Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

End Game Content

    • 54 posts
    May 3, 2017 6:39 AM PDT

    Hi Everyone,


    New to the forums, long time lurker and really looking forward to this game. I've played a lot of MMOs in the past as everyone else here probably has. Of the information I've come across I have mostly read about how it's the experience of 'the journey of getting there' not just getting to end game. When I played Vanguard SoH, this was what I ultimately experienced. Of all the MMO's I've played vanguard was the most fun I've ever had getting to max level. To that end this game looks like I will have a similar and excellent experience.

    In the end however, at least as far as vanguard is concerned my friends and I all ended up quitting rather quickly. There was simply a lack of end game content. Personally I don't care if the end game content is a raid or group dungeons. All I care about is that there is challenging content (challenging not just from gear checks) and put out at a reasonable pace to keep myself and my friends interested. 

    After I have my epic experience leveling up in Pantheon will I be sitting around making alts and crafting for months on end or will there be a commitment to keeping that "end game" crowd provided with content? I haven't been able to find any discussions or info on this topic in particular though it may have already been discussed (I'm sure it has) in detail. I would really appreciate any links or information regarding this matter so that I can put to rest my fears and those of people I'm trying to convince to join me on this upcoming journey.




    • 633 posts
    May 3, 2017 6:53 AM PDT

    Welcome  :)

    • 514 posts
    May 3, 2017 6:55 AM PDT

    I think we really need to focus on getting the game up and running before deciding what the definition of "end-Game" is.  At this point most of us are probably thinking "Can snakes really kick?"

    • 54 posts
    May 3, 2017 6:59 AM PDT
    Thanks for the welcome.

    To clarify by end game I simply mean activities to do once max level is reached and all of the standard or easier content has been cleared. Mostly the what to do at max level part.

    I'm not looking for any details or dates. Was just wondering if they have mentioned a plan of any sort or the developers thoughts on the matter.
    • 69 posts
    May 3, 2017 7:05 AM PDT


    Welcome to PRtF! this particular subject has been talked about quite a bit across many forums. There was quite a lengthy thread in the VIP section, but General has access to a few also. Try searching for "raid."

    Let me summerize many forums: VR's vision for PRtF is to bring us back to the glory-old-days of MMO. They want to provide a challanging game that resurrects the individuality of classes, the fun of adventuring, and the struggle of difficult content. We all are counting on them to provide an epic experience from 1 -  ! We expect there to be challaging raids, we are anxiously awaiting the details of a progeny system, and we know that their will be a lot of adventuring to do along the way.

    hope that helps


    • 2886 posts
    May 3, 2017 7:15 AM PDT


    From the FAQ:

    9.2 What do you envision the ‘End Game’ scene to be like? Classic style, with inherently difficult raids? Or more contemporary with many different levels of difficulty? Do you guys plan on raiding at all?

    We're trying to avoid the term 'End Game' because it has evolved into something far different than what it literally means. In some games, the perception that the true game, the ‘fun’ game, doesn’t begin until the 'end game' came to exist. The reason why isn't super important and varies depending on the game but with Pantheon you won’t be compelled to rush to the final levels.

    First, even if you could rush to maximum level, you would be incredibly ill-equipped to handle high-end combat. Because you found some way to rush (perhaps a bug, etc.) your character won't have what it needs to do well at the higher levels. Second, most content in Pantheon will be designed around grouping, with smaller amounts designed for soloing and raiding. Pantheon is not primarily a raiding game, though we know many in our community enjoy raiding. Same with soloing -- it is not Pantheon's focus, but some people like to solo occasionally. Also, there is no reason why we couldn't have, say, level 20 or level 30 raids. In other words, there is nothing magical or special at the final levels that somehow allows you to experience an aspect of Pantheon that was previously hidden. That is not the case. We want the game to be fun and adventurous, finding skills and items throughout your entire experience from low to max level. Lastly, we will be launching expansions frequently enough to keep ahead of most players and raising the level cap as necessary.

    You may also find this link interesting:

    This post was edited by Bazgrim at May 3, 2017 7:18 AM PDT