Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

When will this game EVER be released?

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    • 4 posts
    January 18, 2022 7:08 AM PST

    I have been a pledge so long ago that I had the Keepers pledge. I am beginning to think that this game will never be a playable game. What the heck is going on guys! I see no possible release date in the future and no commentary on what stage of developlment you are in. It kind of looks like you are just a blog site at this point. I think we are owed something besides what you are giving us in the news releases that typically post nothing of the real progress of the game. 

    • 627 posts
    January 18, 2022 7:26 AM PST
    No real progress?

    And you followed the projekt in 2021?

    Its not VRs foult that you join the projekt early. Yes its been awhile, but games like these the time. And VR got standarts that wont let then release a half finished game, like we see many aaa firms do.

    Relax and be happy that they have the passion and drive to do it right. It will be worth the wait.
    • 3852 posts
    January 18, 2022 8:19 AM PST

    Apparently you haven't been reading the forums or the newsletters because one area VR has improved in is letting us know where things stand. We may not always *like* where things stand but that is a different matter. We are currently in pre-alpha testing with more rounds of that still to come. After that, and far from imminent, is alpha testing. So yes we most certainly do know what stage of development we are in. 

    Assume release will be 2024 if all goes well and come back next year to check in on progress. Or come here once a month and check announcements - if alpha is announced it will be there. If VR gets a major investment or a Publisher it will be there and that is the only thing that is likely to speed things up. 

    • 2095 posts
    January 18, 2022 12:33 PM PST

    Loralei said:

    I see ... no commentary on what stage of developlment you are in. 

    the news releases that typically post nothing of the real progress of the game.

    Did you not bother to read the FAQs? This one here: ; tells you "Pantheon is currently in the Pre-Alpha testing phase." That IS the stage of development Panth is in.

    Can you tell me how this: does not include a detailed checklist (The Roadmap to Alpha) of the recent real progress of the game? VR posts it every month now.


    With closed eyes and fingers stuck in ears, anyone can honestly claim 'Nobody tells me ANYTHING!"



    • 326 posts
    January 18, 2022 1:48 PM PST


    Plenty of communication on their part. The history up to the current day can be found in the Library of Pantheon. With most of the ducks in a row now, Alpha could be Q4 of 2022, and depending on how that goes Beta Q3 2023 and launch in Q1 2014. Just trying to keep it real. The team is doing wonders, but they are still light on crew members. Here's to hoping...

    btw Microsoft seems to be in a buying mood O.o


    • 612 posts
    January 18, 2022 3:21 PM PST

    As you consider how to respond to this thread... maybe take some time to read through 2 of Brad 'Aradune' McQuaid's blog posts...

    1) How to respond to skeptics

    2) How to get through to people who just don't get it

    Remember that everyone has opinions on what we feel we deserve from our pledges and we shouldn't be quick to judge what another person is feeling about it.

    • 295 posts
    January 18, 2022 4:25 PM PST

    Jothany said:

    Loralei said:

    I see ... no commentary on what stage of developlment you are in. 

    the news releases that typically post nothing of the real progress of the game.

    Did you not bother to read the FAQs? This one here: ; tells you "Pantheon is currently in the Pre-Alpha testing phase." That IS the stage of development Panth is in.

    Can you tell me how this: does not include a detailed checklist (The Roadmap to Alpha) of the recent real progress of the game? VR posts it every month now.


    With closed eyes and fingers stuck in ears, anyone can honestly claim 'Nobody tells me ANYTHING!"




    Exactly. I could say more, but I won't.

    • 9115 posts
    January 18, 2022 7:07 PM PST

    To the OP: You have posted three times prior to this after joining in mid-2018, if you visited a bit more you would be better positioned to understand where the game is currently and how much progress we have made. I would encourage you to visit more often and engage with the community so you can see the updates and progress we put out regularly.

    Thank you to those who posted links to helpful information :)


    I cleaned this thread up a bit, making uneducated guesses on the release of Pantheon are not helpful to anyone, unless it comes directly from our team, it should be ignored and will be removed from our official platforms.


    • 3852 posts
    January 19, 2022 7:41 AM PST

    "Remember that everyone has opinions on what we feel we deserve from our pledges and we shouldn't be quick to judge what another person is feeling about it."


    This is quite true - but there is a difference between fact and opinion. Opinions tend to be personal and opposite opinions may well be valid. Thus - I am happy that VR is taking so long to get it right and Pantheon looks like it will be awesome is an opinion. So too is - VR is taking a long time to develop the game and I despair of ever seeing it. Both with valid factual underpinnings but with highly different emphasis.

    VR isn't telling us anything and we do not know where development stands is a statement of fact - and is in all respects inaccurate.

    This post was edited by dorotea at January 19, 2022 7:42 AM PST
    • 62 posts
    January 20, 2022 6:37 PM PST

    Kilsin said: 

    I cleaned this thread up a bit, making uneducated guesses on the release of Pantheon are not helpful to anyone, unless it comes directly from our team, it should be ignored and will be removed from our official platforms.

    I really don't see why someone speculating should matter. From your quote directly it should be ignored unless it comes directly from you. Well I've been here since the original Kickstarter and I can't even count how many dates, milestones, etc came directly from the team and were wrong and were either late or still not done. So what harm is speculating causing if you guys can't even get it right? Alpha was told by you guys to be by the end of 2018. Well it's now 2022 and we're still in PA95 or something. I'm not trying to pick a fight, but this heavy handed moderation is borderline ridiculous. You can't rightfully blame people who have been here forever and heard the PR song and dance all this time to not be a little frustrated. If my boss paid me money expecting a project done and months later it wasn't done, but I kept telling him what great progress I was making, do you think he'd be happy and I'd still have a job? Same premise applies here.

    • 2095 posts
    January 20, 2022 7:10 PM PST

    Mandalorian2K said: I really don't see why someone speculating should matter.

    You gave us two perfect examples of why speculating matters. Look at what you posted in the same comment:

    Well I've been here since the original Kickstarter and I can't even count how many dates, milestones, etc came directly from the team and were wrong and were either late or still not done.

    Alpha was told by you guys to be by the end of 2018. Well it's now 2022 and we're still in PA95 or something.

    Two negative comments about how VR didn't meet the predictions. You remember them years later. Everybody does. They get brought up halfway regularly.

    ANY time a prediction is made, some % of the people get their hopes up. Every time. And no amount of "reasonable explanations" ever totally negates the disappointment those people feel when the prediction fails to come true. This isn't a special case with Pantheon, it's basic human nature. The fact that this prediction was made my someone NOT part of VR only means a smaller % of people will remember it and start hoping.

    VR has been saying for years now that they will NOT make any more predictions. What's wrong with them not wanting posters to make predictions on THEIR forums?




    • 9115 posts
    January 20, 2022 7:52 PM PST

    Mandalorian2K said:

    Kilsin said: 

    I cleaned this thread up a bit, making uneducated guesses on the release of Pantheon are not helpful to anyone, unless it comes directly from our team, it should be ignored and will be removed from our official platforms.

    I really don't see why someone speculating should matter. From your quote directly it should be ignored unless it comes directly from you. Well I've been here since the original Kickstarter and I can't even count how many dates, milestones, etc came directly from the team and were wrong and were either late or still not done. So what harm is speculating causing if you guys can't even get it right? Alpha was told by you guys to be by the end of 2018. Well it's now 2022 and we're still in PA95 or something. I'm not trying to pick a fight, but this heavy handed moderation is borderline ridiculous. You can't rightfully blame people who have been here forever and heard the PR song and dance all this time to not be a little frustrated. If my boss paid me money expecting a project done and months later it wasn't done, but I kept telling him what great progress I was making, do you think he'd be happy and I'd still have a job? Same premise applies here.

    Because allowing false information to spread on our official forums causes more problems than one upset person who was moderated for recklessly putting out misinformation does.

    The length of development for any game is unknown while it's being created, only when it has been released can you look back and follow the development cycle to see what happened and why things were fast or slow, in our case, we have a small team of passionate and talented people who mostly have other jobs and we work incredibly hard on this game with the time and resources we have available to us.

    If we were to be fully funded tomorrow, you would see a lot of staff go full time, many more hires in time-critical areas and the game progress a lot faster but unless that happens or someone in here or on the team wins Lotto, we continue to soldier along and do the best we can.

    Making guesses puts that number or timeframe into peoples heads and it becomes a discussion point or a focus point when in reality, no one actually knows, so it is safer for everyone to just leave guesses out of the discussion and speak in facts.

    I'm all for constructive criticism and we have shown over the years here that we will tolerate a lot as long as it's constructive, respectful and factual. If it's not, we have no time for it and do not want it on our forums, no matter how much someone pledges.

    I'm closing this up now as it has run its course.

    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at January 20, 2022 7:53 PM PST