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[REQUEST] Female character model in the next stream?

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    • 9 posts
    February 16, 2017 9:46 AM PST

    I am a gamer and have been for many years in everquest or evercrack which ever you prefer to call it. I am a female gamer and as such would like a few more choices in apperance. I feel that stomping around in the same armor that my male conterpart is wearing is just well..... BORING!!!

    That being said I love fantasy art and have often thougt to myself why can my character not look like that. The pic of the Dar Myr with the belly button ring....AWESOME!! I feel it is important for a female charcter to look well like a female not just a long haired version of the male character with maybe a lil boob bump in the armor. I hope we have the choice in game. Some women do not want the sexual look and some do. I believe this should be a choice. You can look like Brien of Tarth or you can look like a warrior from a Louis Royo painting. I think the way the character is displayed should be up to the player. Maybe have a mechanic at the start of the character creation to select a femine or masculine armor style. That would solve the entire problem of the decision on armor style. I know this will put ALOT on the developers but it is high time women were given more choice when it comes to gaming.... we may not be as large of a gaming population as men but we do exist.

    I for one do not want my charcter to be a carbon copy of the my male counterpart with boob bumps in the plat armor. It should be my choice how my character is dressed/presented."> style="margin-top: 52px;" src="" alt="Image result for women warriors" width="590" height="368">"> style="margin-top: 0px;" src="" alt="Image result for women warriors" width="342" height="472">


    I would love to have aromor abilities similar to these.... for my Character.... nothing over the top but still something that i feel represents me as a woman playing in the game....




    • 187 posts
    February 16, 2017 10:18 AM PST

    Beefcake said:

    That means no wearing white after Labor Day.

    This really is the most overlooked rule in games. It's high time that it get the attention it deserves. Labor Day should be in the game, and appropriate penalties instated with regards to increased vendor pricing when this important rule is overlooked. Faction points should be deducted for each member of the faction who witnessed this appalling fashion breech, as well. 

    We must protect our NPC vendors from fashion faux pas, else they rise up against us!


    Padame said:

    I am a gamer and have been for many years in everquest or evercrack which ever you prefer to call it. I am a female gamer and as such would like a few more choices in apperance. I feel that stomping around in the same armor that my male conterpart is wearing is just well..... BORING!!!




    I also hope this. It does seem like they intend to allow us a few races that are "girlie", for lack of a better moniker

    This post was edited by Amris at February 16, 2017 10:23 AM PST
    • 3016 posts
    February 16, 2017 11:30 AM PST

    I have nothing against a more feminine look,   I do however not wish to see anime girls ingame..this isn't a Korean game..where everything that can hang out ..does. :P Also wouldn't mind seeing tattoos, nose rings, lip rings...studs, feathers in the hair (some of the character models already sport the feathers) ,  possibility of choosing facial tattoos would be another thing..along with multi-coloured hair and so on.    The Dark Myr seem to be a race where they seem to be a little more "sexualized"  which is fine.   I have already stated that Dark Myr was a race that I will play..not based on the fact that they have an exposed midriff,  but on their special talents instead.   Which is why I'll be choosing Gnome wizard,  again a different model with an ethereal body mass,  chosen for their difference and possible skills they have access  to. :) 

    This post was edited by CanadinaXegony at February 16, 2017 11:46 AM PST
    • 4 posts
    February 16, 2017 12:56 PM PST

    I would love to see female avatars in the next stream and if I could add my vote, I would love to see an Elf. As a woman, I would like to express my female side and I think I should be able to feel good about the way I look. I think people should know my gender from a distance not just on close inspection but I do agree with Canadian, that I don’t want to have a plate thong.

    • 9115 posts
    February 16, 2017 3:26 PM PST

    catibrie said:

    I would love to see female avatars in the next stream and if I could add my vote, I would love to see an Elf. As a woman, I would like to express my female side and I think I should be able to feel good about the way I look. I think people should know my gender from a distance not just on close inspection but I do agree with Canadian, that I don’t want to have a plate thong.

    We have already shown a few and my Rogue character in the first and second stream is an elf woman ;)

    We will show more as time goes on but I want to point out that we have shown off multiple female character models, more recently our strong human female warrior.

    • 191 posts
    February 16, 2017 3:30 PM PST

    Kilsin said:

    ...I want to point out that we have shown off multiple female character models...

    You have no idea how happy it makes me that nobody noticed.

    • 441 posts
    February 16, 2017 4:35 PM PST
    Maybe they don't look as female as they could?
    • 1404 posts
    February 16, 2017 4:38 PM PST

    Padame said:

     I feel that stomping around in the same armor that my male conterpart is wearing is just well..... BORING!!!.

    I've been staying out of this one as I'm a male and I won't be playing a female. And as such I belive this is the females call. 

    On the other hand I will pass on my wife's thoughts (who doesn't do forums) and her views fall right in line with Padame's she's fine if people want there females to appear buff but all that doing for her is excluding those race/class combinations from her options.

    Her Comment on the gnome females "um yea, not going to happen"

    On the human female "no keep trying"

    On the Liv Tyler clone "ok I can do that, but they better be at least that nice"

    Her suggestion to the devs, "tell them to watch the first 20 min of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, THAT'S what a woman needs to look like when she's kicking butt"


    • 243 posts
    February 16, 2017 4:48 PM PST

    I just went back and looked, and sure enough, Kilsin is on a character with long hair.  How quickly I forget.  To be fair, the faces on any of the characters in the June 2016 stream are not detailed at all really, nor are there closeups done to show them off, as they were simply placeholder models.  The character named Orwin is perhaps female too?  Again really only due to longer hair.  Just comparing the two streams, the character models have become better by leaps and bounds since June.    

    • 2752 posts
    February 16, 2017 4:58 PM PST

    Kilsin said:

    We will give you folks options, but expecting any race to tank in board shorts will end badly, if a Cleric has a buff that powerful to give you armour then no one else in the game will need it either.

    No matter what your race or class is, if you want to tank, you will need the appropriate gear to withstand such large blows and magical forces, no matter where you come from, including the sea. ;)

    There is nothing stopping you from taking that gear off to walk around towns, or when you travel, or are relaxing in an Inn but in combat, you will need to dress appropriately or suffer the consequences.


    This is what I've been wanting for a long time. So tired of every MMO being Victoria's Secret Bikini Fashion Show. 

    • 3016 posts
    February 16, 2017 5:20 PM PST

    Iksar said:

    Kilsin said:

    We will give you folks options, but expecting any race to tank in board shorts will end badly, if a Cleric has a buff that powerful to give you armour then no one else in the game will need it either.

    No matter what your race or class is, if you want to tank, you will need the appropriate gear to withstand such large blows and magical forces, no matter where you come from, including the sea. ;)

    There is nothing stopping you from taking that gear off to walk around towns, or when you travel, or are relaxing in an Inn but in combat, you will need to dress appropriately or suffer the consequences.


    This is what I've been wanting for a long time. So tired of every MMO being Victoria's Secret Bikini Fashion Show. 


    THIS lol...if I want a date I'll do that in real time  OFFLINE.  :D  

    • 441 posts
    February 16, 2017 5:25 PM PST
    Yes but you can shape the armour to shape the female form. The women look like less stocky men with long hair. I showed my wife the stream again and she said ummm no, that's not a woman. EQ1 did a good job of covering up what needed protection but still had the shape of a woman's body.
    • 3016 posts
    February 16, 2017 5:27 PM PST

    Nanfoodle said: Yes but you can shape the armour to shape the female form. The women look like less stocky men with long hair. I showed my wife the stream again and she said ummm no, that's not a woman. EQ1 did a good job of covering up what needed protection but still had the shape of a woman's body.


    EQ1's graphics were pretty clunky in comparison to VR's. :)

    • 563 posts
    February 16, 2017 5:28 PM PST

    I just don't understand the notion that if the character isn't showing off her cleavage/midrift/thighs she'll be mistaken for a male character or that she's not attractive/feminine enough.

    Heres a female and male crusader from diablo 3, both wearing the same armour, yet clearly it's very easy to tell which ones the woman and which is the man (even if they were wearing helmets). She looks very feminine, just not skimpy.

    Here's a woman wearing plate, chain and leather, no skin showing, yet very easy to tell she's an attractive, and well protected woman.

    Here's another woman in full plate, again quite easy to tell that she's a woman. (albeit wielding a sword thats probably much to big)

    As the first example (the diablo 3 crusaders) points out quite clearly, there's a lot more then just open cleavage, or a battle thong that make a female character look like a woman.

    I find it so visually jarring when games (most of them on the market at the moment) give their female characters medieval Victoria's Secret as their armour options, running in to tank a fight in metal lingerie. If you want your character to look "sexy" I'm sure many cloth/caster classes will have options to show off skin as they aren't supposed to be fending off swords and claws, or enjoy wearing some nice town wares (I'm sure VR is planning on giving us lots of option for RP town clothes)

    • 3016 posts
    February 16, 2017 5:31 PM PST

    Thank  you Rachael :)

    • 243 posts
    February 16, 2017 6:12 PM PST

    Absolutely Rachael, my favorite is the one with white hair.  That is exactly what I would like to see in game, I remember you posting that same picture in another thread a while ago.  Her armor actually fits too, and is not some oversized and overdesigned clunky mess.  The plate armor in game has come along way since the last stream, perhaps we will get to see some chain and leather during the next one. :)

    • 3016 posts
    February 16, 2017 6:23 PM PST

    Rominian said:

    Absolutely Rachael, my favorite is the one with white hair.  That is exactly what I would like to see in game, I remember you posting that same picture in another thread a while ago.  Her armor actually fits too, and is not some oversized and overdesigned clunky mess.  The plate armor in game has come along way since the last stream, perhaps we will get to see some chain and leather during the next one. :)


    Same if I had a choice the white haired one would be my definition of femininity. :)  She has a beautiful face. :)

    • 159 posts
    February 16, 2017 6:50 PM PST

    CanadinaXegony said:


    Same if I had a choice the white haired one would be my definition of femininity. :)  She has a beautiful face. :)


    Ciri is pretty damned awesome.  Way more fleshed out in the Witcher novels than the Witcher 3 game, and slightly more so in the original Polish (from what I've struggled thru reading all the books translated into English and muddling thru the originals).  Great example of how to still look tough without looking like Brock Lesnar in a wig.

    • 187 posts
    February 16, 2017 8:02 PM PST

    Rachael said:

    I just don't understand the notion that if the character isn't showing off her cleavage/midrift/thighs she'll be mistaken for a male character or that she's not attractive/feminine enough.

    [clipped out the photos for faster forum loading]

    As the first example (the diablo 3 crusaders) points out quite clearly, there's a lot more then just open cleavage, or a battle thong that make a female character look like a woman.

    I find it so visually jarring when games (most of them on the market at the moment) give their female characters medieval Victoria's Secret as their armour options, running in to tank a fight in metal lingerie. If you want your character to look "sexy" I'm sure many cloth/caster classes will have options to show off skin as they aren't supposed to be fending off swords and claws, or enjoy wearing some nice town wares (I'm sure VR is planning on giving us lots of option for RP town clothes)

    I don't know where "I want to look feminine" translates directly to "which means wearing nothing but a thong and some tassles up high."

    Not one of those examples you gave look feminine to me except the middle one--somewhat. The first one doesn't look recognizable to me as a woman if you took the guy out of the picture. Only because she's standing next to he-man does she look like a she at all.

    I hope you get the fully covered, no frills chars you want.

    I hope I get to play a woman that I think looks feminine, too.

    I appreciate that you want to play a fully covered up, well hidden armor-plated amazonian woman. I don't have a problem with that, and you WILL have what you want. That's already proven by the current videos.

    The question is, will I ALSO get what I want?

    Even if what I want is in between what you showed here as supposedly "femine" women, and the snarky "thong and bikini" look that people keep wanting to say is the ONLY alternative to Victorian-looking fully covered women without a single curve or peek of skin anywhere.

    This post was edited by Amris at February 16, 2017 8:02 PM PST
    • 56 posts
    February 16, 2017 8:14 PM PST

    Padame said:

    I am a gamer and have been for many years in everquest or evercrack which ever you prefer to call it. I am a female gamer and as such would like a few more choices in apperance. I feel that stomping around in the same armor that my male conterpart is wearing is just well..... BORING!!!

    I would enjoy seeing some of the female models they've been working on as well, but from an investor standpoint it would be a safer bet to continue showing more of the game mechanics and different environments within the world.

    Keep in mind essentially everything we're seeing is a placeholder anyway. 

    • 563 posts
    February 16, 2017 9:41 PM PST

    Amris said:

    I don't know where "I want to look feminine" translates directly to "which means wearing nothing but a thong and some tassles up high."

    Not one of those examples you gave look feminine to me except the middle one--somewhat. The first one doesn't look recognizable to me as a woman if you took the guy out of the picture. Only because she's standing next to he-man does she look like a she at all.

    I hope you get the fully covered, no frills chars you want.

    I hope I get to play a woman that I think looks feminine, too.

    I appreciate that you want to play a fully covered up, well hidden armor-plated amazonian woman. I don't have a problem with that, and you WILL have what you want. That's already proven by the current videos.

    The question is, will I ALSO get what I want?

    Even if what I want is in between what you showed here as supposedly "femine" women, and the snarky "thong and bikini" look that people keep wanting to say is the ONLY alternative to Victorian-looking fully covered women without a single curve or peek of skin anywhere.

    The begining of my post was in response to Padame who stated she wants a character to look like a Luis Royo painting, which when I googled them was basically women wearing lingerie.

    How about you provide some examples of what you like and think is "feminine"? :)

    When you say every example given doesn't look "feminine" or doesn't "look like a woman" what else is there other than exposed cleavage/midrift/legs that would make a character look more "feminine" in plate armour? Not trying to be confrontational just genuinly curious as to what you want, which may be helpfull for people to understand and for dev's to understand as well. :)

    This post was edited by Rachael at February 16, 2017 9:46 PM PST
    • 1404 posts
    February 16, 2017 9:57 PM PST

    Just for the record, it takes more than "Long Hair" to make it a woman charrictor for all those that keep bringing up "oh yea she does have long hair". I am well into my 50's and have a full head of hair down to the middle of my back (yea, yea save the jokes, I've heard them all it's been this way for over 30 years)

    Feminine, possably leaning to sexy, draw the line before you cross into slutty.

    Rachael posted some good examples

    This post was edited by Zorkon at February 16, 2017 9:58 PM PST
    • 80 posts
    February 17, 2017 2:23 AM PST


    I'm tired of this SJW bullshit happening around recently. That infamous Tracer from Overwatch victory pose that was removed by Blizzard... I mean, what dictates something is horribly sexualized and another is fine? Why did they remove Tracer's back-pose while they still have Widowmaker which in my opinion more sexualize?! What dictates what's acceptable and what's not? I say just stick to the LORE of the game and let the game-audience-rating of the product define the target audience and don't pay attention to the nutjobs who cry out and preach their own ideals to affect the world of Terminus and they're probably the minority.

    My point is don't let anyone hinder the artis's creativity and compromises the lore of the world.




    • 521 posts
    February 17, 2017 2:46 AM PST

    Zorkon said:

    I've been staying out of this one as I'm a male and I won't be playing a female. And as such I belive this is the females call. 

    So your saying that since I'm a male, who will be playing a male, then its my call if I want to parade around town with my ranger in his fig leaf armor or show up to a raid in my banana hammock?

    • 187 posts
    February 17, 2017 4:27 AM PST

    Rachael said:

    The begining of my post was in response to Padame who stated she wants a character to look like a Luis Royo painting, which when I googled them was basically women wearing lingerie.

    How about you provide some examples of what you like and think is "feminine"? :)

    When you say every example given doesn't look "feminine" or doesn't "look like a woman" what else is there other than exposed cleavage/midrift/legs that would make a character look more "feminine" in plate armour? Not trying to be confrontational just genuinly curious as to what you want, which may be helpfull for people to understand and for dev's to understand as well. :)

    I am not a person who cares very much about the "tankini" thing. I know a lot of women enjoy wearing it on their characters. I have worn stuff in WoW in town that many on this thread would be in an uproar about.

    BUT, the devs have made it clear that they are going a conservative route. I'm also okay with that... unless "conservative" means 110% covered and asexual, which is how the human in the stream looks.

    Here's the problem with these sorts of discussions, and why answering your question is hard... I don't mind a bit of cleavage, an exposed midriff, or somewhat exposed legs. I would PREFER some cleavage showing, the others I am okay with either way, as long as it's minor, not "tankini" (since that doesn't fit the model of the game).

    The real issues arise with this... if I say that I would prefer to have cleavage, I'm not met with, "how much?"; rather I am met with, "so you want to run around in pasties and a thong!" which has inherent within it, an inference that wanting to show ANY skin at all makes me a whore, a ****, or a Jezebel. And that's where the intellectual dishonest arises.

    The same people who take this attitude (and I'm not necessarily referencing you, though you do appear to be taking that attitude, even if you don't intend to be doing so) is that they are so incredibly dishonest about it. Their statement always turns to "realism". Yet I don't see even a single person here, not one, arguing against the greatest oxymoron EVER in the English language, "cloth armor". No person should go onto a battlefield in cloth alone. Period. Why is it that 'casters' can run around in cloth and get hit by a broadaxe and nobody bats an eye... but put a "tank" into something a bit of skin poking out and suddenly the whole game is "unrealistic" because of it?

    It isn't about realism, that's the excuse that is used. If it were about realism, then all cloth wearers would DIE IMMEDIATELY upon being struck by ANY blow with a serious weapon. Not to mention, nothing in the whole game without claws would be able to do anything remotely coming close to the DPS of someone/thing using a claymore, a broadaxe, etc.

    I get really tired of the "no skin" arguments, because they are intellectually dishonest. The EXACT SAME people who argue against it, don't so much as blink at the idea of cloth "armor".

    So we can't actually have any kind of real, genuine, equitable conversation about this. The reason is simple... because there isn't any honesty in the conversation to begin with.

    One group of people should not be constrained by "realism" in a fantasy game while the rest can run around in "pasties and a thong" in the form of "cloth armor" (no matter what it looks like). Cloth and even leather have no place on a battlefield of beings or things that can do substantial damage to plate armor.  Once we accept that NONE OF IT IS REALISM, then we can have a frank discussion about how far we can go afield with SOME women's armor in order to avoid demonizing any woman who 'wants to show a little skin' as being tantamount to 'pasties and a thong'.

    I don't necessarily want pasties and a thong, though I don't really have a problem with it. On the other hand, I don't want my cleric to have to run around in a Victorian-era chastity belt just because "realism" while the caster beside me is wearing a robe and a pair of slippers... are you KIDDING me? But hey, even the cloth armor will likely look like a Victorian era chastity belt, lol. I mean, uh... "realism". :p



    The other issue, by the way, is how they've made women's clothing (in either direction) all about men. I CAN'T wear 'sexy' things because men might get excited. The attitude is, in essence, that there's something wrong with me if; a. I don't have a problem with men getting excited (let's be honest, men still got 'excited' in the Victorian era, so what women wear has nothing to do with it) and b. I want to wear something sexy. What I wear should be about what I want to wear, and not about men. EVEN if what I want to wear is ACTUALLY pasties and a thong. Did you know that there are cultures in this world that don't sexualize breasts? They're actually for feeding babies, but the controversy over women breastfeeding in public continues apace because women's breasts are all about MEN still...

    This post was edited by Amris at February 17, 2017 4:36 AM PST