Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

FAQ Revision

    • 3237 posts
    June 15, 2018 2:43 AM PDT

    Pantheon is the most anticipated MMO in development.*  The fan base has seen a recent uproar in activity due to the announcement of monthly archetype reveals, and the quality of each newsletter seemingly improves upon it's predecessor.  There has never been a better time to follow this game than right now and I would like to put together a list of burning questions that have been piling up since the last FAQ Update in February 2017.  As we all know, VR likes to keep a pretty tight lid on the bean jar.  I'd like to see if we could shake things up a little bit, but want to be clear that this is not an officially sanctioned event and that there should be no expectation of a direct response to any question asked.  This is merely an acknowledgement of the current FAQ, with emphasis on how it is presented:

    "This FAQ is a living, evolving document. While we certainly endeavor to make the answers as accurate as possible, we also reserve the right to change or modify these answers as we get closer to beta and release. Some details are also intentionally left out because they warrant testing and tweaking during beta before making those details final. We will also be adding new questions as they occur to us and come from the community."

    To get things started, I have compiled a series of questions that I have seen lingering around for awhile now.  If you would like to add to the list, please feel free to post a response to this thread with any direct questions you might have.  I will keep the list updated and see if I can sneak it under a doorstep at some point in the nearish future.  Prior to asking any question, please confirm that it hasn't already been discussed on the Official FAQ Page  or the Unofficial FAQ Thread I started last month.


    1)  Is there any updated information available regarding the "Guild Pledge" idea that has been floating around since May of 2017?

    2)  Is it possible that the "Reignborn Pledge" will be revised at some point  --  if so, could you please describe what kind of changes are being considered?

    3)  What's the team's current thinking on balancing between open-world, contested content and insuring that players aren't locked out of things they may need or want to do.  Are there any tools or mechanisms that are being considered to help with that?

    4)  When it comes to raid encounters, what's the current thinking on how those might work, in terms of how accessible or contested they are?

    5)  For any game in development it seems like it's common for some things to get reworked or redesigned as the game becomes more real. Are there any concepts from what was stated early in Pantheon's development that the team has been reconsidering?

    6)  Has the "Rites of Passage" system evolved from the earliest iterations  --  if so, could you please elaborate on any related design goals for it?

    7)  Is there any plan to fill the "VIP Planner" role or has it been vacated for good?

    8)  Can you provide details on the existing Referral Program?

    9)  Is there anything being considered in terms of XP bonuses for groups, or something to encourage people to group up for XP purposes?

    10)  Is "Feign Death" being changed in any way to alleviate some of the griefing potential that has been associated with the ability in the past?

    11)  Is Pantheon going to feature a meaningful deity system  --  if so, could you please describe a brief overview of what that might entail?

    12)  Can you share any information on the upcoming streaming program that was announced at Twitch Con?

    13)  Will there be an updated fankit that showcases the progress and improvements that have been made to the game?

    14)  What's the current thinking on the progeny system?  It's been a while since we've heard much about it.

    15)  Will Pantheon feature any sort of ilevel or color coded quality indicators when it comes to distinguishing loot?

    16)  Will players be able to agree to duel each other on PVE servers?

    17)  Will it be possible to de-level?

    18)  Could you provide any insight on how you plan to combat RMT?  (Real Money Transactions)

    19)  Some games have used a system of "High Quality" or "+1" items which are more powerful, but more rare versions of normal items.  Are you considering doing anything like this for Pantheon?

    20)  Will there be exotic fishing nodes that factor in weather conditions, day/night cycles, or other variables beyond location?

    21)  When it comes to group size, has the team settled on a number that they like or is this still something that might change?

    22)  Will the Dark Myr have an under-water form as depicted in the concept art, or maybe a unique swimming animation?

    23)  Will Pantheon feature non-solid walls that players can walk through?  (EQ was referenced.)

    24)  Will there be a way to transfer coins/items between your characters via a shared bank, or simply mailing them?

    25)  How will falling damage be calculated?  (Reference example:  My question is based on fall damage, as a tank who loves having higher HP I can not stand when you jump off a cliff or what have you and you lose 30% of health. The next guy low gear dps jumps and also loses 30%. Having a % based fall damage vs distance and health. My question is which will it be and if % how can they justify it. For example if i am fighting a rouge on a cliff and he is just destroying me in DPS, and I jump off the cliff, knowing my HP is high and I can survive it does not give me an advantage as he just jumps down loses % of health and keeps killing me.)

    26)  Can you provide a basic description of how the various combat stats are supposed to function?  (As a reference, charisma seems to affect the warrior ability "War Hero"  --  does the base charisma stat have any other tangible impact outside of affecting certain combat abilities?)

    27)  Are "shards" as used in Vanguard (or "picks" in EQ) considered a planned feature for Pantheon as it pertains to content accessibility?  (Duplicate copies of a given zone.)

    28)  Does VR have any ideas in mind regarding how frequently they might release an expansion, and how often that would entail an increase to the level cap?

    29)  The recent healer reveal describes a shaman ability called Agewalker's Gift.  There has been plenty of speculation within the community on whether or not shamans could leverage this ability to rez themselves.  Can this be confirmed or denied?  Also, will players be able to use other abilities (besides rez) while in the ethereal state?

    30)  The recent healer reveal identified druids as the first class to not have a unique combat resource.  There has been speculation that their pet fox, Hirode, may have something to do with this.  Is there any merit to the idea that Hirode will have it's own resource that determines how often it's abilities can be used, or is the plan for these abilities to occupy a slot on the standard hot bar for the druid?

    31)  Is auto follow a planned feature for Pantheon?

    32)  Will spears or other large piercing weapons be featured in Pantheon?  If so, will they have their own combat animation?

    33)  Iconic abilities appear to have been phased out in the recent reveals.  Is it safe to say that each class will feature a variety of iconic abilities, but that the "iconic" distinction doesn't hold much weight outside of being something that expresses a degree of class identity?

    34)  Have Pierce/Slash/Crush resists been considered as a possibility in regards to situational gear?  (As a reference, a breastplate might have 50 flat AC, but an additional 25 slashing resist which would basically serve as AC that only mitigates slashing damage.)

    35)  What kind of stat point distribution is planned for Pantheon?  Specifically, will players have any amount of stat points that they can manually assign to their characters and if so, would players be able to earn additional stats that they can allocate while they level up?

    36)  Will there be places in the game where players will be required to wait a period of real time in order to advance or progress further?

    37)  Will proximity pulling (AKA "body pulling") be a thing in Pantheon?

    38)  Can you talk more about how the game handles characters in combat vs. out of combat?  Are there some actions that may only be usable out of combat?

    39)  The Silent Arrow ability in the ranger reveal sounds like a "skill shot."  Is it possible to miss a target if your aim is off, and is there any chance we might see "skill shot" type of abilities within other classes?

    40)  Manastone, Guise of the Deceiver, Circlet of Shadow, and similar items from EverQuest were items with gameplay-affecting stats that were initially released to the playerbase but eventually nerfed or reworked. The players that originally got these items were allowed to keep them as-is, while later players received nerfed versions or none at all. If such an item nerf were to be needed during Pantheon's lifetime, do you agree with this non-retroactive approach? What would you have done in those shoes?


    *Disclaimer  --  According to polls conducted on for years 2017 & 2018.

    This post was edited by oneADseven at November 30, 2018 8:24 AM PST
    • 159 posts
    June 15, 2018 9:01 AM PDT

    Hey, I'm actually agreeing with OneAdSeven for once.

    I think it's time to remove the Rose colored fan goggles and actually iron down the what is and what isn't Pantheon.

    Each stream there are questions about raiding, solo content, how will X it Y be handled and the result is always the same; "we will circle back to that later". There are a lot of guilds forming to "own the endgame raid scene". Ok sure. How much raid content is actually anticipated for launch up to year one? Enough for healthy competition between how many guilds? Group content, not Raiding, is said to be the primary focus so....?

    Solo content. A carrot that keeps being dangled in front of the casuals with zero specifics. Will solo XP be worth the time? What loot differences will there be between soloable mobs and common mobs?

    Appearance change/wardrobe. This was mentioned in a stream last year that there would be a players choice toggle allowing the player to either see actual gear or player chosen wardrobe on other people. Still a plan?


    Regarding vip planner, why?  You got your prealpha, that's what vip offered and you paid your 1k for.  You don't deserve anything extra.  Any demands for special favors, free expansion content, head start, etc is asking for unearned perks over other players that were not part of what you willingly pledged for.   At this point any vip should be happy to keep their special little forum of dev contact, memories of PA 1-2 and the upcoming PA3 as that is what was agreed upon by clicking "buy now"

    This post was edited by Xilshale at June 15, 2018 10:04 AM PDT
    • 3852 posts
    June 15, 2018 11:02 AM PDT

    OneADseven was looking for suggested questions for VR not a debate on the merits of the items mentioned. So while the tone of the last paragraph almost cries out for a response I will resist.

    The solo/group/raid questions are good ones but perhaps not yet. I can't imagine they will have this level of specifics even before alpha starts. They have said and I believe that there will be both raid and solo content but with more focus on group content than either.

    This post was edited by dorotea at June 15, 2018 11:03 AM PDT
    • 411 posts
    June 15, 2018 11:22 AM PDT

    I have to disagree. We've been getting a lot of real information delivered in the newsletters of late with the class reveals. We have two more months of that and then who knows what they will start announcing. We don't get to determine when it's time to get information since we have no idea how progress is going behind the scenes.

    I want to know what Pantheon will be just as much as the next person and yet over-hype can get real bad real fast. If you promise X, then wait a year and people will have developed notions of what they think X will be. Often times this results in people saying that X will solve all their problems and dissapointment when it isn't as they imagined.

    Are you interested in Pantheon? Do you think Pantheon can produce what they have promised? If the answer is yes to both questions, then I think they're hitting a good balance.

    • 3852 posts
    June 15, 2018 11:33 AM PDT

    >Do you think Pantheon can produce what they have promised?<

    Good question. My answer is that I *hope* they can produce what they have promised. 

    Let me break this into 2 parts. Do I think they have the talent and the history and the will to make it happen? Simple answer - yes. No equivication.

    Do I think they have the resources to make it happen. Don't know. This depends on two questions.

    1. Do they have the resources to get to release without significant amounts of additional investment?

    2. Is additional investment guaranteed. Is it certain?

    No question they are likely to answer will be relevant to this - so yes they are striking a good balance. 

    But I see no harm in pointing out areas where the FAQ perhaps can use a bit of updating as long as it is done nicely without implied criticism of the current FAQ and this is all the OP is doing.


    This post was edited by dorotea at June 15, 2018 11:36 AM PDT
    • 3237 posts
    June 15, 2018 1:43 PM PDT

    Thank you for providing some clarity to the thread, Dorotea, it is much appreciated.

    Xilshale  --  I do appreciate the follow-up response but it does appear that some of your questions have already been answered in some capacity.  As you stated, Pantheon is going to be a game that is primarily group focused.  There will be both soloable content and raid-worthy content and I think it's fair to assume that the rewards of each will be commensurate with the risk vs reward associated with each encounter.  I think if you rephrased some of the questions it would be easier to get an actual response.  For example, "Will solo xp be worth the time?" seems to be really subjective.  "What loot differences will there be between soloable mobs and common mobs?" seems to imply that content will be separated into tiers that would distinguish "soloable" mobs from common mobs.  Here is an excerpt from the FAQ:


    1.4 Will you be able to solo in Pantheon?

    "Yes.  While most content will be designed for groups, there will typically also be content that is soloable.  Some classes may solo better than other classes."


    Based on that wording, I'm not sure if the intention is to implement content that is "designed for solo play" as much as it is an acknowledgement that some content will be soloable.  I don't have a direct answer for you but my intrepretation of that excerpt is that players might be able to solo lower level group content, and that we might see "under-cons" similar to what was observed in EQ.  I'm not trying to nitpick here and I don't want to just assume what you meant to ask, but if you could clarify the question for me, I would be happy to add it to the list.

    As far as the question about how much raid content we'll see within the first year, and how many guilds would be able to enjoy healthy competition, that also seems subjective.  This is a question that I am also interested in which is why I asked for specific information on the "ghosting mechanic" from Vanguard as it has been identified as a potential solution to some of the issues associated with the lack of accessible content.


    Finally, regarding your question about cosmetic gear, it does appear that your take on it is correct, as is referenced in the following FAQ excerpt:

    4.8 What kind of equipment visualization can we expect to see on characters?

    "The game world will contain thousands if not tens of thousands of items.  That said, there can never be a 1:1 ratio between what you are specifically wearing and how you appear to other players. What you’re wearing does show off what you’ve accomplished, how high level you are, and what adventures you have undertaken to inspire others.  Cosmetic gear will also be available, with players selecting how they want to view your character by toggling between adventure and cosmetic."

    This was later confirmed in the following thread:

    Quote from Aradune  --  "I'm glad you guys like it -- putting the cosmetic toggle in the hands of the person looking, not the person wearing, seems to be the way to go.  And the compromise came from people in the community -- much appreciated!"


    Dorotea  --  I merged both questions together (#11)  --  please let me know if that would be an accurate way to describe what you are asking.

    This post was edited by oneADseven at June 15, 2018 2:31 PM PDT
    • 523 posts
    June 15, 2018 3:02 PM PDT

    Have to admit, I also would like an update on the financial aspect of the game.  I feel like VR needs to hire many more animators, coders, engineers, and world builders to get this thing to launch within the next ten years.  They need to raise about 25 million for this MMO to have a chance.  I'm not even sure if they've raised 1 million.  


    I have faith in the design decisions and day-to-day running of the team, especially by Chris Perkins, but God himself can't will an MMO to creation, it takes money, lots of it.  And it takes professionals in the job positions listed above, lots of them.  VR has been very quiet on that front.  This seems to be a largely volunteer team on minimal salaries with no central hub of operations.  It's truly amazing this game has gotten this far.  I think the best thing for all of us as future players is if they sell this game to a large studio that can finance its completion without changing too much.  The current team can probably finish the game, but it will take ten years.  

    • 3852 posts
    June 15, 2018 5:17 PM PDT

    I was responding to what Ainadak had said although I don't think the question "Do you think Pantheon can produce what they have promised" was intended to actually be answered.

    My questions are clearly of interest to many of us - not that I claim to have originated anything here the financial issues are quite obvious and have been discussed before. But I was not suggesting that they go in the proposed FAQ.

    Keep in mind that the FAQ is not simply, or even mostly, directed at the people here. It is directed at people that could be persuaded to pledge, invest, generate positive publicity or otherwise support the game. A question whose honest answer doesn't support that outcome not only will not be included it *should* not be included. If they want to tell *us* something but not highlight it there are better ways than putting it in the FAQ. To repeat - by its intrinsic nature a FAQ is a marketing document at this point in development.

    To reword question 11 with this in mind.

    "Does Pantheon have all the funding it needs to complete the game? If, not, is VR optimistic that it can obtain this funding?"

    Whether or not the answer to the first part of that is "yes" it is certain that the answer to the second part is "yes". 

    I strongly suggest that if you don't like this type of wording you ask no questions at all relating to finances. Maybe even if you do like this type of wording I am not at all sure we want to go down this road.

    • 3237 posts
    June 15, 2018 5:29 PM PDT

    Totally understand and updated per your suggestion.  I don't really feel it's my place to judge any questions asked other than to see if they have already been answered, or maybe offering a suggestion to rephrase it for better clarity and improved chances of getting a response.  In some cases, questions may have been answered in the past but after a period of time it's worth checking in to see if anything has changed.  At the end of the day, it's up to VR whether or not they answer any specific question.  It's entirely possible that they would avoid any finance related topics altogether and that's perfectly fine, but it doesn't really detract from the idea that there are indeed a bunch of people who are curious about the financial state.  When Series A was completed it was a really awesome milestone for VR and they immediately transitioned toward Series B.  I look forward to hearing some more good news.

    This post was edited by oneADseven at June 15, 2018 7:10 PM PDT
    • 3852 posts
    June 15, 2018 6:00 PM PDT

    I totally agree with what you say. If I had five private minutes with VR and a guarantee of honest answers I wouldn't ask about classes or zones or corpse runs. I would ask about Series B or other forms of funding. 

    My hesitation is totally directed towards how things would look. Question 1 answered. Question 2 answered. Question 3 - how are your finances - not answered.

    There are good legal reasons not to answer - it doesn't mean they are in trouble. But it could give that impression, so if it were my choice I wouldn't ask at all.

    Reasonable guesses.

    1. They need more money - things are going fairly well but they always planned on getting more money to make it to release. This is normal in game development not anything to panic over.

    2. They have good hopes to get this money. Perhaps the Series A investors are expected to complete the funding if good progress on the game continues. Perhaps they are talking to others. But they are acting very much as if they have considerable optimism. Sane people don't keep throwing money at something they think is highly likely to fail if they have any reasonable choice - they move on.

    3. These are hopes not guarantees. The funding is not committed yet. Or if it is it is tied up with conditions related to the progress of development.

    When I pledged I figured with luck this was a 50-50 bet but I would get my money's worth either way from these forums and from being a tester if it got that far. I am now more optimistic but I wouldn't want to give a specific number. But well over 50%.

    • 23 posts
    June 15, 2018 6:35 PM PDT

    I have no idea why anyone thinks that a privately held company, as Visionary Realms is, would discuss detailed financial information with the general public. They didn't announce exact numbers from Series A funding, or from crowdfunding, or from whatever other revenue streams they might possess. And they shouldn't do so.

    I see no reason to expect that VR's funding situation is problematic. They have just brought at least one new employee, publically, on board. Nor is their staff "volunteer".

    I agree that it would be nice for the FAQ to be revisited, but I expect that the best time to do that is when the transition from pre-alpha to alpha (probably) later this year. But that's no reason for the approach being taken in this thread, which is needless and unjustified fearmongering.

    • 3237 posts
    June 15, 2018 7:04 PM PDT

    We'll avoid the topic altogether.  The intent of this thread is to compile some of the questions that have been piling up since the last update, not really delve into much of anything beyond that.  As far as when the FAQ should be updated, it's stated at the top of the FAQ page that it's a living / evolving document.  Aradune acknowledged that the FAQ was due for another update back in November in a blog entry which can be found here:

    This post was edited by oneADseven at June 15, 2018 7:56 PM PDT
    • 9115 posts
    June 16, 2018 6:00 PM PDT

    While we do like to keep our FAQ up to date and accurate, some of the questions we just don't have answers that can be released yet or that are locked in. We will review our current FAQ to see where we can make changes but in the meantime, we also have a more in-depth FAQ over at our official Wiki:


    It was getting too large to add to the official site and making it hard to read through everything to find information but we still wanted to upload it somewhere, this review was done 6 months ago in December 2017.

    We will not be able to answer any financial questions due to company policy and most of the other questions will be revealed as development progresses and decisions are made.

    I know this isn't what you wanted to hear but I at least wanted to give you folks something while I look into reviewing the FAQ again.

    • 2094 posts
    June 16, 2018 6:46 PM PDT


    Question 16 above:

    16)  Will Pantheon feature racial bonuses of any kind  --  if so, could you please provide a couple examples?


    Section 4.5

    "what race you choose will involve receiving different racial innate abilities that can and will be handy while adventuring. So, there will be times when the race you choose is to your and your party’s advantage, other times neutral, and other times to your disadvantage."

    4.5.1 Are some races going to be able to tolerate some environments and climates better than others?

    Yes, to an extent. For example, the Coldark Dwarves will most likely start with a degree of acclimation. It would be easier for Dwarves to reach the Tier 1 threshold for frigid climates.


    • 17 posts
    June 16, 2018 6:58 PM PDT

    My question is based on fall damage, as a tank who loves having higher HP I can't stand when you jump off a cliff or what have you and you lose 30% of health. The next guy low gear dps jumps and also loses 30%. Having a % based fall damage vs distance and health. My question is which will it be and if % how can they justify it. For example if i am fighting a rouge on a cliff and he is just destroying me in DPS, and I jump off the cliff, knowing my HP is high and I can survive it does not give me an advantage as he just jumps down loses % of health and keeps killing me. 

    • 3237 posts
    June 16, 2018 9:25 PM PDT
    Thanks Jothany I will get it updated tomorrow when I have access to my PC.
    • 1404 posts
    June 26, 2018 9:58 PM PDT

    I would like to see them add confirmation of kill credit, will it be First to Engage or Most Damage Done?

    Edit: the info is in the FAQ, thanks Iksar for finding it for me. It seems to me this info should be in the Game Mechanics section of the FAQ, maybe they can elaborate more there as I'm surprised to see this is VR's first choice. But they do add that it's not set in stone.

    Iksar said:

    It's in the FAQ under Game Rules 10.0:

    "First, if you go around kill stealing and bothering other players your reputation is likely to suffer and you could even be blacklisted such that people refuse to group with you. In terms of the actual mechanic, the player or group that does the most damage will receive the experience and loot (note: this is not yet set in stone and will be evaluated during alpha and beta testing)."

    While not "set in stone" (like anything in this game apparently), they have mentioned it a few times in posts when some players ask for FTE.

    This post was edited by Zorkon at June 27, 2018 4:47 PM PDT
    • 3852 posts
    June 27, 2018 8:23 AM PDT

    Zorkon said:

    I would like to see them add confirmation of kill credit, will it be First to Engage or Most Damage Done?


    These are definitely not the only choices. There is shared credit - anyone that helps to kill the mob gets credit. There is shared credit with a minimum. Anyone that does at least a certain amount of damge such as 25% gets credit. There is first damage/most damage. Whoever does the most damage gets credit but the puller also gets credit so kill-stealing isn't permitted.

    There can be different ways of giving credit for different purposes. For example if there is a quest to kill 10 pigs anyone damaging a pig gets quest credit (to reduce toxic competition) but one of the other rulesets is applied to deciding who gets to loot the pig.

    I would prefer actually not getting an answer yet - this is something where experience in testing can be important. 

    But definitely first to engage or killstealer (of course I am being highly slanted) are only two of many options.

    • 612 posts
    June 27, 2018 10:36 AM PDT

    Haha... I've always said that when a company puts out a FAQ this doesn't really mean the "Frequently Asked Questions"... but rather it's the "Questions we have Decided we have answers to that we want to share with you, regardless of if people have actually asked those questions". Any of the real frequently asked questions are ignored unless they also fall under the things the company has already decided they are going to tell you anyway.

    So I see Kilsin say "we will review the FAQ" and I hear "I'll see if there is anything we already told you or want to tell you that isn't in the FAQ yet."

    • 9115 posts
    June 27, 2018 6:30 PM PDT

    GoofyWarriorGuy said:

    Haha... I've always said that when a company puts out a FAQ this doesn't really mean the "Frequently Asked Questions"... but rather it's the "Questions we have Decided we have answers to that we want to share with you, regardless of if people have actually asked those questions". Any of the real frequently asked questions are ignored unless they also fall under the things the company has already decided they are going to tell you anyway.

    So I see Kilsin say "we will review the FAQ" and I hear "I'll see if there is anything we already told you or want to tell you that isn't in the FAQ yet."

    Naturally, and like with most game development, there are things that are not ready to be discussed yet but we generally try to share as much as we can with everyone. If there are "frequently asked questions" it makes my job a lot easier to have the FAQ updated with those answers so people can look there rather than ask the same questions many times across multiple threads which require moderation, plus I like to provide as much information to the community as I am allowed as I believe it helps the community understand things better and helps with the quality of the discussions.

    • 1281 posts
    June 27, 2018 7:44 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    GoofyWarriorGuy said:

    Haha... I've always said that when a company puts out a FAQ this doesn't really mean the "Frequently Asked Questions"... but rather it's the "Questions we have Decided we have answers to that we want to share with you, regardless of if people have actually asked those questions". Any of the real frequently asked questions are ignored unless they also fall under the things the company has already decided they are going to tell you anyway.

    So I see Kilsin say "we will review the FAQ" and I hear "I'll see if there is anything we already told you or want to tell you that isn't in the FAQ yet."

    Naturally, and like with most game development, there are things that are not ready to be discussed yet but we generally try to share as much as we can with everyone. If there are "frequently asked questions" it makes my job a lot easier to have the FAQ updated with those answers so people can look there rather than ask the same questions many times across multiple threads which require moderation, plus I like to provide as much information to the community as I am allowed as I believe it helps the community understand things better and helps with the quality of the discussions.

    He doesn't seem to understand the difference between the FAQ of a released product and the FAQ of a product that is still very much under heavy development.

    • 752 posts
    June 27, 2018 8:19 PM PDT

    Oh comeon. Lay off. He is doing his job within the scope of the community and organization. Seriously...... If you want a serious answer to a FAQ.... SEARCH IT.... why do the GM's have to submit to every whim and fantastical voyage of someone that is literally lazy and doesnt want to do a search..... 2 pt's no actually... -2pts


    • 1714 posts
    June 27, 2018 8:23 PM PDT

    Kalok said:

    Kilsin said:

    GoofyWarriorGuy said:

    Haha... I've always said that when a company puts out a FAQ this doesn't really mean the "Frequently Asked Questions"... but rather it's the "Questions we have Decided we have answers to that we want to share with you, regardless of if people have actually asked those questions". Any of the real frequently asked questions are ignored unless they also fall under the things the company has already decided they are going to tell you anyway.

    So I see Kilsin say "we will review the FAQ" and I hear "I'll see if there is anything we already told you or want to tell you that isn't in the FAQ yet."

    Naturally, and like with most game development, there are things that are not ready to be discussed yet but we generally try to share as much as we can with everyone. If there are "frequently asked questions" it makes my job a lot easier to have the FAQ updated with those answers so people can look there rather than ask the same questions many times across multiple threads which require moderation, plus I like to provide as much information to the community as I am allowed as I believe it helps the community understand things better and helps with the quality of the discussions.

    He doesn't seem to understand the difference between the FAQ of a released product and the FAQ of a product that is still very much under heavy development.

    Please be more condescending. 

    • 1281 posts
    June 27, 2018 9:29 PM PDT

    Keno Monster said:

    Kalok said:

    Kilsin said:

    GoofyWarriorGuy said:

    Haha... I've always said that when a company puts out a FAQ this doesn't really mean the "Frequently Asked Questions"... but rather it's the "Questions we have Decided we have answers to that we want to share with you, regardless of if people have actually asked those questions". Any of the real frequently asked questions are ignored unless they also fall under the things the company has already decided they are going to tell you anyway.

    So I see Kilsin say "we will review the FAQ" and I hear "I'll see if there is anything we already told you or want to tell you that isn't in the FAQ yet."

    Naturally, and like with most game development, there are things that are not ready to be discussed yet but we generally try to share as much as we can with everyone. If there are "frequently asked questions" it makes my job a lot easier to have the FAQ updated with those answers so people can look there rather than ask the same questions many times across multiple threads which require moderation, plus I like to provide as much information to the community as I am allowed as I believe it helps the community understand things better and helps with the quality of the discussions.

    He doesn't seem to understand the difference between the FAQ of a released product and the FAQ of a product that is still very much under heavy development.

    Please be more condescending. 

    The facts sare the facts.  He was the one that was talking smack about VR and their "lack of information" in the FAQ.

    • 612 posts
    June 27, 2018 11:13 PM PDT

    Kalok said: The facts sare the facts.  He was the one that was talking smack about VR and their "lack of information" in the FAQ.

    No worries Kalok, I wasn't talking smack about VR in particular. I was simply pointing out how humourous it was to expect a FAQ to really be about 'Frequently asked questions'. This was not a dig at the company itself, but the concept of FAQes themselves. Kilsin is totally right as he said that he is looking for those things that are Frequently asked that he actually can answer. oneADseven had a list of questions he thought were frequently asked that he was hoping Kilsin would answer, which is all well and good, but like Kilsin then pointed out it's not the Frequently asked part that is how they end up in the FAQ, it's just the 'we will answer' part.

    I guess that I was really trying to say was that a FAQ really should stand for "Frequently Answered Questions" not "Frequently Asked Questions".

    This post was edited by GoofyWarriorGuy at June 27, 2018 11:14 PM PDT