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Community Opinion - Solo vs Grouping

    • 9115 posts
    April 4, 2022 3:47 AM PDT

    Community Opinion - Solo vs Grouping - How much time would you say you spend soloing vs grouping up in MMORPGs like Pantheon? Please explain your answer e.g Guild, work, family time, friends, kids etc. #MMORPG#CommunityMatters#solo#grouping

    • 72 posts
    April 4, 2022 5:10 AM PDT

    I'm not sure what MMORPGs you all are playing where people still group with eachother, but I want in.

    • 902 posts
    April 4, 2022 6:13 AM PDT

    Session: a couple of hours to four or more, depending on family and work.

    Solo: 20 min stretches up to a complete play session depending on guild/friend requirements or if there is something specific I need to do for my character(s),  e.g. adventuring, exploration or gathering or if and when friends/guild are quiet. It just depends.

    Group: Most of the session time.


    • 1289 posts
    April 4, 2022 7:11 AM PDT

    It depends on what counts as soloing.  Does crafting, buying and selling, chatting, hanging out in towns, etc, count as soloing?  If so I probably solo a good 80% of the time.

    If soloing is limited to killing mobs then I probably only solo 5% of the time.  

    • 1281 posts
    April 4, 2022 8:08 AM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Community Opinion - Solo vs Grouping - How much time would you say you spend soloing vs grouping up in MMORPGs like Pantheon? Please explain your answer e.g Guild, work, family time, friends, kids etc. #MMORPG#CommunityMatters#solo#grouping

    I would probably solo about 20, maybe 25% of the time.  There should be both solo content and group content, with the majority of the content heavily favoring group content.  By solo content, I don't just mean just combat type content.  Exploration and quest content as well.

    • 3852 posts
    April 4, 2022 8:27 AM PDT

     "in MMORPGs like Pantheon? "


    There are few or none. All the MMOs I have played for quite a while focus on solo play and group play is merely an option. Until maximum level an option that results in substantially slower leveling and perhaps better gear which will be outleveled in hours or days.

    Maybe 95% solo play. Why? Because I prefer developing characters and trying different things to actually being at maximum level and doing dailies over and over or a few dungeons and raids over and over. Below maximum level few people group.

    • 394 posts
    April 4, 2022 8:28 AM PDT

    45min to an hour waiting in dungeon queue.

    15-30 minutes to get to a boss that makes someone mad and they quit.

    • 1289 posts
    April 4, 2022 8:31 AM PDT

    dorotea said:

     "in MMORPGs like Pantheon? "

     There are few or none. 

    Good point!  I didn't even consider that part of the question...I based it on what I hope Pantheon will be.

    • 48 posts
    April 4, 2022 9:15 AM PDT
    I guess I'm more of a 50/50 kinda player it is always determined by amount of play time multiplied my objectives. If i only have an 45-75 minutes, I will mostly solo. Grind some easy quests or mobs.

    If I have a longer session planned then it all depends if guildies and or friends are going to be on for some group play. I am personally not a fan of PUGs, so dedicated groups are a must.
    • 2419 posts
    April 4, 2022 10:49 AM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Community Opinion - Solo vs Grouping - How much time would you say you spend soloing vs grouping up in MMORPGs like Pantheon? Please explain your answer e.g Guild, work, family time, friends, kids etc. #MMORPG#CommunityMatters#solo#grouping

    Adventuring?  Rarely, < 5% of the time as I much prefer groups as they are not limited as to where they can go or what they can do.  That said, when I really do not want to group or no group is available, I will happily multi-box where I can for at least some degree of advancement.

    Tradeskills/gathering?  If I'm going to focus on that and know that where the materials are located do not require a group, I will do that solo/multi-boxing.

    • 810 posts
    April 4, 2022 10:55 AM PDT
    I am really worried they will create solo encounters and quickly pull an EQ2 rebalancing everything for solo.

    I would solo explore grey zones I missed and solo while lfg for groups as a mage. I largely soloed up to 8-10 as well. I had a lot of chaotic dps groups where we would survive on summoned bandages and desperation. We made it work because we had to. It was fun.

    If solo content was a thing I wouldnt have met half the people I did in EQ, we would all just be soloing while waiting for a proper group...
    • 125 posts
    April 4, 2022 11:24 AM PDT

    Weekday evenings (when I only have an hour or so) majority of time playing solo or with some guildies/people I meet in the zone naturally. At the weekend more time in groups if I hopefully have more time such as 3-4 hours for a session 

    • 326 posts
    April 4, 2022 12:02 PM PDT


    Nowadays I play MMORPGs 90%+ solo. For the most part, gaming has been severely dumbed down. Quest hand-holding, OP self-healing, high DPS tanks, AoE burns, and the prevalence of alts that can cover all the crafting bases contribute to the solo scene.

    In regard to PRF, I am looking forward to leaving behind the solo path and grouping with future guildies and randos while facing down challenging content. That being said, gathering is a solo endeavor unless the nodes are persistent for all and found in difficult-to-reach areas.

    My wife and I both play, so there are few restrictions as far as that goes.



    • 1303 posts
    April 4, 2022 2:26 PM PDT

    Probably a 90/10 ratio of solo to group. What grouping I do is usually either family or RL friends. 

    My playtime is very unpredictable. A window of time to play could be scattered all throughout a given day.  I might plan for 3 hours of play, but reality crashes in and I only get 20 minutes. I often have the ability to play for hours, but only in 10-15 minute spurts. 

    This is all due to real life commitments. So to be fair to other players, I don't often attempt to get into groups that will just have to replace me. And I try to find somewhat out of the way places where it's possible to kill a little and then afk till I can kill a little more. 


    • 560 posts
    April 4, 2022 3:35 PM PDT

    Well first I am with a few other posts. What game is like pantheon. I have tried a crap load of MMOs and well none of them are anything like EQ, VG, or what I hope Pantheon will be.

    My play style has changed a lot over the years as well. When I played EQ I mostly soloed. Not because it was a good idea as a pally or wizard. I soloed because I was too shy about my typing and spelling skills to do pickup groups. Near the end of EQ I started making more of an effort and I also had my girlfriend to play with. For Pantheon my goal is to be more open to meeting new people and try to experience an MMO in a more social way.

    When I do play with a group, I have found I enjoy a groups that are not full. 3-4 players seem to be my preference. But this might be the fact that most games are so easy these days if you had a full group, it is just boring.

    This post was edited by Susurrus at April 4, 2022 3:36 PM PDT
    • 72 posts
    April 4, 2022 4:59 PM PDT

    I guess to answer the question to the best of my abilities: When I play project 1999 everquest I probably do about 1:1 solo to grouping, and I play p99 a few hours a week on average.

    I find a group when I have the time to sit down and grind out some levels and I run around solo when I want to explore the world (that I've seen disappointingly little of) or if I want to grind for crafting supplies.

    However I believe one limiting factor to my grouping is that the game has already been solved and min-maxed for over two decades. Nobody on those servers cares to form a group to explore the bottom of RunnyEye or to progress through Blackburrow when they get more consistent groups and better experience in easier dungeons like Crushbone, Unrest, or Befallen. If I could explore as part of a group then I would, but there's no reason for people to explore a small world that they've been intimately familiar with for 20 years already.

    This post was edited by Turnip at April 4, 2022 5:07 PM PDT
    • 256 posts
    April 4, 2022 5:55 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Community Opinion - Solo vs Grouping - How much time would you say you spend soloing vs grouping up in MMORPGs like Pantheon? Please explain your answer e.g Guild, work, family time, friends, kids etc. #MMORPG#CommunityMatters#solo#grouping

    I usually play a healer. I would say that I spend 50-55 percent of my time in some form of group content. The other 45-50 percent of the time I am solo, although this is not really by choice. I can't even begin to describe how much I hate soloing things as a healer. Like if I had the option I would probably choose to group in about 75-85 percent of combat situations. Much of the time I spend solo is spent just trying to reach benchmarks and max level to participate in grouping content. I can't even begin to describe how much I hate solo gameplay as a healer and healer DPS mechanics in those situations. Most games really aren't designed to promote group content during the leveling process. I usually prefer to level in dungeons when possible just because of the grouping aspect.

    I don't really think there are many games out there that still focus on grouping, at least not for the leveling process. I am hoping that Pantheon will revive this aspect and change the MMO equation for the better. I think that players are the lifeblood of games, and the social connections people make are the stickiest part of a game. Gameplay and graphics are important aspects in initial player retention, however communal bonds are just as important for long-term retention. I feel like most MMOs cause me to lose interest because they neglect the community aspect and lack soul. 

    • 161 posts
    April 5, 2022 1:34 PM PDT
    I have been clean and sober from EverQuest 19 years, 10 days, and haven't played any MMO since.

    I really want to gain skill and master the game. So my initial plan is to play a "Scout," right now leaning towards Druid, and alternate between solo exploration and building groups for experience.

    • 454 posts
    April 5, 2022 9:43 PM PDT

    Grouping...90+% or 100% if possible.  I like adventuring around. Seeing the world.  What's over that hill, past that stream, but I like to do it in a group.

    Soloing craft, unless I can group to craft. 10%.

    None of my RL friends like mmorpgs, so I'm hoping for a good guild and to make some friends.  

    I really like the journey, thus I like alts, in order to see and do it all.




    • 454 posts
    April 5, 2022 9:43 PM PDT





    This post was edited by Questaar at April 5, 2022 9:48 PM PDT
    • 63 posts
    April 6, 2022 8:14 AM PDT

    I think there should be some content to do solo. Crafting, slower XP grinds etc.. But generally I prefer to play with others if I have the time to locate a group. If I have 30 minutes to play it would be nice to have an option to gain some XP solo, even if it's at a slower rate.