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What will Pantheon do to defend itself from gold sellers?

    • 441 posts
    April 6, 2018 5:57 PM PDT
    3 things I hope for...

    1. A robust report system that's easy to use. Players are the best source of what's going on in game. Also their should be some redundancy to the reporting system for people just trolling people for fun. Like it takes something like 20 reports within a set time to have Devs take action.

    2. Trade should be hampered as to how much you can give someone by your level earned with the cap on trade removed when you get to a certain level.

    3. Chat filters like ESO did.
    • 752 posts
    April 6, 2018 7:42 PM PDT
    Well obviously there would be safety features on a report tool. Either multiple reports or independant verification of End user service agreement violations. I am just speaking at the conceptual level and not at the technical level. And ya it will require the community to help the dev’s to weed them out. Sorry we are going to have to do some work on our part as much as you dislike it. If you dont want to help the community you just become part of the problem. Association by inaction. We ALL have to pitch in to make people understand that thier actions have consequences! The community becomes what WE make it! By participating in the community you inherently shape the community. Whats that term for when observing something you change the subject that you were observing? You dont observe snow leopards without changing thier lives permantly - they now know that humans exist.

    The best thing VR can do is not allow for super crazy uber items. And allow the game functions to scale character development appropriately. From what i can see in the development - items will scale very VERY gradually. I seem to remember someone stating that because the stats started so low the items will only have stat increases in small amounts. None of those +100 str weapons we are so used to with the old games. Think more in line with D&D where a +2 broadsword was freaking amazeballs! Also having abilities and weapon skills tied more directly to skill stats even if every item in the game is tradable you wont see the benefit of a +5 epic sword until you are of the level that benefits the most from it stat wise. And this is why you test test and retest.

    As far as gold farming and selling. We have to keep talking about it. We have to let others in the community know that we dont want it. Im of the opinion that if someone needs something that i have, they can have it. Its a video game and i enjoy the ride- not the destination. If there is no end goal in sight then there wont be such a rush to get there. I know there are people that just have to get server firsts and crap like that and i get it. Thats thier play style. Go for it. Ill be down in the trenches having fun while you will be sitting on high bored off your butt cause you beat the game. I play games to 100% clear rates, i dont speed-run. Thats my play style.
    • 3016 posts
    April 8, 2018 2:20 PM PDT

    Gold farmers, sellers, botters all go together.  I've seen WHOLE guilds made up of botters. 

     I've witnessed these same folks monopolizing page after page after page in the Auction houses,  undercutting crafters trying to sell their goods,   buying up loads of product..lowering the price to below what it costs to produce that product. 

      And then..there's the enablers,  those who rely on their credit cards to buy themselves it powerlevelling,  raid goods, whatever.   Meanwhile prices are so exhorbitant in some cases,  that ordinary gamers,  who don't use their credit card to buy their way up the ladder,  can't afford anything with ingame currency on the Auction house.

        RMT is a sign of a game economy out of control.    Punish both parties...the buyers and the sellers.   And to each one of us:   "See something...say something"    I do my best in every game over the years, to report botters.    Some are pretty easy to spot,  others you have to be more observant.   And YES they used hacked accounts, stolen credit cards.   Which is another reason not to give out your password to your account...EVER.



    • 3016 posts
    April 8, 2018 2:30 PM PDT

    Tralyan said:

    Keiiek said:

    make gold spammers worth quadruple xp.

    Bwahaha. I love this. 

    Take it further. Make gold spammers AND the people who buy from gold spammers killable by other players, and lootable. Put a serverwide announcement out there. 




    And then /popcorn.


    In Lotro..we used to kill the botters in the Ettenmoors.    Pvp characters were limited to that area originally,   and I guess the botters figured that was a safe place to farm.   Not so,  we would make the rounds of the Ettenmoores several times a day,  and decimate points for us.  :)



    • 1479 posts
    April 9, 2018 1:27 AM PDT

    CanadinaXegony said:

    Gold farmers, sellers, botters all go together.  I've seen WHOLE guilds made up of botters. 

     I've witnessed these same folks monopolizing page after page after page in the Auction houses,  undercutting crafters trying to sell their goods,   buying up loads of product..lowering the price to below what it costs to produce that product. 

      And then..there's the enablers,  those who rely on their credit cards to buy themselves it powerlevelling,  raid goods, whatever.   Meanwhile prices are so exhorbitant in some cases,  that ordinary gamers,  who don't use their credit card to buy their way up the ladder,  can't afford anything with ingame currency on the Auction house.

        RMT is a sign of a game economy out of control.    Punish both parties...the buyers and the sellers.   And to each one of us:   "See something...say something"    I do my best in every game over the years, to report botters.    Some are pretty easy to spot,  others you have to be more observant.   And YES they used hacked accounts, stolen credit cards.   Which is another reason not to give out your password to your account...EVER.




    Players included in RMT are too rarelly punished, or only a temporary ban. It doesn't really help shutting the system down, as they think "well if I get catched I'll get a temporary 3 days ban, whatever I can try until I get caught", if you get permabanned the story won't be the same, and risking it will not be a valid option for a account with hours of play.

    • 801 posts
    April 9, 2018 5:42 AM PDT

    CanadinaXegony said:

    Gold farmers, sellers, botters all go together.  I've seen WHOLE guilds made up of botters. 

     I've witnessed these same folks monopolizing page after page after page in the Auction houses,  undercutting crafters trying to sell their goods,   buying up loads of product..lowering the price to below what it costs to produce that product. 

      And then..there's the enablers,  those who rely on their credit cards to buy themselves it powerlevelling,  raid goods, whatever.   Meanwhile prices are so exhorbitant in some cases,  that ordinary gamers,  who don't use their credit card to buy their way up the ladder,  can't afford anything with ingame currency on the Auction house.

        RMT is a sign of a game economy out of control.    Punish both parties...the buyers and the sellers.   And to each one of us:   "See something...say something"    I do my best in every game over the years, to report botters.    Some are pretty easy to spot,  others you have to be more observant.   And YES they used hacked accounts, stolen credit cards.   Which is another reason not to give out your password to your account...EVER.



    OH no you just threw me under the bus. I love to box, bot characters around. Its a fun game for me, to multitask. I never cheat, steal your money or call you out. I just like to play my own game sometimes. Many i played with know me from 1999 up until i retired in 2017. I have never caused harm in the AH or farmed for online gold sales. I also would move over if someone needed something, or i would clearly help.


    Dont believe we all are the same. Many of us that like to box, bot characters around do not have the intention to harm others... Its true.


    • 115 posts
    April 9, 2018 7:44 AM PDT

    Whatever the end result is. If Characters are found to have broken the rules, and are perma-banned, I would love to see public executions of those characters in-game.


    Example: At the end of every month, in every major city, Characters that were perma-banned (for whatever reason) face the guillotine in the town square. People could stand around and watch.

    • 110 posts
    April 9, 2018 10:56 AM PDT

    Bonechip said:

    Whatever the end result is. If Characters are found to have broken the rules, and are perma-banned, I would love to see public executions of those characters in-game.


    Example: At the end of every month, in every major city, Characters that were perma-banned (for whatever reason) face the guillotine in the town square. People could stand around and watch.



    • 136 posts
    April 26, 2018 2:51 PM PDT

    Its very simple dont ban the goldsellers create a prison ingame that will hold the cheriter for however long the punishment last while in prison that cheriter can not be deleted or teleport. If the person is running multiple all cheriters are sent to prison.

    Any player that buys from a goldseller goes to prison this will reduce buying noone wants a jail sentence. 

    Every item and skill that player possess is deleted and returns to level 1 all masterys go to 1. 

    Only allow the creation and deletion of x amount per day-week and cap the amount of cheriter slots we can have. 

    Let these goldsellers log in and see their cheriter in a  empty dark prison cell for years reminding them of their criminal actions.

    I would love to watch players reaction when city guards grab them and  drag  their cheriter down a dark hallway put in a cell and door closes. 

    Basicly this would mean the goldseller-bot can't do anything and force them to create new emails and rebuy the game if this is a issue ban pc  ip and disable cc from paying sub people only have so many cards to pay subs with. If they continue sue 

     A shame statue in thronefast is also a good idea each month the top 10 most criminal players that do things not in the spirit of the games honesty and integrity names are put on a plague so that the community can avoid the player and  ignore  them. No games going to be fun after thousands of players refuse to have anything to do with the player. This will  encourage  bad behavior in a few however it will cleanse the game of toxicity and bad behavior in the long run. Until toxicity is punished by the creators and community it will thrive like we have seen in other mmos. This will create a more enjoyable friendly enviroment for the majority of the community. 


    This post was edited by Kiera at May 4, 2018 7:59 AM PDT
    • 1860 posts
    April 26, 2018 3:32 PM PDT

    The one thing that has been brought up in the past is the possibility of having all free trial accounts (to lvl 10 or whatever is decided upon) to be on the same server.  After a sub is paid they would have the option  to choose a regular server. 

    Granted, that makes the free server a haven for gold sellers...but at least the majority would all be in the same place making them easier to regulate.

    It's not a perfect solution because free trial accounts would be exposed to gold sellers but I think players these days are so used to seeing gold seller spam in populated areas that it wouldn't even phase most trial account players.

    There is no perfect solution.  VR is going to have to make some tough decisions if they care about gold sellers and RMTs. 

    I know rampant gold sellers is one of the few things that will make me unsub from a game.  As soon as I feel like I'm not on a level playing field with everyone else because others are buying their way to easier advancement is when I stop spending money on games.

    This post was edited by philo at April 26, 2018 3:37 PM PDT
    • 84 posts
    April 26, 2018 3:43 PM PDT

    I worry alot more about hackers and cheaters, especially on a pvp server.  It was one of the worst things about Everquest.  I hope Visionary Realms has a plan to defeat 3rd party hacking programs.

    • 1860 posts
    April 26, 2018 3:45 PM PDT

    Trustar said:

    I worry alot more about hackers and cheaters, especially on a pvp server.  It was one of the worst things about Everquest.  I hope Visionary Realms has a plan to defeat 3rd party hacking programs.

    That's a different thread.

    • 1404 posts
    April 26, 2018 4:33 PM PDT

    philo said:

    The one thing that has been brought up in the past is the possibility of having all free trial accounts (to lvl 10 or whatever is decided upon) to be on the same server.  After a sub is paid they would have the option  to choose a regular server. 

    Granted, that makes the free server a haven for gold sellers...but at least the majority would all be in the same place making them easier to regulate.

    It's not a perfect solution because free trial accounts would be exposed to gold sellers but I think players these days are so used to seeing gold seller spam in populated areas that it wouldn't even phase most trial account players.

    There is no perfect solution.  VR is going to have to make some tough decisions if they care about gold sellers and RMTs. 

    I know rampant gold sellers is one of the few things that will make me unsub from a game.  As soon as I feel like I'm not on a level playing field with everyone else because others are buying their way to easier advancement is when I stop spending money on games.

    I dont see Isolating the noobs and the gold seller's on an alternate server to be a very good solution. 

    First what the Noobs would see is "Pantheon is plagued with gold sellers" that would run most of them off.

    Next it's the elder players that are better equipped to combat such things with /report and knowing how and when to do it. Noobs are still learning what the perception system is and how it works.

    • 1860 posts
    April 26, 2018 4:57 PM PDT

    @Zorkon As stated, it's not a perfect solution.  It was just one idea that was thrown out by the team a couple years back as a possibility.  Do you have a better solution? 

    It has the benefit of keeping a majority of the gold sellers in the same place where they are easier regulated.  If we believe that it is possible to actually regulate them that seems like a way to make it possible.

    On the other hand, if we are of the mindset that gold sellers can never be regulated, we may as well split  them up between all of the servers so the problem is diluted.  That is another mindset.  I'm not as much of a fan of this mindset because it admits defeat to the gold sellers.

    In this day and age players have so much exposure to gold sellers that I'm not sure if there is any difference between a trial account player reporting them or a subscription account player reporting them. 

    I wonder what the % of players playing pantheon will be who have never played an online game where they were exposed to some form of gold seller?  Probably close to 0%...heck these days the gold sellers are often the company who is producing the game.  I think it is only us old folks who think of gold sellers as negatively as we do. 

    This post was edited by philo at April 26, 2018 5:48 PM PDT
    • 417 posts
    April 27, 2018 10:20 AM PDT

    zewtastic said:

    Kilsin said:

    It is up to both the players and us as a team to control RMT in our game, we can only do so much on our end with monitoring, admin, banning etc. but if you guys don't buy it, then they don't have a market to sell too and they will not bother farming something that they can't make money from.

    One side can't control it alone, but together we can wipe most if not all of it out in Pantheon. ;)


    Absolutely the wrong answer.

    Players are not designing and coding this MMO. If good quality hires and planning are not taken in this phase and beyond, you will have major security issues and gold farming will be the least of it.

    I as a subscribing player do not expect to be paying for the burden of managing cheaters, spammers, hackers, exploiting and lastly gold farmers.

    Pushing the responsibility of dealing with these issues to players is unacceptable, and additionally opens more paths for player abuse thus compounding any existing issues.

    Case in point, creating tools allowing players to make reports and complaints that bring scrutiny(on possible actions) on other players is just handing a gift to all the trolls, cheaters and griefers. This underbelly of players that have zero interest in following rules, standards and procedures will simply exploit any such tools to direct grief against otherwise innocent players as well as bogging down game moderation with excessive spam.

    With FTP MMO's these kinds of low life activities are what is expected. Falling under the title of "you get what you pay for".

    But with an MMO where players are paying a monthly premium, being subjected to exploits, cheating, hackers, spammers and gold farming is not business as usual. And telling players they need to step up and manage it is even more improper.

    Paying players with only a few precious hours to play are not going to be happy having to deal with chat spammers blowing up immersion, gold farming camp exploiters, teleporting hackers and more.

    This is not the first rodeo for many at VR, so if they are not hiring, planning and designing to deal with these issues, all bets are off for any sustained critical and economical success.


    I have to agree with Zewtastic here. The VR team has all the teeth and if they don't have a proactive and aggressive plan to deal with RMT and show that they have real bite then the war with gold sellers is lost. The players at best can play a minor supporting role and that is only if VR really steps up to the plate on this issue. I have a hard time believing that the VR team is niave enough to believe that a "just say no" policy on the part of the players will be effective. Especially in a gaming world, as many others have pointed out, where RMT has almost become an accepted part of game play these days.


    My hope is that VR does have some very proactive and aggressive plans which they are just holdiing close to their chest, like many other apsects of this game, which is appropriate for this stage in the game's development. If not, ugh.

    • 2752 posts
    April 27, 2018 11:14 AM PDT

    I don't know why he is bringing cheaters/hackers/exploiters when Kilsin is only speaking toward RMT.


    Fact of the matter is he is absolutely right/honest about this. There is no way for them to stop RMT entirely as there is no proven way for it to work without seriously hampering gameplay of normal users. The best they could do (in addition to their own internal tracking) would be to have strong limitations of trial accounts and yes, having report functions for players.

    Case in point, creating tools allowing players to make reports and complaints that bring scrutiny(on possible actions) on other players is just handing a gift to all the trolls, cheaters and griefers. This underbelly of players that have zero interest in following rules, standards and procedures will simply exploit any such tools to direct grief against otherwise innocent players as well as bogging down game moderation with excessive spam.

    And it wouldn't be hard for them to determine those trying to abuse the system to harass someone and ban/punish the troll(s) instead.

    This post was edited by Iksar at April 27, 2018 11:15 AM PDT
    • 207 posts
    April 27, 2018 11:14 AM PDT

    Everyone, we have to face the fact that gold farming and RMT will always be a thing in any mmo we play. There is no real solution to completely prevent it that doesn't effect the playtime of legit players and it's pointless to scheme up ways to stop it. 

    It. Will. Always. Exist.


    Making items bind to players just prevents the new guy from trying to make some gold for his next upgrade. Setting artificial limits on what a character can hold just prevents someone from recieving items that could be a legit gift or hand-me-down. Accusing someone farming one single thing for months on end could really be a real person farming for some goal they have...I actually had a friend who did this at a early level, spent weeks farming one item to sell. He spent almost 2 months in one location, day after day killing the same monster for drops to sell so that he wouldn't have to take long breaks in the level up process to gear up and he was accused of being an RMT. 

    So how do you realistly try to stop RMT without harming legit players experience?

    I honestly think this is one of those things we have to live with, more effort should be placed in reducing the visual presence of RMT activity. Focus more on removing/preventing the spammers in chat, and us players as a whole have to put a serious black cloud over those who participate. There will be people who abuse it and we just have to live  with it. But as long as RMT isn't in my face, well, out of sight out of mind. I am not in anyway endorsing RMT activity, but I do not want to see servere measures to conteract it effect the experience of the game for players who really want to just enjoy the game.  

    This post was edited by Grimix at April 27, 2018 11:17 AM PDT