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Mob Tagging Rules - Open Discussion

    • 47 posts
    March 28, 2016 8:02 PM PDT

    This ones hard. On the one hand, I don't like the mob locking becuase people can't help if you're in trouble - well they can but there's no incentive too since you locked the mob and it's wasted. On the other hand, the 50% with no locking is just an open invite to kill steal. Hopefully that will not be too much of a problem in this game given the demographic but it will happen especially if the mobs are needed for quests. and "kill it faster" doesn't fly. Some classes kill a lot faster than other, players level can vary widely, many people like to try and solo harder mobs for more experience - there are a ton of reason for not being able to get a mob to 50% almost instantly before someone takes it. Think about raids too. You know there are going to be a few hardcore raid guilds. How would you like it if they just stealed a raid boss that your guild was fighting becuase they could do more damage quicker? 

    I'd rather compromise and make it like first 20% damage done gets the loot and exp, but no straight locking on the mob. 

    • 220 posts
    March 28, 2016 8:54 PM PDT

    Hate KS'ers.  I always play support classes and always fail at dps meters because of it.  Should I be forced to roll a Zergbot just to be competetive?


    MY solution is this. First group begins fight normal. Second group attacks. All damage is decreased by 50% for second group and all damage done during period of engage by MOB is multiplied by 2 and has 100% to land a perfect hit upon everyone in KSer group.  If KS'er overcomes those odds, then congratz you piece of S*** A**HATS you are leet /egostroked. Fight continues normal for first group.


    "DPS race, Brah" is utterly brainless and KS group should get nothing for their time or effort.  Yes the trigger is first person/group to land 1 point of damage wins. go suck an egg you LOOT Hookers.


    edit: took out some forumrage stuff =)

    This post was edited by Larr at March 28, 2016 8:57 PM PDT
    • 409 posts
    March 29, 2016 3:54 AM PDT

    . (delete me)

    This post was edited by Nimryl at March 29, 2016 5:30 AM PDT