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    • 17 posts
    February 9, 2017 9:13 AM PST

    I don't know if this is the right area to post this so I apologize if it is out of place. I did a quick search and didn't really find any other related topics. Maybe I missed them?

    I was wondering if there would be in game cosmetic items that would be available to craft, purchase from NPC vendors, or even get as drops/rewards. I'm not talking about being able to buy them for real money in a shop or having a separate system for them but these items could be worn in RP situations or in game event situations. For example, if you are doing something in town such as vending or chatting or for an event example,some games have weddings and such,  one may want different clothes for those kinds of non combat situations. I think that this adds to the flavor and immersion of a game since it is no different that buying outfits in real life.

    This next bit dovetails into what I said before. Will there be dyes? If sveral people get certain pieces of equipment would there be a way to customize it and cut down on the cookie cutter look? I see this in a LOT of MMOs and it is kind fo weird to think that all these people magically have the same exact piece. It wouldn't skin over the armor like an X-mog but it would simply allow you to customize that piece and make it more meaningful to you. Since gettting armor upgrades, especially at an epic level would make a person value their equipment, it seems logical to want to be able to personalize it a little.

    Any thoughts on this at all? I'd be happy to hear what people think about this.

    • 556 posts
    February 9, 2017 9:21 AM PST

    Believe Brad has said that he wants armor to be recognizable. That to me would mean no transmog type stuff or dyes. But who knows, maybe. 

    As for cosmetic gear, sure I think there should be some craftable fun stuff

    • 781 posts
    • 441 posts
    February 9, 2017 9:31 AM PST

    I would like to see items to be recognizable as well. Even if its an ugly green bracer that everyone wants =-)

    • 17 posts
    February 9, 2017 9:48 AM PST

    Those links were very helpful. Thank you Kelem. I can live without an appearance slot but I would really like to see dyes and "around the town" items. Whether they be crafted or otherwise. Do you really think that a dye makes a piece or armor unrecognizable? I mean I get the full xmog thing. I personally like it but I completely understand not including it. I'm not being derisive or demeaning but I'm generally curious how a simple color change makes an item unrecognizable? Unless the same armor graphic is used over and over and the colors supposedly make the pieces different. But this would be unique items with nothing changed aside from a color palette.

    • 2752 posts
    February 9, 2017 11:20 AM PST

    I am okay with cosmetic town wear, so long as it has no stats and is just for RP or personal preference running around doing tradeskills and whatnot. And I think dyes could make it into the game, but only for player crafted armors. Otherwise I'd guess it would go against the idea of easily recognizable armor drops. 


    Lazzul said:

    Do you really think that a dye makes a piece or armor unrecognizable? I mean I get the full xmog thing. I personally like it but I completely understand not including it. Unless the same armor graphic is used over and over and the colors supposedly make the pieces different. But this would be unique items with nothing changed aside from a color palette.


    I think the real can of worms there is that some armors will likely share graphics, so how would you know if someone is wearing a shining mythril breatplate or a charred breastplate? On top of that they would have to implement dye channels for all the armors for what changes color and what doesn't when dyed. Sometimes you'd lose the finer details because a color washes it out/obscures them. It also makes it so having some crazy awesome/rare ruby(or any color) plate armor is no longer recognizable from a distance or to those who have never seen red armor because it's far too common for everyone to be running around in all kinds of rainbow colors. No more "Woah! Holy crap look at that pristine red plate! Where did you get that!"

    This post was edited by Iksar at February 9, 2017 11:27 AM PST
    • 563 posts
    February 9, 2017 11:29 AM PST

    Lazzul said:

    Those links were very helpful. Thank you Kelem. I can live without an appearance slot but I would really like to see dyes and "around the town" items. Whether they be crafted or otherwise. Do you really think that a dye makes a piece or armor unrecognizable? I mean I get the full xmog thing. I personally like it but I completely understand not including it. I'm not being derisive or demeaning but I'm generally curious how a simple color change makes an item unrecognizable? Unless the same armor graphic is used over and over and the colors supposedly make the pieces different. But this would be unique items with nothing changed aside from a color palette.

    I absolutely love town/rp wear, and tend to hoard a ton of it in any game I play to switch into when I'm just chilling in towns xD I think It would be a great Idea to have many many craftable RP clothes for characters, as well as lots that drops off of mobs :)

    I do not like cosmetic slots that change the look of armour, but would love a town/RP slot(s) that you could set up to let you change what your wearing when you enter towns :)

    This post was edited by Rachael at February 9, 2017 11:29 AM PST
    • 97 posts
    February 9, 2017 11:41 AM PST

    I'm lazy and would never take the time to switch out my armor for a cosmetic in-town look. And I certainly wouldn't want to take up valuable inventory space for something that didn't benefit my character. I guess that's a round-about form of min/max... *shrug*

    But a seperate slot for cosmetics that only showed up in towns might be acceptable to me. I think Guild Wars 1 had something like that, where you could check a box to show your cloak or not, but it was in-town only. They could take that a step farther and have a slot for your crafting tools, tunic, shoes, etc. 

    • 9115 posts
    February 9, 2017 3:42 PM PST

    Kelem said:

    Few topics in referance to cosmetics as well , hope they can help * cheers 

    As Kelem kindly pointed out, we have several topics already on this subject that speak about cosmetics, cosmetic items and dyes etc. so for that reason, I will need to close this thread down as it is a duplicate and direct everyone over to the already active threads.

    Please use the search function for different keywords prior to creating a new thread, as more often that not, you will find that someone has already started a thread on the topic over the last few years of development. :)