Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

3 strikes you're out

    • 57 posts
    January 4, 2015 8:27 AM PST

    "...  Graphics, and all that goes with it.  I was intrigued by EQ next, right up until they released the cartoon PC characters.  It's still on my radar, but my interest is lukewarm..."


    Kinda of off topic but for me the issue isn't graphics, its art style. I can live with poor graphics, but not an immature art style. Still play Diablo II for example.


    I do agree that I would like to have teleporters in big cities. That more of a quality of life thing, but I could live without it.

    I had little patience for crafting in most games. It becomes a tedious grind for me. That being said some have done it well but if they didn't have it as something I found fun I could live without it. Though I would much rather craft.

    On the topic of harvesting it can be awesome. It's free gambling. But unless this game has instanced zones similar to DDO (which I doubt it will) I don't like how most games handle it. In fact, I hate it. Competition for resources becomes fierce and it creates needless animosity between people. KSing is bad, but if this game has a meaningful population RSing could be just as big of an issue. And with some classes getting movement speed buffs unless you are one of them you just get screwed. I don't know how they will handle it, but I hope they do address it as it's a major issue for me.

    As far as the P2P vs. F2P goes I would be fine with some F2P servers and P2P servers (if at least one RP server was P2P) If the game could generate revenue from an item mall and F2P servers good for them, doesn't affect me at all. Plus F2P can serve as a demo for people on the fence. I'm always up for the potential for more quality players without any real risk of the opposite.


    This post was edited by Yokoshima at January 13, 2015 2:42 PM PST
    • 39 posts
    March 1, 2015 1:54 PM PST

    If I have to put three down on paper, let's see... but bare in mind this is not an extremely thorough or maybe thoughtful response....

    1.) A lack of necessity for other players both in and out of combat.  (See my "meaningful utility" thread.)  I want you to -have- to group to gain experience at a significant pace; I am ok with solo questing.  I actually think that's how questing should be done, but I think it should have a strong benefit not relative to level gain.

    2.) A lack of immersion; the feeling that I am walking through the ropes up to max level.  (Go to this zone until 10, this zone till 20, etc)  I like eating food and drinking water, needing a torch in the dark, and not having a map, unless it's player made.  The more the better, the less the worse; there is no set obstacles.  I will have to make a decision on whether it is immersive enough based on the total feel of the experience.

    3.) A lack of integrity when it comes to content and levels.  Taking hard to attain things and making them easily bought or acquired without having a clearly defined reason; this reason must be very good, and not, "We are trying to rush everyone to max level so they can enjoy the fun."  We can find a better way.  In other words, I am really not a fan allowing people to skip levels or start with a full set of epic armor.  It undermines the hard work and skill that went into acquiring those things in the first place.

    This post was edited by Saphreal at March 1, 2015 2:09 PM PST