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Cosmetic Pets and their function

This topic has been closed.
    • 134 posts
    February 7, 2017 1:05 PM PST

    I feel like every game since WoW has these tiny little pets that follow people around that literally do nothing other than provide clutter.

    I feel like if Pantheon has such a thing that they are given a function. I'm going to use Torchlight as an example.

    Pet has [x] inventory slots. You're deep in a dungeon. Your weight limit is close. You hand over some items to your pet and say, "Hey doggo, go take this to the bank for me."

    Your pet then leaves and travels to the closest bank and deposits these items. Make them PHYSICALLY run from your location to the bank and return. Place a long cooldown on this ability.


    Optional steps:

    Make the pet killable by NPCs and monsters. If they die your items are lost and your pet can be revived.

    Make the pet simply wait at the bank for you to manually deposit them.

    Give the pet a weight limit so it can't take everything. Different pets can carry more or less.


    This is just ONE idea I had about making these silly pets useful. Anyone else have a cool idea?

    This post was edited by Dhampir at February 7, 2017 1:05 PM PST
    • 2886 posts
    • 159 posts
    February 7, 2017 1:14 PM PST

    Isn't a vanity pet listed as a reward for some backer tiers?  

    • 1618 posts
    February 7, 2017 2:43 PM PST

    Dhampir said:

    I feel like every game since WoW has these tiny little pets that follow people around that literally do nothing other than provide clutter.

    I feel like if Pantheon has such a thing that they are given a function. I'm going to use Torchlight as an example.

    Pet has [x] inventory slots. You're deep in a dungeon. Your weight limit is close. You hand over some items to your pet and say, "Hey doggo, go take this to the bank for me."

    Your pet then leaves and travels to the closest bank and deposits these items. Make them PHYSICALLY run from your location to the bank and return. Place a long cooldown on this ability.


    Optional steps:

    Make the pet killable by NPCs and monsters. If they die your items are lost and your pet can be revived.

    Make the pet simply wait at the bank for you to manually deposit them.

    Give the pet a weight limit so it can't take everything. Different pets can carry more or less.


    This is just ONE idea I had about making these silly pets useful. Anyone else have a cool idea?

    By definition, the pets you describe are not cosmetic.

    • 284 posts
    February 7, 2017 3:25 PM PST

    Since this thread is not closed yet, just going to add that I prefer they not exist in the open world at all. Would rather they function like my cat (but idealized): it is basically a living furniture item for wherever you stay that you can interact with.

    I agree they are clutter, and even worse I believe they are a form of low effort carrot much like gaudy mounts that serve only to eviscerate the suspension of disbelief. Having a dark dungeon and torches to improve immersion but also having little christmas toys spinning around characters is such a hilarious mismatch that I find the combination absurd and hypocritical.

    • 2752 posts
    February 7, 2017 4:01 PM PST

    Xilshale said:

    Isn't a vanity pet listed as a reward for some backer tiers?  


    Yes, it is. A shame that it's impossible to escape those useless fashion statements/screen cluttering things, hopefully I can toggle seeing them to off. I don't care about your "adorable little kitten" running around in a dungeon. 

    • 9115 posts
    February 7, 2017 4:44 PM PST

    Bazgrim said:

    Please see these threads:

    Thank you, Baz :)

    As Bazgrim kindly pointed out, bing the search function you would have discovered several other threads that already exist on this topic, please feel free to join in on those discussions with your own ideas but as for this thread, it will now need to be closed.