Forums » Pantheon Classes

Magic Item Restrictions

    • 947 posts
    May 17, 2023 8:37 AM PDT

    By “magic item restriction”, I’m referring specifically to items that don’t require proficiency or training (not things like weapons or armor).  i.e. An illusion “mask” shouldn’t be restricted to a specific class in my opinion; because putting on an article of clothing shouldn’t take any more proficiency than any other article of clothing... like boots or a belt.  Alternatively, I could understand if there were “alignment” restrictions... like a “traditional” Paladin or Druid may be restricted from using something like a cloak that required killing a pegasus to grant levitation, or a crown that harnesses the power of shadow magic to go invisible.  Like in DnD, powerful items could require attunement, with a limited number of items that you can attune to at a time.  I can also understand if an item required a specific skill to use, but again... that falls into the category of requiring a particular proficiency.  This brings up another question: should some magical gear have skill proficiencies to activate (instead of the level restriction although level caps on skill proficiency could lend to that restriction and be supplemented by racial passive bonuses or other bonuses provided by gear)?


    Knowing if there are stringent restrictions on classes or not is one of the things that lends to my determination of my class choice because fun game-play is essential to me.

    Some effects I feel improve game-play fun that I would like to see on clothing/jewelry include:

    Haste (Movement and-or Attack-Cast)
    Non statistic changing illusions
    Thorns/Damage Shield

    What are some other abilities we want to see and what kind of limitations/restrictions would you want on them/why?


    • 724 posts
    May 19, 2023 7:18 AM PDT

    Some examples for worn/clicky items that might be fun:

    • Mask with water breathing
    • Wands or staves with a few charges of damage spells (fireball wand anyone? :) -> should probably be required to be worn to use
    • Boots with "high jump" effect (absolutely loved those in VG!)
    • Shields with resist buffs (like "Shield of Fire Resistance" that actually casts such a buff on you instead of just providing resist stats)

    On the topic of charges: I hope that all or at least, most of those charge items will be rechargeable. There were some nice items in EQ with charge effects (Divine Aura clicky for example, or that Stein that had some charges of Light Healing). But since I never knew if or how these items might be recharged, I never actually used them...kind of a waste. Of course it should not be too easy/cheap to recharge items, but having the option would allow actually planning on using them.

    This post was edited by Sarim at May 19, 2023 7:20 AM PDT
    • 947 posts
    May 19, 2023 1:29 PM PDT

    Sarim said:

    Some examples for worn/clicky items that might be fun:

    • Mask with water breathing
    • Wands or staves with a few charges of damage spells (fireball wand anyone? :) -> should probably be required to be worn to use
    • Boots with "high jump" effect (absolutely loved those in VG!)
    • Shields with resist buffs (like "Shield of Fire Resistance" that actually casts such a buff on you instead of just providing resist stats)

    On the topic of charges: I hope that all or at least, most of those charge items will be rechargeable. There were some nice items in EQ with charge effects (Divine Aura clicky for example, or that Stein that had some charges of Light Healing). But since I never knew if or how these items might be recharged, I never actually used them...kind of a waste. Of course it should not be too easy/cheap to recharge items, but having the option would allow actually planning on using them.

    Jumping/climbing boots are a great idea!  I absolutely agree with the the charges and recharging of items going to waste because it was too risky or too difficult to recharge, so the items never got used.

    • 612 posts
    May 20, 2023 11:08 AM PDT

    From what we have heard in the latest Parting the Veil, Druids will be unique in being able to buff Jump height. Although Joppa did say that VR didn't want Class Abilities to be the 'Only way' to do things. So if there was 'Boots of Leaping' or something this could bypass the need to always have a Druid in your Party to get the bonus Jump effect. Perhaps they could be like Journeyman Boots from EQ where the Druids buff gave a larger bonus, thus making it preferable. The 'Boots of Leaping' could also be limited by a long cooldown with a short duration.

    Although maybe the Boots buff + druid buff could stack so if you only had the boots you might get a 50% bonus to jump Height, and Druid might give 75% bonus to Jump height, but with both you'd have 125% bonus height.

    One effect I always loved was Levitation, but it was pretty rare. When I became a Guide in EQ I was all giddy when I got my Guide Gear and found that we had a Clickly Levitate buff.

    • 947 posts
    May 20, 2023 1:31 PM PDT


    I absolutely could not play without levitating once I was able to do so lol.  On a PvP server, I always had levitate and see invis on (as well as j-boots).  Some things were neccessary :)


    • 888 posts
    June 10, 2023 9:41 AM PDT

    Some interesting ideas for specific restrictions: 

    1. Attunement (Archai only, obviously) 
    2. Night only
    3. Underground only
    4. Not wearing any magic items created by a rival. There could be a couple famous ancient Wizards in the lore who hated each other and imbued their magic items with properties that cause it to not work or even to have an unexpected negative effect if you're already wearing something from the rival. Image getting turned in to a sheep until you unequip the item.
    5. Regional restriction.  Maybe an item only works on Reignfall.  Or perhaps you get an underwater breathing  mask that only works in Syronai's Rest.
    • 947 posts
    June 12, 2023 9:38 PM PDT

    @Counterfleche - I like it.  Some of those restrictions sound like good reasons for faction based restrictions.  (Rival wizard, or worshipers of Syronai)
    I can appreciate restrictions that aren't simply, "XYZ classes can't use, just because". 

    • 612 posts
    June 13, 2023 8:41 PM PDT

    One point on Regional Restrictions.

    This reminds me of the 'Coloured* Mana' system VR was planning on using at one point in development. The idea was that you could equip a specific item which would be attuned to specific regions. If you had equiped the right item in the right region, it would slowly 'fill' with a special 'Mana' of a specific 'Colour' which would then grant bonuses to your Abilities based on the Colour that item was attuned to. So when you used an Ability it would use a bit of the Coloured Mana that your item had soaked up while you were in that region and then boost the effect of your Ability. The longer you stayed in the region the more of this Coloured Mana you'd have available to you.

    They eventually dropped this idea, but it's obvious that VR does like the idea of items having specific effects depending on the Region you are using it in. So I can totally see them adding in this kind of feature in some way.

    * Yes I am Canadian... so I spell Colour correctly with a U :-P

    • 888 posts
    June 22, 2023 3:06 PM PDT

    Some more fun ideas:

    1. Some items could require you to wear a specific holy/faction symbol or carry an item on you. And having the symbol or item on you would have certain negative consequences (like getting unexpectedly attacked by specific enemies  when they are close to you).
    2. Items that charge up when you're falling and do extra damage on the next attack. This could encourage a jump in to combat style of play.
    3. Armor that provides additional movement and agility bonuses when your encumbrance is low.
    4. Weapons that give bonuses when used by characters of a particular height range .