 2 or 3 a bad rep. Even though they did not do anything in their eyes and in a lot of players eyes. I find a move like this very disrespectful. A I get what I want cause I can attitude. And it seems since I first started playing EQ from week 1 of release this has been getting worse and worse. Players have the mentallity that they play for 10 hours and they are top dog, they can do what they want and not worry about other players. Sometimes this is a simple misunderstanding, but others it turns into a you were not at the camp argument, or we just need it for a toon and didnt want to wait for your group.

    Not trying to look at the rules of a camp, or the rules of KSing, just blatant disrespect of other players, does not seem to leave any stink or bad reputation on players now a days.

    • 769 posts
    May 8, 2018 2:39 PM PDT

    Iksar said:

    vjek said:

     Because people WANT the bad old days of Malicious FD Training, evidently.

    I think people want the danger within dungeons which includes trains and the risk of aggroing any mob to carry weight instead of "just keep running and it will turn around eventually." Yeah sometimes there were bad apples FD training maliciously but I'd take that on rare occasion over a permanently neutered experience.


    Daybreak never had much of a customer service team (and they don't really seem to care regardless) to deal with things like that. If VR takes a hard stance on things like malicious training and actually fields a decent number of GMs/Guides then it shouldn't be near the problem it's being made out to be, especially with video capture on Windows or with any semi-modern graphics card just a button press away with minimal demand on a system. No need to sit and play the finger pointing game when you can just show video proof of it happening.

    Additionally, I'm pretty convinced folks are mis-remembering a lot of these malicious FD trainers. I, personally, don't recall this happening that often. Perhaps I got lucky on my server choice ...?

    • 752 posts
    May 8, 2018 2:39 PM PDT
    The nature of gaming has changed. You actually have to have an aggressive CS department nowadays that will dig into abuses and terminate the offending party. They can always appeal or start a new character on a new account. The days of self regulating have been long gone.

    Now that being said.... there are a LOT of things that fall under fair play. The best we can do is try to Blacklist certain bad apples but they will get thier laughs either here or somewhere else. So the best we can do is try to keep things civil. Ive found that alot of the griefers dont stick around long if they get bored easily.
    • 14 posts
    May 8, 2018 3:22 PM PDT

    vjek said:

    Here's the solution for say.. 75% of the bad behavior demonstrated in EQ1 TLP & Pantheon. (Malicious FD Training)

    This is easy. Log any FDs that kill non-group members. An FD Kill Count so-to-speak.

    Go above a threshold and the past 50 lines of text are logged (with a 3 minute delay, so the affected parties tells to eachother are captured) and reported to customer support.

    This post was edited by lewicki at May 8, 2018 3:26 PM PDT
    • 1860 posts
    May 8, 2018 5:06 PM PDT

    SoWplz said: I never ran into a guy that had top gear, top level, and knowlede of the game...who was... a very friendly person

    This is just a sad and an unfortunate bias.  Top players don't have to be jerks.  Granted, I haven't been heavily involved in an mmo for almost 10 years...but the point remains in theory.  I'm worried...

    This post was edited by philo at May 8, 2018 5:07 PM PDT