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Thoughts on skill weaving?

    • 34 posts
    April 14, 2022 10:16 AM PDT

    Iksar said:

    splitpawthanos said:

    I don't want any global cool down, for me this is a bane on gaming. I much prefer each individual skill/ability to have it's own cooldown. If there is any such thing as animation cancelling like ESO where it's mandatory I'm out, that to me is a broken game.

    You want to literally be able to run your finger across the number keys and fire off all your abilities at the exact same time? 


    No no! Each ability will have a cast time too. Like EQ2 not global cool down. 

    • 454 posts
    April 14, 2022 1:25 PM PDT

    I agree with Feyshtey.  Rather than copy all that text, I'll just say I'm hoping for a bit slower pace with some time for socializing.  Good luck VR!

    • 247 posts
    April 14, 2022 7:51 PM PDT

    Feastycentral said:

    This would make combat feel faster paced and busier. I currently like it in other games, but not sure if it would take away from the slower intentional combat I believe Pantheon is shooting for in this game


    You answered it yourself.

    Skill weaving in terms of a bunch of instant skills that need to be spammed between normal spells while they are on a GCD rotation is not what Pantheon is about.


    There should be scenarios where you are in fact not just chaining slow-casting nukes back to back as a Wizard for example. There should be more tactical elements, timing of when to use a certain spell, not just spamming for DPS; there should be movement and combat considerations which require you to choose to move and not be casting for an advantage or to avoid danger, again, not some spammy stay out of the constant red circles style, but something meaningful and tactical.

    DPS classes need to be aware of aggro and hate levels by learning what their spells do and how soon they can cast them based upon the mob, the situation and the type of tank they have, not with rubbish like visual aggro meters, but threough player knowledge and skilful play.

    • 161 posts
    April 15, 2022 1:10 PM PDT

    I am under the impression that complexity in combat will be positioning (of course), managing resources, and states.

    I do not want to play a twitchy video game. I do want something I can think about.

    I already had the experience of being unable to play Elite Dangerous on a PS4 because I couldn't handle the controller accurately and for any length of time. I have no problem typing for hours, or using a mouse or trackball.

    The game should not require the reflexes of youth at the expense of excluding the wisdom of elders.

    • 13 posts
    April 15, 2022 3:41 PM PDT

    I'd like there to be some kind of flow or thought to when/why you press a button.

    I don't think this means a set rotation for max DPS or whatever, per se.

    I'd just like there to be a point where you've learned your class so well, you know the best press for the moment, and it flows a bit.

    Combos and such are fine, though, imho, it just needs to be thoughful.

    That all having been said, every game has a "meta" and I'm sure there will be an optimal sequence for DPS and resource preservation. Just don't make it too obvious ;)


    • 17 posts
    April 16, 2022 4:30 AM PDT

    Having things on your hotbar than can be used outside of the global cooldown is absolutely fine. Whether it's clicky items, consumables, or your 'oh no' buttons.

    However, I would be concered if the combat was like FFXIV; Having 26-32 button setups, a set skill rotation, and skill weaving (sometimes double weaving) was mandatory for all classes.

    But as Pantheon uses a limited action set with 8 (+6) hotbar buttons, and a variety of different ability types already: Normal GCD, Hold/Charge, Passive Proc, Casting, First-person Aimed, Ground targeted etc. Not to mention the reactive style of combat other replies have brought up with the combat states along with the higher 'time to kill' on mobs. I don't think there would be any problem with some classes having the choice, to slot a couple of abilities that are spammy/weavable.

    In the same way that Monks having the option to slot passive abilities does not mean they will be only be auto attackers. Giving some classes the option to slot weavable abilities, does not mean they will turn into something from WoW or FFXIV. Mainly due to the LAS.

    So, yes. If the devs introduced skill weaving abilities with the same care and design they have other ability types, absolutely. I may not use them myself, or even have them available on my class, but it's fun to have the option.



    • 101 posts
    July 4, 2022 3:55 PM PDT

    splitpawthanos said:

    I don't want any global cool down, for me this is a bane on gaming. I much prefer each individual skill/ability to have it's own cooldown. If there is any such thing as animation cancelling like ESO where it's mandatory I'm out, that to me is a broken game.

    I agree with this completely.  GCD is just an artificial speed limit for games that are too lazy to give individual skills proper cast times and cooldowns.  Whether a player wants to have a meta rotation where everything is always on cooldown, or have nothing on cooldown to save it and fire off everything in their arsenal at key moments is a play-style choice that the developers shouldn't be forcing on players.