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Disturbing quests

    • 121 posts
    January 14, 2017 6:23 PM PST

    This is one of the reasons I'm looking forward to the preception mechanic and hopfully less but more meaningful quests.  Since my days of EQ, most games are quest hub to quest hub.  There are just so many quests that I never even read 90% of them.  Just run to a hub, collect like 10 quests and look at log for what I need to do.  Hopfully Pantheon will give me reason to pay attention to quests again.

    • 1618 posts
    January 14, 2017 8:32 PM PST

    MINX said:

    In EQ2, the Qeynos to Freeport betrayal quest line had you adopt a dog, train it, then ultimately kill it to prove that you are truely evil.  That was so hard for me =(  Poor puppy!

    On the lighter side, there was a Brells day quest that involved a guy in a bar who was in love with his cow lol.  You needed to retrieve something from the bag on the ground next to him.  In order to get him to leave the bag unattended, you had to go out to the barn and tip the cow.....then he would run out to rescue her lol.  Was very well done.  I stood in the barn for some time after completing it, giggling every time a new player would come along and tip the cow lol.

    Actually, that is rumored to be part of nazi training. It's all over Google, but I have no idea if it's true.

    • 24 posts
    January 14, 2017 10:10 PM PST

    draconin said:

    The most memorable quest I've experienced in any mmo was in Vanguard.  I literally felt sick to my stomach completing it but although very disturbing, it did leave an impact on me to this day.  I almost dropped the quest but for some reason, I wanted to complete it and I felt horrible for it.

    It involved me having to murder some people.  Chopping up their body parts and grinding them into animal feed.  I remember doing it at night and it was the creepiest thing I've done in any game.  Although it was a very disturbing quest, it left a profound memory and was very different than anything else I've experienced. 

    So is there any plans for these types of quests in Pantheon or atleast a few "special" ones that are very different than the norm? 


    Thank you,

    The Bay Harbor Butcher

    I might be rather insensitive, but nothing i've ever had to do in a game has really disturbed me, they have made me squirm, or hesitate for a minute, but for me it all comes down to the simple fact that it's a game. Nothing i do here is real and for 95% of it, is nothing i would ever do, or have to do in real life. So maybe i'm unique, but never have not done a quest, or even been tempted to drop a quest because of what it asked me to do. Though for the sake of complete transparency that doesnt mean games havent made me feel things before, I did shed actual tears for Aries in FFVII, not ashamed haha.


    This post was edited by Draknmarr at January 14, 2017 10:12 PM PST
    • 3016 posts
    January 15, 2017 10:09 AM PST

    Quests that make you go Ewwww! Yuck!   heh I "might" do a couple, depends if it messes with my faction. :P

    • 3016 posts
    January 15, 2017 10:11 AM PST

    Arksien said:

    I like these! A non-MMO example of how cool the "disturbing" quest lines can be is how you got invited to the dark brotherhood in Oblivion. If you never played the game (or never learned of this questline), it was a "hidden" questline that you could play the whole game through without ever finding. Basically, you needed to kill an NPC that was not hostile (so literally a murder). After the first time you did that, you got a little message in the upper corner that said "your actions were witnessed by forces unseen." You could then go about your business and totally forget about it, because nothing would come of it... until you went to sleep.

    The first time you go to sleep after that message, you're awakened in the middle of the night by a man in a dark robe, and he's all "I know what you did." There's a bunch of creepy dialogue, and he asks you to go murder someone. Then he casts a spell and vanishes into thin air, leaving you with with a grim task. That was a REALLY cool entrance to what unfolded as a very disturbing quest line. The Skyrim DB questline was a massive disapointment in comparison.

    I'd love to see some of that magic worked into this game. I agree that VG had some real "holy **** why am I doing this" quests in it, so I hope that this game has similar quests. Also, I'd LOVE it if this game had "hidden" quest lines in it, like the one I just described above, especially if they're assassin or macbre quests!


    Or being a vampire and having to hide from the light of day....I did that but it was darned hard to stay alive.  lol

    • 2886 posts
    April 18, 2017 6:34 AM PDT

    Kratuk said:

    Kilsin said:

    Hahaha! That quest was indeed disgusting, although Necro's loved it lol. The United Races of Thestra (URT) quest part in Silverlake at the windmill or grain mill thing was pretty funny, chopping them up after mezzing them and leading them to the mill then grinding their body parts, yuck! :)

    I'm going to be honest. One that gave me a good laugh in Vanguard was that secret cave you had to follow this random cultist to in, I "think" Rindoll Field. The cultist clumsily utters (forgetfully I might add) a password in text you had to type /say and use it to get in. That password if I remember correctly was otkin adarab utaalk, which for all of you less of a nerd than me is klaatu barada nikto backwards. What I took to be a nod to the Evil Dead series, but more specifically, Army of Darkness, the third movie in the Ash Williams trilogy. I may be misremembering a few details but I do remember it giving me a good laugh.

    Maybe he didn't get every little syllable but basically he said em, yeah.

    That's funny - that's basically the same password 'Utalk Adarev Otcin' for the Thex Mallet quest in EQ, which requires you to go to Befallen and of course assist the Queen of the Dead. I love little easter eggs like that.

    This post was edited by Bazgrim at April 18, 2017 6:34 AM PDT
    • 3852 posts
    April 18, 2017 7:43 AM PDT

    >Actually, that is rumored to be part of nazi training. It's all over Google, but I have no idea if it's true.<

    I believe it is true. Before my time but my father and father-in-law both fought in Europe during World War 2.

    Little known alternative fact - it was rumored that senior Nazi leaders fled to Argentina but were never found. The reason is they were in Freeport. Indeed, one might say they went to the dogs.

    • 2752 posts
    April 18, 2017 10:37 AM PDT

    Beefcake said:

    MINX said:

    In EQ2, the Qeynos to Freeport betrayal quest line had you adopt a dog, train it, then ultimately kill it to prove that you are truely evil.  That was so hard for me =(  Poor puppy!

    Actually, that is rumored to be part of nazi training. It's all over Google, but I have no idea if it's true.


    It is also a part of the Song of Ice and Fire books (Game of Thrones) which is from before EQ2 as well. 


    I don't really remember any disturbing quests, probably because ever since WoW I tend to never read any quest text. Just grab the next gold ! and move on. I do remember Mankirk's Wife in The Barrens being on the more sad side of things, and while it wasn't really a quest I did feel bad for all those tortured/drawn and quartered dwarven corpses you'd find in Everquest. 

    • 514 posts
    April 18, 2017 9:18 PM PDT

    Best quest ever!?!?!  EQ2 Troll Pirate quest to slay kittens....

    • 249 posts
    April 19, 2017 2:05 PM PDT
    Evil races with evil quest lines? Ohhh. That could be fun. I agree that gray choices make questing much more involving. You actually have to stop and think. Analyze what's happening and what might happen. Rather than gather boar meat. Turn in. Yada yada yada. Make us think. It makes it much more fun