Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Continent Development.

    • 137 posts
    February 21, 2020 9:37 AM PST

        With Kingsreach now coming too  what appears it's final zones being completed within the next several months. 

     Im wondering what has been done in Reignfall it appears it will be larger then kingsreach with different  terrain models and animations. 

    Its regions appear that they will take longer to develop from large castles , deserts, volcanic and underwater zones.

    With these looking to take a long time and be far more time consuming then Kingsreach  it may not be but it seems it will be. 

    Can we really expect Whitethaw at launch as the third continent? 

    We have seen no map of it.

    From a player standpoint i want more content too but is it worth the extra wait time or should they just launch with 2 continents.

      And began Whitethaw as  the first expansion?

    We don't know what the devs have in mind for Whitethaw they may have a idea by this stage i dunno they may be further along then we realize though im  not convinced thats the case. 

    The world map has seen no update in several years so is it still the current plan?

    I've never developed anything just looking at it through a players eyes. 

    I guess i always looked at Kingsreach as the plain continent and easiest to develop based upon the ingame map which might be far from truth. 

    I really wish we could just get a set in stone conversation with the devs regarding whitethaw. Its been this thing thats suppost to exist but it never discussed on stream in any way in any depth.  I get that the focus has been Faeirthale. 




    This post was edited by Kiera at February 21, 2020 10:45 AM PST
    • 291 posts
    February 21, 2020 9:40 AM PST

    Im not a coder, but from what I understand the work gets quicker as time progresses and assests accrue. Making sweeping landscapes isnt what takes the time im told, but making the blade of grass to copy and paste a bazzilion times does.

    • 144 posts
    February 21, 2020 11:08 AM PST
    They need the three continents at launch to keep the lore accurate. Each continent houses roughly 3 races if they dropped one, they would also have to drop 3 races and all of their lore.

    No bueno...don't put out unfinished games.
    • 1921 posts
    February 21, 2020 11:58 AM PST

    They've stopped giving timelines or milestone estimates.  You won't know for sure until they change this public interaction policy, or the game pubicly launches. 
    Everything up to that moment is, according to some, completely subject to change, with absolutely nothing set in stone, and no public design goals. 
    The FAQ is out of date, may entries in it are completely inaccurate or have been contradicted by devs in videos and podcasts, yet... it remains as a reference.
    The most recent iteration of the world map doesn't even have the third continent named.

    • 79 posts
    February 21, 2020 2:46 PM PST

    Hoiyay said: They need the three continents at launch to keep the lore accurate. Each continent houses roughly 3 races if they dropped one, they would also have to drop 3 races and all of their lore. No bueno...don't put out unfinished games.
    Ahem a work around adventurer   our elf race has been stuck in this corner of kings reach since  a gigantic horde of fallen  besieged our fair king we must rescue them but the pass is blocked for now.. ect cetra


    This post was edited by Quseio2017 at February 21, 2020 2:48 PM PST
    • 2095 posts
    February 21, 2020 2:47 PM PST

    In the Jan Developer Roundtable here: Joppa says that Whitethaw will be in at launch with the Archai, Gnome and Dwarf starter cities as planned. His answer starts at about 43 minutes.

    • 1785 posts
    February 21, 2020 2:59 PM PST

    Amberfaet is in Whitethaw, and they've showed that off in a few streams now :)

    I think it's safe to say that all three continents will be there for launch.

    as for Reignfall and Whitethaw, while I would love to see an updated world map, I don't really know that I want to see all the zones detailed out prior to launch.  I want to have some new-feeling places to go explore once launch occurs.

    This post was edited by Nephele at February 21, 2020 3:00 PM PST
    • 2095 posts
    February 21, 2020 3:09 PM PST

    Nephele said:

    Amberfaet is in Whitethaw, and they've showed that off in a few streams now :)

    That's awesome and I didn't know it. When did they tell us that?

    • 1785 posts
    February 21, 2020 4:13 PM PST

    They've mentioned it a few times but the recent Cohh stream when they were in there is probably the best one - they talk more about the part of the world it's in and the lore in that one, if I remember right.

    • 2095 posts
    February 21, 2020 5:25 PM PST

    Nephele said:

    They've mentioned it a few times but the recent Cohh stream when they were in there is probably the best one - they talk more about the part of the world it's in and the lore in that one, if I remember right.

    Thanks, I'll check that one out again. I remember watching, but lots of the conversation gets by me on the first listen.

    I mostly remember the 1st visit to Amberfait in 2016 where it looked like the dungeon was in the snowy mts. above Avendyr's Pass.

    • 844 posts
    February 21, 2020 6:16 PM PST

    Nephele said:

    They've mentioned it a few times but the recent Cohh stream when they were in there is probably the best one - they talk more about the part of the world it's in and the lore in that one, if I remember right.

    Hmmm, I watched/listened fairly closely. Do not recall that ever being mentioned. Do you have a point in the video?

    • 137 posts
    February 21, 2020 6:27 PM PST

    Nephele said:

    Amberfaet is in Whitethaw, and they've showed that off in a few streams now :)

    I think it's safe to say that all three continents will be there for launch.

    as for Reignfall and Whitethaw, while I would love to see an updated world map, I don't really know that I want to see all the zones detailed out prior to launch.  I want to have some new-feeling places to go explore once launch occurs.


    I watched the Amerfaet streams but i had no idea it was in Whitethaw i figured it was just part of Kingsreach somewhere. 

    Thought i listened pretty closely to the streams hmm i need to go back and relisten. 

    • 844 posts
    February 21, 2020 6:38 PM PST

    And the Wiki seems to think Amberfaet is in Kingsreach.

    Revealed: Stream #3 Dec-2016


     And Avendyr would need changing.

    I guess it could have been changed.

    This post was edited by zewtastic at February 21, 2020 6:44 PM PST
    • 1785 posts
    February 21, 2020 6:58 PM PST

    It might have been the stream they did with just the devs.  I don't have the exact video but I think Baz calls it out in his retrospective here:

    So yeah, the wiki needs to be updated.  Based on what we've been told, Amberfaet is located within/below the Tenebrous Tundra, which is part of Whitethaw.

    • 844 posts
    February 21, 2020 7:23 PM PST

    What we've been told is that Amberfaet was connected to Avendyr's Pass, which connects to Thronefast city.

    But again, I suppose it could have changed.

    Just seems unusual. Would have thought the atlas to be fairly rigidly defined at this point.

    • 2095 posts
    February 21, 2020 8:23 PM PST

    Nephele said:

     Based on what we've been told, Amberfaet is located within/below the Tenebrous Tundra, which is part of Whitethaw.

    That part certainly rings a bell for me from the conversation about light coming from the Tenebrous Tundra through the ceiling of Amberfaet.

    This post was edited by Jothany at February 21, 2020 8:28 PM PST
    • 2752 posts
    February 21, 2020 10:35 PM PST

    zewtastic said:

    What we've been told is that Amberfaet was connected to Avendyr's Pass, which connects to Thronefast city.

    But again, I suppose it could have changed.

    Just seems unusual. Would have thought the atlas to be fairly rigidly defined at this point.


    • 137 posts
    February 22, 2020 4:39 AM PST
    Really wish they could do some streams on continent updates. One discussing each continent. Right now the questions and answers are all over the place about so many different things.

    Iksar it only mentions Amberfaet being the second dwarf home. It never says which continent it was in.

    Would be nice to see streams fit to areas for players to understand where these things that are being worked on are in the world.
    • 1404 posts
    February 22, 2020 6:28 AM PST

    Kiera said: Really wish they could do some streams on continent updates. One discussing each continent. Right now the questions and answers are all over the place about so many different things. Iksar it only mentions Amberfaet being the second dwarf home. It never says which continent it was in. Would be nice to see streams fit to areas for players to understand where these things that are being worked on are in the world.

    So we would know where all these things are before we go exploring? I'm not so sure I want to know where everything is before launch. I don't even want to know at alpha or beta. I want some surprises left for when I actually play the game.

    • 291 posts
    February 22, 2020 6:39 AM PST

    Zorkon said:

    Kiera said: Really wish they could do some streams on continent updates. One discussing each continent. Right now the questions and answers are all over the place about so many different things. Iksar it only mentions Amberfaet being the second dwarf home. It never says which continent it was in. Would be nice to see streams fit to areas for players to understand where these things that are being worked on are in the world.

    So we would know where all these things are before we go exploring? I'm not so sure I want to know where everything is before launch. I don't even want to know at alpha or beta. I want some surprises left for when I actually play the game.


    No doubt. The grass is always greener when you have no concept of cause and effect.

    • 137 posts
    February 22, 2020 10:22 AM PST

    Zorkon said:

    Kiera said: Really wish they could do some streams on continent updates. One discussing each continent. Right now the questions and answers are all over the place about so many different things. Iksar it only mentions Amberfaet being the second dwarf home. It never says which continent it was in. Would be nice to see streams fit to areas for players to understand where these things that are being worked on are in the world.

    So we would know where all these things are before we go exploring? I'm not so sure I want to know where everything is before launch. I don't even want to know at alpha or beta. I want some surprises left for when I actually play the game.

    Their is a tremendous difference in knowing nothing to knowing everything. 

    Currently we know pretty much nothing about Whitethaw other then  it's where the gnomes and dwarves are from with cities called Kadasa and Skyhold.

    I'm not asking or wanting to know everything far from it i like exploration. Though i do not see any harm in having a stream explaining which continent Amberfeit is in and that development is going well on that continent. 

    Currently we know as much about Whitethaw that Jon Snow knew in season one.

    Do you guys really like the questions and answers being all over the place? 

    I find myself constantly trying to lookup where things mentioned are. 


    This post was edited by Kiera at February 22, 2020 10:35 AM PST
    • 2095 posts
    February 22, 2020 12:40 PM PST

    Kiera said: Currently we know pretty much nothing about Whitethaw other then  it's where the gnomes and dwarves are from with cities called Kadasa and Skyhold.

    We've known for a long time that Archai, Gnomes and Dwarves have their starter cities on Whitethaw. The Archai city is Su'Roa.

    We also know that the Gnome's city of Skyhold is actually a floating ship that is anchored in Khadassa zone very close to the Dwarves' starting city. Which means that friends starting as those 2 races should have a much easier time of meeting up at lvl 1 than most other combinations of races in the game. Not to mention having the combined resources of 2 starter cities to make use of.


    Kiera said: Do you guys really like the questions and answers being all over the place?  I find myself constantly trying to lookup where things mentioned are.

    Well honestly I like to think of this as just another fun quest in Pantheon :) But then I also agree that despite the appeal of learning new stuff about the game, I really don't want to know TOO much about the game before I start playing it.

    • 1860 posts
    February 22, 2020 1:38 PM PST

    They have been saying we would get an updated atlas for years. I wouldnt hold my breath.

    But ya, old info that should be common knowledge at this point is that archai/dwarves/gnomes on whitethaw. Skar/ogre/myr on reignfall and elves/halfling/human on kingsreach....nuetral/evil/good on each continent. Granted that is very old and likely outdated info. 

     Kilsin recently told me that what the FAQ says trumps anything Joppa or other VR team members might say. So apparently, until we see it officially on a new atlas, that is how it is regardless of what any VR member mentions because that is what the Atlas shows.

    This post was edited by philo at February 23, 2020 2:06 PM PST
    • 74 posts
    February 22, 2020 3:37 PM PST

    January Dev Roundtable Part 2 - General Q&A with Joppa

    more or less in the 43rd minute joppa confirms what we already know at the start 3 continents with 3 races per continent and each of them their respective starting city

    • 2095 posts
    February 22, 2020 3:56 PM PST

    Elki said:

    January Dev Roundtable Part 2 - General Q&A with Joppa

    more or less in the 43rd minute joppa confirms what we already know at the start 3 continents with 3 races per continent and each of them their respective starting city

    Thanks for the update. I kinda have a feeling you didn't notice my first reply in this thread :)

    Jothany said:

    In the Jan Developer Roundtable here: Joppa says that Whitethaw will be in at launch with the Archai, Gnome and Dwarf starter cities as planned. His answer starts at about 43 minutes.
