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Schadenfreude all over me, please

    • 727 posts
    July 5, 2022 4:33 PM PDT

    Schadenfreude all over me, please 


    I see your sprint mechanic and now I expect a tumble. As we get to see the drain on stamina when sprinting it makes sense we will all press the jump button just at the end to get the last bit of momentum out of the effort. 

    I propose that hitting the jump just a fraction too late causes, not the dull and sad nothing, but a pratfall trip and stumble. A small reminder that even in the small things the tenant of "risk vs reward" holds true.  


    I wish to provide the hope of all reading, of a future moment where StoneFish sprints to the edge of a precipice, heroically attempting a leap across the fiery gorge, only to flail and disappear into the void. That hope, alone enough, should galvanize your support for this small mechanic. 

    • 2081 posts
    July 5, 2022 6:13 PM PDT

    I'm hoping that instead of a stumble, it will just be a humungous leaping animation that only takes you like 2 steps away from the edge. Then, like Wile E. Coyote, you pause in midair just long enough to look down and and say "crap!" and then plummet straight down. With the appropriate cloud of dust and sound effect when you hit bottom. A brief snippet of Looney Tunes music would make it perfect, but that may be asking too much...

    • 454 posts
    July 5, 2022 6:34 PM PDT


    Yes!  I need these things in Terminus!  What fun. I'm also hoping for a water slide down a mountain side as a way of exiting a dungeon. 

    • 727 posts
    July 6, 2022 4:48 AM PDT

    Questaar said:


    Yes!  I need these things in Terminus!  What fun. I'm also hoping for a water slide down a mountain side as a way of exiting a dungeon. 


    Questaar gets it

    • 2138 posts
    July 6, 2022 8:44 AM PDT

    Newbie Skill? Item on LAS? decisions decisions. Newbie skill that ability points- an uncommonly large number of ability points like one of the only ones that has 10 insted of 3-  can be put into to create...

    Each addition of ability points increases cool down timer and decreases cast time. Can run while casting, once cast, cool down timer affects all items on LAS by 4 seconds (cool down timer on skill is longer)

    5 ability points makes it instant, 10 adds distance and height, incrementally from 6 (increasing parabolic arcs- who needs flight?)


    Can only leap when running leap drops invis but not sneak. All newbies get leap skill to play with.


    there might be geometry exploits that are discovered, this could be a way to get some distance on an enemy when running away. Intent is to allow player to run toward something like the edge of a puddle or a ledge and time their leap to get accross. a misjudgment will be ineffective or allow them to plummet if short fall.  At higher levels you could jump over small huts or possibly make it up to certain ramparts,




    • 2756 posts
    July 7, 2022 4:29 AM PDT

    More meaning = more satisfaction. I would love to see 'failures' have a more interesting impact than just "that didn't happen" and be "oh dear, this happened instead" even if it isn't hugely impactful.

    Yes, if you 'fail' a jump, a stumble.

    If your stealth fails, your sword clangs to the floor, giving you a slightly larger aggro range, momentarily.

    If your invisibility spell fails, you briefly glow.

    If your Sweeping Lunge critically fails, you stab your own foot, or poke a nearby ally.

    I look forward to seeing you fail critically, Stoney! ;^)