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Pantheon never to be released?

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    • 346 posts
    August 23, 2019 5:38 PM PDT

    SugarCayne said:

    if you delete my posts again,  I will write the damn story myself and sell it to the NYT. Be accountable.

    What are you referring to? And honestly, you're acting a bit unhinged here. You're going to sell this story about a comment in a forum for a crowd funded classic MMORPG to the Failing New York Times? If this makes page 27, lower right corner of the Business section back page, I'll be impressed.

    Please try to be reasonable and state your case as rationally as possible.

    • 413 posts
    August 23, 2019 5:44 PM PDT

    Janus said:

    SugarCayne said:

    if you delete my posts again,  I will write the damn story myself and sell it to the NYT. Be accountable.

    What are you referring to? And honestly, you're acting a bit unhinged here. You're going to sell this story about a comment in a forum for a crowd funded classic MMORPG to the Failing New York Times? If this makes page 27, lower right corner of the Business section back page, I'll be impressed.

    Please try to be reasonable and state your case as rationally as possible.

    The New York Times is failing, and it's fake news.

    This post was edited by Zevlin at August 23, 2019 5:45 PM PDT
    • 346 posts
    August 23, 2019 5:46 PM PDT

    Caine said:

    The New York Times is failing, and it's fake news.

    I mean it's not exactly but it's fun to say.

    • 3852 posts
    August 23, 2019 5:46 PM PDT

    This topic cries out for some deleted posts. Emotional attacks and unfounded allegations are not helpful. Rational statements based on actual information are helpful.

    We all know that development has taken considerably longer than expected. We all know that the pace of progress has sped up. We all know that the newsletter and other releases give more details on progress and future plans than they used to. We all know that this increased detail stops far short of giving us a roadmap with any specificity at all. 

    Undetailed and unsupported posts throwing around words like transparancy or worse add emotions but add no information or logical analysis. 

    I have a fireplace that old newspapers can be put into to provide fuel. More than once we have enjoyed the ...burning issues of the Times.

    The Times may once have tried to adhere to high levels of objectivity - and to give facts even where such facts did not support their editorial opinions. Those days are long gone. Sadly the Times like many media organs on *both* sides of current issues prints what it thinks will help its side and slants anything it thinks it can get away with slanting. 

    The old saying made up for it - All the news that fits we print. Tainted with a political tint" was partly true then but almost wholly true now.

    This post was edited by dorotea at August 23, 2019 5:52 PM PDT
    • 1404 posts
    August 23, 2019 7:12 PM PDT

    dorotea said:

    We all know that development has taken considerably longer than expected. We all know that the pace of progress has sped up. We all know that the newsletter and other releases give more details on progress and future plans than they used to. We all know that this increased detail stops far short of giving us a roadmap with any specificity at all. 

    Sorry dorotea but I have to disagree with this part of your post.... in order

    No I dont know that, I expected it to take a long time.. it's a small crew, I really don't see how they can do it at all.

    No I don't, since the last streamers I've only seen some pictures (could be drawn by any good artist in a day or a few hours) some mediocre spell effects in different colors. Etc... nothing truly impressive to show "speeding up"

    No they don't,  "A" tree being made, "A" statuesque model on a pivoting platform, Screen shots and regurgitated info we have known for over a year.

    Of your last statement I'll agree. It does stop far short of a road map.

    Now before anybody goes all "hater" on me, I'm OK with all of this, let's give them the time they need. But let's not whitewash it and say there showing any kind of impressive progress when so far they aren't.

    BUT I expect hope they will "soon"


    Edit: You know what I belive would go a long way for many of us... some kind of list that

    "Feature-X is done to our liking and ready to test"

    Sure they have a bunch of screens hot and plans for Acclimation and Climate, are they actually WORKING or are they just screens hot of the Dialogsame and a list of names? Give us a list of what's done.

    This post was edited by Zorkon at August 23, 2019 7:21 PM PDT
    • 999 posts
    August 23, 2019 7:17 PM PDT
    I’ve been following Pantheon since the first tweet by Brad in September 2013. Pledged to the failed Kickstarter in January 2014, and pledged here again in February 2014 after it failed knowing with 100% certainty that I was taking a huge risk and my money was most likely gone. But, Brad et. al was pitching a game I wanted for years, that I’ve argued on various forums needed to happen for years - so it was put up or shut up time for me. I knew my money could be wasted then - I know it still could be wasted today.

    Then, after the original Dev team bailed and the volunteer team bombed in 2014 - I thought for sure my money was gone.

    Then the game’s development was restarted in 2015, basically from scratch after the first Dev team fiasco, and even then - the team in 2015 consisted of mostly volunteers and was tiny - less than 15ish (at best) but Joppa was added late 2015 (when I think the Development really started). So, realistically you’re looking at 2015, and most likely 2016 after receiving Angel funding that development ramped up. So, even still, on a shoestring budget and part-time, and at times volunteer employees you’re looking at 4ish years of development.

    And, I’ve had my ups and downs following Pantheon for sure, and have asked many times over the years for more detailed updates, more transparency, roadmaps, timelines, etc. and they’ve never happened - they aren’t going to happen.

    And again, I still have much more confidence today than in 2014/2015 that Pantheon will successfully launch and will continue to have it unless I see the sky falling (Dev team bailing - especially Joppa etc.).

    Anyway. until that time, I’ll continue to post occasionally, lurk often, and always hide in the shadows. I still fully expect Pantheon launch, but I’m not going to continually refresh this webpage anymore, or expect any testing phases anytime soon - it’s much easier to wait with lowered expectations.

    @OP - I’ve had to take several breaks over the years for a few months, and I’d recommend for you (or anyone) to do the same if they feel like you - the wait is much more tolerable.
    • 1281 posts
    August 23, 2019 9:07 PM PDT

    SugarCayne said:

    ok if you are going to delete reasonable posts, please refund my investment.

    i don’t think it’s unreasonable to say this is worthy of a media story.

    There's your first mistake.  It's not an investment.  It is a Pledge.  And they are non-refundable.

    For all intents and purposes, it is a gift/donation.

    • 390 posts
    August 23, 2019 10:00 PM PDT

    I laugh when I see people say: I want a refund... lol for what? you didn't buy anything. it's exactly like donating for the Cure for Cancer. They didn't say that cancer will be cured if they reach a billion dollars. You donated the money in HOPE that they advance in the fight against it. I have donated to cancer reseach and both my parents are dead, from cancer. Should I ask for a refund?

    People need to Stop being dumb. no one is getting money back. even if brad bails tonight and laughs all the way to the bank with your money. You will NEVER EVER GET A DIME FROM VR/BRAD/PANTHEON. 

    You GAVE brad/vr/pantheon a dontation. He never guaranteed you anyting in return. he told what he WANTED to do. his vision for a game.  you GAVE understanding that if he FAILED, you money was Gone. period. you are not getting it back. under ANY circumstances. 

    I gave $300. And I think I am going to go up to $500, but not before I see something more. I am ok that i gave away $300. I didn't have to do it. Everyone just keeps looking at that $300 as EARLY ACCESS and they want it NOW. 

    This game is 2-3 years away from retail. If it ever makes it that far. They can tell me they are funded to release all they want. I don't belive that at All. But if they want more money, they have to come up with WAY more progress and show me all of it. 

    it's ok to fear that you lost $300, but you knew going into it, Nothing was a guarantee and seeing that this game started 10 years ago and STILL is no where near release, you should have known that it could be a total waste of money. If you wanted a guaranteed return, you should have invested that $300 in something else. 

    I have a little faith that Pantheon isn't Vaporware, but if it turns out to be vaporware, oh well. lesson learn, I won't invest in MMO games ever again. Just know. that is still an option. The game might turn out to be vaporware. But you still won't be getting a return on that investment. Maybe buy some Apple stock or something next time. See where is goes 10 years from  now. 



    This post was edited by Flapp at August 23, 2019 10:08 PM PDT
    • 316 posts
    August 23, 2019 10:26 PM PDT

    Sorry if this sounds annoyingly oversimplistic - Dudes, we just helped VR get going to make a game. They're making it at their pace, like an inventor would be doing. We just, generously, supported these creators financially so they'd better and more quickly be able to create their invention (and so we could have some special things once it was finished).

    We've just helped them. And anyway, I think the production of the monthly updates are impressive. Of course, everyone's entitled to their opinion.

    This post was edited by Alexander at August 24, 2019 1:18 AM PDT
    • 370 posts
    August 23, 2019 11:07 PM PDT

    As with any kick starter don't give as much money as you're not willing to lose. If you're upset with the speed of development I would recommend just checking out of the forums and media updates for awhile. 

    • 379 posts
    August 23, 2019 11:09 PM PDT

    Vandraad said:

    And maybe, because the team is small, more shite needs to be hitting the cutting room floor and be set aside as expansion content.  Acclimation, Perception, Dispositions...any one or combination of these could be put off to appear in an expansion.

    I agree and if this happened, we'd be well into Alpha by now. They also would of had an explosion of revenue from new pledges and/or investors. The basics need to be in for Alpha - zones, classes, races, combat, and a few items. Unfortunately (for us Alpha and beyond pledgers), they wanted to go a more "feature complete" route to attract the big fish. Anyone that wants an 'old school MMO' doesn't require all the bells and whistles to be under the hood for the start of testing. Just look at how successful all the streams and pre-alpha's have been, if that production and transparency would of continued...well, I think we would have a stronger, united community for the better. As the last few months have passed #CommunityMatters has slowly turned into a joke for me, and a lot of others.

    • 1479 posts
    August 24, 2019 12:05 AM PDT

    Fragile said:

    I agree and if this happened, we'd be well into Alpha by now. They also would of had an explosion of revenue from new pledges and/or investors. The basics need to be in for Alpha - zones, classes, races, combat, and a few items. Unfortunately (for us Alpha and beyond pledgers), they wanted to go a more "feature complete" route to attract the big fish. Anyone that wants an 'old school MMO' doesn't require all the bells and whistles to be under the hood for the start of testing. Just look at how successful all the streams and pre-alpha's have been, if that production and transparency would of continued...well, I think we would have a stronger, united community for the better. As the last few months have passed #CommunityMatters has slowly turned into a joke for me, and a lot of others.


    I think you can safely offer your resume for co-producer of the game, since you're so capable of predicting the future and tightening a business model for a faster release.

    • 379 posts
    August 24, 2019 12:16 AM PDT

    MauvaisOeil said:

    I think you can safely offer your resume for co-producer of the game, since you're so capable of predicting the future and tightening a business model for a faster release.

    Thank you for the vote of confidence and your support! However, it does tend to be easier to see in hindsight.

    • 9115 posts
    August 24, 2019 3:01 AM PDT

    Ok, this has run its course folks and not appropriate for a public forum as this is clearly personal opinion and not shared by everyone. It only serves to incite unrest and divide the community, something we are strongly against.

    Anything with a title like this in future will be removed. If you have concerns, please use the correct avenues to speak to us about them by submitting a support ticket and speaking with our very friendly Customer Service team.

    The thread is now closed. Please do not create anymore on this or similar topics.