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    • 24 posts
    February 19, 2015 7:29 PM PST

    Anyone here play H1Z1?? I just got it and I have to say not bad for some Alpha game play it show's a lot of promise in my opinion!

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    February 19, 2015 8:40 PM PST

    I am an original DayZ player/supporter so I must say I am not very impressed with H1Z1 simply because they jumped on an idea when it was booming and just added microtransactions to profit from the players who enjoy these types of survival games.

    You can play DayZ for an initial purchase fee and then enjoy almost everything H1Z1 has to offer but in better detail and more variety and without the cash shop and paid drops etc.

    • 366 posts
    February 19, 2015 8:41 PM PST

    I played it for a bit and had lots of fun.  I have not played it since the wipe, But I'll pick it up again once they add some more new content.

    • 24 posts
    February 19, 2015 9:24 PM PST
    Kilsin said:

    I am an original DayZ player/supporter so I must say I am not very impressed with H1Z1 simply because they jumped on an idea when it was booming and just added microtransactions to profit from the players who enjoy these types of survival games.

    You can play DayZ for an initial purchase fee and then enjoy almost everything H1Z1 has to offer but in better detail and more variety and without the cash shop and paid drops etc.

    No offense but from what I seen DayZ was an okay mod and ultimately a money pit...I have heard nothing but negative things about that game. H1Z1 may have RMT but it is not game breaking or a "pay to win" status. 

    Within the short time H1Z1 has been released I have seen more progress in that small time frame then DayZ ever accomplished! I can see H1Z1 surpassing DayZ by a land side in just under a year. 

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    February 20, 2015 1:34 AM PST
    Throatseeker said:
    Kilsin said:

    I am an original DayZ player/supporter so I must say I am not very impressed with H1Z1 simply because they jumped on an idea when it was booming and just added microtransactions to profit from the players who enjoy these types of survival games.

    You can play DayZ for an initial purchase fee and then enjoy almost everything H1Z1 has to offer but in better detail and more variety and without the cash shop and paid drops etc.

    No offense but from what I seen DayZ was an okay mod and ultimately a money pit...I have heard nothing but negative things about that game. H1Z1 may have RMT but it is not game breaking or a "pay to win" status. 

    Within the short time H1Z1 has been released I have seen more progress in that small time frame then DayZ ever accomplished! I can see H1Z1 surpassing DayZ by a land side in just under a year. 

    No offence taken at all and I wasn't having a go at the game mate, I just do not like microtransactions in any game but especially survival games! DayZ mod isn't a money pit and neither DayZ or DayZ SA have any microtransactions/RMT/Cash Shops at all.

    DayZ is essentially two games:


    DayZ the mod which is a mod and cannot be put up against these two games, if it was put up it would win by a mile but that would be unfair :P


    DayZ SA the standalone game. The Standalone is a long way ahead of H1Z1 in terms of development, you can read the latest changelog for yourself here:



    and go through the rest from the last year to see just how far they have come and how much content is included, some examples is a much more in depth heat, cold, wet system, farming, hunting, crafting etc. I wouldn't judge the game by what you read mate, it is always better to jump in and see for yourself first hand, I can tell you from playing both that DayZ is far superior in many ways even while they merge into a completely new engine, which is quite remarkable really.

    I am not trying to change your mind, neither of them are perfect by any means and it comes down to personal choice but you cannot write a game off for what you hear from others and claim that a new game in Alpha for less time has achieved more than a game that has been in alpha for over a year, Bohemia has studios in multiple countries and several teams dedicated to DayZ SA.

    Plus this data doesn't lie.

    Steam user reviews:

    DayZ SA: User reviews: Very Positive (110,463 reviews)

    H1Z1: User reviews: Mixed (18,370 reviews)

    PLAYERS PEAK TODAY   GAME   H1Z1 21,576  -  DayZ 23,609


    DayZ more users per Day even though H1Z1 is almost brand new...that speaks volumes mate. plus DayZ SA has sold over 3 million copies!

    Yes they are both in Alpha, both have hackers, both have bugs etc but I wanted to show you the difference in statistical evidence, not just random words from internet trolls and haters ;)

    They may both turn out to be awesome games but currently DayZ is the better experience for me personally and has a ton more content plus after 1 year still peaks with the most daily users.

    I dislike microtransactions a lot, they are a very cheap money grab and I wish players stopped supporting it which is a big reason why I will not play H1Z1 again. I think it is just because of my mentality that survival should be very harsh and not allow you to pay $5 and have an air drop of good and zombies but again, each to their own, as long as you have fun playing that is all that really matters, right? :)

    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at February 21, 2015 10:55 PM PST
    • 24 posts
    February 20, 2015 5:23 AM PST

    Well I tried DayZ through a buddy of mine when it was a mod. I haven't had a crack at the stand alone client myself. I did enjoy my time except I really did not care for the "infected". DayZ zombies aren't really zombies, rather they are"infected" and can sprint at ungodly rates..Not my cup o tea : D



    I am almost 99% certain that the RMT air drops are a pre-alpha thing only which offers very little aid AND you are competing with other folks just to claim it! RMT is bad when it cripples a game but RMTing for additional appearance items etc. that offer no real advantage over another player is fine in my opinion. (Guild Wars 2).



    • 24 posts
    February 20, 2015 5:27 AM PST

    Aaaaaaaannnnd to be fair H1Z1 hit early Alpha on steam mid January of this year, however DayZsa has been posted since 2013 still considered early access. Quite honestly I would have been on the DayZ train if they fixed their zombies and would have buggered up the first few years dicking with a mod. :D

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    February 20, 2015 7:00 AM PST
    Throatseeker said:

    Well I tried DayZ through a buddy of mine when it was a mod. I haven't had a crack at the stand alone client myself. I did enjoy my time except I really did not care for the "infected". DayZ zombies aren't really zombies, rather they are"infected" and can sprint at ungodly rates..Not my cup o tea : D



    I am almost 99% certain that the RMT air drops are a pre-alpha thing only which offers very little aid AND you are competing with other folks just to claim it! RMT is bad when it cripples a game but RMTing for additional appearance items etc. that offer no real advantage over another player is fine in my opinion. (Guild Wars 2).



    Yeah I hear you man, the Zeds in DayZ are a bit weird at the moment and can be a pain, especially if they warp through walls and corner you lol but DayZ is fixing these issues slowly and doing a pretty good job, they should launch into beta before the end of the year, which will be good. I don;t mind companies making extra revenue for fluff items or merchandise, as business is business, companies need to make money, Devs need to eat etc. but for me personally, it just doesn't sit well having paid drops in a survival game, maybe in CoD or something but I see survival as a harsh test of your stamina, thinking, strategy, skills etc. not paying $5 for an air drop to magically appear but that's just me mate, I may be the minority.

    Throatseeker said:

    Aaaaaaaannnnd to be fair H1Z1 hit early Alpha on steam mid January of this year, however DayZsa has been posted since 2013 still considered early access. Quite honestly I would have been on the DayZ train if they fixed their zombies and would have buggered up the first few years dicking with a mod. :D

    I did mention that, which is why it is impossible for them to add more than DayZ and I just wanted to point that out with data, not meaning to be a pain lol :P

    I like survival games, H1Z1 has it's audience which is shared with DayZ, they have some differences which people probably find refreshing to jump between both for a break, which is good to have that option, I hope they both do well and if you even end up grabbing DayZ SA, hit me up, I would be up for a gaming session with you mate :)

    • 24 posts
    February 20, 2015 7:40 AM PST

    As soon as they correct their zombies I will be all over it lol

    • 318 posts
    February 20, 2015 9:31 PM PST

    @Kilsin I totally agree about the microtransaction shops in games. I wish I had know about them being in H1Z1 before purchasing it.


    I don't have any problem paying a monthly subscription for a game. With monthly subscriptions, everyone is still on an equal playing field and can't simply buy an unfair advantage over others.


    But pay to win shops, those are nearly as bad as the chinese gold sellers imo. They both ruin game experiences. It just never made sense to me... So here you are. You're immersed playing in this video game world, but wait! In order to be the best, you have to stop and get out your credit card in order to buy certain virtual items... Where is the fun in that?

    This post was edited by Wellspring at February 20, 2015 10:03 PM PST
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    February 20, 2015 10:10 PM PST
    Wellspring said:

    @Kilsin I totally agree about the microtransaction shops in games. I wish I had know about them being in H1Z1 before purchasing it.


    I don't have any problem paying a monthly subscription for a game. With monthly subscriptions, everyone is still on an equal playing field and can't simply buy an unfair advantage over others.


    But pay to win shops, those are nearly as bad as the chinese gold sellers imo. They both ruin game experiences. It just never made sense to me... So here you are. You're immersed playing in this video game world, but wait! In order to be the best, you have to stop and get out your credit card in order to buy certain virtual items... Where is the fun in that?

    Yeah that is pretty much what kills it for me too mate.


    I am all for subscriptions though as long as they don't offer in game advantages, I would even pay more to support a company and their game if they let me (again for no advantage other than to say thanks and keep that game running longer so I can continue to enjoy it).


    But ArcheAge, H1Z1 and too many others to list that include cash shops and microtransactions these days are literally ruining the industry for a few quick bucks. Times seem to be changing slightly though and players are waking up to these money grabs and calling them out over social media, which can cripple greedy companies, so hopefully they take note and the trend changes again, back to good old fashioned "Produce a good quality product and experience and they will pay for it for as long as they continue to enjoy it" instead of these half finished Early Access games that milk us for as much as they can and sometimes don't even get fully made...

    That is my thoughts anyway, I only speak for myself ;)

    • 366 posts
    February 21, 2015 6:11 AM PST

    I played WarZ and DayZ briefly - does DayZ have any PvE servers yet?   When I played them they were all PvP.   One of the things I enjoy about H1Z1 over those two games is the fact that I played on a PVE server.  The problem with being on a PVE server though is there are less things to do once you "survive"   so I am basically done. I wont pay anything in a cash shop.  My stance has always been strong on how I dislike cash shops of any type so I understand your position.


    AracheAge in Alpha and Beta was nice (although they needed to work on the exploiters and castles better) - the cash shop completely ruined the game and I quit because of it.  Are you still playing AA Kilsin?  I wont go back to it, but I was just curious.



    This post was edited by Zarriya at February 21, 2015 6:15 AM PST
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    February 21, 2015 9:28 AM PST
    Zarriya said:

    I played WarZ and DayZ briefly - does DayZ have any PvE servers yet?   When I played them they were all PvP.   One of the things I enjoy about H1Z1 over those two games is the fact that I played on a PVE server.  The problem with being on a PVE server though is there are less things to do once you "survive"   so I am basically done. I wont pay anything in a cash shop.  My stance has always been strong on how I dislike cash shops of any type so I understand your position.


    AracheAge in Alpha and Beta was nice (although they needed to work on the exploiters and castles better) - the cash shop completely ruined the game and I quit because of it.  Are you still playing AA Kilsin?  I wont go back to it, but I was just curious.



    DayZ has released private servers/hives not too long ago, so you can infact have PvE only servers or servers with special rulesets. I personally tend to go with the open servers for PvP too just because it adds to the experience of meeting random people and not knowing if you are going to die or not, or get tricked into a situation. It can be frustrating but the trick it finding a good server with good people who share a similar mentality and play style to your own, which can take a while but once you find it, you will have a lot more fun.

    I literally stopped playing AA a couple of days ago and gave my house and farms to guildies to use, since I just can put the hours in that it requires to play farmville and when I can get on, most of my guild is US based so I rarely get to see them, so while I haven't "quit" I do not play much at all anymore due to real life commitments taking up a lot of my time along with my commitments to VRI and Pantheon :)

    I only returned after Alpha/Beta because I found out a lot of my old friends from VG were all playing together on the same server so I went straight back and had a blast just playing with them for a few months but once I reach max level again and had less time, it loses my interest pretty quickly and I could never swipe my credit card for a game like that so I would never be