Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Placeholder Mobs

    • 2752 posts
    February 13, 2017 11:57 AM PST

    I feel like we should still have dungeons with named camps throughout (hopefully with enough spacing between for groups to have lots of pulls) but perhaps something different in regards to spawning to somewhat reduce the stranglehold of single camps by guilds etc.

    So let's say there is a Crazed Goblin Alchemist camp with his own placeholder and thematic setting for him, when the game decides to spawn the rare instead of the placeholder why not make it 90% chance to be the alchemist and the remainder to be any of the named mobs that can spawn in the zone? I think that would make all camps noticably worthwhile even if you can't make it into whichever camp you really want, you won't feel like you are wasting time or SOL. Plus one guild/person can't have a total monopoly on X item. 

    And I feel it simulates the idea that within the goblins home these named mobs visit different areas from time to time. 

    This post was edited by Iksar at February 13, 2017 11:59 AM PST
    • 142 posts
    February 13, 2017 12:36 PM PST

    Iksar said:

    I feel like we should still have dungeons with named camps throughout (hopefully with enough spacing between for groups to have lots of pulls) but perhaps something different in regards to spawning to somewhat reduce the stranglehold of single camps by guilds etc.

    So let's say there is a Crazed Goblin Alchemist camp with his own placeholder and thematic setting for him, when the game decides to spawn the rare instead of the placeholder why not make it 90% chance to be the alchemist and the remainder to be any of the named mobs that can spawn in the zone? I think that would make all camps noticably worthwhile even if you can't make it into whichever camp you really want, you won't feel like you are wasting time or SOL. Plus one guild/person can't have a total monopoly on X item. 

    And I feel it simulates the idea that within the goblins home these named mobs visit different areas from time to time. 

    The problem with this idea is the level differences within each zone. Imagine if in LGuk you were camping the Assassin, and the Lord popped in his place. That level difference would prove disaster for the group.

    If the random named pop was within two or three levels of each other, then it could work, and provide for some stressful fights as an unexpectedly tougher mob pops in your camp.

    • 333 posts
    February 13, 2017 12:42 PM PST

    Iksar said:

    I feel like we should still have dungeons with named camps throughout (hopefully with enough spacing between for groups to have lots of pulls) but perhaps something different in regards to spawning to somewhat reduce the stranglehold of single camps by guilds etc.

    So let's say there is a Crazed Goblin Alchemist camp with his own placeholder and thematic setting for him, when the game decides to spawn the rare instead of the placeholder why not make it 90% chance to be the alchemist and the remainder to be any of the named mobs that can spawn in the zone? I think that would make all camps noticably worthwhile even if you can't make it into whichever camp you really want, you won't feel like you are wasting time or SOL. Plus one guild/person can't have a total monopoly on X item. 

    And I feel it simulates the idea that within the goblins home these named mobs visit different areas from time to time. 


    Another problem , is easy access. In the above concept , a player will go to the simplest name spawn point to reach. Then lock down that name for a rotation of spawns.

    • 2752 posts
    February 13, 2017 1:54 PM PST

    Homercles said:

    The problem with this idea is the level differences within each zone. Imagine if in LGuk you were camping the Assassin, and the Lord popped in his place. That level difference would prove disaster for the group.

    If the random named pop was within two or three levels of each other, then it could work, and provide for some stressful fights as an unexpectedly tougher mob pops in your camp.


    True, but I imagine it could be implemented in such a way that it only spawns those within reasonable level ( +- 2). Such a stressful fight might be extra enjoyable too. 


    Xxar said:

    Another problem , is easy access. In the above concept , a player will go to the simplest name spawn point to reach. Then lock down that name for a rotation of spawns.


    I'm not sure that would be a problem. When you are figuring anywhere from 1-6+ hours for an average named pop with a 10% (or less if needed) chance of that being a different rare spawn, and an even lower % chance he drops his rare/coveted item...well you are still going to want to be camping the main spawn point if you are looking for whatever drop you are after. This just gives more leeway to joining any of the camps in the zone for the level range while waiting on a list for that group (or no list, if guild locked). 

    • 159 posts
    February 13, 2017 2:12 PM PST

    Placeholders and named camps made and ended many friendships in EQ.  Good times for most of the memories.


    I'd like to see "placeholders" and named roam more ...In gnoll valley any gnoll can  spawn as a shaman and only a gnoll shaman death will have a chance to pop Shaman Barkfur and there can only be one Barkfur up at a time (and a fluxuating 5-120 min before the next can spawn).  But I'd also like a " mini named" situation, where let's say Shaman Barkfur drops a +10 wisdom focus that adds 10% to heals cast and let's say he drops it 2% of the time; I'd like other gnoll shamans (the placeholders) that spawn in gnoll valley to have a 5% chance to drop a lesser version of the totem that is +5 wisdom with no heal bonus, and looks less ornamental.


    It'd add a feeling of culture to the gnolls (again, as an example), if they had the mystic might to make the Uber totem of healing IMO it's sensible the lesser shamans would use similar but lesser items.

    This post was edited by Xilshale at February 13, 2017 2:14 PM PST
    • 78 posts
    February 13, 2017 3:37 PM PST


    Part of the magic EQ had, which I don't recall any other MMO managed to emulate, is the "chase" and the biggest part of this chase feeling is that named NPCs played were seeking weren't always 24/7 available for you to kill anytime you want. There's this feeling of hope "one more placeholder to kill maybe he'd spawn this time!" this kept us playing for hours and hours. Even when passing through a dungeon and there's a named you want you always wanted to go around a certain path to see, maybe, the NPC you wanted is up. That kind of unecertainity was a key part of why we all loved EQ.


    • 2752 posts
    February 13, 2017 3:52 PM PST

    Laura said:

    Part of the magic EQ had, which I don't recall any other MMO managed to emulate, is the "chase" and the biggest part of this chase feeling is that named NPCs played were seeking weren't always 24/7 available for you to kill anytime you want. There's this feeling of hope "one more placeholder to kill maybe he'd spawn this time!" this kept us playing for hours and hours. Even when passing through a dungeon and there's a named you want you always wanted to go around a certain path to see, maybe, the NPC you wanted is up. That kind of unecertainity was a key part of why we all loved EQ.


    Yeah, I remember that. Always kept an eye out for the Froglok Scryer and checked the Ancient Croc on the way down to LGuk. Oh the excitement of seeing ____ rare casting a spell in chat and knowing he popped in the other room. 

    • 134 posts
    February 13, 2017 6:42 PM PST

    I like placeholders a lot. I never have much to say on topics but I love having the chance at a named spawn.

    • 690 posts
    February 13, 2017 7:16 PM PST

    Tralyan said:

    Enitzu said:

    I'm both in favor or it and not in favor of it lol. 

    I want rare mobs to be rare. I don't want them spawning every 10 minutes but I also don't like the idea of static spawns. Meaning having the same rares spawning in the same spots. I would rather have rares spawning out of a type of mob in one area. For instance, we are clearing mobs in sol b killing kobolds, now let's say there is a kobold high shaman that is a rare spawn. That high shaman should be able to spawn from ANY shaman spawn in that zone. This would make dungeon crawls more of a thing since there would be no real point to 'camp' any certain areas. It gives more of a surprise and adventure feel to things rather than just sitting in one spot for hours and hours controlling a mob. Would also make tracking a lot more relevant in dungeons and not just open world.

    Playing devils' advocate on this for a minute. In theory, I like this idea, but I believe it would decrease the accessibility in dungeons, and create more friction between players. Think of this scenario.

    Xxgandalfxx zones into Crushbone and shouts "Camp Check!"

    Mylilpwnies Shouts "Wall!"

    Kabener Shouts "Slaver Pits!"

    Aradune Shouts "Ambassador lolnewbs"

    Xxgandalfxx proceeds to Trainer hill with his group. You now have 4 happy groups in 4 completely different parts of a zone that has other options for the next group that decides to hunt here. You might have that one jerk that tries stealing your camp, but for the most part, people are secure in their intended camps.

    If you take that away and have these rare mobs that drop desirable gear spawning in random locations with randomly located placeholders, all you have is chaos. You have one group mowing down the entire zone from beginning to end, hoping they stumble across a Named mob. You have another group attempt to pick up stragglers. You have another group completely out of luck, because the two aforementioned groups pretty much have it covered. Maybe the 2nd group gets lucky and stumbles onto a named Mob. The 1st group sees it and throws a fit because they've been clearing the whole dang zone. Arguments ensue. 3rd group still sits there with a frowny face, trying to decide if they need to just move on to another hunting ground.

    We talk about how we want this social dynamic in the game. Static mobs create part of that dynamic. They cause downtime between camps. They cause lists for groups (Highpass goblins, anyone?). As much as we hate to admit it, they also created order in dungeons. Take those away, and you might as well have these dungeons instanced, because there will always be that one group that just dominates the entire dungeon in the hopes of finding that ONE mob.

    But, also, I didn't read all replies, because I'm lazy, so maybe I'm missing something.



    Actually I believe the goblin gazughi ring camp in lake of ill omen (everquest 1) is a precedent for both your ideas.

    You could kill one of many placeholders and a sarnak courier (drops the goblin gazughi ring) could potentially spawn from any of those placeholder's locations, in a very large area north of the windmill.

    What it ultimately came down to though, was if you wanted to camp it efficiently, you had to be extremely high level and alone so you could cover as much area as possible, without sharing the drops.

    As the camping enchanter who could actually gain experience from the courier, I can tell you it was frustrating. In part because of roaming mobs and covering a large area makes it hard to sit down and regen mana, and mostly because of the community. The high levels often forced me into unchoice/dangerous areas, and finding a group to work with me simply was not an option because it was a dangerous area, with no bonus experience, and with a lot of competition from high levels (the grand majority of people were smart enough not to deal with it until they were way overleveled).

    In fact, When I asked the so called kind community for any sort of favor, even moving over a bit, or a buff, or some such, I, perhaps because I was competition, was much more likely to be berated for trying to camp the thing before I was extremely overleveled. People would laugh at me when I died and happily ran right over the area I had spent quite a bit of effort culling. 

    All of that said, I'm weird and I actually enjoyed myself. The feeling of doing something so complicated for myself, at the level I was intended to do it, kept me going. Particularly when I actually got the thing to drop after a couple weeks, (at which time I admit my level had exceeded a point where I could get experience from couriers)(but I still got experience from some of its higher level place holders). In time I learned where and how to run about so as to not get attacked by the higher level roamers, while focusing on the placeholders for my sarnak couriers. I even got good at finding and attacking something asap so I could actually get a few couriers despite the superfast ultra high level bard nearby, or the mage who could essentially cover a decently large area, while mostly afk. 

    This post was edited by BeaverBiscuit at February 13, 2017 7:23 PM PST
    • 319 posts
    February 14, 2017 12:39 PM PST


    I also am in favor of rare spawns. For epic and just better loot. But I am not loving the spawn timers for rare mobs that make you wait a week or more to get him to spawn. This gives an advantage for a high level to just sit and camp him while others  cannot camp hime because of RL issues. Mobs for epic weapons/armor should be available to all players not just the larger guilds who can camp a high level group and wait for the timer to expire.

    Just my .02 cents worth.

    But yes  rare mob spawns that can pop up anywhere and anytime is a great idea. Remembering in e commons and oasis in EQ where you could be set on by a griff or sand giant if you were not carefull. That was a lot of fun (sigh).

    Remember camping the Ancient Cyclops in the Ocean of Tears for the ring of the ancients for your JBoots quest?  When I finally had the guts to take him on, I remember camping that Cyclops for hours upon hours to get him to spawn, killing his placeholders all the while in anticipation that he will be the next spawn.  To me, I loved the fact that THE mob that you were looking for wasnt always up and always available whenever you needed it to be.  Even better, was running through a zone that you have run through hundreds of times before but this time you see a named mob that you have NEVER seen before.  I loved this, and I hope that they keep this in PRF.  

    I'm not sure if Placeholder Mobs should really be the name of this thread but I think you all get what I'm talking about.  Make it a mystery when mobs are going to appear.  Make it a competition for that camp.  Yeah, it was annoying when I ran all the way to OoT only to find someone else camping him, but it was that much more awesome when I showed up and noone was there and I could claim it.  


    • 170 posts
    February 14, 2017 4:05 PM PST

    I too am for placeholder mobs, rare mobs, named mobs, ultra-rare mobs etc. but I also hope for named spawn camps in dungeons and zones (ass/sup, frenzied, ancient croc, etc.). That was a big part of EQ to me. I had jboots on 3 toons so I remember camping AC. I had quillmanes shoulders on 2 toons and I had a mortificator staff. So that was a blast to me holding do a camp and getting a shot at the loot. Don't even get me started on how many of those rares I helped kill and failed a loot roll /random ugh the pain. 


    • 13 posts
    February 16, 2017 8:36 AM PST

    I actually enjoyed the named camps.  I would do other things, work, read, etc., but the intermittent reinforcement theory behind rare spawns is solid.... it's like sitting at a slot machine pulling the lever.  Obviously, there has to be much more to Pantheon than this, but I do think rare spawns and placeholder mobs should definitely be part of the game.


    To this date, almost 20 years later, my friends and I still talk about some of the EQ1 camps.  Pyzgin, the AC, etc. etc. etc.  

    • 409 posts
    February 20, 2017 2:28 PM PST

    I am all for placeholders. All for it, with one caveat - when the named mob pops, make every rare/uber item they drop be NODROP/BindOnPickup/NOTRADE/whatever.

    The reason the Frenzied Ghoul in LGuk was on permacamp was because the Flowing Black Silk Sash was tradeable, and every melee in the game antedone. Same for Efreeti Lord Djarn and his GEB drop. Had all those items been NODROP, there wouldn't have been so much permacamping locking people out. Tha was the nice thing about almost all the hard to get items for the epic weapon quests. Most of those items were NODROP, and were a monumental pain in the ass. That's what made those final weapons epic.

    Yes to PH, no to nameds dropping sellable loot.

    • 1618 posts
    February 20, 2017 2:32 PM PST

    Venjenz said:

    I am all for placeholders. All for it, with one caveat - when the named mob pops, make every rare/uber item they drop be NODROP/BindOnPickup/NOTRADE/whatever.

    The reason the Frenzied Ghoul in LGuk was on permacamp was because the Flowing Black Silk Sash was tradeable, and every melee in the game antedone. Same for Efreeti Lord Djarn and his GEB drop. Had all those items been NODROP, there wouldn't have been so much permacamping locking people out. Tha was the nice thing about almost all the hard to get items for the epic weapon quests. Most of those items were NODROP, and were a monumental pain in the ass. That's what made those final weapons epic.

    Yes to PH, no to nameds dropping sellable loot.

    You may be disappointed, then. Most drops will be tradable.

    • 409 posts
    February 20, 2017 2:54 PM PST

    Beefcake said:

    You may be disappointed, then. Most drops will be tradable.

    I will indeed be disappointed.

    Likely so much I won't play Pantheon. I have a small, but very important list of things that will make me skip this game, and that is one of them. Rare loot off named mobs that have PHs should be NODROP across the board. That way, if you see/are someone with the Uber Pickle of L33tn3ss, everyone knows you were there for the kill and looted that corpse. First rule of /inspect to find out if Joe_Blow_PUG_player01 is worth a hoot is seeing the NODROP items. No other clue needed really, because folks who can, do...while folks who can't, go to the auction house/EC tunnel/bazaar and buy their way to gear they haven't earned.

    In another WoW clone destined for utter fail, fine. I don't play any of them and I won't play P:RotF either. No problem. And that would be disappointing.

    • 1618 posts
    February 20, 2017 3:01 PM PST

    From the FAQ:

    13.11 Will I be able to freely trade my items?
    We recognize that the items you gain from your adventures, or the hard-earned gold coins, are yours and that you should be able to do with them whatever you want. This means that no-drop and bind-on-equip items will be the exception, not the rule. Epic weapons or items used for quests may be restricted, but the majority of items will not. That said, some quests may require you to turn in an older item in order to complete them. You will also be able to sacrifice items at altars in temples in return for valuable and long lasting ‘buffs’. So, while the game will not stop you from handing down most items to other players, it will also encourage you to remove older items from the player-driven economy by rewarding you accordingly.

    • 1618 posts
    February 20, 2017 3:05 PM PST

    Venjenz said:

    Beefcake said:

    You may be disappointed, then. Most drops will be tradable.

    I will indeed be disappointed.

    Likely so much I won't play Pantheon. I have a small, but very important list of things that will make me skip this game, and that is one of them. Rare loot off named mobs that have PHs should be NODROP across the board. That way, if you see/are someone with the Uber Pickle of L33tn3ss, everyone knows you were there for the kill and looted that corpse. First rule of /inspect to find out if Joe_Blow_PUG_player01 is worth a hoot is seeing the NODROP items. No other clue needed really, because folks who can, do...while folks who can't, go to the auction house/EC tunnel/bazaar and buy their way to gear they haven't earned.

    In another WoW clone destined for utter fail, fine. I don't play any of them and I won't play P:RotF either. No problem. And that would be disappointing.

    Although I like this part of Pantheon, there are parts I don't like. But overall, I think Pantheon will be the best MMO in quite some time. I think you have to judge the game as a whole.


    • 409 posts
    February 20, 2017 3:40 PM PST

    Beefcake said:

    Although I like this part of Pantheon, there are parts I don't like. But overall, I think Pantheon will be the best MMO in quite some time. I think you have to judge the game as a whole.

    If the game encourages leveling via auction house, that's enough to judge it by. Count me out. We'll see when they launch and what state it's in 3-6 months later. 

    • 2752 posts
    February 20, 2017 3:47 PM PST

    Venjenz said:

    I will indeed be disappointed.

    Likely so much I won't play Pantheon. I have a small, but very important list of things that will make me skip this game, and that is one of them. Rare loot off named mobs that have PHs should be NODROP across the board. That way, if you see/are someone with the Uber Pickle of L33tn3ss, everyone knows you were there for the kill and looted that corpse. First rule of /inspect to find out if Joe_Blow_PUG_player01 is worth a hoot is seeing the NODROP items. No other clue needed really, because folks who can, do...while folks who can't, go to the auction house/EC tunnel/bazaar and buy their way to gear they haven't earned.

    In another WoW clone destined for utter fail, fine. I don't play any of them and I won't play P:RotF either. No problem. And that would be disappointing.


    A lot of the top end stuff (planar gear, epics, etc) was no drop. I imagine it will be the same here. What does it matter if an item is tradeable or someone buys the stuff to twink a character etc? If you jump to the conclusion that someone is bad because they bought the items then I'd say you have a personal issue. Plenty of awful players end up getting these items in groups just the same as people who buy them, which I would say is MORE likely in a no-drop setting as the FBSS would default to melee characters. On top of that, what reason would casters have to ever camp said named if the rare drop is for melee? You'd create a system in which every named mob in the game HAS to have specific item incentive for each role to stay relevant/inticing to groups. 


    The last sentence is the most baffling part to me. This system is almost the exact opposite of how WoW does things. WoW is full of people who aren't amazing at their classes yet are full of no-drop (bind on pickup) items. 


    Venjenz said:

    If the game encourages leveling via auction house, that's enough to judge it by. Count me out. We'll see when they launch and what state it's in 3-6 months later. 


    You seem to have played EQ, which was in no way "leveling via auction house." At least not early on, I can't speak for beyond Velious. P1999 is another story.  

    This post was edited by Iksar at February 20, 2017 3:49 PM PST
    • 409 posts
    February 20, 2017 4:11 PM PST

    WoW implemented dailies and faction grinds so doing normal solo tasks every day for 21 days would net you raid level gear without raiding. That's the BoP's that everyone had and didn't reflect any accomplishment whatsoever and turned the game into a daily grind treadmill. That was wholly different than the vanilla/TBC loot that was all BoP from raid/dungeons. When they went to the "everyone gets purplz!!" model, I left the game. It was boring, grindy and ridiculous.

    And awful players didn't have the harder to get NODROP items in EQ1. They had the EC Tunnel loot and not much else. 

    Whatever. To each their own. If P:RotF goes the way of "everyone gets purplz" then I'll play it as much as I play WoW - not at all.

    We shall see.

    • 62 posts
    February 20, 2017 4:38 PM PST

    Venjenz said:

    And awful players didn't have the harder to get NODROP items in EQ1. They had the EC Tunnel loot and not much else. 

    Whatever. To each their own. If P:RotF goes the way of "everyone gets purplz" then I'll play it as much as I play WoW - not at all.

    Not to be rude, but I feel this is a rather large and disengenious jump to conclusion here. Just because loot off named mobs wont all be no drop, does not in any way correlate to them handing everyone purplz, as you put it. Most rare mobs were exactly that, rare. The most wanted drops off of them, sometimes rarer. This is the furthest thing from WoW handing out epics left and right.

    Two, just because someone buys a piece of loot or two from EC tunnel, does not equate to them being a bad player. I played EQ for years and considered myself a better than average player, yet I bought items from the tunnel. I did high end raiding up until the time I left the game, but there are various reasons for buying stuff from EC. Getting unlucky on dice rolls when you were actually at said camp, not enough time to consistently camp a particular mob, etc. There were many sought after items in EQ, so I may be spending my time camping one drop, while using the money earned at that camp to eventually buy one of the other upgrades on my list. That does not make me, or anyone who did so a bad player.

    If you feel this is a deal breaker for you, that's fine and you're free to make that decision, but please don't try justifying it by making unsubstantiated comments.

    • 409 posts
    February 21, 2017 4:52 AM PST

    I didn't say "piece of loot or two" I said "that's all they had." And in the case of the LOIO->OT->DL->KC outdoor treadmill players, that was the case.

    That's what made the epics great...almost every component was NODROP. That's why vanilla WoW rogues all did the Barman Shanker (until they nerfed the alpha dmg of slow weapons) rite of passage...Bind on Pickup. Meaningful items should be NODROP, and crafted items should be tradeable. For alts, few things have ever been as good of an idea as WoW artifacts, which were grindy, but account bound items. NOTRADE works too, because the player earns the gear.

    Call me paranoid, but it takes very little for a good MMO to become a crappy one. And P:RotF was always supposed to be a spiritual successor to EQ1. Auction House full 'o' rares fast forwards us to the point EQ1 jumped the shark, where we need to be pre-Kunark. Call me a zealot, tell me I am overreacting, but this isn't my first pre-alpha MMO forum rodeo. All too often, bad decisions get glossed over while everyone kisses the developers' collective arses, and proper criticism gets pushed aside with repeated "oh, give them a chance, don't be so dramatic, etc"

    If it is as they promise, and "most items will be tradeable" that is a bad decision imho. 19 years of MMO playing, testing, support, etc doesn't take a genius to spot "already doing that same thing in a dozen different games that are more well established than yours" mechanics that should be avoided. o we are back to where I started - yea to placeholders for rare spawns, NAY to tradeable rare drops off those rare mobs, yea to NODROP rares/epics. Make the groups in your group centric game go earn the loot they have the old fashioned way. Stand apart from the satuated market you are placing your product into.

    • 62 posts
    February 21, 2017 9:37 AM PST

    I don't see how we go from P:RotF is supposed to be a spiritual successor to EQ1 and just because not everything off named will not be NO DROP equates to development being off the rails and headed down a bad road. This isn't kissing the devs arses like you put it either.

    Like I said, I played EQ1 for many years, as I'm sure most here have. If you were to poll them, I'd wager most would say the pinnacle of EQ was the Vanilla-Kunark-Velious era. Guess what? The named mobs from camps dropped tradeable gear during that time and it didn't ruin the game. The reason why EQ was great was because upgrades were few and far between. Whether that meant camping the mobs yourself, or saving up your life's fortune to be able to afford that next upgrade. I remember quite a few of the items I purchased from EC tunnel, because they still took a lot of work to obtain farming enough money to buy them. Making the item NO DROP doesn't make it inherintly more memorable. What about NO DROP items acquired by other players used in MQ? They are NO DROP, but not necessarily memorable.

    The things that started EQ down the wrong path were POK insta travel books, shrinking the world. Mercenaries so everyone could solo and destroy social gameplay. The bazaar itself, as it took away most of the social interaction that people used trading in person in EC. None of those things were over items being NO DROP or not. WoW has lots of items that are BoP and/or NO DROP. Honestly, I don't remember most of the gear I obtained there and I raided quite a bit. It's because most of the drops are handed out, not earned. THAT'S what makes them memorable, not some arbitrary designation of tradeable or NO DROP, it's the effort required to obtain them.

    Back on topic, I am in favor of PH for named spawns and am fine with those drops being tradeable. It was nice being able to sell a piece of gear to another up and coming player to get use out of after growing out of it or pass it down to an alt, instead of having to destroy it because it was NO DROP. Or hell, even just helping out a newb who just started by giving them a few items to get started. There's a lot to be said for higher level players helping out lowbies like that. It gets them excited and makes them want to play and progress and pay it forward later. Those are the types of things that you need to make your niche game "sticky" as they call it.

    • 2752 posts
    February 21, 2017 9:47 AM PST

    Venjenz said:

    That's what made the epics great...almost every component was NODROP. That's why vanilla WoW rogues all did the Barman Shanker (until they nerfed the alpha dmg of slow weapons) rite of passage...Bind on Pickup. Meaningful items should be NODROP, and crafted items should be tradeable. For alts, few things have ever been as good of an idea as WoW artifacts, which were grindy, but account bound items. NOTRADE works too, because the player earns the gear.

    Call me paranoid, but it takes very little for a good MMO to become a crappy one. And P:RotF was always supposed to be a spiritual successor to EQ1. Auction House full 'o' rares fast forwards us to the point EQ1 jumped the shark, where we need to be pre-Kunark. Call me a zealot, tell me I am overreacting, but this isn't my first pre-alpha MMO forum rodeo. All too often, bad decisions get glossed over while everyone kisses the developers' collective arses, and proper criticism gets pushed aside with repeated "oh, give them a chance, don't be so dramatic, etc"

    If it is as they promise, and "most items will be tradeable" that is a bad decision imho. 19 years of MMO playing, testing, support, etc doesn't take a genius to spot "already doing that same thing in a dozen different games that are more well established than yours" mechanics that should be avoided. o we are back to where I started - yea to placeholders for rare spawns, NAY to tradeable rare drops off those rare mobs, yea to NODROP rares/epics. Make the groups in your group centric game go earn the loot they have the old fashioned way. Stand apart from the satuated market you are placing your product into.


    And here we are full circle then. I distinctly remember running out to different zones in EQ and picking up no drop items that would otherwise be rotting for groups. The idea that a player "earned" the gear is disingenuous at best, as what tends to end up happening is players selling looting rights or guilds selling spots in a locked down camp. And what difference does it make if a player manages to farm up the amount of money needed to buy an item vs farm it? If they are making the kind of money that the better items in the game cost (like FBSS in EQ) then they are likely also high enough to camp it and choose to just buy it instead while camping something else. All meaningful items being no drop means the economy will tank much sooner than later, which it sounds like you want this game to have nothing but a crafting item economy. 


    An auction house full of rares isn't exactly likely. With no instances there won't exactly be a flood of items being introduced to the community, especially of rare spawns have both a common or uncommon/rare drop table like EQ. There won't be hundreds FBSS equivalents on the market for years, especially not if their proposed item destruction for powerful buffs is worthwhile. 

    it doesn't take a genius to spot "already doing that same thing in a dozen different games that are more well established than yours" mechanics that should be avoided.

    Which MMOs are out there with very limited bind on pickup/bind on equip itemization, that have no instances and in which most items are tradeable? 

    • 1618 posts
    February 21, 2017 3:14 PM PST

    Venjenz said:

    Call me paranoid, but it takes very little for a good MMO to become a crappy one. And P:RotF was always supposed to be a spiritual successor to EQ1. Auction House full 'o' rares fast forwards us to the point EQ1 jumped the shark, where we need to be pre-Kunark. Call me a zealot, tell me I am overreacting, but this isn't my first pre-alpha MMO forum rodeo. 

    You are a paranoid zealot that is overreacting.