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Some thoughts on the Progeny System and Level Caps

    • 2098 posts
    April 12, 2022 9:28 PM PDT

    dorotea said: Obviously we can have progeny as so described without mastery or AA. We can have mastery or AA as so dexcribed without progeny. Some people seem to be assuming that a progeny system will have elements of mastery or AA built into it. I assume the opposite.

    In the Apr 3, 2020 Devstream "Shaman Abilities" Joppa talked a good bit about Mastery. I can't say where exactly, but I think it was in there that he said "there's going to be lots of tie-in to things like the Progeny system thru mastery" (which is a quote I have in my notes). That's the most I know about a connection between them.

    • 1860 posts
    April 13, 2022 10:59 AM PDT

    The reason why I'm posting is that I see people making suggestions to change the system that would reduce the benefits of having the progeny system in the first place. 
    Please understand why these type of systems are implemented before you suggest changing something that reduces the point of the system.

    There are multiple reasons why these type of systems are implemented in games.   Hopefully the list below seems like I am stating the obvious:

    Anything that detracts from these reasons reduces the benefit of the system.  

    Systems like Progeny :
    1: Keep players playing when they would have otherwise run out content and unsubscribed.

    2: Reduce the high end bottleneck by redirecting players away from max lvl content/raiding.  Reduce contention for high end content/raid targets.

    3: Spread the playerbase out to a wider range of levels.  Improves group availability.

    4: Improves the new player experience by populating lower lvl zones with level appropriate players.

    5: Encourage focusing on the journey and replayability.

    6: Help stimulate the crafting and harvesting spheres by always having a supply/demand for a wider level range.

    7: Help by keeping the economy continuously ticking over with player driven items through 1-50 level ranges.

    These have all been discussed before.  I'm sure there are more. 
    Please understand why these type of systems are implemented before you suggest changing something that reduces the whole point of having the system.

    This post was edited by philo at April 13, 2022 1:18 PM PDT
    • 161 posts
    April 13, 2022 12:22 PM PDT

    Philo above states well my understanding of how the Progeny System is intended to fit the design goals of Pantheon.

    • 3852 posts
    April 14, 2022 6:59 AM PDT

    "In the Apr 3, 2020 Devstream "Shaman Abilities" Joppa talked a good bit about Mastery. I can't say where exactly, but I think it was in there that he said "there's going to be lots of tie-in to things like the Progeny system thru mastery" (which is a quote I have in my notes). That's the most I know about a connection between them."


    I am sure there will be tie-ins. My guess is that a new character, after progenization, may well have extra mastery points or different mastery points than would be available to a new character without progenization. I had also referred to such tie-ins as likely. Just as what class you are will affect what masteries you can get, whether you have progenized will quite likely have an impact. 

    Philo is spot-on in the basic approach - analyzing a system based on how it will help the game and the player experience. Reasonable sounding changes that will hurt the game or hurt the player experience are to be avoided however logical they may appear in a vacuum. Philo's seven points hit the bullseye.

    • 1860 posts
    April 14, 2022 7:13 AM PDT

    dorotea said:

    "In the Apr 3, 2020 Devstream "Shaman Abilities" Joppa talked a good bit about Mastery. I can't say where exactly, but I think it was in there that he said "there's going to be lots of tie-in to things like the Progeny system thru mastery" (which is a quote I have in my notes). That's the most I know about a connection between them."


    I am sure there will be tie-ins. My guess is that a new character, after progenization, may well have extra mastery points or different mastery points than would be available to a new character without progenization. I had also referred to such tie-ins as likely. Just as what class you are will affect what masteries you can get, whether you have progenized will quite likely have an impact. 

    Maybe?  It's probably just that when you restart through progeny your mastery points are reset so you don't lose them.  We know resetting mastery points will be an option regularly for a cost.  It seems normal with a system like this that we will keep our mastery points.  Unlocking new mastery options through progeny sounds like a neat idea but, you might be overthinking it?  We will see eventually.

    This post was edited by philo at April 14, 2022 7:41 AM PDT
    • 150 posts
    April 14, 2022 7:58 AM PDT

    philo said:Anything that detracts from these reasons reduces the benefit of the system.  

    Systems like Progeny :
    1: Keep players playing when they would have otherwise run out content and unsubscribed.

    2: Reduce the high end bottleneck by redirecting players away from max lvl content/raiding.  Reduce contention for high end content/raid targets.

    3: Spread the playerbase out to a wider range of levels.  Improves group availability.

    4: Improves the new player experience by populating lower lvl zones with level appropriate players.

    5: Encourage focusing on the journey and replayability.

    6: Help stimulate the crafting and harvesting spheres by always having a supply/demand for a wider level range.

    7: Help by keeping the economy continuously ticking over with player driven items through 1-50 level ranges.

    These have all been discussed before.  I'm sure there are more. 
    Please understand why these type of systems are implemented before you suggest changing something that reduces the whole point of having the system.

    But the main reason I (and others I play MMOs with) stop playing a character altogether, even at high levels, has to do with how the class itself handles/plays. From 1 to however many levels it takes, the ins and outs of the class are learned and, eventually, I have a goldilocks moment before switching to another version of the same substance. A similar role, but with different abilties and ways of going about fulfilling that role. I used to only ever play tankier classes before realizing that, where others get a thrill out of it especially on raids, I was just stressed and frustrated due to a lack of control. The moment I switched to classes with more CC, playing became fun again. Another player I know has stuck with priest classes, only recently settling on one specific type as a main after playing the others to endgame. There's no way to get those of us with this mindset to play the other unwanted classes again unless it somehow helps our friends/guild members progress. For that alone I can be convinced to play a class designed for a specific purpose that I no longer find fun or compatible with my approach to the game world. Is it still useful to have as a backup option for targets/areas A-Z? If yes than the character slot will remain occupied and that character may see some use in the event that it's needed. As for exploring classes not typically chosen, there are always low effort alts that can be made but ones with little chance of ever nearing max level and opening up progeny.

    Despite the fact that races will be less of a superficial choice in PRotF, I see no great incentive to restart from the beginning on a class that I've learned doesn't suit my playstyle, or even one that does. The only other use I've gotten out of unwanted high level characters in other games came from selling their earned xp through sacrifices. No matter how immersive the world is, the way in which my character experiences it is mostly shaped by their class. And if I like my character's class all the way to max level, why would I want to start all over again? Min/max benefits aren't enticing enough and won't be to the majority of more casual players VR is designing the world for, those with two or three hour play sessions to dedicate. The reasons for a progeny system make practical sense on a macro/MMO level, but not a micro/RPG one. What benefits progeny could offer here, alts already have elsewhere.

    This post was edited by Leevolen at April 14, 2022 8:24 AM PDT
    • 2098 posts
    April 14, 2022 11:22 AM PDT

    Leevolen said:   ......

    I might be missing something, but it seems to me that you're just saying that progeny doesn't offer anything of interest to you. That's perfectly fine. Not everything in Pantheon will appeal to everyone. If a player only finds one of the Classes appealing and plays it to max level and consumes all available content, they eventually suspend their subscription. Some come back for expansions, some do not. Such is life.

    Even if only half of those who make it to that point choose to make a Progeny, it will be a big boost to the game, for all of the reasons Philo described.

    • 1860 posts
    April 14, 2022 11:25 AM PDT

    And if I like my character's class all the way to max level, why would I want to start all over again? Min/max benefits aren't enticing enough and won't be to the majority of more casual players VR is designing the world for



    This ^ is the main point that matters.
    Like Joth mentioned you might not.  It's not for everyone, but you should still want it to happen so that those things in the list happen because they effect all of the players and the long term health of the game. 

     But also, it makes VR money directly by the way it keeps some players subscribed who may not be otherwise, so they basically can't afford not to do it. 

    This post was edited by philo at April 14, 2022 2:56 PM PDT
    • 150 posts
    April 14, 2022 3:46 PM PDT

    Jothany said:Not everything in Pantheon will appeal to everyone.

    Perhaps worded poorly, the argument made was very much dancing around this point and wondering out loud whether progeny will appeal to enough players to warrant its implementation earlier rather than later. The main question being, which group of players is progeny designed for exactly? If the game world is meant to appeal more broadly to players who can only log on for a few hours, how many of those players are realistically going to participate in progeny? If progeny is intended to appease the min/max players, how many are going to risk resetting their mains or second mains to level 1 with a new expansion on the horizon? Why, when they can simply level up alt armies and leave them at level 20, 30, 40 for future content? And then hop on their mains to go max level raid on day one.

    philo said:

    Why do you think you would have to change your class or race to participate in the progeny system?

    How many players begin a new D&D campaign only to create the exact same race/class as before but with a slightly better ability score?

    philo said:

    There seems to be some confusion.  

    ::You have been word saladed into a confused state.::

    • 1860 posts
    April 14, 2022 4:05 PM PDT

    How is it I edited my post at 2:56, to address the main point better and the parts you quoted got changed, but you quoted it at 3:46?  ...whatever lol.  I focused on the main point above :D

    This post was edited by philo at April 14, 2022 4:06 PM PDT
    • 150 posts
    April 14, 2022 4:30 PM PDT

    philo said:

    How is it I edited my post at 2:56, to address the main point better and the parts you quoted got changed, but you quoted it at 3:46?  ...whatever lol.  I focused on the main point above :D

    I click quote, then read the quote, then stare hopelessly at a blinking cursor waiting for the words to come that won't be picked apart. It takes me a while to consider other points of view and then try to add something to the conversation with those in mind, often because people here tend to make strong counterarguments. Make weaker arguments and we won't have this problem, okay?!

    • 2098 posts
    April 14, 2022 4:30 PM PDT

    Leevolen said:
    wondering out loud whether progeny will appeal to enough players to warrant its implementation earlier rather than later.

    The main question being, which group of players is progeny designed for exactly?

    ::You have been word saladed into a confused state.::

    To the first point, it seems pretty confirmed that progeny won't be implemented until after release.

    To the second point, since we have no 'exact' details about it at this time, there's no possible way to say 'exactly' who it is going to appeal to. In a very general context, I've heard that other games give bonuses of some kind to a player when creating new characters after reaching max level on one. Whatever the details, it seems reasonable IMO to expect a fair number to find similar bonuses appealing in Pantheon. I could certainly be dead wrong though.

    To the last point, ROFL!! That's a great description. Perhaps Bards should have a "Word Salad Surprise" ability. Good Job!


    Edit: Found a better Ability Name

    This post was edited by Jothany at April 14, 2022 4:37 PM PDT
    • 233 posts
    April 15, 2022 5:00 AM PDT

    Id much prefer to keep my original character forver and for them to scrap a progeny system, it takes time away from stuff that matters.

    • 2138 posts
    April 15, 2022 7:48 AM PDT

    Unrelated, random and from left-field so to speak.

    fun factor/humor factor of "adoring fan" in skyrim. He could hold torches for you in dungeons. He could wear armor. He would fall off walls or cliffs. He would run around in battle, useless, a speedbump mostly. He would die often and for no seen reason.

    Instead of something playable, something like that? a weak familiar, light bearer, walking bag of sorts? with unlockable model types based on quests/things done in game to keep players playing at level and encouraging to spend more time in a certain area? Spriggan familiar that becomes a tree when you dont move for a period of time, scaring anyone that joins you and you move and the tree suddenly becomes a moving thing? model available only if you do X things in Faerthale? I see it as a compromise to a less-than progeny that may be do-able in a smaller amount of time, and a consession to the "emperor has no clothes" cosmetic needers.


    • 888 posts
    April 15, 2022 8:06 AM PDT

    Jothany said:

    To the last point, ROFL!! That's a great description. Perhaps Bards should have a "Word Salad Surprise" ability. Good Job!

    I love this idea!  I suggest a "Jothany's Word Salad Surprise" Bard ability which causes the target's next spell cast to fail and the target to say random words in chat. The random words should be structured like Mad Libs, with a large dictionary of choices for nouns, verbs, etc. This could make for some funny moments. And one of the random nouns should be "Leevolen".

    This post was edited by Counterfleche at April 15, 2022 8:08 AM PDT
    • 161 posts
    April 15, 2022 12:42 PM PDT

    Ideally, the Progeny System should create demand for groups similarly to how Harvest and Crafting create demand for groups.

    This is why I see the Progenitor possibly being like a personal Quest NPC. The Progeny needs others to help him fulfill their Quests, just as Crafters need others to fulfill their needs.

    Thus, only a fraction of the Player Base need participate directly in the Progeny System to benefit the Player Base as a whole.

    • 1860 posts
    April 15, 2022 1:42 PM PDT

    Grimseethe said:

    Id much prefer to keep my original character forver 

    You can do that, even with the progeny system.

    You should still be in favor of the system even if you don't want to participate so that those things in the above list happen. They effect all of the players and the long term health of the game positively.

    This post was edited by philo at April 15, 2022 1:50 PM PDT
    • 2098 posts
    April 15, 2022 4:07 PM PDT

    Grimseethe said: Id much prefer to ... scrap a progeny system, it takes time away from stuff that matters.

    Progeny matters to some of us, even if it doesn't matter to you.

    This post was edited by Jothany at April 15, 2022 4:07 PM PDT
    • 3852 posts
    April 15, 2022 7:44 PM PDT

    If done well this will be a big plus for the game and help to differentiate it. So I would hate for it to be scrapped.

    • 161 posts
    April 15, 2022 9:30 PM PDT

    I think Grimseethe is just expressing the anxiety that a lot of us feel about the launch of the game. I agree with him somewhat. I don't believe Progeny is necessary at Launch. Indeed, implementation would be better informed by seeing how people actually play the game. Ultimately, no practical amount of alpha and beta testing can compare to Live play.



    • 334 posts
    April 15, 2022 10:32 PM PDT

    Progeny is an interesting topic since we have never actually been given details on the system, it was discussed early on conceptually but never expanded upon (understandably, there have been much more important things for the team to work on). At this point, it could go multiple ways. Personally, I think one of the big draws of MMOs is getting invested into your character, having to "retire" or kill it isn't that appealing to me. There are huge issues that this type of system does seek to address, however, and I think Philo outlined those issues well. I don't necessarily think Progeny (as it's been understood so far) is the only answer to those issues, but it is an interesting thought experiment.

    This post was edited by Sicario at April 15, 2022 10:33 PM PDT
    • 3852 posts
    April 16, 2022 9:27 AM PDT

    "I think Grimseethe is just expressing the anxiety that a lot of us feel about the launch of the game."

    And I entirely agree. If a system is not essential and if including it would delay launch - go without it and add it later. This is especially true for systems that will not be needed for quite a few months because they only become truly significant as people reach level-cap. Let the first few speed-levelers do without if that will speed up release for the rest of us.

    • 888 posts
    April 16, 2022 10:23 AM PDT

    I think most of us agree on two basic points: the purpose of a Progeny system (as excellently summed up by philo) and that it's a post launch feature that should not have its implementation delay launch.

    Nevertheless, it's still a worthwhile topic to discuss and offer suggestions for, since that will still help VR know what we want and will help spark creative ideas.

    It might even be worth implementing some rudimentary aspects of it in pre-release testing provided 1) the aspect being tested can be cobbled together quickly and 2) its a specific feature that's added or modified for Progeny and tester feedback is desired 

    Every time we suggest something it can cause creative inspiration, even if that inspiration doesn not abbeat to be directly related.  So I think we should continue to discuss this.

    And in the spirit of continued suggestions,  here's a few more ideas:

    1. You can switch to your Progenitor character if your Progeny dies (but only for a short time). It's the Progenitor coming to assist the Progeny, lore-wise.
    2. The Progenitor can only spawn in a Terminus version of Valhalla. It can be a social place which also has its own Progenitor-only dungeon. No loot is dropped, but it could perhaps earn the Progeny some small consumable that's not overpowered. Maybe it spawns a ghost of the Progenitor that can help in combat for a couple minutes and would make for a fun oh-s##t button.
    3. The Progenitor can become a NPC citizen of the city who walks around and you get to write a few lines of dialog that it will say when players talk to it 

    This post was edited by Counterfleche at April 16, 2022 10:24 AM PDT
    • 1860 posts
    April 16, 2022 10:38 AM PDT

    dorotea said:

    "I think Grimseethe is just expressing the anxiety that a lot of us feel about the launch of the game."

    And I entirely agree. If a system is not essential and if including it would delay launch - go without it and add it later. This is especially true for systems that will not be needed for quite a few months because they only become truly significant as people reach level-cap. Let the first few speed-levelers do without if that will speed up release for the rest of us.

    Agreed...and essential systems are very few.  A lot could be pushed.  Progeny of course but many other systems as well.  I'm hoping they get to that point of urgency eventually.

    • 150 posts
    April 17, 2022 4:29 PM PDT

    Another random water cooler idea/shower thought to throw out there, because a progeny system would be cool at some point...

    The max level progenitor voluntarily dies one final death on Terminus, through a specific act or ritual, however they wish to go about it. For flavor, these deaths could also incorporate a quest/area dedicated to each race/class, leading wizards/paladins to self-immolate at the top of a beacon shrouded in supernatural darkness, skar dire lords to throw themselves into a sacrificial pit, or dark myr warriors to commit harakiri on a beach at high tide. The player character might even need to put themselves in a certain state beforehand, such as a state of willingness.

    In any event, the player character would do so leaving behind no ordinary corpse but instead a remnant (think Aradune in East Karana on live). The remains of one fallen character might be found anywhere in Terminus, deep within the catacombs of a dungeon or high on a mountainside, but the location would be based on that character's actions in the world, where they gained the most experience, faction, or mastery points. Similar to souls/runes in Dark Souls/Elden Ring, but different in execution as the lingering source would not be found at the place of death but elsewhere, in an area connected to/associated with to the original character. If they cut down trees and crafted items from wood, the remnant might be found deep within a forest. Their progeny would then need to locate this memorial site through the keeper system (a perception ping), in order to gain the benefits (and unlock benefits for the original character worlds away) rather than automatically inheriting them just because. 

    Being removed from the world of Terminus, progenitors would suddenly find themselves on their respective one form or another. Every dwarf returning to Oldassa.Every gnome would discover what remained of Stormona. And so on. Human/Vas Demith. Skar/D'shoth. Elf/Si'olaen. Dark myr/Issul. Archai/Roa. Halfling/Hiryth. 

    Here, on their home planet, progenitors would discover that they more closely resemble their ancestors, those who never set foot on Terminus. The dark myr would have flukes. The halflings would be of full stature. But in this unaltered state, each would also find themselves cut off from mortals still on Terminus, unable to visit or even communicate with the general population (though still able to /petition and communicate with VR staff). Transformed, the progenitor would also have a new default bind point⁠ on their home planet. Regular players might never see this content, though it could be left as a potential option for future content, accessed through very costly means after several expansions bridge the gap between Terminus and the origin points of every race (assuming that's the direction VR goes).

    On one's home planet the previous race/class restrictions would also come into play, with each world presenting new unique challenges based on more limited group/raid compositions (here again humans would have the advantage). Example: A race with no healers? All of the mobs on their home planet return HP to players upon death (AE heal) or from each succesful attack (Mark of Karn), whether physical or magical. And quickly it would become evident that, in these new worlds, each type of magic would act and interact differently; what was true on Terminus might not be true on Roa or Oldassa. Lastly, upon returning to their home planet, each progenitor would reset to level 1 (having relinquished/imparted all that they learned to their progeny) with their racial passive/active enhanced to indicate the changes to their forms. Example: Dark myr would move slower on land, but swim even faster than before underwater.