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What's Yours?

    • 9115 posts
    August 14, 2017 6:13 PM PDT

    There are some awesome achievements here folks, very impressed :)

    • 33 posts
    August 14, 2017 8:51 PM PDT

    Think it was in EQ2 playing as a wizard and "off-tanking" two 3-star mobs while the group dealt with what was pulled. Held them off long enough with stuns, etc until others could join in. Little gnome mage standing on the front. :)

    • 133 posts
    August 14, 2017 10:08 PM PDT

    World of Warcraft

    Burning Crusade

    My Horde guild of 10 friends and I snuck into Ironforge

    I proceeded to craft Stormherald at the Great Anvil as my guild mates fought off a swarm of Alliance members attempting to stop me

    Approxiomately 25 seconds cast to craft it, great success

    Years later we still remember that crowning achievement

    • 281 posts
    August 15, 2017 2:35 PM PDT

    There are so many.  Things that stand out is being involved in a server first kill of expansion boss for EQ Seed of Destruction expansion.

    But before that, something that really standed out was being in a smaller guild and doing fabled Planes of Power stuff.  We were fighting Quarm.  I had been getting snarky remarks from tanks in the guild because I had very high AC for a Monk.  The attitude had been that I was not focusing on my DPS as I should have been, though I regularly out parsed the wizards and rogues in the guild.  Anyhow, They had a tank rotation going and we were down to around 30% health on Quarm when Quarm just cut threw all the tanks.  Quarm was on me and, not realizing all the tanks were dead, I FDed to give the tank back agro.  Then Quarm start laying out wizards and healers.  I quickly switched to a pair of H2H weapons that I had agro augs in for tanking in groups and then pushed out a dps burst and got agro.  I tanked Quarm for the rest of the fight and we killed it.  There was so much hate from the tanks that I left that guild a few days later and wound up in a higher end guild. 

    But the acheivement of tanking a raid mob that killed several tanks my level (most of whom were better geared than I was, progression-wise) was something that wasn't undone by those same tanks being butt hurt over it.

    I later topped the leaders boards for Monk on my server for quite some time.  Leaderboards were never my thing, but it was nice to see my character name there nonetheless.

    • 12 posts
    August 15, 2017 3:53 PM PDT

    Successfully off-tanking for a Varking kill was pretty damn satisfying. That fight was hard.

    • 542 posts
    August 15, 2017 7:22 PM PDT

    Getting filthy rich turning down marriage proposals. Then buying the best wand there was without even hurting my wallet.Unfortunately it was seen as a glitch that I had taken advantage of xD

    Another moment was at dungeon boss where I was the last one standing,and I took it down with a smack of my staff because I was out of mana

    • 278 posts
    August 16, 2017 2:12 AM PDT

    Baid321 said:

    Mine would have to be unlocking Jedi on the Gorath server; July 16, 2006. There is absolutely nothing, in any other MMO I've played since that has ever come close to that achievement. Wish there were MMOs that had that kind of difficulty with the ability to go far and beyond the normal playerbase to truly feel like you accomplished something special. Unfortunately that will never be a thing again. 


    Cudos to Baid321 got about ½ way so i have a fair knowledge what you did Hat of this is by far harder then myth in eq.


    Note this is SWG if you didnt know

    This post was edited by Grizzly at August 16, 2017 2:13 AM PDT
    • 151 posts
    August 16, 2017 2:11 PM PDT
    1) Being the youngest level to get world explorer in WoW.
    2) dungeon in VG fighting the boss I was a wizzy and deflected harmtouch one-shoting the boss.
    • 2419 posts
    August 16, 2017 4:44 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    What is your greatest MMORPG achievement of all time? #PRF #CommunityMatters

    Greatest achievement?  That's a tough call because with each new expansion (at least with EQ) there was always another 'great' achievement. But if I had to pick one it would be completing the entire Coldain Prayer Shawl quest.  The number of tradeskills needing mastered and the always present chance of failure that would set you back to zero really made that quest line something special.  And while it great, I wouldn't say its the most memorable.  That one would be a keep defense in early DAoC days where we were the first group to use catapults to defend a keep. Only the occassional use of a battering ram on a gate but nobody ever used siege for defense because it require too much work and too many people to haul the materials.  But we tried it and the 15 of us held off a force of 200 Albions for hours..until we ran out of ammo and materials to repair the siege engines.

    • 514 posts
    August 16, 2017 6:00 PM PDT

    I'll let you know once we launch  :)

    • 432 posts
    August 16, 2017 8:16 PM PDT

    In WoW Vanilla when another guild refused to open the gates of anqiraj in world of warcraft, and thereby refusing to unlock content for our entire server, my guild allied with other alliance and horde guilds to plot against them. we discovered they would unlock the content at around 4am and take the opening event for themselves preventing anyone from seeing it (lowest population was online at that time). 


    leading up to the day all of us camped our characters in the zone and waited. We had 6 ventrilo servers up with tons of people waiting. When the gates opened all of us logged in all at once. The horde guilds zerged the enemy guild and PVP-killed them repeatedly so they could not experience anything, while alliance and some other horde guilds took turns having fun with the even creature spawns which have never been seen and have never returned. 


    To be apart of that organized event, is an achievement to me. Something I will never forget.



    This post was edited by tehtawd at August 16, 2017 8:17 PM PDT
    • 16 posts
    August 17, 2017 4:24 PM PDT

    Geting the ThunderfuryBlessed Blade of the Windseeker second  one on the server . I was so happy ,not just for me ,but it was a great achievement for the guild too.

    • 107 posts
    August 17, 2017 5:41 PM PDT

    Miach said:

    Successfully off-tanking for a Varking kill was pretty damn satisfying. That fight was hard.


    Vanguard had some great fights.

    • 1860 posts
    August 18, 2017 2:33 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    What is your greatest MMORPG achievement of all time? #PRF #CommunityMatters


    I guess as far as "easy to define first" achievements, being the first max level sorceror on my server in DDO.  Also, receiving the first Skull Fetish Mask raid drop on my server in DDO (which in my opinion...and others...was the best looking item in the game).  It was neat to have random people crowding around me at the bank to see it.

    The achievement that gave me the most satisfaction was completing the original magician epic weapon quest in early EQ.  There was definitely a wide variance in how difficult different classes epic weapons were to obtain.  It was one of the most difficult.

    • 2886 posts
    August 19, 2017 2:43 AM PDT

    I think my favorite is the time I became the first person to solo heal the Chronoscope raid in DDO on epic elite difficulty while wearing no gear the whole time.

    Why? Because I wanted to :P

    I go into more detail about it on my interview with VoT here:

    This post was edited by Bazgrim at August 19, 2017 2:43 AM PDT
    • 338 posts
    August 19, 2017 5:07 AM PDT

    Killed sleeper on RZ with the combined forces of AD, Wudan, and MIM... Since this was a pvp server it was cool to have the top 3 guilds come together without infighting and complete such a tough battle.


    "In the darkness the shout to engage was heard. Seconds later a huge burst of magical energy could be felt as the Wizards and Shadow Knights engaged, and huge volleys of arrows begin to rain down as one against their target. The massive infantry then moved in to intercept Kerafrym in mortal combat, supported by a compliment of warriors. The clashing of steel and screams of chaos echoed in the beasts tomb. Over three hours had past since the epic confrontation began, then there was silence. As a cold freezing wind blew across the field of battle, hundreds had died and many more lay injured on the ground.

    All was silent again for a brief moment as the image of the legendary Kerafyrm lay lifeless at their feet. Suddenly, the cries of joy and accomplishment began to echo through the decrepit hall and then rain across the land of Norrath.

    The once warring clans of Ascending Dawn, Wudan, and Magus Imperialis had put their personal battles aside and come together united as one to accomplish the impossible. They had triumphed where all others before them had failed, they had slain the Legendary Kerafyrm. As the victors departed the ancient tomb, rumors began to spread across the world of Rallos Zek.

    Rumors became Stories. Stories became Legend.

    Yet, the Legend of the impossible task they had accomplished together could only be truely told by those that were there. Their story will be remembered on Norrath forever". 


    Was in the first group to beat the Shen Du ring event in Vanguard also. This was a hardcore event to master with 9 seperate stages that by the end all rings were active and being delt with while you fought Shen Du.


    Thanks to all the people that made these 2 accomplishments possible.

    Kizzer Cliffhanger ~ RZ EQ1 ~ Wudan

    This post was edited by Angrykiz at August 19, 2017 6:10 AM PDT
    • 108 posts
    August 19, 2017 2:30 PM PDT

    #1. Challenging a wizard who kept kill stealing pulls in Crushbone to a duel. She was one level higher and accepted the challenge near the zone exit. The whole bloody zone buffed me it was amazing. Folks quite a bit higher the our group buffed me had so many buffs... And when the the duel began and it was obvious i was going to win she ran and zoned out.. The zone cheered. Unfortunately she zoned back in and kept kill stealing...

    #2. Leading the Blackthornes Alliance in DAOC. Was number one pvp alliance on the server leading the leading boards for years after most of us had moved on.

    #3. The first level 50 on Gawaine server in DAOC.

    #4. Gaining the rank of Field Marshal in pvp in wow. 

    • 4 posts
    August 23, 2017 1:00 PM PDT

    Definitely EQ2. Getting my "The Perfect" title ion The Shadow Odyssey expansion. This was for clearing every raid boss without any deaths during the encounter. We worked on the last one which was Warlord Ykesha for weeks. At least 2 hours a night 5 days a week. We managed it the week before Sentinel's Fate came out which upped the level cap and trivialised the encounters. Loads running round with it now - but i got it the hard way!

    Tuvogg - Splitpaw - Validus

    • 18 posts
    August 25, 2017 7:55 PM PDT

    Necro epic 1.0 then 1.5 in EQ, and young griffon in Vanguard. Then when we did the venerable griffon raid and won legit..that was the best!

    • 111 posts
    August 26, 2017 3:22 AM PDT

    hard to decide, i have quite a few (most are pvp related though):


    - holding a keep as a tank (sworddancer) in a line with other tank-mates against an overwhelming amount enemy of players (of course i was healed from people in the back)

    - roaming as a small group of friends slaughterin all the enemies which wanted to reach the zerg. was a blast, especially when the zerg was activly hunting/searching for us. rarely had so much fun in teamspeak ever again as in that night


    planetside 1 (not really an mmorpg):

    - reaching the all time high of daily kills on my server by a big margin (i think noone ever reached that number ever again until server went off. of course i was acused as kill stealer, which i was;))

    - leading a guild of around 300 people. was nice doing base attacks with 7+ galaxies (transport airplanes) and having my mates jumping out of them all at the same time.


    • 6 posts
    August 27, 2017 2:11 PM PDT
    When The Hole was released in EQ I asked a shaman wandering by in Paineel to cast bind affinity on me then I jumped down The Hole as the spell completed. That created a death loop that amassed so many corpses that I brought down all of the servers. A few months ago I befriended a guy that apparently worked at Verant at the time and he told me that they had to change my character model to a small flag then reboot the server so that their computer could handle my pile of corpses long enough to delete my bodies and bring the system back online.

    I caused two changes that day. You had to be on the ground when bind affinity was casted on you, and the server structure was altered so that the servers wouldn't "share the load" when one went down.

    I also accidentally soloed lady Vox on my monk with a Tranquil staff when my raid wiped at 86%, but when I was the last one left the staff kept pricing so I was able to mend twice before she got lower enough to cast complete heal. At that point the staff proceeded during her casting multiple times so she kept trying to cast until I downed her. The dragons got hot fixed to be immune to the T staff stun.
    • 287 posts
    August 27, 2017 3:25 PM PDT
    Probably getting my epic quest in EQ. Epic quests are great and I hope they will be in patheon
    • 40 posts
    August 27, 2017 4:10 PM PDT

    I would say as a Scout in Dark Age of Camelot. I had found a glitch in the zone wall in the frontiers that allowed me to get into the Midgaurd home zones. I spent the next couple of hours stealthing around the map, killing over 100 players as the whole Midguard realm was out looking for me. I killed people on horses, in towns, at merchants, basically had the whole realm of Midgaurd up in arms. Eventually a GM showed up and teleported me out. 

    This post was edited by Zybane at August 27, 2017 4:10 PM PDT
    • 287 posts
    August 27, 2017 4:22 PM PDT
    In addition to the above, being one of the first wizards on the server to get Mana burn. Pre nerf. It crit for 11,000 hp on phinny who dropped my last epic piece. Oh what a day.
    • 644 posts
    August 30, 2017 4:49 AM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    What is your greatest MMORPG achievement of all time?...

    Hard to pick one huge item.  I mean gigantic tradeskill accomplishments, epic-level quests, etc.

    I think the three hardest things I accomplished, myself, were:

    • Three-boxed Morrell's Ascendant and beat Morrell Thule by myself (took two tries)
    • Completed my long, obscure Warden of Tunare quest, alone
    • Stepped in and pet-tanked, saving our Crystallos raid when the tank died