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    • 170 posts
    February 5, 2016 10:35 AM PST

    Don't know if I missed a previous post but any guild leaders starting a Pantheon guild? If so what kind of guild, rules, requirements, dews, etc. will there be and do you have a solid player base or is this going to be new? Because I find myself and my wife struggle with finding a guild that has a hardcore mindset but because of work and things is casual. Has fun people of both male and female (age doesn't matter but at least old enough to not censor guild chat) and will progress and play together. I hate hate hate those people that join guilds raid the bank and bail. I hate guild bickering, he didn't PL me. I hate too may requirements it becomes a job just to stay in the guild. I love LOVE love a guild of funny happy people that work together for a common goal and celebrate when its accomplished. I'm only posting to start feeling these things our before alpha so my wife and I can join a fun guild that can accomplish the higher end stuff but its not a 3 day a week requirement. This audience seems like the people we are for so I'm sure it'll just come down to whose hiring. Stay awesome Pantheon supporters and I will see you in their version of the commonlands tunnels sharing my wares.

    • Moderator
    • 9115 posts
    February 5, 2016 4:45 PM PST

    We have several guilds that will be forming in Pantheon and I have created a special Guild subforum on our new forums for when they go live but until then guild chat is fairly quiet while they wait for the new forums :)

    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at February 6, 2016 4:59 PM PST
    • 12 posts
    February 6, 2016 2:45 AM PST

    I was gonna say, yes there is intent to build a guild. However without a guild forum I believe most of us are playing nice and not trying to start the craziness yet. I am sure there will be guilds that form or attempt to form during alpha. In other games, like Vanguard, alpha guilds ended up being some of the stronger guilds through launch for raiding. Feel free to send me a message if you want any information on what may be out there.

    • 366 posts
    February 6, 2016 4:32 AM PST

    I have recruited for a couple of pre-launches through the years. Right now it is a matter of waiting for most guilds. Good guild advertising etiqutte is that you do not spam :) so at this point in time the respectable guilds are holding off for the proper subforum (which is so nice to see).  I think you will see a big pick-up each time a testing phase is launched. My guildmates and I have been talking and we  may do something different this time and not advertise and recruit as we play with people.

    The most important thing I can say for people looking and recruiting for a guild is that you do not just join the first guild you see or take the first player who asks for an invite/applies. Take your time and really research the guild/player - make sure that it is really the best fit for your gaming and social needs. Those extra steps can enhance your game so much that it is really worth the effort.

    Bah just talking about guilds - gets me all excited - A great guild fit and awesome guildies can keep you playing longer than you ever expect; mine has me playing shooters right now which I never would normally do lol. I think, like you said Abacda, this game will have many great guilds, of varying types and full of awesome players because of the type of people this game is attracting. Good luck in your search!

    • 1095 posts
    February 6, 2016 12:50 PM PST

    Zarriya said:

    I have recruited for a couple of pre-launches through the years. Right now it is a matter of waiting for most guilds. Good guild advertising etiqutte is that you do not spam :) so at this point in time the respectable guilds are holding off for the proper subforum (which is so nice to see).  I think you will see a big pick-up each time a testing phase is launched. My guildmates and I have been talking and we  may do something different this time and not advertise and recruit as we play with people.

    The most important thing I can say for people looking and recruiting for a guild is that you do not just join the first guild you see or take the first player who asks for an invite/applies. Take your time and really research the guild/player - make sure that it is really the best fit for your gaming and social needs. Those extra steps can enhance your game so much that it is really worth the effort.

    Bah just talking about guilds - gets me all excited - A great guild fit and awesome guildies can keep you playing longer than you ever expect; mine has me playing shooters right now which I never would normally do lol. I think, like you said Abacda, this game will have many great guilds, of varying types and full of awesome players because of the type of people this game is attracting. Good luck in your search!


    Can I join :) j/k  For me its the name and if I can get behind it in a roleplay sense and if it is something I would be proud to be apart of. Unless its the top raiding guild and thats my main goal, then #dealwitit

    I am intrested in a raiding/top end guild. Mature people. So, I'm intrested in that type. CST 6-7pm raid form times. I am also intrested in officer positions and can help fund a VOIP service, website etc.

    I also am a Videotographer, so I record raid fights for Youtube. 

    EQ2 Raid vids,

    This post was edited by Aich at February 6, 2016 1:02 PM PST
    • 137 posts
    February 7, 2016 10:56 AM PST
    Nice, I'll certainly be looking for a good mature guild once the game gets close to launching. I always enjoyed a good social guild, one which hosted guild events and such