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Alpha Pledge Session on Hold

    • 75 posts
    December 16, 2023 10:58 AM PST

    Chett said:

    OGTomkins said:

    Chett said:

    Just be all honest to yourself: We all got scammed. Deep down you know it, even the white knights. That whole bad movie you watched for way to long will not turn into a happy end - you know it.

    Accept that fact and stop pretending to yourself, that this game will ever see the light.



    Lol then why are you still on the forums? Or even remotely paying attention to this game? If you know it's a scam why aren't you 5 miles away from here and staying gone? Usually when most people know a scam they ignore it and move on with their life.


    To warn and wake up others. Look at my Post count, i pledged in 2015. And yea i move on to get back in a year and say the same thing. No matter if u like it or not. I give a sh.. 'bout you and what u think how i should handle this scam.

    That's a cop out answer. "To warn and wake up others" VR living in your head rent free and it's more sad that you stick around to try and convince others. Do you treat all things that don't go your way like this or does VR have a special prick in your hand? 

    Get you want to be mad at VR that a game isn't released but I'd say most everyone here is an Adult who can make their own decisions. You aren't helping a situation or anyone just more of an annoyance than anything. But then again like you said you don't care what I say so I guess I'm just at as much fault wasting my time with this reply as you are wasting your time trying to scream in the VR world the sky is falling. /shrug to each their own.

    • 17 posts
    December 16, 2023 10:59 AM PST

    OGTomkins said:

    Chett said:

    OGTomkins said:

    Chett said:

    Just be all honest to yourself: We all got scammed. Deep down you know it, even the white knights. That whole bad movie you watched for way to long will not turn into a happy end - you know it.

    Accept that fact and stop pretending to yourself, that this game will ever see the light.



    Lol then why are you still on the forums? Or even remotely paying attention to this game? If you know it's a scam why aren't you 5 miles away from here and staying gone? Usually when most people know a scam they ignore it and move on with their life.


    To warn and wake up others. Look at my Post count, i pledged in 2015. And yea i move on to get back in a year and say the same thing. No matter if u like it or not. I give a sh.. 'bout you and what u think how i should handle this scam.

    That's a cop out answer. "To warn and wake up others" VR living in your head rent free and it's more sad that you stick around to try and convince others. Do you treat all things that don't go your way like this or does VR have a special prick in your hand? 

    Get you want to be mad at VR that a game isn't released but I'd say most everyone here is an Adult who can make their own decisions. You aren't helping a situation or anyone just more of an annoyance than anything. But then again like you said you don't care what I say so I guess I'm just at as much fault wasting my time with this reply as you are wasting your time trying to scream in the VR world the sky is falling. /shrug to each their own.

    *sniff sniff*  I smell......a cuck!

    • 24 posts
    December 16, 2023 11:06 AM PST

    OGTomkins said:

    Get you want to be mad at VR that a game isn't released but I'd say most everyone here is an Adult who can make their own decisions. You aren't helping a situation or anyone just more of an annoyance than anything. But then again like you said you don't care what I say so I guess I'm just at as much fault wasting my time with this reply as you are wasting your time trying to scream in the VR world the sky is falling. /shrug to each their own.


    You are not an Adult. Only someone who spits out mayor league BS.

    Get out of the light.

    This post was edited by Chett at December 16, 2023 11:08 AM PST
    • 75 posts
    December 16, 2023 11:07 AM PST

    Valtorak said:

    OGTomkins said:

    Chett said:

    OGTomkins said:

    Chett said:

    Just be all honest to yourself: We all got scammed. Deep down you know it, even the white knights. That whole bad movie you watched for way to long will not turn into a happy end - you know it.

    Accept that fact and stop pretending to yourself, that this game will ever see the light.



    Lol then why are you still on the forums? Or even remotely paying attention to this game? If you know it's a scam why aren't you 5 miles away from here and staying gone? Usually when most people know a scam they ignore it and move on with their life.


    To warn and wake up others. Look at my Post count, i pledged in 2015. And yea i move on to get back in a year and say the same thing. No matter if u like it or not. I give a sh.. 'bout you and what u think how i should handle this scam.

    That's a cop out answer. "To warn and wake up others" VR living in your head rent free and it's more sad that you stick around to try and convince others. Do you treat all things that don't go your way like this or does VR have a special prick in your hand? 

    Get you want to be mad at VR that a game isn't released but I'd say most everyone here is an Adult who can make their own decisions. You aren't helping a situation or anyone just more of an annoyance than anything. But then again like you said you don't care what I say so I guess I'm just at as much fault wasting my time with this reply as you are wasting your time trying to scream in the VR world the sky is falling. /shrug to each their own.

    *sniff sniff*  I smell......a cuck!

    Lol might want to look up the meaning of cuck. Either way my point still stands, you guys staying on here to bash the game will be the same people wanting to get into pre-alpha and will STILL log in on the next pre-alpha release. Ironic really. See you in game.

    • 17 posts
    December 16, 2023 11:13 AM PST

    New theory -- it is the spirit of Brad McQuaid enacting vengeance on his former team for the bastardization of his dream.

    • 28 posts
    December 16, 2023 11:14 AM PST

    Zorkon said:

    This is Pre-alpha, this was a load TEST of pre-alpha done prematurely in hopes of a give back for the 247 mistake. We should all have expected problems!

    VR, I can see your already taking a lot of hate over this but trust that not all of us don't understand. I hope you got some good info on the crowd sizes and what needs to be done with the Persistent system to make the next TEST go smoother. Looking forward to the first of the year and seeing some improvement. As one of your often times more critical pledges, glad I can finally be of assistance in debugging the game. (what we were supposed to be doing, not early access) 

    Agreed. It is natural that people are going to be disappointed -- both backers and devs. Of course we all wanted to be able to play today, but the point is that this is testing and, well, without even directly playing, we contributed to finding a major issue. Now, troubleshooting can begin. That is good for this stage and will help make the next attempt succeed.

    Thank you for the info and starting this thread, Sav.

    • 2 posts
    December 16, 2023 11:18 AM PST

    This is unacceptable, Monsters & Memories put out testing at least twice within less time. With there 1st testing they opened more servers to deal with the lode of extra players and even though they had issues they let testing continue. VS this is totally unacceptable if you are serious about putting out a game. You new what kind of amount of testers you where going to have and you should have been prepared before you sent out e-mail invites. This is piss pore planning or just another way to scam people to pledge more money. At this point it seems more like a scam for more money. If they cant get this simple thing going how would the rest of the game be handled? Seems like this is being run by a bunch of grade school kids or something. Very very sad.

    • 17 posts
    December 16, 2023 11:21 AM PST

    Sandd said:

    This is unacceptable, Monsters & Memories put out testing at least twice within less time. With there 1st testing they opened more servers to deal with the lode of extra players and even though they had issues they let testing continue. VS this is totally unacceptable if you are serious about putting out a game. You new what kind of amount of testers you where going to have and you should have been prepared before you sent out e-mail invites. This is piss pore planning or just another way to scam people to pledge more money. At this point it seems more like a scam for more money. If they cant get this simple thing going how would the rest of the game be handled? Seems like this is being run by a bunch of grade school kids or something. Very very sad.

    MnM has been awesome so far, AND totally transparent...but thats the difference between professionals and amateurs. *shrug*

    • 15 posts
    December 16, 2023 11:23 AM PST

    ahh dang, now we're at the "we didnt know the game had to work with a large population" refactor. Can't wait to see how long this one lasts

    • 2 posts
    December 16, 2023 11:24 AM PST

    Exactly right Valtorak. 

    • VR Staff
    • 536 posts
    December 16, 2023 11:30 AM PST

    We are having a problem with our persist system that governs items and game functions and their ability to persist through logouts and reboots, so the game will forget item stats or how far you progressed through a quest. This is coupled with a memory leak.

    First, the problem was believed to be relatively surface. The tech that would be working on it had an unexpected injury and had to take last week off. Our lead tech stepped in to evaluate and as we dug deeper, it became a fundamental issue that would not support the incoming flow of traffic. We had a fix pending. It didn't work.

    We know how disappointing this is and we want to do better.

    This post was edited by Savanja at December 16, 2023 11:33 AM PST
    • 6 posts
    December 16, 2023 11:35 AM PST

    Valtorak said:


    MnM has been awesome so far, AND totally transparent...but thats the difference between professionals and amateurs. *shrug*

    Backends are hard.  Very hard for anything like MMOs.  You aren't going to learn how to build this type of stuff using google and gpt. It takes years of experience and lots of hard lessons learned, and even then, it's a lot of work.  I'm not saying VR lacks this depth.  But we have yet to see evidence of it, if it's there.

    Compare that to M&M, who clearly have devs w/ experience and scars enough to know what to focus on. 

    • 15 posts
    December 16, 2023 11:38 AM PST

    Savanja said:

    We know how disappointing this is and we want to do better.


    i think the part yall really need to realize is that this, today, WAS supposed to be y'all doing better.


    we heard you knew it was disappointing and wanted to do better with the 24/7 thing. You fixed that, though, and that was awesome! You listened to feedback and made a hard choice for the community, and told us you'd do better. Than you told us we could finally play the game! things were really, really looking good. I've been down about this game for years and I was actually feeling hopeful. You had community goodwill on your side.


    And then once again, you're sorry to disappoint and you promise to do better. At this point, why do we believe that this time will be any different than the previous "we know this is disappointing, we'll do better NEXT time" situations?

    • 3 posts
    December 16, 2023 11:44 AM PST

    Left work for this... :(


    • 99 posts
    December 16, 2023 11:45 AM PST

    It would have been just 24 hours anyway no point in being that disapointed. While i understand some might be, i cant get really happy to test for such a short time anyway. So it doesnt really bother me that much. Sure it could have been cool but it doesnt matter that much.

    This post was edited by Ondark at December 16, 2023 11:55 AM PST
    • 4 posts
    December 16, 2023 11:57 AM PST

    After spending too much time reading in Discord and on the forums I have one final comment.  I will admit I was disappointed by the cancellation of the testing.  because I don't consider it playing.  I consider it testing.  I can see why they cancelled it.  My problem is WHEN they cancelled it.  10-15 minutes before it is supposed to go live is unacceptable.  VR knew this was a problem way before 10 minutes before the game would launch.  When it crept up they should have said "look, we know we said the 16th, but this problem (insert long explanation here) has crept up.  We will keep you all informed."  That is all... people would be disappointed, yes, but you wouldn't have the huge amount of fallout you have now to deal with.

    Work smarter, not harder.

    • 3 posts
    December 16, 2023 12:01 PM PST

    Ondark said:

    It would have been just 24 hours anyway no point in being that disapointed. While i understand some might be, i cant get really happy to test for such a short time anyway. So it doesnt really bother me that much. Sure it could have been cool but it doesnt matter that much.

    It is not the disappointment that the test is canceled. I was pleasantly surprised to see anything of value from an old old pledge. I was disappointed that it took years for the alpha test to start. My hope that a test will happen is even lower now. The few moving pixels do not convince me that there is an MMO at all and the reason given is strange. You could have tested something with the available testers. Just to let them show you are working on something.

    • 4 posts
    December 16, 2023 12:08 PM PST

    I understand and appreciate the honesty and such. I can wait. IT SUCKS but I can wait. Looking forward to WHEN it does happen.

    • 41 posts
    December 16, 2023 12:08 PM PST

    Disappointment, this worse than when my dad left to get the milk....

    • 1860 posts
    December 16, 2023 12:10 PM PST
    Time to start working on a new network stack.

    How's Vinl going for those you said you licensed it to?
    This post was edited by philo at December 16, 2023 12:11 PM PST
    • 1 posts
    December 16, 2023 12:16 PM PST

    I can only imagine it is pretty depressing for the VR team to read through these comments. If its any consolation, read them in the comic guy's voice from the Simpsons (its almost impossible not to and its given me a good chuckle).

    I pledged because I love the concept but fully expected surprises would come as any successes, not failures. I still love the concept and wish you guys all the encouragement and success in the future.

    Happy Holidays.

    • 79 posts
    December 16, 2023 12:18 PM PST

    As I have said before, keep up the communication with the community.  The good, the bad and the ugly.  Let people know the progress on it, the reason for it, a timeline for fixing etc. etc.  Listen to their feedback as well like allowing people time to download the client earlier so they don't have to worry about it etc.  Keep up the communication.

    • 1 posts
    December 16, 2023 12:33 PM PST


    I mean... if everything just worked in game development, we wouldn't need rounds of testing. It's normal to feel a bit let down given the history, but do yourself a favor and set your bar lower and expect more of this during testing. If/when the game comes out, raise that bar up.

    This post was edited by Mito at December 16, 2023 12:33 PM PST
    • 17 posts
    December 16, 2023 12:35 PM PST

    Mito said:


    I mean... if everything just worked in game development, we wouldn't need rounds of testing. It's normal to feel a bit let down given the history, but do yourself a favor and set your bar lower and expect more of this during testing. If/when the game comes out, raise that bar up.

    yes expect early stage development issues 10 years into a project...thats reasonable and sound advice

    • 1 posts
    December 16, 2023 12:46 PM PST

    Veektor said:

    Awww fudge! Well the game IS in a testing phase to find issues, so here we are. Some of us realize that VR doesn't have the deep pockets the likes of other major software developers and things are going to take a bit more time. No point in complaining about it as it serves no purpose to fixing issues. Keep up the the good fight VR, most of us have faith it'll get sorted out.
