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Pantheon: Class and Race Combinations

    • 138 posts
    March 17, 2018 3:11 AM PDT

    I really wish Gnomes could have a healing class i understand why they can't tank being too tiny. 

    If gnomes can't heal how on earth do they still exist in the world it just doesn't add up.

    Are we to believe that gnomes only lived this long by running away or had to seek other races for help to heal their injurys we should ask the Skar Shamen how many Gnomes he has healed.


      Are they immortal and never need healing?

    I understand that Gnomes dont really fit into some of the healing classes why could they not be druids? They have magic and could use that magic to tame wildlife and study the earth.

    Every race except for Gnomes have a healing class.





    This post was edited by Kiera at March 17, 2018 3:44 AM PDT
    • 690 posts
    March 17, 2018 5:31 AM PDT

    Kiera said:

    I really wish Gnomes could have a healing class i understand why they can't tank being too tiny. 

    If gnomes can't heal how on earth do they still exist in the world it just doesn't add up.

    Are we to believe that gnomes only lived this long by running away or had to seek other races for help to heal their injurys we should ask the Skar Shamen how many Gnomes he has healed.


      Are they immortal and never need healing?

    I understand that Gnomes dont really fit into some of the healing classes why could they not be druids? They have magic and could use that magic to tame wildlife and study the earth.

    Every race except for Gnomes have a healing class.





    I agree with your sentiment but not your argument

    A healer in a video game is capable of quickly and completely healing a soldier, while that soldier is still fighting on the front lines. In RL, it would be the rare battle medic who could accomplish such a feat, beyond the most minor wounds.

    RL humans survived just fine without a healing class. Even though they lose several front line soldiers, battle medics can take wounded soldiers into their tents and slowly heal many of them there. Difficult to heal soldiers get sent to a hospital or some such, where they are healed even more slowly (but still usually get some form of healing). 

    Even if you exclude RL human's ability to heal many injuries, those who die without healing or because they can't be healed are made up for by the brutal idea that if you reproduce faster than you lose members of your race....I'm sure you get the point.

    I imagine it works the same way for gnomes. They don't need healing classes to get inferior/slow (but still decently effective) healing. I don't know about now, but it's reasonable to say that while they had physical biological bodies, gnomes could reproduce faster than the gnomes who couldn't get healing died. 

    This post was edited by BeaverBiscuit at March 17, 2018 5:46 AM PDT
    • 2752 posts
    March 17, 2018 2:55 PM PDT

    Not to mention the majority of the gnome existence was on a planet that they seemed to have no predators, and even most their time on Terminus they have kept to themselves. Healing powers come from the divine and not the arcane, as such the gnomes have seemingly little interest.

    • 18 posts
    March 29, 2018 10:29 PM PDT

    Darchias said:

    Shaman, traditionally, is a class that is relegated as a savage witchdoctor sort of aesthetic. This is amplified by the tendency for the 'less civilized' races to become Shaman, like the Ogre or Skar. However, this is only a traditional interpretation of the Shaman. I know you mention we must supply 'sufficient supporting information' to justify breaking from convention, but happily the Shaman and the Elf are both things we actually have a wealth of publically available information on.

    I do very much appreciate the detailed response, on the single point of the sufficient supporting information and their conventions and theirstrict, prideful and exclusionary ways, are that of their popular conventions.  Those conventions are thopse not just of games, but of writings, books, moviss etc. as thje developers stated in so many words to bring back the old style feel for the modern gaming world.  Meeting with popular convention expectations of playerbase without fully and explicitly explaing a stance on why VR chose their particular perception/stance on an aspect that can be explored and explained by playing and interacting in Pantheon alone, without having to look up detailed lore blogs and out-side resources.  The state of players in my honest opinion has greatly degrated from 10+ yerars ago, many developers have focused on quantity over quality which is why theme park based MMORPG's have become the standard as well as the F2P model.

    There are going to be many that will try the game and if not satisfied over simple seemingly petty details, will bash the game, give terrible reviews and out of immature spite push the game to fail.  Having resources in-game that players can easily direct other players to, in order to asnwer their questions quickly, accurately and without stirring up harsh feelins because they can't handle a single shred oif criticism and can;t handle responses that seem like you are blowing them off. EG: "You can learn more about it from this ." "There is a quest that teaches/explains " vs "Thats how it is in Pantheon" or "Go look it up online."  I hate that this much care is needed for the modern playerbase, not condemning the wonderful coimmunity here, just trying to provide feedback on potential preventive measures to deal with what 'games' have become.

    As I posted in my introduction I started playing MMORPG's back in EQ, but never could getr settled in as I was a bit late to the party, not having an established group and being in my teens did not work in my advantage, which led me to go to WoW when it released, as everyone was startign new there.  I have witnessed the progression of games and the changes they and the cummunities have taken, in my opnion Pantheon excites me because its going back to the MMORPG roots, what does not excite me is VR being il-prepared for the extremely toxic global gaming community that will sonner jump on a band-wagon of hate than give the game a propper shot or accept advice and criticism from others that do enjoy the game.

    I know my response here has strayed a bit off-topic, however I wished to make my initial response as short as possible, I have the terrible habbit of turning a sinple single paragraph response into a light novel, as I try to expaling my reasoning and provide proof to the best of my ability, as its frequently difficult for the vast majority of individuals to begin to follow my thought process as I can not organize my words in a way to satisfy the common person.  Unfortunately the only way I can't usually get my point across is to make my response work as if I am introducing the material to other for the very first time, as such I tend to come across as condescending, which is why I make a very poor teacher, its not intentional...Being vastly different definately has its challenges.

    • 1095 posts
    March 30, 2018 2:12 PM PDT

    Monks should be able to be any race, kinda like the Jedi or Green Lantern Corps

    This post was edited by Aich at March 30, 2018 2:13 PM PDT
    • 752 posts
    April 3, 2018 1:36 PM PDT

    The dark myr druid and no sham has me scratching my head.

    In response to Skar/Monk, there is a certain discipline in bloodlust. Maybe its a natural ability to just accomplish any physical feat. So being monk might be like stretching for a Skar.

    This post was edited by kreed99 at April 3, 2018 1:57 PM PDT
    • 1247 posts
    April 13, 2018 11:37 AM PDT

    Wow! All I can say is well done on the race/class combinations! They are PERFECT and exactly what I was hoping for. I love how there are limitations like with the paladin and cleric choices. It makes perfect sense. I just love it. I totally see why Elves can't be clerics or paladins; they are a nature race (being more similiar to Wood Elves), so I can see why they will take up the druid and ranger paths. I'm glad High Elves are not in this game. The Elves as is, is perfect! The class and race combos are in a perfect balance. Staying true to the vision, thanks devs! 

    Also, let's not be like lame World of Warcraft where every race can be pretty much every class. That is the crybaby approach. We are adults over here. Well done devs! Am very excited as Pantheon comes to life!