Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Bind on Equip, No-Trade, or Tradeable?

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    • 3237 posts
    January 28, 2017 2:13 PM PST

    Do we have confirmation on VR's plans regarding how gear is traded in the game?  If I replace a breastplate with a better one, will I be able to sell the old breastplate, or will it be attuned to me and only sellable to merchants?  I have seen variations of BoE (Bind on Equip), No-Trade, and "Pure" tradeable loot.  I'd like to see a blend of all 3 options, with high volumes of BoE, medium volumes of Purely Tradeable, and small volumes of no-trade.  Epics and Quest Items would be no-trade for example ... everything else would be purely tradeable or BoE.

    I think it would be really nice to be able to trade certain raid pieces that we might not need to other guilds and get something that we DO need in return.  It was always a bummer when the final boss in a raid zone would drop something that literally nobody could use ... or the person who could use it, just happened to not be on that night.  I've seen stuff like that.  Poor guy goes to the raid 12 times in a row hoping for a certain drop that never comes.  He misses a raid, it drops, and it gets looted by a class that can't even use it to be sold to vendor.  All of this applies to group content as well.

    I don't think there is anything wrong with allowing some gear to be sold to other players.  They may have not have participated in the raid or group, but high-end loot goes for premium $$ ... they're going to have to pay a pretty penny to get it.  So rather than the item potentially rotting or being sold to a vendor, the raid/group is able to split up the sale amount from that piece of gear.  That money can help them with spell/gear upgrades, consumables, etc.  It's supposed to be a player-driven economy in a highly social game ... does anybody else have a preference?





    • 1434 posts
    January 28, 2017 4:05 PM PST
    Will I be able to freely trade my items?

    We recognize that the items you gain from your adventures or hard earned gold coins are yours and that you should be able to do with them whatever you want. This means that no-drop and bind-on-equip items will be the exception, not the rule. Epic weapons or items used for quests may be restricted, but the majority of items will not. That said, some quests may require you to turn in an older item in order to complete them. You will also be able to sacrifice items at altars in temples in return for valuable and long lasting ‘buffs’. So while the game will not stop you from handing down most items to other players, it will also encourage you to remove older items from the player-driven economy by rewarding you accordingly.

    • 22 posts
    January 28, 2017 4:11 PM PST

    I totally get what you're saying and would assume that in some form or another the "raid party" or "guild" would benefit from a drop that would in other words be a rot.  Whether that be breaking it down for "mats", or "pass it off to another guild in return for a needed item, OR it just rots or is vendored!  Personally, looking back I found it more interesting that if a drop fell that no one needed, it could be vendored and the coin go to the guild, summoner / mage that had to supply mats for a raid, etc.  Leveling and getting gear in EQ1 was hard fought and earned which is what I'd like to see and would expect from Pantheon.  


    Camping a spawn was hell and miserable, but when you got that had to change your diapers from excitement. =)  Just my 2 coins!



    • 9115 posts
    January 28, 2017 5:02 PM PST

    We have several threads on these topics already, I cannot allow threads that group several topics together that already exist as it is still duplicating and taking away from already active threads, which is against forum guidelines, again, please use the search function prior to creating a new threads, I cannot stress this enough, as you will often find that over the course of the 3 years we have been in development, the topic has already been brought up and discussed at some point.

    I will go ahead and close this thread now but I leave you with these links that I found by using the search phrases "Bind on Equip" and "Trade":

    For General members: - Trade Skills - CM topic, still covers some trading discussion - Trade and Sales discussion - Bound items (BoE)

    and for any VIPs: - Item Drop Mechanics