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VIP Contest Information

    • 263 posts
    August 7, 2017 5:11 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    as some may know we had to delay Stage 3 due to the Fact that some people failed to meet the deadline on time due to unexpected RL events and only 1/3 managed to Enter on time. Something we never predicted to happen ;)

    Now i have spoken to everyone involved the VIPs that contributed and the contestants involved. While i havent heard back for everyone the majority has still been reached.

    So we will give those Contestant who couldn`t meet the deadline until Wednesday 09th August 09:00am PST/PDT time to enter their Story.

    Lutorin and Elexiel managed to make it on time and that will be taken into account when judging. Each of them will recieve addtional 21 Points on the final Vote to stay fair and true to the Rules put forth. This is only fair to the Fact that despite being in competition allowing those to finish up. Thats what a great community does!

    Everyone knew from the start how the competition would work and what the deadlines were. I would like to thank everyone at this stage for working with me on this as this was something we did not predict to happen and i am happy we could find a workaround that makes everyone happy.

    We will then commence Voting on Stage 3 and announce the Winner and Runner-ups on the 14th of August.


    Kind Regards




    • 263 posts
    August 9, 2017 8:56 AM PDT

    We will now go into Voting. Thanks to everyone involved. The End is coming ;)