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Community Debate - Global Currency

    • 9115 posts
    March 3, 2022 3:40 AM PST

    Community Debate - Global Currency - What are your thoughts on keeping it simple, for example, platinum, gold, silver, copper or do you like regional currency, tokens, trading and barter items etc. as well? Let us know below #MMORPG#CommunityMatters

    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at March 3, 2022 3:40 AM PST
    • 1281 posts
    March 3, 2022 5:55 AM PST

    Kilsin said:

    Community Debate - Global Currency - What are your thoughts on keeping it simple, for example, platinum, gold, silver, copper or do you like regional currency, tokens, trading and barter items etc. as well? Let us know below #MMORPG#CommunityMatters

    I am likely going to be in the minority here, but here is my take on it.

    I think that there should be regional money and that you should have to go to a bank or money changer to get currency exchange when buying things for the most part.  I could see some vendors, perhaps, taking whatever money you have, sort of like an "international vendor", but general in-town vendors that take only regional currency.  Yes, it adds complexity to the game.  But this is supposed to be a "living world" not just a game.

    • 729 posts
    March 3, 2022 6:44 AM PST

    Simple.  Please do not include crazy economics with currency.   

    If a berry grows only in a far land then traders can get it a transport it for profit and sale in every corner.   


    I already have life to add complexity to the financial bullshit, I don't want to have to do it in a fantasy game too.  


    Simple please

    • 1303 posts
    March 3, 2022 7:08 AM PST

    Regional currency sounds like realism at the cost of fun. 

    I don't think its a bad thing to have systems where you can earn some kind of regional or faction-based token that's spent within that region/faction for region/faction specific things. But that should not be something thats exchangeable with the global currency. 

    • 2419 posts
    March 3, 2022 7:09 AM PST

    Kilsin said:

    Community Debate - Global Currency - What are your thoughts on keeping it simple, for example, platinum, gold, silver, copper or do you like regional currency, tokens, trading and barter items etc. as well? Let us know below #MMORPG#CommunityMatters

    Having a uniform currency between player races is fine, but NPCs should not be dropping player race currencies, if they drop any coinage at all it should be their own coinage.  Why should a goblin tribe that lives in some underground stronghold be using player currency?  While they may have pilfered some player coinage over the years by player race corpses, it should not be the sole type of coin they drop.  This way their coinage would be subject to exchange rates or could be melted down into usable ingots for other purposes.

    StoneFish said:

    Simple.  Please do not include crazy economics with currency.   

    If a berry grows only in a far land then traders can get it a transport it for profit and sale in every corner.  

    That is simple supply and demand economics, something Pantheon should absolutely incorporate. Why should a vendor in an area filled with wolves pay the same for a pelt when the vendor is constantly flooded with them?  If you take it to some other city where wolves are rare the pelts could be in very high demand (as a luxury item perhaps) and the vendor's buy price would be higher. Let the enterprising player who wants to create their own 'silk road' do so.

    This post was edited by Vandraad at March 3, 2022 9:39 AM PST
    • 94 posts
    March 3, 2022 7:21 AM PST

    Kilsin said:

    Community Debate - Global Currency - What are your thoughts on keeping it simple, for example, platinum, gold, silver, copper or do you like regional currency, tokens, trading and barter items etc. as well? Let us know below #MMORPG#CommunityMatters


    I prefer simple and keep player used currency the same between towns. That being said, I do like the idea of some mob dropped currency being sold or turned into player currency and I'm always fine with tokens being incorporated where they make sense in the story. This could be a more tangible sort of faction in the game.

    • 3852 posts
    March 3, 2022 7:38 AM PST

    I would go for realism over simplicity but I think there is a good argument to keep things simple. 

    Let there be local currencies. Let there be one global currency. Let there be an easy way to exchange the one for another. Money changers would be most realistic but an icon next to the currency allowing us to automatically convert one to the other would be OK too.

    But not conversion at 100%. That would defeat the entire point of having local currencies and make it complexity for the sake of complexity. Have something like a 10% conversion fee. So 100 platinum might buy as much as 90 Galadriels in an elf city.

    • 252 posts
    March 3, 2022 8:07 AM PST

    I don't know, regional currency, exchange rates, playing the currency market?  This is verging too close to sim territory in my opinion. It's a mechanic that many won't want to deal with, but since currency is so fundamental they won't really have a choice.


    I do like Vandraad's idea about monster currency.  If some ratkin race uses bones or stones as currency in their simple bartering system, that is what they should drop. Then it could tie into the faction system to trade that currency with some friendly tribe.



    Come to think about it, that would open a new economy for player characters who like the trader sim mechanic. They could work to get the faction and then buy currency from PCs in order to get items or crafting components from the faction merchant and then resell those to PCs. Over time a natural exchange rate will develop.

    This post was edited by Ruinar at March 3, 2022 8:10 AM PST
    • 69 posts
    March 3, 2022 10:32 AM PST

    Keep it simple.

    I'm fine with other currencies existing for flavor - but they should really just function like junk loot that you sell for a few silver or whatever their worth would be in an 'exchange'.

    • 394 posts
    March 3, 2022 10:36 AM PST

    I dont mind regional or faction based currency but I hate the ones you need to collect just to trade in for that current expansions armor upgrades.

    More so when they dont remove them down the road and you have all that menu bloat.

    • 2138 posts
    March 3, 2022 10:47 AM PST

    As much as I like the idea, in other games that have introduced alternate currencies there comes a point where they no longer get used and instead take up space and become a constant reminder of something never used up completely, a nagging waste. If it can be converted to a universal currency, its usually at a loss that has to be swallowed.

    Unless it can be managed by an economist, it lends itself to a player cornering the market in one certain currency. 

    However I do like the idea of Monster currency. Monster currency would be special and unique and rare enough to be coveted and held onto and possibly only traded with other monster races provided your faction is high enough OR that would be the balancing act: kill Monster type A for quest. Of those monster type A's,  a RNG percentage drop some RNG number of monster currency. As you kill Monster type A's your faction plummets. However, there is some interesting monster racial cheese you have heard about. So you make your own side-quest to improve faction with Monster type A- to undo all the killing and get it high enough to trade OR trade with a player that already have monster type A faction. THing is, the monster racial cheese is not tradeable, so, either the faction player has to be able to bake the cheese to trade the baked good to you (which will not be as good as the cheese itself but still good), or the faction player needs to trade something to you that is worth the relative value of the cheese relative to the value of the monster currency.


    • 80 posts
    March 3, 2022 11:14 AM PST


    Just two types of currencies will suffice - 1) Gold, and, 2) Other(s); where #2) can be converted to #1) through a bank, or

    Every shop sells items either of currency #1, and sometimes special items where only currency #2 will be used (such as a special sword or an exotic pair of boots) - these should be one of a kind items that are exclusive of the normal items sold in stores or found from drops.

    This post was edited by OmegaBeam at March 3, 2022 11:18 AM PST
    • 2419 posts
    March 3, 2022 11:50 AM PST

    Manouk said:

    However I do like the idea of Monster currency. Monster currency would be special and unique and rare enough to be coveted and held onto and possibly only traded with other monster races provided your faction is high enough OR that would be the balancing act: kill Monster type A for quest. Of those monster type A's,  a RNG percentage drop some RNG number of monster currency. As you kill Monster type A's your faction plummets. However, there is some interesting monster racial cheese you have heard about. So you make your own side-quest to improve faction with Monster type A- to undo all the killing and get it high enough to trade OR trade with a player that already have monster type A faction. THing is, the monster racial cheese is not tradeable, so, either the faction player has to be able to bake the cheese to trade the baked good to you (which will not be as good as the cheese itself but still good), or the faction player needs to trade something to you that is worth the relative value of the cheese relative to the value of the monster currency.

    If you learned that the FarHill Goblins had some materials you desperately wanted for some crafting, you could work to build your faction and obtain some of their currency so you could use their merchants.  Sure, you could use some player currency but the Goblins would charge you much more. Use of the currency of a given set of NPCs when dealing with them could lead to faction boosts, lower costs, access to otherwise unavailable items, quests, etc.

    The opportunites that NPC currency can make available is worth the effort to create such a system.

    That said, we're already over 8 years into this and still in the PA state.  I would not want to see yet another item added to an already overloaded plate which would just further delay this already languishing road to release.

    • 252 posts
    March 3, 2022 1:10 PM PST

    I agree that any system we don't already know about could be a post-launch feature. The systems that we know about are enough IMO to make a complete experience.

    • 2095 posts
    March 3, 2022 2:19 PM PST

    Global Currency - What are your thoughts on keeping it simple, for example, platinum, gold, silver, copper or do you like regional currency, tokens, trading and barter items etc. as well? Let us know below #MMORPG#CommunityMatters

    I think that 'regional currency, tokens, trading and barter items etc.' are a wonderful addition to the richness of Terminus, as long as they are optional parts of the economic world around us. They should have some nice rewards for those who invest the time in learning and making use of them, but shouldn't be so important that a majority of players feel required to include such currencies in their everyday financial activities lest they miss a lot of content or be significantly the poorer for it.

    • 96 posts
    March 3, 2022 4:01 PM PST

    I'd enjoy a decent amount of complexty with P/G/S/C and indvidual faction earned currencies or NPC trade-ins found on mobs.


    I would hope though, that there was absolutly no trading between players.

    Hear me out. Everyone in the game would need to earn their own keep and work to gather the coinage or faction they need to buy from npcs or complete the quests or camp the mobs to gain thier equipment. This would have a few benefits of making players spend alot more time roaming the world and completing content, rather than just throw down the cash for it and race to max level. Also it would elimintate almost if not all: Plat sellers / Boting / in -game scamming / in-game plat for powerleveling / drop selling / trade duping, a plague of cheaters and spam messages on mmo chat channels. 

    I know there's a 99.9% chance that's not going to happen though because people will want to give their friends or newbies hand-me-downs or exchange something for a currency then can re-exchange for an item they don't want to spend time camping.

    But if maybe there was no money exchangeing but a sort of rarity system that allows players to trade mundane and common level items, but not , uncommon, magical or above level items. It could have a benifit of both worlds.


    • 68 posts
    March 3, 2022 4:15 PM PST

    Keep it simple.

    For players have a single global currency, keep denominations of this currency easy to undestand and do not allow for it to interactly directly with any other currency in the game.

    If faction can be purchased with currency then it makes sense to add in multiple tribe currencies, although as a player the most expedient way to get currency is almost always by slaughtering the enemy en-mass and hoping it drops.  Slaughtering thousands of a tribe to get their currency is not a good way to make friends with a tribe so trading tribe currency to increase faction seem counter-intuitive.

    The alternative is for enemies also have a single currency with the various denominations and make it's liquidity much lower than the player currency.  This makes enemy currency valuable filling a different space in the economy of the world and no one tribe can point at you with your special tokens and be certain you massacred their tribe to get them.

    • 1404 posts
    March 3, 2022 7:42 PM PST

    Kilsin said:

    Community Debate - Global Currency - What are your thoughts on keeping it simple, for example, platinum, gold, silver, copper or do you like regional currency, tokens, trading and barter items etc. as well? Let us know below #MMORPG#CommunityMatters

    I prefer it simple, plat, gold, silver, copper

    I very much dislike regional currency, tokens, ect.


    What I would be open too would be for the simple plat, gold, silver, copper to have different values by region.

    For a simple example; 

    Dwarfs LOVE silver, but aren't so big on copper. A slice of bread from a Dwarf will cost you 2 copper, a silver will get you two loafs (20 slices)

    Gnomes LOVE copper, but aren't so big on silver. A slice of bread from a Gnome will cost you 1 copper, a silver will get you one loaf (10 slices)

    If your going to buy bulk bread, for example for crafting, it might be worth your time to travel to the Dwarven city.


    • 220 posts
    March 3, 2022 10:28 PM PST

    i would like to keep it simple.

    Global currency whatever the name is and if you defeat a npc let it drop a tiny bit of currency so there won't be any "farm human npc" camp for currency. IF not gold, silver, bronze global is fine. 

    Please don't add any race, city, town, trader, craft, monster token,  tribe token, player currency,.... it'll just make the game more complex and annoying and not fun.

    I hate doing beastman tribe quest in FFXIV to get their token to"upgrade" or buy XYZ. Four different tribes with different currency... inventory nightmare and annoyance. Never ending quest grind for their token.

    Edit: please for the love of MMO don't add guild currency to buy guild "only" stuff. I solo alot more than I guild and I dislike guild currency or token.

    This post was edited by AbsoluteTerror at March 3, 2022 10:40 PM PST
    • 810 posts
    March 3, 2022 10:37 PM PST

    The icon for a human GP and an orc GP may be very different coin faces, but they should be the same amount of gold.  You have the regional vibe while mechanically keeping things streamlined and simple.  Virtually no one wants to get into currency exchange rates.  When its in our coin pouch a GP should be a GP interchangable.

    The symbol for bank in the halfling city could look different than the dark myr city.  If that symbol was on the currency they minted its all is perfectly fine.  As the players travel around quest reward icons may show different GP faces on the coins.  The UI icon for halfling GP could be different from the orc GP.  Shallow immersion to show they are different races without driving people insane with a currency exchange. 

    • 256 posts
    March 4, 2022 12:17 AM PST

    I wouldn't mind seeing certain reps/factions having their own currency when it makes sense. However, I think that keeping currency standardized, for most situations, is probably the best move. 

    • 888 posts
    March 5, 2022 8:54 AM PST

    I'm only interested in using multiple currencies if the game also implements regional-only markets and is designed for player-driven trade. The added work of managing multiple currencies is only worth it if it's part of a robust trading design. 


    Manouk said: However, there is some interesting monster racial cheese you have heard about.  

    Monster Racial Cheese is the worst Ska band ever. 

    • 274 posts
    March 5, 2022 9:54 AM PST

    An MMO, by virtue of game design principles, is essentially a post-scarcity society. The game world is never in danger of not providing the resources and materials that players want or need. I'd like to see an MMO that is cognizant of that and eliminates currency all together, and go entirely with a barter/trade economy. Let's see what kind of fun things players can relegate to currency, much like how Stones of Jordan became the de facto currency of Diablo 2.

    • 454 posts
    March 5, 2022 12:25 PM PST

    one thing I hope VR doesn't do is make Terminus the Home Shopping Network.  Different barters/currencies/prices for different quantities/places/races/classes would be real, and normally I like real but not for this.  If VR decides that charisma is a thing, I'll deal with it.  If my precious game time turns into traveling around a town looking for the best price for my wolf skin I'm gonna log off real quick. Permanently.   If I have 10 wolf skins to sell but vendor "x" only buys 6 of them because he has a full inventory, or the guy three stall down offers 3 silver more per pelt, I'm gonna be bored to tears. Just bored. I just can't wrap my head around how that can be fun for anyone.  Travel time will be a thing.  My game time is precious.  Yes I need money, but if it's too much like rl, damn.  That's good.  But once again, if I've got the sword of slicing, I'll sell it to the first player or vendor I can find. I'm not traveling to every village or town I can find to make an extra 6 plat.  KISS.

    • 58 posts
    March 5, 2022 11:18 PM PST

    Kilsin said:

    Community Debate - Global Currency - What are your thoughts on keeping it simple, for example, platinum, gold, silver, copper or do you like regional currency, tokens, trading and barter items etc. as well? Let us know below #MMORPG#CommunityMatters

    In consideration of all you are trying to accomplish, I'd vote for keeping currency simple.  


    That being said, I wouldn't mind if rats, bats, wolves and other animals didn't drop copper pieces, etc.   

    This post was edited by Wyvernspur at March 5, 2022 11:18 PM PST