Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

    • 514 posts
    April 17, 2017 11:05 AM PDT

    We know what it is and it was a great command!  Would love to see it here but I get the feeling it might be misused.  Still, it might be nice to discuss it here and maybe flesh it out a little more.  Personally, i think it should be an actual object in-game and that it should be craftable.  Say, make the rope an item that can bring a group mate too you if used in a range of 5 to seven feet depending on the quality of the rope.  Distance should be measured in both heigth and length.  This means if you have someone that just CANT get one of those jumps done, you can use the rope to help him up provided you have the right rope.  Make early ropes cheap ropes that only work 5 feet and have about 10 uses etc.  Better ropes increase distance to 7 feet and have more uses etc.  We could discuss further distances etc.  What do YOU think?

    • 267 posts
    April 17, 2017 11:13 AM PDT

    Same thoughts here. Don't get me wrong, I don't see much abuse to be had in providing a way to summon players 5 feet, but its a helpful to get players unstuck without GM intervention and helpful to aid players if they missed a jump or something. Plus lore wise, the ability to bring and use a rope just makes sense for a fantasy exploration/adventure game. Maybe just put a cool down timer on the command/item itself to prevent someone from spamming it to some sort of gain. 

    • 422 posts
    April 17, 2017 11:15 AM PDT

    If there were climbing physics in the game I would love to see something like this. The ability to "let down a rope" to someone who fell and such. A clickable item that would anchor you in place and give the person you have targeted something to climb up. It could make for some fun times.

    • 144 posts
    April 17, 2017 11:28 AM PDT

    As soon as I saw /rope it made me think of the conversation about rope in The Boondock Saints and I laughed a little, only  this time a dwarf and his brother having the same conversation over rope to go dungeon crawling...

    Great idea, I'm all for seeing something like this being part of the climbing mechanic of Pantheon, if not at release, then sometime down the road maybe?


    • 2886 posts
    April 17, 2017 11:30 AM PDT

    kellindil said:

    If there were climbing physics in the game I would love to see something like this. The ability to "let down a rope" to someone who fell and such. A clickable item that would anchor you in place and give the person you have targeted something to climb up. It could make for some fun times.

    There are climbing physics. In this video starting at 45:15, they showcase climbing in the game and also mention that it will be possible to get ropes to assist players with climbing. We of course don't know exactly how it'll work, but they are already thinking along these lines.

    Also, from the FAQ: (19.1) "Players will also be able to acquire items for their characters that allow them to climb vertical surfaces."

    This post was edited by Bazgrim at April 17, 2017 11:32 AM PDT
    • 422 posts
    April 17, 2017 11:37 AM PDT

    Bazgrim said:

    kellindil said:

    If there were climbing physics in the game I would love to see something like this. The ability to "let down a rope" to someone who fell and such. A clickable item that would anchor you in place and give the person you have targeted something to climb up. It could make for some fun times.

    There are climbing physics. In this video starting at 45:15, they showcase climbing in the game and also mention that it will be possible to get ropes to assist players with climbing. We of course don't know exactly how it'll work, but they are already thinking along these lines.

    Also, from the FAQ: (19.1) "Players will also be able to acquire items for their characters that allow them to climb vertical surfaces."

    Well hell. Completely missed that in the FAQ. I never did watch their last stream all the way through. Loving this game even more every day.

    • 514 posts
    April 17, 2017 12:45 PM PDT

    Wait a minute...  didn't post a thread on this already?  A while back?

    • 1281 posts
    April 17, 2017 12:57 PM PDT

    Yep, with the climbing (if it makes it into the final game) then /rope would be unecessary.

    • 264 posts
    April 17, 2017 3:09 PM PDT

    It was absolutely necessary in the Vanguard Beta. Seemed my character stuck to things like glue sometimes. 

    It may be nice to have some help like this in the Pantheon Alpha/Beta, just to help keep things moving if you get stuck in terrain that needs some touch up.

    • 72 posts
    April 17, 2017 4:32 PM PDT

    Skycaster said:

    It was absolutely necessary in the Vanguard Beta. Seemed my character stuck to things like glue sometimes. 

    It may be nice to have some help like this in the Pantheon Alpha/Beta, just to help keep things moving if you get stuck in terrain that needs some touch up.

    I know your pain, I played a ranger and loved to scale mountains... often clipping through the peaks and falling to my doom, or getting stuck in rocks.

    There is a rope like feature in a few MMO, and they are usually exclusive to party players only.  So you must be in party to effectively be pulled off a cliff into a crag of spikes by your friend priest who's super bored, who then does the same thing later but this time casts a float spell on you as you fall to your doom into a pit of that lava in slow motion, you know, for fun.   My friend should be a Halfling.

    • 264 posts
    April 17, 2017 4:40 PM PDT

    Farrinard said:

    Skycaster said:

    It was absolutely necessary in the Vanguard Beta. Seemed my character stuck to things like glue sometimes. 

    It may be nice to have some help like this in the Pantheon Alpha/Beta, just to help keep things moving if you get stuck in terrain that needs some touch up.

    I know your pain, I played a ranger and loved to scale mountains... often clipping through the peaks and falling to my doom, or getting stuck in rocks.

    There is a rope like feature in a few MMO, and they are usually exclusive to party players only.  So you must be in party to effectively be pulled off a cliff into a crag of spikes by your friend priest who's super bored, who then does the same thing later but this time casts a float spell on you as you fall to your doom into a pit of that lava in slow motion, you know, for fun.   My friend should be a Halfling.

    LOL , That story was......Precious  :)