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A stickler for names...

    • 1303 posts
    July 19, 2016 1:53 PM PDT

    Naim said:

    Feyshtey said:

    I usually treat stupid names as a preemptive idiot/ass warning system. If you have a name that annoys me I wont group, trade, or assist you in any way. Depending on how annoyed I am, you might just make it instantly on my ignore list. 

    BTW, have I mentioned how much I'd like the cap on the ignore list to be very high? 

    I love how diferent we all are. I am just the opposite. People who say stuff like this makes it on my pompous ass list/idiot list. lol.

    I should have clarified... 

    I dont put people with creative and/or funny names on ignore. I've made some myself.  I instantly put people on ignore with names like "Ibeatyourazz" and "Youmadbro" and "Myleetskillz Kickyourballz". 

    • 839 posts
    July 19, 2016 11:13 PM PDT

    Silly names are silly and i completely understand why people hate them, i dont have a problem with them but disalowing certain words / names is something that i would expect in Pantheon. For me it doesnt make me upset or effect immersion to see them, but clever ones do give me a good laugh.

    I did have my EQ1 Ogre warrior (old graphics) named Manboobies who evaded the GM's for about 30 levels and then i got caught and the GM changed it (i think the GM's name was Vultron from memory lol) because Manboobies was pretty well known at the time and before the GM changed it i managed to rally East Commons on Erolissi Marr server to protest loudly (in shout) to the GM who was chasing me that Manboobies should stay! Their cries were ignored and now he is only a distant memory now :(

    I was about 18 at the time so i forgive myself now for the sillyness.

    My Gnome necro was Gothmogwort Wortybum I didnt see this as offensive and GM's never had any probs with it, as a question to you guys in the thread would this be considered a bad name (by those who are particularly against non lore(ish) names). I think it works for a old, angry little necro who has a bad attitude and lots of worts in all sorts of unpleasant areas.

    • 844 posts
    July 20, 2016 1:27 AM PDT

    When a game is PVP, and it's all about griefing, trolling and being toxic - sure. Use whatever names you want.

    Pantheon is not going to be a childish, toxic, ftp, griefest MMO.

    EQ and Vanguard had strict naming requirements and players routinely were forced to change illegal character names.

    Programmatically a very serious REGEX would be used for controlling initial name creation. But things always slip by.

    Everyone can expect to see Dritzz, dritzzz, dritzzzz, etc.

    • 112 posts
    July 20, 2016 4:49 AM PDT

    Profanity, absolutely not.  I would love to introduce my soon-to-be 7 year old to this game when it comes out.


    Names that lack creativity, be it mainstream media in the form of Drizzt/Bruenor/Legolas/I don't even want to know how many GoT variations there will be now... These type of names I will give a chance to, but like others - given a choice between them and a person with a RP type name, I will likely try the RP name first.


    So for me it's more of issue of when you will get the chance to prove your worth, than if you will get a chance.


    Clever names that are funny, I can get a chuckle or two at.  It's gotta be a tasteful funny tho ;)

    • 88 posts
    July 20, 2016 6:13 AM PDT

    As long as the name isn't offensive, it should fly. Its the players character, let the players choose if they want to interact with them or not. Same goes for guild names. I do not believe in taking the "nazi" route on players naming themselves. (Mind you I've used the same name for lord knows how long)

    • 1095 posts
    July 20, 2016 6:48 AM PDT

    I use to play on a Mud where this guy was named Stillborn.

    • 85 posts
    July 20, 2016 6:25 PM PDT

    For the most part, I like funny names...I mean, they're funny.  I don't usually use them myself, but I'm playing a game to have fun and if someone's name makes me giggle, that's all good.  I don't even mind if people have the Legolas/Drizzit type names with all the spelling variations.  I may think they're dumb, but to each their own.  Names that are not 100% lore based are okay with me as well.  Pick a name you are the one that has to live with it.  

    Offensive names, on the other hand, are not funny or cute.  Any name with racial/gender type slurs are just down right rude and should not be allowed.  Names with profanity, even if they are spelled differently, are also a no go for me.  I curse like a sailor, but not when kids are around.  I'd also rather not see the "XXSyleeXX" thing, or more than 5 of the same letter in a row (Sssssyleeeeeeeeeee).  

    For the most part, I believe live and let live when it comes to character names.  Doesn't mess with my immersion much at all.  


    • 763 posts
    July 21, 2016 4:17 AM PDT

    Becareful what you wish for!

    While there are a whole bucket-full of names I do think should be banned - I am less keen on an automated system that searches for banned words within your name. It might well rightly stop you from making a character called 'KissMyAssToo' if 'Ass' was banned, but would also stop use of the word 'grass' in any name too.

    Real example: in the early days of AOL they imposed a banned on any websites that included any 'banned' word in their blacklist. EVERY website for businesses in a town in england called 'scunthorpe' was banned!! Wonder if you can see why?

    ** Much rather see a list of obvious bad workds (and numbers) and then leave it to /report for adminns to start adding to the list of banned names.

    • 1303 posts
    July 21, 2016 5:00 AM PDT

    The problem with leaving every stupid name to petitions is that, particularly right after launch, the gm's will be running around doing that instead of assisting people with in-game issues. I know we're hoping this goes for a nice long beta, but still several thousand beta testers wont find all the bugs that hopefully 100s of 1000s will, nor stress the load of the services as much as a live release. 

    That's not to say I dont understand and to a degree agree with your concern Evoras. (Great example, btw. :) )  I guess the middle-ground would be a pretty short blacklist of, say, the George Carlin words you can't say on TV! Heheh


    • 763 posts
    July 21, 2016 5:02 AM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    sajbear said:

    There should be a server side textfile with banned names, that the game checks against when you create a char. Just like in EQ...

    Maybe that is something I can include you guy's in, not now obviously but when it comes time during Beta or closer to release, I can collect names from you all to add to the exclusion list/banned names? .... 8< snip


    Simple, but effective system:

    1.      Character name on creation compared to list of singluar banned words. Eg would stop 'Ass' (assuming this is banned) but not Glass, Grass, or even XXMyAssXX.

    2.      Any name found to have an encapsulated 'banned' word (eg 'Glassware' or 'XXMyAssXX') is flagged as 'potentially in violation'.

    a.     Person creating the character is told this in a non-alarming way, and that the name *will* be looked at by an Admin/Helper etc at some point later. If they named it 'Glassware' they would have nothing to worry about and would continue on to accept this name etc. If you used 'XXMyAssXX' then you have to decide if you *really* this will be found acceptible.

    b.     This list of names is fed through to Admins/GMs/Helpers/Guides etc and either (i) flagged as 'in violation' (ii) passed up the chain if they are unsure (iii) cleared as 'OK'.

    c.     Any names in violation are added to black-list and the character is dealt with in a pre-determined manner.

    d.     (Optional but fun) Character is given in-game 'title' above his name of 'Sentenced for Execution' and a timer counting down 1 week (or other interval, say to the next Saturday after 1 week). If he has not appealed, or was not successful in his appeal in that time, then they will be teleported to a central City on that Saturday ready for the Saturday 'execution' event. Their characters are walked in chains to a central square where they line up and are beheaded for 'crimes against society' one after the other. Their gear is then auctioned off to any player watching in the square, this then followed by the next guy lead to the block etc...

    This is a simple to use system, alows for appeals - stops people having names banned in error by an automated system *and* creates a weekly spectacle for the players as a salutary lesson! Not to mention a chance to get some free or cheap goodies!


    • 257 posts
    July 21, 2016 7:52 AM PDT

    Evoras said:

    Kilsin said:

    sajbear said:

    There should be a server side textfile with banned names, that the game checks against when you create a char. Just like in EQ...

    Maybe that is something I can include you guy's in, not now obviously but when it comes time during Beta or closer to release, I can collect names from you all to add to the exclusion list/banned names? .... 8< snip


    Simple, but effective system:

    1.      Character name on creation compared to list of singluar banned words. Eg would stop 'Ass' (assuming this is banned) but not Glass, Grass, or even XXMyAssXX.

    2.      Any name found to have an encapsulated 'banned' word (eg 'Glassware' or 'XXMyAssXX') is flagged as 'potentially in violation'.

    a.     Person creating the character is told this in a non-alarming way, and that the name *will* be looked at by an Admin/Helper etc at some point later. If they named it 'Glassware' they would have nothing to worry about and would continue on to accept this name etc. If you used 'XXMyAssXX' then you have to decide if you *really* this will be found acceptible.

    b.     This list of names is fed through to Admins/GMs/Helpers/Guides etc and either (i) flagged as 'in violation' (ii) passed up the chain if they are unsure (iii) cleared as 'OK'.

    c.     Any names in violation are added to black-list and the character is dealt with in a pre-determined manner.

    d.     (Optional but fun) Character is given in-game 'title' above his name of 'Sentenced for Execution' and a timer counting down 1 week (or other interval, say to the next Saturday after 1 week). If he has not appealed, or was not successful in his appeal in that time, then they will be teleported to a central City on that Saturday ready for the Saturday 'execution' event. Their characters are walked in chains to a central square where they line up and are beheaded for 'crimes against society' one after the other. Their gear is then auctioned off to any player watching in the square, this then followed by the next guy lead to the block etc...

    This is a simple to use system, alows for appeals - stops people having names banned in error by an automated system *and* creates a weekly spectacle for the players as a salutary lesson! Not to mention a chance to get some free or cheap goodies!



    I would consider removing the auction. It could be manipulated to be used as a gold farming strategy. It sounds like a lot of development too. I would be happy with something simple like just giving the player a chance to petition for permission to use a name that has been automatically banned from a strong filter. Less people would ask permission for a banned name than the alternative. Less busy work for GM's.

    • 1303 posts
    July 21, 2016 9:49 AM PDT

    There's actualy a fair amount of elegance to your proposal. Simply stating that the name being requested has been flagged and will be reviewed may well be enough for someone being inappropriate to reconsider. If not, it still gets addressed in relatively short order, and in a way that allows the GMs/guides to review the name during lulls in the active in-game petitions for other issues.

    Execution or auctioning of the gear may be slightly over the top. To quote a movie,  "Funny, but wrong". It may be simply enough to lock the character at character select screen and disallow login until a new name has been chosen.


    • 578 posts
    July 21, 2016 10:32 AM PDT

    I would never not group with someone just because they had a bad name. But I also don't really care what people name their characters as long as it is creative. Willy FartKnocker is definitely a bad name but as long as he knows how to play the game he can group with me whenever. I just wouldn't expect great in depth conversations with him lol

    • 1303 posts
    July 21, 2016 11:44 AM PDT

    NoobieDoo said:

    I would never not group with someone just because they had a bad name. But I also don't really care what people name their characters as long as it is creative. Willy FartKnocker is definitely a bad name but as long as he knows how to play the game he can group with me whenever. I just wouldn't expect great in depth conversations with him lol

    I would be willing to bet that some names I've personally seen and who I refused to group with would be moderated if I attempted posted them here, for good reason. There are  lines that should not be crossed, and I wont appologize for my conviction.

    • 430 posts
    July 21, 2016 5:37 PM PDT
    I play my game and tend to not be bothered how others play theirs :) of course names with controversial racial or downright rude meaning are not proper if a game wants to mainstream to recieve a wider audience .. For the most part I simple ignore it ..
    • 578 posts
    July 21, 2016 7:17 PM PDT

    Feyshtey said:

    NoobieDoo said:

    There are  lines that should not be crossed, and I wont appologize for my conviction.

    Apologize...NOW!!! ;) lol never asked you to nor would I expect it

    • 763 posts
    July 22, 2016 2:45 AM PDT

    ofc don't get me started on some GUILD names.....

          "My Little Pwny"

    And that one is at least funny....

    .......some are waaay waaaaaaay worse in every possible way!


    PS: post the crassest/worst Guild names you have seen!

    • 1303 posts
    July 22, 2016 4:45 AM PDT

    Evoras said:

    PS: post the crassest/worst Guild names you have seen!

    Can't. Seriously. Kilsin would scold me. 


    • 9115 posts
    July 22, 2016 8:48 AM PDT

    Feyshtey said:

    Evoras said:

    PS: post the crassest/worst Guild names you have seen!

    Can't. Seriously. Kilsin would scold me. 


    Wise decision my friend ;)

    • 279 posts
    July 22, 2016 8:39 PM PDT

    My alt guild on Bristlebane is named


    "The Guild Portal Hoars" which I can't take credit for, a friend had "THe Portal Hoars" on Fippy (which apparently prevented me from making a guild with that name on a different server FML)

    • 3016 posts
    July 25, 2016 1:00 PM PDT

    Niien said:

    So I did some searching and didn't see a topic for it, however I was curious if anyone else has a similar problem like I have when it comes to names. I have this horrible problem(first step admitting it) with disliking people without getting to know them due to what I believe is a dumb/inappropriate name lol.


    I've actually turned people down from groups for it. I felt bad sometimes for doing it, however I just couldn't stand looking at their names to have them in the group for the new few hours. I mean of course I could have dealt with it if I had to, however... I choose not to if I have another option a lot of the time.


    Names like the below are similar to names I have seen in game that just turn me off from inviting those people to my group or guild:








    Anyway you get the idea... So yes I have a problem, I like to see fantasy based names in my fantasy based worlds... hate me if you have to haha..


    So again I'm curious if anyone else feels the same way, or if they might be on the opposite side of the coin where they made a less than fantasy related name and might have felt shunned for it?




    Hopefully names like that can be not only looks bad on the character that created brings down the whole game, looks bad.   Personally if I create a name for my characters,  my characters are an extension of me (roleplay).   And names with numbers..29655522 (example) are usually botters. :P

    • 781 posts
    July 25, 2016 2:38 PM PDT

    CanadinaXegony said:

    Niien said:

    So I did some searching and didn't see a topic for it, however I was curious if anyone else has a similar problem like I have when it comes to names. I have this horrible problem(first step admitting it) with disliking people without getting to know them due to what I believe is a dumb/inappropriate name lol.


    I've actually turned people down from groups for it. I felt bad sometimes for doing it, however I just couldn't stand looking at their names to have them in the group for the new few hours. I mean of course I could have dealt with it if I had to, however... I choose not to if I have another option a lot of the time.


    Names like the below are similar to names I have seen in game that just turn me off from inviting those people to my group or guild:








    Anyway you get the idea... So yes I have a problem, I like to see fantasy based names in my fantasy based worlds... hate me if you have to haha..


    So again I'm curious if anyone else feels the same way, or if they might be on the opposite side of the coin where they made a less than fantasy related name and might have felt shunned for it?




    Hopefully names like that can be not only looks bad on the character that created brings down the whole game, looks bad.   Personally if I create a name for my characters,  my characters are an extension of me (roleplay).   And names with numbers..29655522 (example) are usually botters. :P


    • 79 posts
    July 31, 2016 11:41 AM PDT

    I have no problem with goofy names. I have a few I use for characters because it suits how I play them and who they are.

    Heck, we live in a world were people have legally changed their names to Dotcom, Optimus Prime and Warrior.

    Personally, draw the line at offensive/racists names. Profanilty filter should apply to names, but I also think what's considered 'profanity' should be fairly tight.

    As a company I assume they'll disallow copyrighted or trademarked names, also.

    I can see tighter controls on an RP server. But even then what do you enforce? Proper names? Are nicknames acceptable? 


    I'd be more in favour of a filter that blocks obvious profanity (generally four letter words), variations there of, company/product names, and racist/hate speech names. Outside of that names should be /report and have a GM/volunteer investigate. A name that may be offensive to one may not be to another. 

    I'll give you a real world example: In Anarchy Online the name "SuperSlag" was reported for being offensive and the name was changed. In the firestorm that happened (both on the forums and behind the scenes) it was revealed that in a small portion of the world "Slag" was slang for a lady of the night. Almost no one had heard of that application of the term. To slag someone off is to tell them off, that was brought up, but not particularly offensive. Slag, for the common meaning, is a left overs from the smelting process. The character with the name Slag was an engineer and it absolutely fit. 

    My point is: there are different verbages across the world and it's a tough and slippery slope to climb. I favour a more liberal approach to naming, with the possible exception of RP servers. Disallow brands, hate speech, and common profanity - outside of that, have fun.

    If I don't like it I won't associate with, simple.

    • 86 posts
    August 1, 2016 6:12 AM PDT

    Back on Tallon Zek and then later on Zek (EQ1 PvP servers), funny or provocative names were just part of the fun.  Some great players dont take themselves too seriously.

    That being said, I am for a reasonably strict policy.  


    • 159 posts
    December 17, 2019 4:26 AM PST

    On the recent Kilsin thread "Community Debate - What is something that you personally consider an immersion breaker in MMORPG's?" there is tons of hate toward "bad" names.

    So I bring this one back from the grave for two reasons:

    1. How (and to what degree) should names be banned/disallowed?

    2. I guess to put @Kilsin on the spot. Quoted below are some past comments from this thread (years old) on the issue. Where might VR stand on this issue now that a few years have passed?

    If there are past answers to this already that I didn't find , I do apologize.


    Kilsin said:

    I am with you on this, I cannot stand stupid names in MMORPGs, just seeing some character named something silly because they lack imagination or do not care enough about their character or 10th alt throws the immersion off for me. I hope we do something to prevent silly names.

    Kilsin said:

    sajbear said:

    There should be a server side textfile with banned names, that the game checks against when you create a char. Just like in EQ.


    Profanity filter should be toggleable from the client tough.

    Maybe that is something I can include you guy's in, not now obviously but when it comes time during Beta or closer to release, I can collect names from you all to add to the exclusion list/banned names?


    Something to think about anyway, please don't create a list, that is something I will do but I am just throwing ideas around and thinking of ways to get you all involved ;)

    This post was edited by Kass at December 17, 2019 4:35 AM PST