Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Matthew Henson

    • 295 posts
    March 1, 2022 11:38 PM PST

    Leveling groups. Raid Groups. Dungeon groups. Those are some of the most common groups that form in MMOS. Pantheon has strongly promoted a world designed for exploration and adventure. 

    So what about Exploration/Adventuring groups? 

    Cleric LF group to explore Kingsreach. Come join a relaxed, group that will help each other with Lorekeeping, harvesting, searching unknown areas and exploring the nooks and crannies of the continent of Kingsreach. Oh yeah, we will kill monsters too! 

    I have read several comments by folks who say they play solo a lot becasue they like to explore the world and don't want to slow their friends or guildmembers down. Well, solo no more, becasue there are many of us who love to do the same. 

    There will be plenty of days I will log on, with a couple of hours to kill, and want to do just that. Wouldn't it be cool to do so with no pressure and as a party so we can go just a bit further than than you would as a solo player? Terminus will be a dangerous place and having like minded adventurers with you would make it oh so much better.

    The Exploration/Adventuring Groups will be a welcomed addtion to the world of Terminus and an additional way to make your Pantheon experience even more social and rewarding. 

    • 125 posts
    March 2, 2022 7:22 AM PST

    Sounds absolutely perfect!

    • 3852 posts
    March 2, 2022 9:35 AM PST

    Groups to explore is a good thing. What I don't want is being unable to explore without a group. 

    In my view there are three types of areas - a deliberate oversimplification.

    1. Dungeons. Typically these are for group or raid content only and a solo player can do little or nothing unless greatly overleveled. As one of the more active forum proponants for having solo play not just group play in Pantheon I entirely agree this is how it should work here as well.

    2. Overland (a term often used to describe anything but a dungeon) areas with content specifically intended for quests and other planned combat. As in an orc village. In other MMOs this can typically be done solo with occasional exceptions. I suspect that in Pantheon it will typically be done in groups. My *hope* is that instead of making it all for groups only they will have areas for soloers - not necessarily quests for solo completion but areas where the mob density and difficulty does not make it prohibitive for one character to do things at-level or close to at-level. In other words - do what other MMOs do but flip the polarity. Have it typically be for groups with occasional exceptions. Enough of these in every level range to give us something to do in our non-group play sessions. And most of us will have days when we want to play but cannot group for any of many good reasons.

    3. Overland areas not designed for group quests or groups to camp. Areas where we can mostly roam around without too much fighting. As long as we keep a wary eye open for a dragon flying above or a village of kobolds that are not all that likely to be friendly. In other words areas to be explored as per the OP. My hope is that as long we avoid hostile encampments and the occasional dragon we can enjoy these areas without needing a group, That if we encounter an animal that views us as a danger to be fought or a meal to be enjoyed we can fight it solo with reasonable chance of success - if around the same level. 

    In other words if I want to explore some pretty terrain I do not need a group to avoid being one-shot by a rat because *all* content is intended to be faced only by groups.

    This post was edited by dorotea at March 2, 2022 9:37 AM PST
    • 2419 posts
    March 2, 2022 9:36 AM PST

    Doesn't 'a group' already open you up to doing any of those at any time?  You still have to traverse the world to get to the dungeon, you still need to roam around to find those quest items or to just explore.  We really don't need groups to be defined as such, just 'a group'.  Your composition is what is important, what classes bring together to do the thing(s) you want to do.

    • 729 posts
    March 2, 2022 9:55 AM PST
    So a group finding tool could include one extra field for 'flavor' of the group ? Leveling; Lore; Crafting; Raid; Casual; Traveling and Social/party. That seems doable, from where I am sitting, with absolutely no responsibility to actually lift a finger to help implement. I also imagine that a small text Field in the group finding tool would suffice to define the group being created.
    • 1289 posts
    March 2, 2022 12:25 PM PST

    I just hope there is enough to explore that it is an ongoing thing.  In many games I've played you can simply "explore the area" and THEN decide where you want to go to get exp.  I really hope the option to explore continues to open up as you grow in power....which implies that I also hope there are plenty of areas you can only explore while you're with a powerful group.

    • 2419 posts
    March 2, 2022 1:49 PM PST

    isn't exploration kinda a 'once and done' thing?  Once you've explored a zone, there isn't any further exploration in that zone.  I guess its why I never think that 'exploration' as a wholly separate activity because it always takes place concurrently with every other activity within a zone.

    • 1289 posts
    March 2, 2022 1:54 PM PST

    Yeah, that's kinda what I was thinking as well...but I hope there are places you just can't explore until you have a powerful enough group.  In some other games you were able to go explore areas even if you weren't strong enough to fight in them.  Ya know, the whole "run in and run out safely" thing just to uncover portions of the map.  haha  

    • 80 posts
    March 2, 2022 7:32 PM PST

    Dikenzu said:

    So what about Exploration/Adventuring groups?

    Its much easier to form an adventuring group when there is RP (especially if there's a GM running a quest). If the server is a non-rp server, then there should be a command in the chat box (world) or some type of bulletin in-game that puts your voice out there: "LFG for overland travel (or dungeon, or raid)."

    Would be ideal if VR comes up with other tactics to make it easier to form adventuring/exploration groups.

    Personally, I love exploration parties as these are the crux of an online rpg. If anyone sees my character in the upcoming alphas/betas/in-game feel free to shoot me an invite or a message, could be totally random and I will immediately join you no questions asked.

    This post was edited by OmegaBeam at March 2, 2022 7:55 PM PST
    • 295 posts
    March 3, 2022 12:30 AM PST

    dorotea said:

    Groups to explore is a good thing. What I don't want is being unable to explore without a group. 

    In my view there are three types of areas - a deliberate oversimplification.

    1. Dungeons. Typically these are for group or raid content only and a solo player can do little or nothing unless greatly overleveled. As one of the more active forum proponants for having solo play not just group play in Pantheon I entirely agree this is how it should work here as well.

    2. Overland (a term often used to describe anything but a dungeon) areas with content specifically intended for quests and other planned combat. As in an orc village. In other MMOs this can typically be done solo with occasional exceptions. I suspect that in Pantheon it will typically be done in groups. My *hope* is that instead of making it all for groups only they will have areas for soloers - not necessarily quests for solo completion but areas where the mob density and difficulty does not make it prohibitive for one character to do things at-level or close to at-level. In other words - do what other MMOs do but flip the polarity. Have it typically be for groups with occasional exceptions. Enough of these in every level range to give us something to do in our non-group play sessions. And most of us will have days when we want to play but cannot group for any of many good reasons.

    3. Overland areas not designed for group quests or groups to camp. Areas where we can mostly roam around without too much fighting. As long as we keep a wary eye open for a dragon flying above or a village of kobolds that are not all that likely to be friendly. In other words areas to be explored as per the OP. My hope is that as long we avoid hostile encampments and the occasional dragon we can enjoy these areas without needing a group, That if we encounter an animal that views us as a danger to be fought or a meal to be enjoyed we can fight it solo with reasonable chance of success - if around the same level. 

    In other words if I want to explore some pretty terrain I do not need a group to avoid being one-shot by a rat because *all* content is intended to be faced only by groups.


    Thanks for your thoughts. My purpose for this post was to address those who mainly solo to enjoy the world at a much slower pace and not be pressured by groups or friends that are task oriented and don't have the time or interest to just explore and do some of the sometimes tedious or not generally perceivied as worthwhile tasks of an MMO. I say that to say I don't want this to turn into a solo content part 2 post. There will be lots of folks who play solo and have no interest in my idea. My idea is to appeal to those who may not even be a solo player per say. They just love the exploration/lore/gathering and other parts of the game and their friends don't. They may actually want to be in a group to explore but don't want to feel like they would be a burden on their normal groups. I have read some comments from folks saying just that in their own words.

    I feel that way plenty of days when I log on. I have no goal for that day and just want to log on a be in the world. I could play solo or get a group together and just go exploring or I could just join a group and help them with whatever they are doing...just because. 

    This post was edited by Dikenzu at March 30, 2022 9:52 PM PDT
    • 295 posts
    March 3, 2022 1:13 AM PST

    Vandraad said:

    isn't exploration kinda a 'once and done' thing?  Once you've explored a zone, there isn't any further exploration in that zone.  I guess its why I never think that 'exploration' as a wholly separate activity because it always takes place concurrently with every other activity within a zone.

    Not everyone plays the same. Some groups don't go anywhere unless it advances their characters. Some players/groups will level to the minimun level required for dungeons and live in dungeons until max level becasue they don't like questing. Not everyone or every group stops to do things like harvesting or exploring that hill(becasue their climbing improved) or point of interest on their way to a dungeon. Some guilds will have dedicated crafters and will focus on running content primarily. Some folks here are fighting for mounts and fast travel and summoning stones. They're not interested in exploring. I have read actual comments of folks who say they play with their friends, but also log on when their friends can't which allows them time to explore every nook and crannie(I used those words becasue of them being used in a comment I read on these forums).

    Not everyone will be interested in the Perception system and some care little for lore. Lots of folks are simply task or goal oriented. None of this is being said as a judgement. It is simply stating that there are plenty of scenarios where folks have little interest in thoroughly enjoying the world. They are a point A to B person/group. That is not the norm and I'm not saying it is. I've played with enough diversity of groups to come to that point of view.

    Moreover, not everyone will see value in all the places you can get to in climbing or underwater unless there is 'good' loot involved. Some folks idea of exploring may only involve the 'normal' horizontal spaces and lower climbing areas and not the ones where that require better climbing/swimming. My understanding is that Terminus will have lots of things for those who value exploring. We won't know for sure until we get in the game, but that's my understanding based on what I've seen so far. 

    After Alpha there will be folks presenting info on the fastest and most efficient way to level and lots of folks will only play that way. So many ways that players will use that don't require exploring all of zone becasue they value efficiency more. I won't put a number on how many folks who think like this becasue I can't. I just know they exist.

    Yes, you can explore the a good bit of the world while completing tasks, but not all of it. That requires activity that is intentional. 

    As a result, there will be players like me who will log on plenty of days and just want to go anywhere without a goal or task or not feel guilty about wanting to stop and explore some obscure place that may not lead to anywhere.

    I apologize for the length, it's late and I'm just typing when I should be in bed.

    • 295 posts
    March 3, 2022 1:22 AM PST

    StoneFish said: So a group finding tool could include one extra field for 'flavor' of the group ? Leveling; Lore; Crafting; Raid; Casual; Traveling and Social/party. That seems doable, from where I am sitting, with absolutely no responsibility to actually lift a finger to help implement. I also imagine that a small text Field in the group finding tool would suffice to define the group being created.

    That would be neat, but I was not thinking of something formal like VR adding it to the LFG or even requesting anything from them in regards to this. I was just musing over how I play and the comments I've read for a few others about why they play solo sometimes and how it can be challenging to just explore the world without any tasks or goals in mind when you are with friends who may have limited time and have goals and tasks.

    I will be logging on pretty much everyday when the game launches. Sometimes for 30 min, sometimes for 4+ hours. As such, I know I will encounter a variety of players and I'm just giving some options for those who maybe interested.


    • 295 posts
    March 3, 2022 1:24 AM PST

    OmegaBeam said:

    Dikenzu said:

    So what about Exploration/Adventuring groups?

    Its much easier to form an adventuring group when there is RP (especially if there's a GM running a quest). If the server is a non-rp server, then there should be a command in the chat box (world) or some type of bulletin in-game that puts your voice out there: "LFG for overland travel (or dungeon, or raid)."

    Would be ideal if VR comes up with other tactics to make it easier to form adventuring/exploration groups.

    Personally, I love exploration parties as these are the crux of an online rpg. If anyone sees my character in the upcoming alphas/betas/in-game feel free to shoot me an invite or a message, could be totally random and I will immediately join you no questions asked.


    Very nice. Looking forward to seeing you in game.

    • 839 posts
    March 3, 2022 1:44 AM PST

    I think the exploring aspect is more significant in Pantheon based on the no handholding lore questing through that side of the perception system. So there probably would be many more reasons to assemble a party of like minded lore junkies to scour a zone even if you have traveled it already in an xp group. Would make sense to help people find other explorers of this nature in lfg so they don't get in with a speed running no time to smell the roses bunch of folks. It certainly doesn't hurt to have the option.

    Also the whole look up / look down climbing areas of zones may go mostly unexplored by those wanting to do things directly in their eyesight. Another good reason to want to get together with people more interested in uncovering less traveled parts of zones

    This post was edited by Hokanu at March 3, 2022 1:46 AM PST
    • 295 posts
    March 3, 2022 10:39 AM PST

    Hokanu said:

    I think the exploring aspect is more significant in Pantheon based on the no handholding lore questing through that side of the perception system. So there probably would be many more reasons to assemble a party of like minded lore junkies to scour a zone even if you have traveled it already in an xp group. Would make sense to help people find other explorers of this nature in lfg so they don't get in with a speed running no time to smell the roses bunch of folks. It certainly doesn't hurt to have the option.

    Also the whole look up / look down climbing areas of zones may go mostly unexplored by those wanting to do things directly in their eyesight. Another good reason to want to get together with people more interested in uncovering less traveled parts of zones

    I very much agree...nicely said. This was a significant point of my post.

    • 2095 posts
    March 3, 2022 1:58 PM PST

    Dikenzu said: So what about Exploration/Adventuring groups? 

    Cleric LF group to explore Kingsreach. Come join a relaxed, group that will help each other with Lorekeeping, harvesting, searching unknown areas and exploring the nooks and crannies of the continent of Kingsreach. Oh yeah, we will kill monsters too! 

    This is absolutely the kind of groups I want to join when I arrive at Terminus. I'd be happy with no limit to how slowly we move across the countryside and hurrying being (generally) against our rules. Enjoying the scenery and looking for clues - Perception & otherwise - to the history & culture of the area would my goal in such adventures. Loot & XP are just occasional bonuses, not my purpose in such adventures.

    Planning on multiple alts that I play regularly, I have no concern about finding myself months past release and still not having a single character over lvl 20. As someone with more time than most to spend in the game, I hope to ally with several groups and many individuals who share this approach and will look for me ingame when they login for a few hours of 'messing around out in the landscape' with no more definitive plan that that.


    StoneFish said: So a group finding tool could include one extra field for 'flavor' of the group ? Leveling; Lore; Crafting; Raid; Casual; Traveling and Social/party. That seems doable, from where I am sitting, with absolutely no responsibility to actually lift a finger to help implement. I also imagine that a small text Field in the group finding tool would suffice to define the group being created.

    This was touched on in a stream several years ago. I'm pretty sure these ideas are on the list of considerations for whoever works on the 'Finding a Group' tool.


    Vandraad said: isn't exploration kinda a 'once and done' thing?  Once you've explored a zone, there isn't any further exploration in that zone.

    That may or may not be correct for someone uninvolved in the Perception system. But for anyone who does seek to find Perception triggers and the knowledge that comes from them, revisiting areas - more than once - as your skills level up is likely to reveal things that were not apparent in your previous visit to an area. That's been mentioned a few times in discussions about Perception.




    This post was edited by Jothany at March 3, 2022 2:00 PM PST
    • 256 posts
    March 4, 2022 12:41 AM PST

    It is my hope that the game promotes exploration and adventuring naturally. I would hope that every group formed initially would naturally be driven to explore the world and find adventures along the way. I would also hope the people who get out and explore things and interact with the environment would be rewarded for doing so.

    I know that as the game ages there will be more specialized groups formed for specific content. However, I would hope there would still be hidden gems in the world that weren't encountered by a player during their first journey to max level. Maybe even reasons for them to want to go back and do something they didn't complete early on. 

    This post was edited by FatedEmperor at March 4, 2022 12:43 AM PST
    • 3852 posts
    March 4, 2022 7:53 AM PST

    "Thanks for your thoughts. My purpose for this post was to address those who mainly solo to enjoy the world at a much slower pace and not be pressured by groups or friends that are task oriented and don't have the time or interest to just explore and do some of the sometimes tedious or not generally perceivied as worthwhile tasks of an MMO. I say that to say I don't want this to turn into a solo content part 2 post. There will be lots of folks who play solo and have no interest in my idea. My idea to may appeal to those who may not even be a solo player per say. They just love the exploration/lore/gathering and other parts of the game and their friends don't. They may actually want to be in a group to explore but don't want to feel like they would be a burden on their normal groups. I have read some comments from folks saying just taht in their own words."


    I wasn't in any way disagreeing with you. The reverse, in fact. 

    But it seemed like a good opportunity to toss in my opinion that while groups may form for leisurely exploration groups shouldn't be required for leisurely exploration. 

    • 417 posts
    March 4, 2022 8:30 AM PST

    I am creating a whole guild around this idea. A group of folks who enjoy exploring, solving mysteries, delving into all the nooks and crannies.

    • 888 posts
    March 4, 2022 6:53 PM PST

    I hope any LFG tool includes a preferred group option where we can select things like dungeon, camping, exploring,  etc. And to encourage exploration,  I hope there's a random 'find X'  quest generator (it needs to have some randomness to allow for repeatability).

    • 258 posts
    March 4, 2022 6:56 PM PST


    This post was edited by Arzoth at March 4, 2022 10:19 PM PST
    • 295 posts
    March 5, 2022 6:18 PM PST

    Thorndeep said:

    I am creating a whole guild around this idea. A group of folks who enjoy exploring, solving mysteries, delving into all the nooks and crannies.

    Very very cool. Even if I don't join your guild, I want to be on your server. We could help foster a community around this.


    • 413 posts
    March 7, 2022 11:59 AM PST

    Thorndeep said:

    I am creating a whole guild around this idea. A group of folks who enjoy exploring, solving mysteries, delving into all the nooks and crannies.

    Definately have my support.  I would love to hear more.  PM me.

    • 258 posts
    March 7, 2022 3:16 PM PST

    I have to ask. What's with the posts title? Real name? I wouldn't put that anywhere where it's not needed, just saying. But, I like the idea.. just thought I'd chime in a little.

    • 1404 posts
    March 7, 2022 7:38 PM PST

    BigBadAzz1 said:

    I have to ask. What's with the posts title? Real name? I wouldn't put that anywhere where it's not needed, just saying. But, I like the idea.. just thought I'd chime in a little.


    My guess

    Matthew Henson