Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

What type of gamers are interested in Pantheon?

    • 560 posts
    April 21, 2020 6:43 PM PDT

    Undertanker’s Post got me thinking about all the MMORPGS I have played over the years. This got me thinking it would be cool to get a list and ranking of the community’s MMO’s they have played. As long as people stick to a decent format, I will compile the results and share them.

    First list your top 5 MMO’s and then if you like list all your games you played below.

    My top 5
    1: Vanguard
    2: EverQuest
    3: World of Warcraft
    4: D&D Online
    5: Guild Wars 2

    I struggled on putting Vanguard above EQ but when I think back, I have more good memories with others in Vanguard then I did in EQ. While I did meet my wife in EQ, I feel I spent most of my time trying to catch up to others instead of playing with them. I learned a lot about how to get the most out of a game by the time Vanguard came a long and because of that I got more out of it. I also really liked Vanguard even with all its problems.

    Rank 5 was a challenge for me. GW2 was never my kind of game but I gave it my 5th spot because the game was so well designed. It is a solid game with good graphics. I enjoyed it for the time I played but it never had what I was looking for. The fact that it is was my #5 might say more about the other games that I played then it dose about GW2.

    Here is a list of all the MMO’s I have played over the years.

    All dates and times played are my best guess.


     As of 4-28-20



    This post was edited by Susurrus at April 28, 2020 3:18 PM PDT
    • 2130 posts
    April 21, 2020 6:53 PM PDT

    EQ: 20 years

    Dark Age of Camelot: 18 years

    EQOA: 3-4 years

    Vanguard: 3-4 years

    EQ2: 12 years

    RIFT: 1 year

    TERA: 1 year

    ESO: A couple months

    FFXIV: 1 year

    Can't think of anything else.

    In order of favorites:

    1. EQ2

    2. EQOA

    3. Vanguard

    4. Dark Age of Camelot

    5. EQ

    6. FFXIV

    7. RIFT

    8. TERA

    9. ESO



    This post was edited by Liav at April 21, 2020 10:27 PM PDT
    • 1289 posts
    April 21, 2020 8:41 PM PDT

    Top 5 in order:
    Dark Age of Camelot
    World of Warcraft


    All that I have played:
    Asheron's Call
    Dark Age of Camelot
    Eve Online
    EverQuest II
    World of Warcraft
    Perfect World
    Dungeons and Dragons
    Lord of the Rings
    Elder Scrolls
    Black Desert
    Camelot Unchained (although it's not released yet)

    • 133 posts
    April 21, 2020 9:15 PM PDT

    I have played a lot of games over the years, but MMO wise, not very many. As a list of them I played:


    . Terra (got into the beta before the 2012 release date, don't remember how long before) played for about 6 months to a year

    . Rift (again bought the game before it released in 2011 and played the beta) played for about a year and a few months

    . Guild Wars 2 (again I got into a beta for it) I played for a total of 3 years off and on

    . Guild Wars for all of a month before GW2 beta started

    . Vanguard I played for about a month, then it closed about a week after I stopped playing.

    . EQ2 I played for a total of 2 years off and on, actually just tried to get into this game again.

    . WoW I started playing at the end of 2007 and the beginning of 2008. I have played this off and on for the longest, and that's been about 6 years.

    . ESO I played for maybe 2 months.

    . P1999 I played for maybe about 8 months, it's broken up time wise, because I had to get a new computer in between playtimes lol.

    . EQ, I tried playing this around 2015 and again in 2018, then again last year, I have maybe played a total of 4 months for this as well. I played on a time-locked progression server for a bit then went to a regular server.

    . AD&D from about 1995 and have played on and off for the better part of 20 years. I was 7 when I started playing with my dad, just so no one thinks I'm ancient in any way LOL!!


    As for the order I would have to put them in for my top 5:


    1. AD&D

    2. WoW

    3. Guild Wars 2

    4. EQ2

    5. Vanguard

    • 287 posts
    April 21, 2020 9:41 PM PDT

    Good thread, I feel a little embarassed that I haven't played nearly as many MMO's as you guys but my entire list would be my top 5 I think:


    1. EQ2 (played for 5+ years)

    2. EQ (played from 2000 up until the launch of EQ2)

    3. Project Gorgon (started playing maybe 18 months ago, took months off, and picked it back up a couple months ago)

    4. ESO (played for about a year on consol)

    5. City of Heroes (2 months maybe?)

    • 119 posts
    April 22, 2020 2:00 AM PDT

    Ultima Online - 6 years (where I initially got hooked on MMOs)

    EQ - 10 years

    DAoC - 2~3 years

    WoW - 7 years

    TERA - 2 years

    BDO - 4 years

    There are a lot of games out there that I played for less than a year. The ones I can remember that I played for more than a month/trial period; City of Heroes, EQ2, Champions Online, ESO, Wildstar, SWTOR, assorted Japanese and Korean entries.

    Favorites in terms of gameplay were probably UO and EQ. In terms of visuals and systems, probably BDO or TERA. At this point I basically try any MMO that comes out in hopes that I can call it my new "home", haha.

    • 10 posts
    April 22, 2020 5:26 AM PDT

    1. Vanguard

    2. Star Wars Galaxies


    After that, not much. I guess I could add Rift as a number 3, but it isn't very memorable. I dabbled in EQ only reccently and got to about lvl 20 and I can say it was great. But my love was Galaxies. Played it until there was a 2nd change to the game that got my Zabrak stuck in a loop of Han Solo telling me to, "Watch out, this is gonna blow!" I checked it out recently and Han was right. It did blow lol.

    Vanguard became my 2nd love. I absolutely miss my Psionicist and getting to be apart of TPO, and big HUGS to Verinus and Molasses where ever you are in this big world. I miss temple flips and the million attempts to get people past Akande the Butcher. But even though it is my 2nd love, it is the one I miss the most so it sits at top spot for my tiny list.


    • 413 posts
    April 22, 2020 8:38 AM PDT

    These first:






    These second:

    ESO -  I love the Lore and the RPGs.  I like the Card Game Elder Scrolls Legends.



    SW:ToR - Meh...

    Never Winter - I really wanted to level up to get UnderMountain because I love playing there in pencil and papper D&D.  But Kungfu won out.

    There are a bunch more but not counting them played too briefly..


    I am Big into RTS Civilization series  CIV6, CIV 5 CIV4

    Enjoying Pillars of Eternity: Deadfire

    Finishing up "Ori and the Blind Forest", so I can Play "Ori and the Will of the Wisp".

    Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order


    This post was edited by Zevlin at April 22, 2020 8:39 AM PDT
    • 1785 posts
    April 22, 2020 9:13 AM PDT

    I'll play.

    Neph's top 5 (so far - with reasons)

    1) Vanguard - scope/scale, size of the world, class design, potential

    2) Star Wars: Galaxies - sandbox design, making crafting really matter, player freedom

    3) Final Fantasy XIV - world-building, storytelling

    4) EVE Online - scale, strategic depth

    5) EverQuest - pacing, lore

    Honorable Mention:  Wildstar - challenge even in solo content or against "trash" mobs


    My gaming resume:


    Shadowdale MUD - 4 years (1995)

    Ultima Online - 6 months (1999)

    EverQuest - 5 years (1999)

    Earth and Beyond - 1 year (2000)

    Star Wars: Galaxies - 5 years (2001 - includes beta)

    Anarchy Online - 6 months (2001) - the terrible launch killed it for me

    Dark Age of Camelot - 1 year (2001)

    EVE Online:  11 years (2004)

    EverQuest 2 - 5 years (2004)

    World of WarCraft - 1 year (2005) - community and lack of challenge turned me off on it after a while

    Vanguard - 4 years (2007)

    Age of Conan - 1 year (2008)

    Lord of the Rings Online - 3 years (2009)

    Star Trek Online - 2 years (2010)

    SWTOR - 2 years (2011)

    RIFT - 1 year (2011)

    Guild Wars 2 - 2 years (2012)

    Neverwinter - 1 year (2013)

    Wildstar - 1 year (2014) - I ran out of world to explore

    Final Fantasy XIV (2013) - 7 years and counting


    There are probably a few that I'm forgetting on the list that I played for a year or less.

    My Bartle profile is EAS.  For me, that means my primary focus in MMOs is the world and lore/story.  My secondary focus is generally challenge - I don't like feeling overpowered or leveling too fast for the content.  Finally, even though I'm an introvert, I value socialization and community.  On the flip side - I really don't enjoy PvP or having to compete with other players very much.

    I'm an explorer, a crafter, a lore hound, a raid leader, a guild leader, a community event organizer, and a little bit of a roleplayer (although my style is different from many other roleplayers that I meet).  I get bored with MMOs if I start to feel like I'm on a treadmill for no reason, if crafting ends up not mattering, or if I run out of stuff to explore and investigate in the world.  I get frustrated with MMOs if I feel like I'm being herded along to "catch up" with everyone else, or if I'm having to compete with everyone else as a part of normal gameplay.  I strongly dislike PvP in almost all forms, and will usually only tolerate it if it involves strategic control of territory in the game world.


    • 560 posts
    April 22, 2020 9:07 PM PDT

    First thanks everyone that has posted. I sent a privet message to have the topic name corrected but no luck so far.

    I am trying to post an image showing my original complied stats but the image is not loading. It could be because I am sharing it from Google Drive? you can click on the link or right click show image and it works. If someone can let me know what I am doing wrong I would appreciate it. I will also note that the ranked at all section has more than 3 games with 3 picks and if we get more people participating, I will do a better job of making sure it shows the full picture. I will also note that my Girlfriend has an account but she was to lazy to post so I have one person listed that is not here.

    I hope others will find the potential of this as interesting as I do and continue to participate.


    ps. Liav I updated yours with DAoC


    This post was edited by Susurrus at April 22, 2020 9:10 PM PDT
    • 724 posts
    April 22, 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    Top five? I guess these:

    1) Vanguard

    2) Everquest

    3) Rift

    4) Final Fantasy XIV (would've been top if it was more of a social game instead of a game where you can do much on your own)

    5) Archeage


    Games I've played over the years (no particular order):

    - Ultima Online

    - Everquest (I + II)

    - EVE

    - Vanguard

    - Aion

    - Tera

    - Rift

    - Archeage

    - Wildstar

    - Age of Conan

    - Guild Wars (I + II)

    - Neverwinter

    - Dungeons and Dragons Online

    • 363 posts
    April 23, 2020 5:38 PM PDT

    Top 5:

    1. Tibia
    2. EverQuest Online Adventures
    3. Vanguard
    4. EverQuest II
    5. World of Warcraft

    Played MMOs:

    • Dark Age of Camelot
    • Final Fantasy XI Online
    • Final Fantasy XIV Online
    • EverQuest
    • Perfect World
    • Age of Conan
    • Lord of the Rings
    • Elder Scrolls Online
    • MapleStory
    • Rift
    • TERA
    • Runescape
    • Destiny 2 (if you consider it a MMO)
    • 560 posts
    April 23, 2020 7:57 PM PDT

    Figured out how to upload an image from Google drive so the first post now shows the current results. Seeing as we still only have 12 people participating the last rows have lots of ties.

    This post was edited by Susurrus at April 23, 2020 8:26 PM PDT
    • 888 posts
    April 24, 2020 12:28 AM PDT

    I'll list a top 4.  I played many more than this, but the rest either never grabbed me or I couldn't get into it because I never really found others to play with.

    1) City of Heroes  (The creativity and ability to build interesting characters is second to none. Also, it had an amazing, helpful community--best I've ever seen)

    2) Anarchy-Online  (My first MMO.  A giant, open world. Cities in this game were bigger than whole zones in most games.  The sci-fi world / setting really captivated me and it felt quite fresh compared to all the fantasy MMOs)

    3) The Secret World  (Best cut-scenes and story arcs I've ever seen.  Amazing atmoshphere.  Lackluster teaming)

    4) Dark Ages of Camelot  


    I never tried EQ, but I did play EQ2 for a few months.  I liked several aspects of EQ2, but it never really grabbed me and it felt soulless.  The game mechanics were too obvious and that really make it hard to immerse myself into the world and forget I was playing a game.  For example, spawns would show you who would aggro if you attacked anyone in the group, then show you a padlock icon to show that the combat is locked.


    I never tried WoW.  I had a friend show me the character creator, saw that it was basically 'pick from a few different faces and hair styles' and that's it, so I never bought it.  I like to make interesting characters that I can be creative with and really make my own.  I don't need weird options or excessivie scar options, but I do want to see more than 5 hair styles.

    • 238 posts
    April 24, 2020 2:01 AM PDT

    Top 5 no particular order

    1. EverQuest (4-5 years)
    2. WoW (15 years)
    3. FFXIV (6 months)

    MMOs played (other than those mentioned above)

    1. ESO ( off and on since launch, more off) 
    2. TERA (about a year)
    3. Guild Wars 2 (about a year)
    4. Everquest 2 (a month)
    5. Rift (a month)
    6. Neverwinter (6 months)
    7. Everquest Landmark ( a couple of months)
    8. Runescape (days)
    9. Skyforge ( 2-3 weeks)
    10. Wildstar (days)

    ARPGS: I figured I would include these because they have some MMO elements.

    1. Path of Exile (off and on since 2013ish) I would also include this in my top 5 because it has a good track record with drawing me back in for a while.
    2. Diablo 3 (6 months)
    • 560 posts
    April 24, 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    @Counterfleche  The Secret World I had a hard time finding this and I never played it. My best guess was it is Secret World Legends. Did I get the right one?

    This post was edited by Susurrus at April 24, 2020 11:09 AM PDT
    • 947 posts
    April 24, 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    There were only 4 MMOs I actually enjoyed:

    EQ 1999-2004  (Stopped playing due to inability to enjoy casually)
    WoW 2004-2011 (Still force myself not to play this game out of spite although it was one of the best all-round MMOs)
    FFIX 2013-2014 (Stopped because none of my friends wanted to play this game)
    ESO 2014-2015 (Stopped because the 2 friends I started with quit)

    Other inconsequential MMOs played:

    Anarchy Online

    MMOs I'm looking forward to:

    New World


    • 1785 posts
    April 24, 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    starblight said:

    @Counterfleche  The Secret World I had a hard time finding this and I never played it. My best guess was it is Secret World Legends. Did I get the right one?

    The Secret World was the original game.  A couple of years ago Funcom decided to repackage and re-release it as Secret World Legends.  I think all existing accounts converted when they did that.  But essentially - same game, Legends is just the "streamlined" re-release of it.

    • 560 posts
    April 24, 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    ok thanks Nephele.

    • 1281 posts
    April 26, 2020 4:22 PM PDT

    EverQuest was my main MMO that I played the most on and off for several years. Other MMO's I tried include Horizons (Istaria), EQ2, Shadowbane, DAoC, LoTR, WoW, and Vanguard. The only MMO I've played in the past 10 years or so was P1999 for about 3 years.


    Order of best:

    1) Everquest
    2) DAOC
    3) Vanguard
    4) Shadowbane
    5) WoW

    This post was edited by bigdogchris at April 27, 2020 12:45 PM PDT
    • 384 posts
    April 26, 2020 5:55 PM PDT

    Good topic! I like hearing the journey people took to get here. I've always thought that most here were Brad fans and therefore EQ vets and perhaps VG. We'll see.

    My MMO journey is a little different I think - My first was Asheron's Call so I'll always have a special fondness for it. My favorites though are Everquest (currently playing again) and Vanguard.  I've played almost all of them over the years though if for just a short time.

    1. EverQuest (started during Kunark through Velious then back during PoP for a brief bit - since, I've played off and on up to today on Mangler - spent time on P99 as well)

    2. Vanguard (from launch then quit b/c of technical issues and eventually returned for a good bit)

    3. Asheron's Call (obsessively from launch for about 9mos?)

    4. Dark Age of Camelot (followed on the heels of EQ, kinda burned out at this point but we played for a solid year(?) or so)

    5. WoW (wasn't on the bandwagon at launch, we went to EQ2 instead, but started WoW when BC launched and played through WotLK)

    Spent time in EQ2 (quite a bit), Lord of the Rings, GW, GW2, Wildstar, Archeage, Rift, DDO, AO, Eve, Secret World, ESO, FFXIV

    • 560 posts
    April 27, 2020 1:42 AM PDT

    @bigdogchris Not sure if you put them in a ranked order or not. If you want to be part of the stats please give them number or clarify.


    I updated the results on the first post. Everquest is climbing closer to what I expected.

    • 1281 posts
    April 27, 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    starblight said:

    @bigdogchris Not sure if you put them in a ranked order or not. If you want to be part of the stats please give them number or clarify.


    I updated the results on the first post. Everquest is climbing closer to what I expected.

    Updated my post.


    This post was edited by bigdogchris at April 27, 2020 12:46 PM PDT
    • 219 posts
    April 27, 2020 1:53 PM PDT

    Top 3:

    1. EQ2 - 12 years
    2. Darkover (DikuMUD) 5 Years
    3. Everquest

    Played MMOs:

    • FFXIV
    • WoW Classic
    • Secret World Legends
    • SWTOR
    • Lord of the Rings
    • Elder Scrolls Online
    • Rift
    • BDO
    • 2 posts
    April 28, 2020 6:24 AM PDT

    Top 5

    1. Everquest
    2. Vanguard
    3. Everquest2
    4. BatMud
    5. WoW


    Also played

    -          DAOC

    -          Rift

    -          Guild Wars 2

    -          Age of Conan

    -          Star Wars Galaxies

    -          LOTR Online