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Social Downtime Feature! In-game TCG!

    • 93 posts
    September 7, 2016 3:45 PM PDT

    I would not be opposed to a trading card game, although I think the most immersive would be card games in taverns, you could gamble with other players in poker or something along those lines.

    • 395 posts
    September 7, 2016 4:17 PM PDT

    I "sort-of" got into MTG 20 something years ago with a group of friends. We'd play at a local coffee shop. It was fun. Not sure I'd want to spend too much time playing cards like that in-game. But I wouldn't mind activities like these at all.

    Hearing about the diplomacy concept in Vanguard really peaks my curiosity though. I've never played a game with something like this and would be very interested to see it, or something like it in Pantheon.

    I think a variety of tavern games would be great to have in Pantheon and I hope they design some if not for launch then later on down the road.

    • 200 posts
    September 7, 2016 4:23 PM PDT
    I love the idea of activities specifically designed for taverns and such, tho I'd prefer more 'oldfashioned' things like chess or ordinary card games. I wouldn't participate but I'd love to watch with a virtual beer in my hand :D.
    • 243 posts
    September 7, 2016 4:46 PM PDT

    I have never understood the draw of trading card games,  but if people want them I am not opposed to them.  Just no in game rewards is all I suggest.

    This post was edited by Rominian at September 7, 2016 4:47 PM PDT
    • 187 posts
    September 7, 2016 8:14 PM PDT

    I agree with what the majority is saying. If a TCG is too difficult to implement as I've outlined, at least some simple tavern games. I'd love to goof around with you guys/girls in a tavern over a nice relaxing game of ______ while lowering our characters' wisdom and intelligence as we work on our alcohol tolerance skills :D. 

    This post was edited by Syntro at September 7, 2016 11:15 PM PDT
    • 38 posts
    September 7, 2016 9:07 PM PDT

    Ah, I would love to sit down at a table in a tavern and play a game of cards. Above, Rachael mentioned Magic The Gathering; it'd be great to have a card game this in-depth within the world of Terminus. It would sure liven the taverns up! 

    • 187 posts
    September 12, 2016 1:07 AM PDT

    If they choose to include a fun little game distraction (which the more I think about it, the more I hope they do) and didn't want to make it lore based, wouldn't it be neat if they made it an Everquest themed? It would be an fun "tip of the hat" to the past while it works without breaking lore as the game would just be a fantasy game. I don't know what rights VR has to EQ franchise content, but fun to think about. I wonder if they are going to include any easter eggs on that note.

    • 36 posts
    September 12, 2016 9:52 AM PDT

    I'm worried if they make this card game really good then what's the point of the rest of the game?  You'd have a bunch of people playing cards and a bunch of monsters waiting to be killed.  Not just the use of development resources but also the focus of players would be shifted away from the primary game, and I don't think that's a good goal. 


    I will say I like the idea though, but just not in such a well developed sense.   I read that statement from the devs as being in regards to combat downtime.  You know the time you try to get mana back up or grab a bite to eat.  During that time sometimes you're that person who doesn't need to use the restroom or whatever it is, and something to kill some time is a good thing.  In that sense in EQ we had /gems which was a silly little game but it was something to kill time. 


    I'd LOVE to see this idea as something more like the replication of gems but something you could do with your group.   The OP hits a lot of good points, but if it becomes as big as he has proposed I think there'd be negative consequences, if they just slapped a silly little card game in without putting too much time into development, then we'd have something.   I know this sounds weird 'I want it but do a poor job with it', I don't want them spending too many resources on it's development, and I don't want it detracting from the core game, but it does sound like a good way to fill that downtime.  

    • 36 posts
    September 12, 2016 9:54 AM PDT

    Syntro said:

    I agree with what the majority is saying. If a TCG is too difficult to implement as I've outlined, at least some simple tavern games. I'd love to goof around with you guys/girls in a tavern over a nice relaxing game of ______ while lowering our characters' wisdom and intelligence as we work on our alcohol tolerance skills :D. 

    Drunk darts.  I hope this game has drunkeness like EQ with the swaying and fisheye effect.  Do that with a moving cursor during a darts game and try to hit the center!

    • 23 posts
    September 12, 2016 10:00 AM PDT

    I'd be satisfied with /gems

    • 187 posts
    September 14, 2016 6:27 AM PDT

    jerus said:

    I'd LOVE to see this idea as something more like the replication of gems but something you could do with your group.   The OP hits a lot of good points, but if it becomes as big as he has proposed I think there'd be negative consequences, if they just slapped a silly little card game in without putting too much time into development, then we'd have something.   I know this sounds weird 'I want it but do a poor job with it', I don't want them spending too many resources on it's development, and I don't want it detracting from the core game, but it does sound like a good way to fill that downtime.  

    Yeah, you are probably right. I might have been too grandiose. I wouldn't want these social minigames to distract players while they are questing/adventuring. I'm mainly refering to when the swords and sheilds are down like when you just log in or just have finished an adventure and need to decompress, yet still want to hang out with your buds.

    This post was edited by Syntro at September 14, 2016 6:30 AM PDT
    • 29 posts
    September 14, 2016 6:46 AM PDT


    • 187 posts
    September 14, 2016 7:16 AM PDT

    Kilaen and Arkoll said:


    Nooo, thats missing out on a huge opportunity. I hate to offend anyone, but I feel like /gems was a downtime cop out. Some random candy crush single player game that just pops up with a text command? Now whats the fun in that? Just use your cellphone while you are medding if thats all you want. Since we are in the framework of an MMO which is refocusing on social play, why not make a social downtime game? (preferably one not completely detached from the world, like /gems)

    This post was edited by Syntro at September 14, 2016 7:16 AM PDT
    • 36 posts
    September 14, 2016 8:28 AM PDT

    Syntro said:

    jerus said:

    I'd LOVE to see this idea as something more like the replication of gems but something you could do with your group.   The OP hits a lot of good points, but if it becomes as big as he has proposed I think there'd be negative consequences, if they just slapped a silly little card game in without putting too much time into development, then we'd have something.   I know this sounds weird 'I want it but do a poor job with it', I don't want them spending too many resources on it's development, and I don't want it detracting from the core game, but it does sound like a good way to fill that downtime.  

    Yeah, you are probably right. I might have been too grandiose. I wouldn't want these social minigames to distract players while they are questing/adventuring. I'm mainly refering to when the swords and sheilds are down like when you just log in or just have finished an adventure and need to decompress, yet still want to hang out with your buds.

    Yup, I had a long talk with my friend about this the other night.  I like this idea as long as it's not taking too much away, my friend feels that any amount would be too much and I can't say he's wrong.   But, the idea of a downtime game is something we both agree should absolutely happen.  He showed me The Witcher's Dice Poker, simple but cool.  Having quests to get a chessboard you can pull out in the field would be fun.  A deck of cards  for Poker would be great as well.  It should be multiplayer and /gems just isn't as good even if we did used to compete for the high score in downtime. 

    • 66 posts
    September 19, 2016 11:56 PM PDT

    i wouldnt be opposed to an ingame TCG. but i have a feeling it would be something implemented after launch as they have to design a game with its own rulesets and cards and stuff. if we could somehow play Poker in the downtime that would be good too or something similar with rules people already know. checkers, chess, or Kilsin's favorite board game: Aradune Train Simulator

    • 63 posts
    September 20, 2016 4:17 AM PDT

    The inclusion of social mini-games is a great idea, Syntro.

    My big concern is that a TCG will result in chat being saturated with immersion-breaking requests to buy, sell and trade cards not unlike what happens with battle pet commerce in WoW chat channels. It's repetitive and distracting, and I have difficulty imagining characters in a high fantasy setting playing a TGC besides. I don't want to have to toggle chat off in order to avoid this, since chatting is an integral component of MMORPGs.

    I do like the idea of tavern games - drunken darts sounds like a great time! Maybe also there could be jousting.

    I really hope diplomacy is included in the game - to be perfectly honest, I prefer this be prioritized over mini-games. It was fun, and it made me feel even more like a person in the world. The idea that I could acquire interesting pieces of lore by participating in conversations with NPCs added so much depth and dimension to the immersive experience of the game.

    • 542 posts
    April 19, 2017 12:55 PM PDT

    TheWingless said:

    This makes me think of Arcomage from the Might and Magic series. I loved that game so much!

    Memories <3 For those that never played : Arcomage

    There have been mentions of /gems too here.
    A social interactive boardgame for multiple players could be wonderful. The cards could be traced to the rich lore of Terminus . And could be played with up to x players at camp,in taverns etc

    Another awesome card game I used to play with a few friends is Machiavelli 

    I'd be very excited if they'd introduce a few social games for downtime. For this they could take their time and add some down the line, since it wouldn't be a top priority feature of the game. 

    This post was edited by Fluffy at April 19, 2017 12:56 PM PDT
    • 801 posts
    April 19, 2017 1:44 PM PDT

    Trading cards is meh ok i guess, but how long does that type of game play last?



    • 2752 posts
    April 19, 2017 1:56 PM PDT

    Depends on how it is done. Something like Magic would likely be far too involved but something like Triple Triad from Final Fantasy would be amazing. That game was probably the best part of FF8 and FFXIV, it was tons of fun and super simple to pick up. Tetra Master was pretty good as well. 



    • 542 posts
    April 19, 2017 2:23 PM PDT

    In Arcomage the difficulty played a huge role in the lenght of the game (easy towers hight 20 high,hard ones 100 or 120)
    A game with multiple players could also influence the lenght
    ending a round after some time has passed could reduce the lenght(but increases difficulty)

    When we don't know the rules ,card games look more difficult than they really are.
    Once you pick up the game it often is like a whole world opens
    At first I wasn't a fan of these games.

    To my surprise I amused myself with a taverngame a few months back.When I arrived at the table I thought it was going to be one of those nights where you have to sit through bored
    But to my surprise I really enjoyed the game when I got into it.It was a dice game for two to eight players
    An octagonal wooden box was in the middle,on the wand you had to draw 5 stripes with a piece of chalk
    Each player passes on 2 dices and tries to go for the highest score, the one who threw the highest score in a round was allowed to remove 1 stripe(2 for a certain dice combination)
    The first one who was able to remove all stripes ,won the game
    And the person who had thrown the lowest number of eyes in one round had to drink a beer.

    unfortunately I don't know what it is called

    With downtime I mean the hanging-around kind of downtime,doesn't have to be the one in between fights where they actually have implemented the downtime in order to create opportunity to form bonds with those around (but social games for multiple players could help in other areas of the *downtime*)

    If I look at the art of the races ,I might even buy a physical copy of such a card game lol Would do the art team justice <3

    This post was edited by Fluffy at April 19, 2017 3:00 PM PDT
    • 514 posts
    April 19, 2017 8:19 PM PDT

    Vanguard Diplo...

    • 319 posts
    April 20, 2017 9:25 AM PDT

    Pantheon should have an in-game trading card game (TCG)!

    No ingame trading cards.

    Downtime could include waiting for mobs to pop, traveling from A to B, crafting, and  just general sitting around talking of buying/selling. I really do not see the trading cards or gems as a perticularly fun way to spend time. If you have free time spend it  researching spells or making jewely or other smaller items you may be able to carry with you as you travel without being weighed down. I just hope stacking is put in at release.

    • 119 posts
    April 20, 2017 6:58 PM PDT

    please not

    • 578 posts
    April 20, 2017 11:59 PM PDT

    To address some of the concerns here;

    First, anybody worried about a TCG taking up too many resources you have nothing to worry about. I can say with absolute certainty, I'd bet money on it, that a TCG will not be something put in before launch. IF a TCG is added, it would be something added in down the road and therefore they could spend whatever resources they wanted on it because it would be added on content. Second, some of the devs here are devs that designed VG which had its own CCG in it so they already have the know-how to design something like this so that would help cut down on resources.

    I think mini-games such as this are a great idea. The world needs more activities to make it feel alive. They just have to make sense and I see nothing wrong with some form of either CCG or TCG. Personally, with having played VG I'd like a TCG. Something where players could play each other. And this isn't something you'd play with the cleric in your group while you're in a dungeon. CCGs/TCGs usually require a table of some sort of surface to play so players wouldn't have to worry about group mates slacking off in battle because they are in a heated card battle. Just design the CG to require a table. You could possibly allow people to play on the ground, like if they are out in the wilderness in a field or on a path just hanging out but at least make them have to sit down so that way if players are in a group a leader can spot player trying to play a card game by them sitting down and can kick them out if need be. Can even have a game interrupted if players/mobs have to cross over your game area (sitting on the ground).

    And I honestly don't see how a TCG can have a negative affect on socializing in any way. I've played many nights of card games, mainly Magic...well, all magic, but they were some of the loudest most fun nights I've had socializing with my friends. It's an easy way to create an avenue for new and old players alike to meet and form new friendly social bonds. It's simple, just set up spots in town for players to play and level 50s can meet level 1s or level 20s and not have their level difference hinder them.

    And for the people worried about ppl spamming chat channels and trade channels and what-not, I really hope the devs find a way to not have universal chat channels like /ooc. You shouldn't be able to hear random people chatting unless they are in your vicinity. Have a local /say channel for players in your area, a /guild channel, maybe a /yell for slightly further than your area, and then /join channels if you want to talk among larger groups of friends. Not only will this make it a little more immersive and realistic but it will help avoid ppl spamming channels as well as gold sellers spamming channels, if that's a thing. As long as they design tools for players to group together and meet up in whatever ways they need to there should be no reason to have these /oocs /zone channels. This will also make the world feel even larger because of the limited access chat channels would have which is always a good thing.

    • 119 posts
    April 21, 2017 12:47 AM PDT

    if it gets added later it's still wasted resources. i want to play a MMORPG, not a TCG. there's enough TCGs out there that i can play. they should rather focus on improving the main game. EQ tried to add a minigame at some time and failed horribly, most people never played it.

    This post was edited by letsdance at April 21, 2017 12:52 AM PDT