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Character Selection Screen

    • 186 posts
    September 5, 2016 5:20 PM PDT

    The Character Selection Screen is often the first thing anyone sees in a MMO, and as such is the first opportunity to make a lasting impression on the players of a particular gaming community. In practically every game I have ever played, there was a combination of visual selection that you had to work with. The character stands in the middle, while the portrait (animated or not) is what you use to scroll through the characters you have. In my case, I love having alts, and learning the various quirks of a class, and of course I just love making one of each race.

    The problem I have run into in the past is that I tend to get lost in not being able to see all of my characters on screen, and being able to dynamically choose the character I want to play at the time. Of course there is also the oddity that they seem so robotic just sitting there cycling through the same animation half a dozen times before you finally click on them and hit "Play". It got me thinking a while back, what if there was a way to make the character selection screen the beginning of the immersion to the game? What would that even look like? 

    I have had this idea for quite some time, and have often wondered how executable it would be. In the most basic concept, there is a setting, and all of your characters would be within it, seemingly interacting. (I don't know the first thing about codeing, and have been told that it would be a nightmare to figure this out) 

    So for the sake of the idea, lets say the setting is an inn, or a tavern. Your main character (slot 1) is currently making the rounds of the tables, stopping at the bar to grab a pint (or two) and taking a seat next to your second toon (of if you only play one, a place holder npc type). The idea would be to create a sense that the characters are within their world, even when you are not. It could really go a long way to make the first screen you see of your characters more believable. 

    Anyway, thanks for reading, I fully understand if this is just not something that could be done, of that it would just take to many resources to do. But it could be pretty awesome if implemented. 

    • Moderator
    • 9115 posts
    September 5, 2016 5:27 PM PDT

    Currently, you can see all of your characters on our character select screen and when you select a character from the name list, that character steps forward into the middle of the screen but that is about as much info as I can give at this stage, you will have to wait until you get in game to see what we have done but I am sure you will all like it, the background looks awesome as well ;)

    • 624 posts
    September 5, 2016 5:36 PM PDT

    What?!  That was neither a dream crushed - nor a bean kept (you spilled at least the husk)!  Why Kilsin, you ole softy, your 3421st post finally did it [*grins*].  I am so very proud of you mate, you just made VitaK's day!  Please wear your best community manager evah hat today with pride.

    This post was edited by Kumu at September 5, 2016 5:55 PM PDT
    • 781 posts
    September 5, 2016 5:59 PM PDT

    Nice to know :)   Something like Path Of Exile

    • 186 posts
    September 5, 2016 7:05 PM PDT



    that is all... :)


    I really look forward to what you guys have in store, because this is one of the biggest issues I have had with MMO's (I know, kinda odd to get upset over) but my OCD really takes over when something like this just seems out of place. I appreciate the comment too, I am glad I can back this project, and have purchased a copy for my wife too :D Can't wait to see things in Alpha!

    • 93 posts
    September 7, 2016 1:21 AM PDT

    The idea of having the characters interacting in a setting is a nice one.  That would be fun to see.  In a tavern or around a campfire with someone playing a musical insturment.  This has made me think of this:

    I liked the look of Warhammer: Age of Reckonings character selection screen.  For the sake of forum bloat I'll just provide the link to the image rather than inserting more images.

    Nice idea.

    ~~~ <()> ~~~
    Valor and virtue ride with me, my blade defends the helpless,
    my might upholds the weak, my words speak only truth,
    my wrath undoes the wicked!
    <~ Vaultarn Stormborn ~>

    This post was edited by Vaultarn at September 7, 2016 1:22 AM PDT
    • Moderator
    • 9115 posts
    September 7, 2016 3:01 AM PDT

    Kumu said:

    What?!  That was neither a dream crushed - nor a bean kept (you spilled at least the husk)!  Why Kilsin, you ole softy, your 3421st post finally did it [*grins*].  I am so very proud of you mate, you just made VitaK's day!  Please wear your best community manager evah hat today with pride.

    Lol ;)

    • 86 posts
    September 7, 2016 7:25 AM PDT

    VitaKorp3n said:

    I really look forward to what you guys have in store, ...

    I knew immediately what you meant but part of my brain still started screming, 'Noooooo store!'

    On topic, assuming there is in-game mail (or other notifications) could there be an indicator next to characters that have any.

    • 186 posts
    September 7, 2016 4:02 PM PDT

    lol, oh please no store, I have seen them done well, and horribly, but there is always one thing that remains the same... they break immersion. If there were some way to doing it in a way that doesn't impact my game play, then I am indifferent to the idea :)


    Had a thought the other day, more of a museing when it came to the settings and the characters that occupy it. We all know that there will be alts, but not everyone will be interested in making any. The issue would come into play with who would be occupying the setting. Would it just be your main? Perhaps he/she would be sitting around a camp fire warming themselves againts the cold bite of a late night in the mountains. In that case, I could see different settings for a varying amount of characters that the player chooses to make. Say you have one, like described above, well a lonely setting would do them well. What if you had 3 or 6? Perhaps a setting where your two characters are fishing on a lonely river bank would suffice. for 5 characters, a night at the tavern, drinking and telling stories around a fun game of cards (or whatever type of games they have in their world). 

    Point is, there are so many different directions this could go, and all the ideas above could really add to the characters story. Which brings me to my next thought, the long absent personal bios that you used to be able to write for your characters. I don't really know when this idea went out the window, but it seems like a great loss to only have it in character creation, and then never really see it beyond that. Perhaps there could be an option to have your own personally written masterpiece to be scrolling on either side of the screen, to sort of set the mood of the character you are about to embark on an adventure with. :)

    As always, thanks for the consideration, see you all in game (eventually).