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Server firsts - messages items etc...

    • 610 posts
    February 16, 2016 10:35 AM PST

    Kalgore said:

    All these flavor options and some of you choose salty .  All they need is something in guild chat that says Kalgore discovered the Epic fabled sword of awesomeness.  Then If I decide to brag about it in general chat I will do it.


    As for people that dont want general chat how can you complain about that but in another post cry about how something makes it less a communtity game. 

    Not sure if directed at me but here goes...

    My whole point in this thread is that I dont care or need to see all these server first, they dont matter to me. If they are included in game its not a deal breaker for me as long as I have the option to turn it off...I have said that many times in this thread, never once said not to have them whatsoever. As far as general chat I just have never liked it, to easy for Trolls, gold spammers, Item sellers to constantly spam the channels and have a world wide audiaunce...if they are included once again not a deal breaker as long as I have the option to turn off...thats it, Im not in any way shape or form trying to push my agenda on others but I will express my opinion on a thread that asked about opinions and if differs from yours, thats cool...we all dont have to agree on everything

    • 194 posts
    February 16, 2016 11:16 AM PST
    One thing that might be cool would be to have a Lore Keeper in each of the starting cities with a book, a 'History' of all the goings on on that server. It could be viewed chronologically or you could search for particular events.

    Something like this could even be explained within the context of the current lore of Terminus that's been provided. Say by something like each of the books being found shortly after each Collision, and being written in the powerful language of the Drak'Elrin. The 'Books of History' contained the power to record events as they unfolded anywhere throughout Terminus.
    • 157 posts
    February 16, 2016 11:21 AM PST

    I love Broccoli. You think the first broccoli harvesting could get published server-wide? 

    I remember when I drank 100 different drinks in a game, and it got posted as a first.  You wouldn't believe the number of people that sent me /tells about how rediculous that was.

    I don't mind if the notices are in the game.  Just post them for meaningful things.  I have a feeling the notices won't be broadcast very often, and it might be nice to see a headline every now and again.  Maybe even zone-wide announcements when a zone boss is defeated.   And, sure, since a bunch of folks (including me) want it ... have the ability to turn the notices off if they become spam.

    • 157 posts
    February 16, 2016 11:25 AM PST

    Elrandir said: One thing that might be cool would be to have a Lore Keeper in each of the starting cities with a book, a 'History' of all the goings on on that server. It could be viewed chronologically or you could search for particular events. Something like this could even be explained within the context of the current lore of Terminus that's been provided. Say by something like each of the books being found shortly after each Collision, and being written in the powerful language of the Drak'Elrin. The 'Books of History' contained the power to record events as they unfolded anywhere throughout Terminus.

    Or the "new happenings" on the server could be listed on the log-in page.  You could scroll through as many as you wanted before logging into the game.  I remember some game I played in the past did that type of thing.  I thought it was a nice enough feature, and I could read it if I wanted ... or I could hop right into the game.

    • 194 posts
    February 16, 2016 11:32 AM PST

    xtnpd said:

    Or the "new happenings" on the server could be listed on the log-in page.  You could scroll through as many as you wanted before logging into the game.  I remember some game I played in the past did that type of thing.  I thought it was a nice enough feature, and I could read it if I wanted ... or I could hop right into the game.

    That would be great too!


    • 105 posts
    February 16, 2016 12:29 PM PST

    Not a fan of it. Would be more of a nuisance than anything to me. Personally I could really care less if I am first or if someone else is the first. I don't think just doing something first is all that impressive anyway, it doesn't say anything about how it was attained. Barry Bonds was the first one to 73 home runs in a single season, but just getting there isn't all that honorable unless we know how it was attained. If seeing server firsts by gold farmers, bot crafters, scammers, and cheaters, etc. is a possibility than I would rather just not see it.

    This post was edited by geatz at February 16, 2016 1:00 PM PST
    • 106 posts
    February 16, 2016 12:49 PM PST

    Elrandir said: One thing that might be cool would be to have a Lore Keeper in each of the starting cities with a book, a 'History' of all the goings on on that server. It could be viewed chronologically or you could search for particular events. Something like this could even be explained within the context of the current lore of Terminus that's been provided. Say by something like each of the books being found shortly after each Collision, and being written in the powerful language of the Drak'Elrin. The 'Books of History' contained the power to record events as they unfolded anywhere throughout Terminus.

    Are you on the dev team? Kilsin!!! Hire this awesome person of awesomeness!!!!

    This would be so cool! And it totally fits in with the lore

    /bow Elrandir

    This post was edited by Deadlyfury at February 16, 2016 12:50 PM PST
    • 383 posts
    February 16, 2016 1:54 PM PST

    I personally would like an option to disable them if they are in. I personally couldn't care less who was the first person to kill what or make whatever. I don't brag to others and don't expect them to brag/boost to me forcefully. I like to relax and play the game.


    I feel as though with this type of game people will know who did what and where. People will hopefully know more people personally from adventuring/questing/leveling with them. 


    However... if it's a well thought out story driven GM event, then I'm totally down haha.


    I don't want this game to turn into another rush to the max level to start the end game content type of game. I want to level at a really slow pace so I can get to know the others I group with. I want to make friends and enemies. That's what will keep me around for years. Only problem is I would play for 8 hours + a day every day lol... So I'm sure tons of people would be against a slow leveling pace with that type of commitment.


    Anyway my opinion once again and I know everyone has their own wants.


    • 9115 posts
    February 16, 2016 4:29 PM PST

    Deadlyfury said:

    Elrandir said: One thing that might be cool would be to have a Lore Keeper in each of the starting cities with a book, a 'History' of all the goings on on that server. It could be viewed chronologically or you could search for particular events. Something like this could even be explained within the context of the current lore of Terminus that's been provided. Say by something like each of the books being found shortly after each Collision, and being written in the powerful language of the Drak'Elrin. The 'Books of History' contained the power to record events as they unfolded anywhere throughout Terminus.

    Are you on the dev team? Kilsin!!! Hire this awesome person of awesomeness!!!!

    This would be so cool! And it totally fits in with the lore

    /bow Elrandir

    That is a very cool idea ;)

    • 395 posts
    February 16, 2016 5:35 PM PST

    Server first global messages for meaningful content sure. But I wouldn't want these messages to break immersion. 

    Special items? I don't think that's necessary.

    Titles and/or achievements for server or game firsts? Yes.


    Actually, the above several posts are ideas that are in-line with my immersion concept and are excellent ideas!!! Great ideas guys.

    This post was edited by OakKnower at February 16, 2016 5:38 PM PST
    • 428 posts
    February 17, 2016 3:44 PM PST

    This is getting blown up and beyond the orignal thinking it seems.  Why would anyone have an issue if Kalgore looted the mythical sword of awesome  flashed across the screen if it was a one time thing.  That is the only sword that will ever drop on the server its one of a kind and resulted in killing the hardest raid mob in the game.  Server discovery of random items all it needs is a line in guild chat that says kalgore discovered food.  Doesnt flash acorss the screen just in the chat log.


    I 100 percent think if there are super rare one of a kind items like in EQ drops then yes if someone loots it that should be known to everyone because they just accomplished something that was insanly hard and crazy that could of taking weeks.  It helps build a community when people see that and they send Personal messages telling them how awesome it was and congrats.  Or do people only want personality and communication in the game when it gets them something and if they have no shot at an item they dont care?

    • 610 posts
    February 17, 2016 3:48 PM PST

    Kalgore said:

    This is getting blown up and beyond the orignal thinking it seems.  Why would anyone have an issue if Kalgore looted the mythical sword of awesome  flashed across the screen if it was a one time thing.  That is the only sword that will ever drop on the server its one of a kind and resulted in killing the hardest raid mob in the game.  Server discovery of random items all it needs is a line in guild chat that says kalgore discovered food.  Doesnt flash acorss the screen just in the chat log.


    I 100 percent think if there are super rare one of a kind items like in EQ drops then yes if someone loots it that should be known to everyone because they just accomplished something that was insanly hard and crazy that could of taking weeks.  It helps build a community when people see that and they send Personal messages telling them how awesome it was and congrats.  Or do people only want personality and communication in the game when it gets them something and if they have no shot at an item they dont care?

    No one, at least not me, is saying it shouldnt be announced...just that I should have the option to turn it off and never see it. Tell me honestly how you looting the super uber sword affect me and why I should care? if I am your friend I will find out when I see you swinging uber sword around. If im not your friend I could not care less. Now if I see random dude running around with Uber sword and I think hey thats cool where did he get it...I will maybe send you a tell, strike up a conversation and maybe make a new friend.

    • 1 posts
    June 5, 2016 4:11 PM PDT

    I liked how Vanguard implemented this -- I don't recall that there was a server wide broadcast (for the first person in a territory, or the first person to hit/kill a mob, or etc), but it did show on your character information on the website.


    Hopefully Pantheon implements what Vanguard did ;) 

    • 2138 posts
    June 5, 2016 4:49 PM PDT

    Elrandir said: One thing that might be cool would be to have a Lore Keeper in each of the starting cities with a book, a 'History' of all the goings on on that server. It could be viewed chronologically or you could search for particular events. Something like this could even be explained within the context of the current lore of Terminus that's been provided. Say by something like each of the books being found shortly after each Collision, and being written in the powerful language of the Drak'Elrin. The 'Books of History' contained the power to record events as they unfolded anywhere throughout Terminus.


    "and all the works of Elrandir and all Elrandir did in the reign of township, are they not written in the book of terminus?"- that...has a nice ring to it. And allows for low-key bragging rights to newbies. You can point to the lorekeeper in town and say- "hey, look up Elrandir"..and you can point and say " that's him/her, we're heading out to dangerplace, maybe I'll read about you someday *flips a coin to newbs" spells/weapons- pricey in town amirite?*saunters off*"

    • 1468 posts
    June 5, 2016 4:58 PM PDT

    I liked the way Vanguard handled server firsts. There was a seperate website called Vanguard Players that listed all the discovered items in a database and it showed who discovered the item game wide and also server wide. That was a cool way of doing it without breaking immersion in the actual game but players could look up items on the website and see what gear other players were wearing on the website (sort of like how Magelo worked in EQ).

    It is a simple and effective way of solving the whole problem and I'd love it if Pantheon had a similar website when it launches.

    • 671 posts
    June 5, 2016 5:05 PM PDT

    Elrandir's idea is elegant..




    • 43 posts
    June 9, 2016 4:45 AM PDT

    I really hope Pantheon stays far far awayfrom these types of messages. This was in Rift and I hated it. Every time a item was crafted and or discovered for the first time a message spam. Everytime a zone event started message spam. When it comes to raid progression tracking I also thinks that one of the most stupidest F'N thing ever(again my personal opinion) The reason being is most of all new boss encounters/raids are always beta tested by the top guilds on the bleeding edge of new gameplay. Of COURSE one of these top guilds is going to be first because 90% of the rest of the ENTIRE player base has never even see the new zone/raid/boss what have you.

    When I alpha/beta tested LoTRO towards the end of beta I ended up being the first player to discover and make black dye. How did the rest of the players find out? Not because of some MESSAGE SPAM across their screens, but by finding it on the auction house :) (I don't want a world wide auction house in Pantheon)

    Now with that being said here is what I feel(again my personal opinion) how I would implement it:


    One of the things Pantheon wants to do is make interaction with NPCs more meaningfull so NPCs should be occasionally scripted to talk about major deeds/actions accomplished by players. It would immerse me much more into the game world to walk through a bustling town and over hear a couple of NPCs talking about how some crazy dwarf named Brujah went crawling through the catacombs of Sar'rilli and discovered a small smithing hammer carved out of a single diamond that is so light and durable that it is said it that Brujah can craft a suit of plate mail 3 times faster then any other smith with it. Then for a message spam of Brujah just looted the fabled smithing hammer of Sar'rilli.

    For a GM scripted zone event should not have a message spam announcing it. Instead there should be in game hints that something is happening. storm clouds roll in,wind picks up,the ground shakes and shutters,noises in the distance. This would tie in nicely with the proposed Perception system. 

    We all want to become imeresed in a active dynamic challenging game world. Let us find out about these things by actually interacting with the game world and the other players. Not by some billboard/banner that flashes across my screen or by some auto tracking tab on the UI.

    • 769 posts
    June 9, 2016 5:20 AM PDT

    Cromulent said:

    I liked the way Vanguard handled server firsts. There was a seperate website called Vanguard Players that listed all the discovered items in a database and it showed who discovered the item game wide and also server wide. That was a cool way of doing it without breaking immersion in the actual game but players could look up items on the website and see what gear other players were wearing on the website (sort of like how Magelo worked in EQ).

    It is a simple and effective way of solving the whole problem and I'd love it if Pantheon had a similar website when it launches.

    I too liked the way Vanguard did it, however - and correct me if I'm wrong - it ended up being kind of silly. I seem to recall that anytime the servers would merge, the server firsts would restart. Even coming up to Vanguard's sunset, people were still finding items for the "first" time simply because the server's kept getting yanked/merged.

    I felt no sense of accomplishment looting some sub-par weapon off a random Scorpion in Qalia for the first time just because the server firsts had reset during a merge. Hopefully that won't be the case in Pantheon, and server's will not need to constantly be merged.

    The website, however - yes. Do that. Or that History Book idea.

    • 9 posts
    June 13, 2016 8:49 AM PDT

    Honestly there should be no thing as Server/World/Global firsts posted or displayed in game.  It is a bad idea and will promote more people rushing content when they should slow down and enjoy it.

    • 1468 posts
    June 13, 2016 9:45 AM PDT

    Tralyan said:

    Cromulent said:

    I liked the way Vanguard handled server firsts. There was a seperate website called Vanguard Players that listed all the discovered items in a database and it showed who discovered the item game wide and also server wide. That was a cool way of doing it without breaking immersion in the actual game but players could look up items on the website and see what gear other players were wearing on the website (sort of like how Magelo worked in EQ).

    It is a simple and effective way of solving the whole problem and I'd love it if Pantheon had a similar website when it launches.

    I too liked the way Vanguard did it, however - and correct me if I'm wrong - it ended up being kind of silly. I seem to recall that anytime the servers would merge, the server firsts would restart. Even coming up to Vanguard's sunset, people were still finding items for the "first" time simply because the server's kept getting yanked/merged.

    I felt no sense of accomplishment looting some sub-par weapon off a random Scorpion in Qalia for the first time just because the server firsts had reset during a merge. Hopefully that won't be the case in Pantheon, and server's will not need to constantly be merged.

    The website, however - yes. Do that. Or that History Book idea.

    Yeah something would have to be done in the event of server merges but I'm hoping that Pantheon won't suffer the same problems that Vanguard did so I'd hope that it wouldn't become a big issue.

    I guess you could solve it by hardcoding the server name into the item database when the item was discovered and that wouldn't get changed if the servers merged.

    Anyway I'm not sure how their backend systems worked but it should be fairly easy to work around the server merge problem.

    • 231 posts
    June 13, 2016 1:23 PM PDT

    How about after major raid boss kills (1st or 2nd only) for a week or so some NPCs in various taverns toss in lines about it? If it can state the guild who got the kill then that's great, but it gets the info out there without being invasive to someone's screen. This plays along with NPCs not just being random characters that are only about quests or merchants. Sure it's not game changing useful info, but it gets the info out there and is still a form of in-game acknoledgement for the people.

    • 88 posts
    June 15, 2016 12:59 PM PDT

    Guess I'm late to the party on this one.

    I'm fairly neutral to having server dings on specific achievements. I'll preface, I come from a guild that hits the raid game pretty hard from EQ2, VG, and Rift so I'll just give an opinion from that side of the coin. I can understand how some individuals may find it either unecessary, distracting, or ego-stroking. I see it as one (of many) methods that allows players carve their legacy into a server. Now this not saying I support having some indication everytime something is discovered or when something is killed, but this is in support of somehow announcing when a great feat is achieved. To bullet list of how would prefer:

    - Option for users to enable/disable said announcements
    - Raid Kills: Only dungeon ending encounters or encounters with severe lore implications such as a dragon or god. Message should be of lore/RP flavor
    - Raid Kills: Overland encounters. Message should be of "the coase is clear" kind (think of SGs in Oasis). Only in such particular area
    - Crafting/Diplomacy feats: Becoming a grandmaster of such. (I'm spitballing here)

    But in the end I see it as small fun, but it does need to be controlled and not flashing off on daily basis. A small 2.5s promotion of said player or guild does nothing but help keep the community connected in whats going on in terms of activity for their server. 




    self-plug: there may or may not be a site similar to to cover pantheon raid progress ;)

    • 231 posts
    June 15, 2016 1:05 PM PDT

    (I didn't re-read all the posts so sorry if this is a duplicate)

    For raid first kills my mind went to the SAO2 stones (yes 2 was crappy, but I watched it). IIRC there was a sort of monument in a building, though it could be outside of the boss area so stones don't get crowded as expansions happen, where the names of the first people to kill it were inscribed. So raid group 1 kills boss a first, on a stone outside of the raid boss all their names would be on the stone. By on it I don't mean a texture but if you interact with it you'd see them.

    This way people could see who did it without any chat/visual spam.

    As for non-raid encounters, aka crafting, I have no ideas.

    • 7 posts
    June 15, 2016 4:26 PM PDT

    I personally like the idea for major raid firsts/epic discoveries. It adds to the lore of the every changing game. Whether some people like to admit it or not, certain players become icons in games. For me it was Tigole Bitties, the guild leader of Legacy of Steel in EQ1. He was such an icon that Blizzard took notice eventually hiring him to help create WoW. Part of a games living community involves it's heroes and villians. It is what makes it truly great. I spent times in several elite guilds and realized that those people were mostly nice humble folks that were just dedicated to the game. On the outside people hated guilds just based on their success. Those intense feelings created part of the culture of the game and I think, gave it a life of it's own. 


    Some people don't care about that stuff. I used it to find the people who could help me become a better player. Some were pricks and unhelpful, but overwhelmingly it helped me discover groups of good people willing to show me how to be better at my class and the game in general. That effect trickled down as I helped others in similiar fashion. Those 'Server Firsts" created topics of conversation and healthy competition. I think it is important for people to understand that endgame content is important to some, and for some it takes seeking out people in game who have caught on to learn how to do it. There is nothing wrong with the folks who want to slow burn and experience the game, in fact they represent the backbone of any good MMORPG. But there is a small percentage that makes progressing for others easier by developing strategies and putting in the time to be elite. I see a bit of recognition for those few as a good thing.

    • 3016 posts
    June 15, 2016 7:32 PM PDT

    I was wondering about server firsts and item discovery myself.   Have to agree that done in moderation (larger kills bad@ss boss on the server..things like that) that would be fun.