Forums » General Pantheon Discussion


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    • 52 posts
    April 6, 2017 4:47 PM PDT

    (First of all before posting this I looked around the forums for threads/posts on this and saw very little. If I missed it somewhere my apologies for starting another thread).

    I know a lot of people love achievements and titles and honestly I have no problem with achievements. Even tho I don't actively go out trying to get them all it is kinda cool when you earn one unexpectedly. I guess they can be good for casual players and hardcore players both. A casual player who doesn't have much time to play can run around and try and get as many as they can. A hardcore player can do these during downtime. It also would not bother me one bit if they weren't in game since I am not one of the type people who are interested in them. But the thing that annoys me the most, and it has been in almost every MMO in the last 10 years, isnt achievements... but the plethora of titles people have nowadays.

    Shouldn't titles be an extremely rare and precious thing? Like when you see someone with a title shouldnt you be oohing and ahhing and starting a conversation with them asking them what they had to go through to get it. In early EQ you hardly ever saw someone with a title but when you did it was a moment. I never understood the point of everyone running around with ''Protector of this city'' and ''Keeper of that city.'' When everyone in the entire game has a title noone cares where you got it because everyone has one. It just ends up being screen clutter especially those people who always have the longest title they can find over their head. I guess I don't have a big issue with pledgers getting their little titles but I wish it would be limited to that except for those extremely rare and almost impossible to get titles from GM events, BotB, etc. I know it is probably inevitable but I wish titles were again a thing of rarity and preciousness...

    • 2752 posts
    April 6, 2017 4:50 PM PDT

    I'm indifferent to both, though I prefer if there are achievements that they reward nothing other than titles at best.


    I didn't see a titles thread other than the class one that is currently on the front page, but there is an achievements thread here:

    • 17 posts
    April 6, 2017 5:15 PM PDT

    I usually just completely turn off the display of both titles and guildtags, because it clutters the screen. :)

    • 159 posts
    April 7, 2017 12:46 AM PDT

    Long discussion about achievements here

    • 2886 posts
    • 9115 posts
    April 7, 2017 5:27 AM PDT

    As others have kindly pointed out, there are multiple threads that already exist on these topics so I will go ahead and close this, please continue the discussion in one of the already active threads so we can keep the information as consolidated as possible. :)