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Terminus, what could be...

    • 12 posts
    September 4, 2017 6:12 PM PDT

    Recently I've been spending more time understanding the races and lore of Terminus and I had some ideas come into mind about other possibilities that could exist in the world. I'm curious as to what other ideas have popped into peoples minds when learning about Pantheon. 

    It would be interesting to have an area that was a mass graveyard of a race that was brought to Terminus but was not able to survive due to the inhospitable environment for their species. Similar to the Dark Myr. Maybe the Deity of the now extinct race also tried to sacrifice their powers/status to save their beloved race but failed, and now lives in the world as a hermit exiling itself for its failure.

    This could lead to some quests from the now mortal deity to understand what went wrong and further understand the extinct race. Maybe the mortal deity has been using its time to try and recreate the race that once worshipped it.

    Depending on the success you want from this you could have multiple options for what you would like to see fulfilled and the impact on the world.

    No Progress - X-Deity has made no physical progression but has research done and needs someone to help her in aiding her recreation/resurrection plans.

    This could lead to future failure or success or these might be the current state of events.

    Failure, Abomination - X-Deity has tried and failed at recreating/resurrecting it's beloved race and has created abominations that now roam the land. (Creating an enemy type for players to fight, and understand in Terminus.)

    Success, Resurrection - X-Deity has succeeded in recreating/resurrecting and now has created a small colony for its people. (Possibly leading to a future playable expansion race as they grow bigger with time. Or they exist in the world as a small colony of people with their own problems.)

    Thanks for reading. I'm excited to see what others have thought about existing in Terminus!

    • 220 posts
    September 4, 2017 7:13 PM PDT

    You could make a prett neat story arc out of Gnome trying to create new bodies of flesh, and either failing or succeeding.

    But I would make the result a super primitive species, and I would have Ogre hunt them for food to near extinction before the other races step in to protect them.  Leaving room for blackmarket Gnome, and an assortment of baked goods featuring the delicious little critters...

    • 454 posts
    September 4, 2017 7:34 PM PDT

    Shalmack, that's a great idea!  That could be put into any update along the way!

    • 12 posts
    September 4, 2017 9:13 PM PDT

    ZennExile said:

    You could make a prett neat story arc out of Gnome trying to create new bodies of flesh, and either failing or succeeding.

    But I would make the result a super primitive species, and I would have Ogre hunt them for food to near extinction before the other races step in to protect them.  Leaving room for blackmarket Gnome, and an assortment of baked goods featuring the delicious little critters...


    Ha, I thought mine was kinda of dark. 

    So they would be creating fully functional Gnomes? Or would they be creating flesh bodies that they transfer their consciousness into? I wonder what incentive they would find to change back to a meat popsicle. Maybe they weren't meant to evolve so quick to an energy form of a sentient race so they still long for Gnomish touch?

    Questaar said:

    Shalmack, that's a great idea!  That could be put into any update along the way!

    Yeah, to our knowledge there is nothing stopping whatever is pulling races to Terminus to stop pulling more. It almost seems like it may be the world itself, in an effort to save itself from a native god who may end up destroying the world if it went un-checked. 

    • 220 posts
    September 4, 2017 10:50 PM PDT

    shalmack said:


    Ha, I thought mine was kinda of dark. 

    So they would be creating fully functional Gnomes? Or would they be creating flesh bodies that they transfer their consciousness into? I wonder what incentive they would find to change back to a meat popsicle. Maybe they weren't meant to evolve so quick to an energy form of a sentient race so they still long for Gnomish touch?

    Yeah something like that would be really compelling.  I think I would take it more a Genetic route though and like they engineer the new species to someday evolve into a new race that carries their genetic information.  So they create like a synthetic creature with the soul of their whole race in it.

    • 763 posts
    September 5, 2017 2:09 AM PDT

    The makeup and Lore of Terminus does lend itself neatly to the addition of other worlds/deities.

    1. In line with the OP's idea ....

    This does lend itself to the idea of the deity being unable to 'save' his race/people ... entirely. Perhaps he was able to use what remained of his power to collapse some of his people into 'seeds' (albeit at the expense of their lives). These 'seeds' would be hidden, perhaps guarded, within those desolate lands ....

    Perhaps some adventurers; those with steely determnation, testicular fortitude and a certain lack of self-preservation,
          ... might seek them out,
          ... might seek to revive them,
          ... might seek to recreate themselves,
    and fuelled by their own mortality, be reborn in this new (or old, I guess) racial image!

    (a) Consider this an unlockable playable race, perhaps?
    (b) This race may have two sides .... two distinct looks/traits.
            Perhaps which race becomes available on that server is determined by how the players?
            Perhaps any player in that zone can progress the unlock quest (by finding 'bits' of the deity's power).
            Perhaps the first machine to get enough power creates the image ...

    2. An idea I previously posted, illustrating 'discovered areas':

    It seemed eminently possible. But, to do this is we need to imagine and utilize:

    The EIGHTH Atmosphere: Radiative

    With this, it is possible to create a hypothetical dungeon:


    FELLSTONE MINE     (Level 50+ dungeon and raid)

    No automatic alt text available.


    Intrepid Dwarves, seeking new types of ore came across an unknown crater. They imagined a meteor may have stuck and buried itself beneath. This led them to imagine a wondrous trove of ores, both known and unknown. Finding a cavern near the surface, the set camp and began to explore. With much ore dug, they moved deeper until the illness started. Many died, causing them to call on the gnomes for advice. The source of the illness was determined to be far below - likely the meteor itself! It seems to radiate upwards, affecting both living and non-living things over time. Indeed, items travelling deeper for long periods of time are a danger to anyone who holds them, should they not be sufficiently acclimated. Indeed, without strengthening, items of cloth and even metal will rot away over time.

    Now they seek the aid of powerful, yet foolhardy, adventurers ...

    This follows a simple non-instanced, vertical, dungeon design.

    Entry Point:
    Entry is into the cavern where the settlers and miners live. It provides for basic provisions and some (local only) Bank/Storage. From here, there are two paths: Into the tunnels leading down (Tier-1) or via a lift/drop from where lower points (Tier-2+3 or Tier-3+4) are accessible (for a price). Note that dropping to lower Tiers without sufficient acclimation will get you killed.... quickly. A pickup point in these two zones for extraction is also possible.
    While the dwarves will sell basic goods for cash, they prefer ores for anything else. The gnomes are only after insights into the magical interactions of this place and will refuse to deal with anyone unless payment in the form of irradiated ores or items is offered. Some few look to the innards of the mutated species found below .... hoping for insight into their own Gnomish plight.

    From Tier-1 at the top, the dungeon becomes progressively more dangerous as you delve deeper - with Tier-5 at the bottom. The danger is partly in the mobs, but mainly due to the atmosphere. Without sufficient acclimation, players will have a cumulative radiative effect on themselves acting as a debuff. In addition most, if not all, mobs will have 'aspects of the radiation' apparent. This may produce differing effects, dependent on the mob's mutation:
       Eg: Mobs that splash poisonous or corrosive blood when slashed (better stick to blunt weapons!)
       Eg: Mobs that regenerate due to continuous cancerous growth of their bodies.
    Higher tier mobs will exhibit more pronounced effects.

    Boss Lair:
    Within Tier-5 will be the 'meteor'. It is a huge, cracked shell that radiates strongly. Indeed, it is this dense, thick shell that is the whole cause of the radiation above. This radiation was a by-product of the magic properties of the shell, the spells put upon it, and the effects of breaching dimensions in order to effect entry into Terminus.
       The Good : it means there is no radiation effects within the shell ...
       The Bad   : There are still many Tier-5 mobs about the place, ready to heed the call of ...
       The Ugly  : There is a Beast within. It is BIG.
    While the boss lives without radiation, it has been slowly acclimating in order that it may escape and gain access to the surface of Terminus. This is probably not good. It is likely immune to Tier-1 effects and somewhat resistant to Tiers 2-3. It should prove susceptible to Tiers 4-5 effects. However, the protective cadre of mutated monsters nearby are fully Tier-5 acclimated. Good luck with that!.
    Since the Boss lives outside an irradiated area, the loot in its cavern is free from any irradiation effects. This means it is viable 'Raid loot', just like any other..

    In essence this plays out as a basic dungeon, albeit with a twist.

    1. Progress through the Tiers will require acclimation for any chance of success.
    2. There (may) be ore or irradiated equipment in (lootable) areas
    3. Mob drops will be irradiated to a degree equal to their Tier.
    4. There should be a small number of +1 Tier mobs in any given Tier (wanderers).
    5. Irradiated loot will have an active debuff while carried for anyone non/under-acclimated.
        This means irradiated loot/gear taken outside will still have debuff effects. This can be
        managed as (only active when held/worn) or like 'rabies' and needs a cure/cleanse.
    6. (optional) Gear that is not 'strengthened' may get damaged/broken
    7. Higher Tier gear can be looted or 'upgraded' via crafting, using ores found.
    8. Regular storage/Banking can be used to put 'regular' gear for safe-keeping until later
    9. Special Storage/Banking can be used to put 'irradiated' gear.

    The distinct 'flavour' of this dungeon comes from it having a 'unique' atmosphere. If it is the only place where this atmosphere exists (apart, say, from 'planar' zones) than this provides a particularly difficult challenge for players. With mobs having atmosphere induced abilities and the very walls irradiating them, any party has got its work cut out to succeed. I imagine merely getting to the bottom will take any given group a long time. Add to this that it will take many groups to get acclimated before they can even begin to think about challenging the Raid Boss at the bottom! In addition, they will need utility classes, crafters and who knows what else just to get there.

    EDIT: I also forgot to point out that this kind of layered dungeon could be implemented in stages. Though this wouldn't reduce the impact at the planning stage, it would allow for the spreading out of the developemnt overheads for assets and resources over a longer period. Thus teh 'Entry' and Tier-1+2 could be incepted first, with Tier3-4 to follow next a while later, with Tier-5 and the boss last. Each could be delayed dependent on both in-game and IRL factors. Of course, a dungeon is still a big thing.

    I feel this meets the criteria the OP listed, but better fits Pantheons tenets and Lore.


    Evoras, wonders if he can get a radiation pet?



    • 189 posts
    September 5, 2017 6:55 AM PDT

    I like the whole failed experiements idea. Maybe because they were hunted or maybe because someone was trying to create something they had no business trying to create.

    I feel like the whole creating a new species thing should go to the crazies at the Tower of the Reckless Magician. Especially with the description of the main guy and his helpers in the tower from streams. Which could be WHY some people know to fear him and his experiments. Or maybe someone who works with him in the Tower went a little more dark with the knowledge he has been given. So rather than trying to gain knowledge to help the world, this guy decided to start creating lives like he was some sort of God.

    I love reading people's idea's though! I'm with the OP, I think something of this sort would be really cool to see in game and a total possibility for a new race that really adds to the lore!

    • 2752 posts
    September 5, 2017 9:26 AM PDT

    shalmack said:

    It would be interesting to have an area that was a mass graveyard of a race that was brought to Terminus but was not able to survive due to the inhospitable environment for their species. Similar to the Dark Myr. Maybe the Deity of the now extinct race also tried to sacrifice their powers/status to save their beloved race but failed, and now lives in the world as a hermit exiling itself for its failure.

    This could lead to some quests from the now mortal deity to understand what went wrong and further understand the extinct race. Maybe the mortal deity has been using its time to try and recreate the race that once worshipped it.

    Depending on the success you want from this you could have multiple options for what you would like to see fulfilled and the impact on the world.


    Failure, Abomination - X-Deity has tried and failed at recreating/resurrecting it's beloved race and has created abominations that now roam the land. (Creating an enemy type for players to fight, and understand in Terminus.)


    This would be a really cool idea. I'd love to encounter a zone where this was the story behind it, and you only reveal the pieces as you make your way through a dungeon via random lore pages detailing an unknown entity's attempts to save his people. At the depths of an undead dungeon you'd have this now mortal deity who sacrificed his immortality to save his people, only it went awry and instead of saving them it gave them eternal life... an eternal life in the sense that once the flesh rotted from their bones they continued existing, tormented and twisted into madness.

    This post was edited by Iksar at September 5, 2017 9:27 AM PDT
    • 294 posts
    September 5, 2017 2:35 PM PDT

    In future game play the race, through rigorous experimentation and questing, could somehow be reinstated as a playable character race with extreme limitations in some aspects of the race and limited, yet unique abilities, as well.

    Nice idea overall. I'd love to see it as part of the game or in an expansion later down the road.

    • 12 posts
    September 5, 2017 11:00 PM PDT

    Evoras said:

    FELLSTONE MINE     (Level 50+ dungeon and raid)



    This was really fun to read through I really enjoy the theme of it all. When you note "The EIGHTH Atmosphere: Radiative". This is is in addition to an already established 7 other atmospheres which are part of the climate system they're planning on?

    • 12 posts
    September 5, 2017 11:11 PM PDT

    fancy said:

    I like the whole failed experiements idea. Maybe because they were hunted or maybe because someone was trying to create something they had no business trying to create.

    I feel like the whole creating a new species thing should go to the crazies at the Tower of the Reckless Magician. Especially with the description of the main guy and his helpers in the tower from streams. Which could be WHY some people know to fear him and his experiments. Or maybe someone who works with him in the Tower went a little more dark with the knowledge he has been given. So rather than trying to gain knowledge to help the world, this guy decided to start creating lives like he was some sort of God.

    I love reading people's idea's though! I'm with the OP, I think something of this sort would be really cool to see in game and a total possibility for a new race that really adds to the lore!


    Yeah! I like the idea that things would kind of tie back to the tower. It makes me wonder if we will find a lot of leads for the perception system and quests in the tower considering the knowledge and rumors flowing through there with people coming from all over seeking out the magician.

    Iksar said:

    This would be a really cool idea. I'd love to encounter a zone where this was the story behind it, and you only reveal the pieces as you make your way through a dungeon via random lore pages detailing an unknown entity's attempts to save his people. At the depths of an undead dungeon you'd have this now mortal deity who sacrificed his immortality to save his people, only it went awry and instead of saving them it gave them eternal life... an eternal life in the sense that once the flesh rotted from their bones they continued existing, tormented and twisted into madness.


    I like that angle a lot, a slow reveal that keeps pulling you into this hellscape of this poor mortal deity who just wanted to do right by its creations. Maybe this twists the x-deity into eventually lashing out at its perceived notion of whatever brought it to Terminus.

    • 175 posts
    September 6, 2017 6:21 AM PDT

    @Evoras Great post! Loved reading every bit of it.

    @shalmack/all Thanks for this thread. Such a cool idea. Have enjoyed reading all the additional thoughts as well.

    My suggestion? You could tie this into the Progeny system if you wanted and have the only way to "become" this new race would be through progeny. I'm not one for restrictions of this type usually, but would be quite the cool "lore" thing.


    Archaen, wonders if Evoras is secretly a dev considering all his great posts?

    • 3237 posts
    September 6, 2017 6:49 AM PDT

    Great ideas on this thread.  Evoras you already know how I feel about the potential for a zone like Fellstone Mine ... it would be amazing!  If you are on my server ... and radioactive pets exist ... hit me up and I will tank for as long as necessary to help get you one.

    • 2138 posts
    September 6, 2017 7:42 AM PDT

    (I am intentionelly being facetious for humor/fun) hmph, this seems a little necro-centric to me.

    But I like the idea of a mortalized deity, it could be an unassuming deep hermits lair with theologically taxing and confusing quest prompts with much forgotten and hints at things that might be powerful and almost metaphysically surreal. Maybe along with an outside creation perhaps an internal creation like the sticking of a faith:

    - a sinking dread of failure that leaves you cold (perma buff against cold but always needs you needing a warmth buff - like vampire curse in oblivion but not curable)

    - an earnest belief in a forgotten faith (perma buff that allows you to cast certain spells from inner prayer in void environments only - like  preserved faith in exile like jewish history or modern day bhuddists) 

    - Misguided righteous indignation (a reward/faith that makes certain DD or fire spells more powerful but causes a permanent  core wis/int reduction - like salem witch trials) 

    Something that affects you inside, but is not apparent outside. 



    • 417 posts
    September 7, 2017 10:00 AM PDT

    The more I have thought about this idea the more it has grown on me. It a lot of potential. Thanks for putting it out there.

    • 220 posts
    September 7, 2017 2:01 PM PDT

    There is nothing wrong with Necro-centric.  You take that implication back...

    • 2138 posts
    September 9, 2017 9:25 AM PDT

    ZennExile said:

    There is nothing wrong with Necro-centric.  You take that implication back...


    *points gnarled finger* ah- HA!