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TwitchCon Stream - reveals by inference

    • 763 posts
    October 26, 2017 1:10 PM PDT

    While watching the TwitchCon2017 stream (for the second time, since I was busy listening to the commentary the first time) I was struck by the many pieces of information I was able to spot! It then occurred to me that perhaps others may have missed these!... or perhaps spotted items I did not?

    If you mised it, here is the link:

    NB: All the information in the stream is likely subject to change, do please do not assume it is set in stone!
    NB: Some Class abilities/Spells are temporarily grafted onto already 'revealed' Classes for testing.

    1. Group size is currently 6

    2. Warrior abilities [by level 17]
        a) Taunt [Taunt your target to attack you, generating increased threat for 3 secs]
        b) Bash [Bash your target, doing physical damage and a small chance to interrupt]
        c) Kick [Kick your target, dealing physical damage]
        d) Angering Blow [A physical strike that angers your target, causing additional threat]
        e) Shoulder Crash [Slam into your target, dealing physical damage with a chance to interrupt]

    3. Naked Corpse runs are currently in.
        a) Your group 'directions' do not reveal your corpse
        b) Corpses can (possibly) be revealed by a vertical light [09:29]

    4. Corpse Looting:
        a) Corpse appearance is that of a skeletal version of your race
        b) Uses a 'character item' loot box (paper doll) instead of a regular mob loot bag.
        c) There is a 'Take All' button allowing you to loot all your gear at once
            "Take All" option equips gear as was set at death [Bazgrim]

    5. Some patrolling mobs do not just walk, but can jog instead.

    6. Character Select screen: [03:00 mins]
        a) Has UI space for 20 characters
        b) Has 'auto' attribute assignment for stats
        c) Stats: Strength, Stamina, Agility, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence, Charisma
            these Stats have default values of 8 [Vjek]
        d) Visual body sliders: Height, Nose Size, Nose tilt, Ear Size, Cheek Size, Lip Size, Eye Size,
              Brow height, Skin Color, Eye Color, Hair Style [Vjek]

    7. Upon death, you can choose to 'release' and return to bind, naked.

    8. Wizards appear to have a (self?) (movement) speed buff
        "Convo is surrounded by a brief lupine aura"
        This line of speed buffs is (currently) castable on others [Bazgrim]
        NB: This spell may be being tested for use by Druid/Ranger/Bard (or other un-revealed Class)

    9. Character paper doll shows:
       a) 'switch arrows' to allows 'gear sets' (?) [10:13]

    10. Camp/exit has a delay while 'You begin to set up camp' [10:13]

    11. Shaman Spells [by Level 50] [Nikademis]
        a) Grip of Shade [(Boon) Increase Strength and Stamina (5) for 24 mins] [14:11]
        b) Toxic Spray [(Bane) Inflicts nature damage over 24 secs]
        c) Virulent Tempers [Combine water and animus banes to to inflict nature damage (145-160)]
        d) Searing Choker [(Bane) Inflicts Nature damage over 24 secs]
        e) Reptillian Shroud [(Boon) Increase poison and disease resistance (10) for 24 mins]
        f) Grip of the Crags [(Boon)  Increase Strength and Stamina (5) for 24 mins] [14:27]
        g) Black Smoke [Combine Fire and Wind banes to slow (20%) an enemy for 60 secs] [14:27]

    While I have listed my observations, I have not followed them up with analysis ... yet.
    Please feel free to post anything I missed, or your analysis for what we saw!

    Evoras, is always trying to solve puzzles ...

    EDIT: Updated information presented by posters

    This post was edited by Evoras at October 26, 2017 11:18 PM PDT
    • 248 posts
    October 26, 2017 1:28 PM PDT

    Thanks for this Evoras.
    I got so caught up in the struggle with the human character that I stopped listening to what was said xD


    • 2886 posts
    October 26, 2017 1:32 PM PDT

    Thanks for doing this Evo. I knew I could count on you haha. I have been way too busy with my own post-TwitchCon projects.

    I think, aside from the Pre-Alpha announcement, the main thing that the community hadn't seen before was the character select/character creation screens, if even just briefly. I know a lot of people would like a more in-depth breakdown of that. :)

    4. Even better, it's worth noting that clicking "Take All" will automatically equip all you gear as it was when you died.

    8. I can confirm that Wizards do currently have a Spirit of the Wolf line of movement speed buffs. It can be cast on any ally, not just yourself.


    This post was edited by Bazgrim at October 26, 2017 1:38 PM PDT
    • 454 posts
    October 26, 2017 1:33 PM PDT

    Thanks Evoras.  You caught stuff I didn’t.  Great post

    • 1921 posts
    October 26, 2017 1:55 PM PDT

    @3:01:38 , Character Creation UI

    Stats: Strength, Stamina, Agility, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence, Charisma (all at 8, by default)

    Visual body sliders: Height, Nose Size, Nose tilt, Ear Size, Cheek Size, Lip Size, Eye Size, Brow height, Skin Color, Eye Color, Hair Style

    • 363 posts
    October 26, 2017 2:16 PM PDT

    Nice post, Evoras! Thanks for taking the time to do this!

    • 595 posts
    October 26, 2017 2:46 PM PDT

    11) It's worth noting that the Shaman spells you have listed are level 50, or at least being used by a level 50 Shaman.

    • 633 posts
    October 26, 2017 2:59 PM PDT

    He needs to update Java [3:04]

    • 184 posts
    October 26, 2017 4:23 PM PDT

    Nice work all. Passing this along to a few other forums.

    • 1281 posts
    October 26, 2017 4:36 PM PDT

    kelenin said:

    He needs to update Java [3:04]


    I saw that too.

    • 1281 posts
    October 26, 2017 6:49 PM PDT

    I have a question about this:

    4. Corpse Looting:
        a) Corpse appearance is that of a skeletal version of your race

    Where in the stream did it show a non-human dieing to verify this is accurate?

    • 763 posts
    October 26, 2017 11:12 PM PDT

    bigdogchris said:

    I have a question about this:

    4. Corpse Looting:
        a) Corpse appearance is that of a skeletal version of your race

    Where in the stream did it show a non-human dieing to verify this is accurate?

    I thought one of the three corpses at [4:29] was non-Human and looked shorter! It was/is hard to be sure, what with foreshortening effects of looking down/across ... but the names seemed to not be his Human ones. Better eyes than I may be able to find the truth!

    Evoras, suspects he spends too much time looking at corpses...

    • 207 posts
    October 26, 2017 11:29 PM PDT
    Thank you so much for your sharp eyes!
    • 184 posts
    October 27, 2017 6:51 AM PDT

    " c) Virulent Tempers [Combine water and animus banes to to inflict nature damage (145-160)]
        g) Black Smoke [Combine Fire and Wind banes to slow (20%) an enemy for 60 secs] [14:27]"


    At first glance, I thought this may be interpreted as "combinining water/fire/wind elements" may give an extra effect, but it appears the elements are simply listed as a simple description, which could hint that certain mobs will be a lot more resistant to various kinds of slows (I remember slow getting resisted on bosses or named mobs, but I don't remember them listing elemental details like this in the old EQ slows or is my memory just rusty?).

    • 3852 posts
    October 27, 2017 7:14 AM PDT

    Thanks - due to bad hearing I generally don't watch streams so its nice to see posts here with information.

    • 142 posts
    October 27, 2017 7:53 AM PDT

    If corpses are racially sized skeletons, then what will the gnome corpses be?  They have no skeletons.

    • 12 posts
    October 27, 2017 8:57 AM PDT

    Homercles said:

    If corpses are racially sized skeletons, then what will the gnome corpses be?  They have no skeletons.

    A pile of wrappings with a Mask sitting on top? :)

    • 27 posts
    October 27, 2017 8:59 AM PDT

    a football shaped pile of wrappings and mask... you know, for punting and such!

    • 3016 posts
    October 27, 2017 11:43 AM PDT

     I am hoping that corpse retrieval is accompanied by /loc not just a light.   If you are lost in a large forest../loc is helpful at least to get you to the area where you assume you died.   Then the light over the corpse would beckon you to the exact spot.  :) 

    And thanks again Evoras for your helpfulness,  I really do need to get back and listen to the stream again,   I have a bad habit of being detoured by the scrolling chat..every time ..due to being interested in the reactions of those that aren't currently signed up for Pantheon.  :)



    This post was edited by CanadinaXegony at October 27, 2017 11:46 AM PDT
    • 3016 posts
    October 27, 2017 11:49 AM PDT

    vjek said:

    @3:01:38 , Character Creation UI

    Stats: Strength, Stamina, Agility, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence, Charisma (all at 8, by default)

    Visual body sliders: Height, Nose Size, Nose tilt, Ear Size, Cheek Size, Lip Size, Eye Size, Brow height, Skin Color, Eye Color, Hair Style


    Nice catch Vjek,  that character creation screen flew by very quickly did you take a screenie or something?

    • 3016 posts
    October 27, 2017 11:50 AM PDT

    Bazgrim said:

    Thanks for doing this Evo. I knew I could count on you haha. I have been way too busy with my own post-TwitchCon projects.

    I think, aside from the Pre-Alpha announcement, the main thing that the community hadn't seen before was the character select/character creation screens, if even just briefly. I know a lot of people would like a more in-depth breakdown of that. :)

    4. Even better, it's worth noting that clicking "Take All" will automatically equip all you gear as it was when you died.

    8. I can confirm that Wizards do currently have a Spirit of the Wolf line of movement speed buffs. It can be cast on any ally, not just yourself.



    Nice!  Wizzies always need sow :)

    • 1921 posts
    October 27, 2017 3:09 PM PDT

    CanadinaXegony said: Nice catch Vjek,  that character creation screen flew by very quickly did you take a screenie or something?

    It's possible to frame advance through any video, and you can capture anything on your desktop with free software, so if it's shown for even one frame, you can get it all. :)

    • 129 posts
    October 28, 2017 11:57 AM PDT

    Evoras said:


    11. Shaman Spells [by Level 50] [Nikademis]
        a) Grip of Shade [(Boon) Increase Strength and Stamina (5) for 24 mins] [14:11]
        b) Toxic Spray [(Bane) Inflicts nature damage over 24 secs]
        c) Virulent Tempers [Combine water and animus banes to to inflict nature damage (145-160)]
        d) Searing Choker [(Bane) Inflicts Nature damage over 24 secs]
        e) Reptillian Shroud [(Boon) Increase poison and disease resistance (10) for 24 mins]
        f) Grip of the Crags [(Boon)  Increase Strength and Stamina (5) for 24 mins] [14:27]
        g) Black Smoke [Combine Fire and Wind banes to slow (20%) an enemy for 60 secs] [14:27]

    Level 50, 24 minute buffs and 1 minute slows.. No thanks...

    • 68 posts
    October 28, 2017 12:07 PM PDT

    Level 50, 24 minute buffs and 1 minute slows.. No thanks...

    Not something to read much into this early into development. Numbers are probably all over the place, and plenty of abilities are likely missing, end up being scraped or reworked completely.

    What we can take away from this though, is the type of abilities and buffs we can expect from the Shaman class. Nothing particularly unexpected with DoTs, stat buffs and debuffs, but cool nonetheless.

    • 189 posts
    October 28, 2017 12:12 PM PDT
    Nice work Evoras, always enjoy your easy reading points and bullets!