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Your most important "little things" ?

    • 453 posts
    July 19, 2015 9:12 AM PDT

    Obviously having a relatively bug-free stable working game with great classes and great game mechanics are some of the most important "core" elements for Pantheon to achieve. With that said, what are some of the little things that you really hope make it into the game at some point in time? For some people little things such as baking/fishing/brewing make a game much more enjoyable. Some people *really* care about housing and being able to decorate a place or at least having a guild hall. Some people are really big on boats. Which little thing(s) are you most hoping for?

    • 105 posts
    July 19, 2015 11:26 AM PDT

    Gnomes, of course.  The best little things around. 


    Seriously, though, my "little thing" is having good customization options for my toon.  The more character I can put into her, the more I feel connected to her.  



    • 1778 posts
    July 20, 2015 6:40 AM PDT
    • 384 posts
    July 20, 2015 8:02 AM PDT
    Definitely a crafting system. Something along the lines of diplomacy would be awesome! Although that's not a little thing. Other than that, fun and unique fluff spells and items would be cool.
    • 142 posts
    July 20, 2015 8:49 AM PDT

    I liked the Collections feature in EQ2. Spotting a little "Sparkly" always gave me a little tingle.


    And I like Exploration Achievements.

    • 70 posts
    July 20, 2015 9:10 AM PDT

    I would like to once again play a game that feels like many f*&@s were given when designing the game world and its inhabitants.  In EQ, EQ2, and WoW you can really feel that someone spent some time planning out where all of the NPCs are in the world and why they are where they are (lore).  Each building you enter has appropriate contents for what they are supposed to be selling or buying or whatever the building's purpose is (i.e. armor shops have armor on display, inns have rooms with beds, etc).  Modern games just feel like they spent as little time as possible designing a facade for entire cities and then threw a bunch of random quest NPCs out and about for you to interact with.  It just doesn't feel like they cared and to me it makes the world feel less alive.


    Also I would like to once again play a game that doesn't have an in combat/out of combat flag.  That has annoyed me in every game that has it.  Why does something 3 miles away being angry at me have anything to do with whether or not I can sit down and munch on some bread.  I get it when it's punching me in the face and interrupting my chewing just not why the fact that it wants to punch me somehow has an effect on what I can do.

    This post was edited by jezebel at July 24, 2015 12:55 PM PDT
    • 1778 posts
    July 20, 2015 9:44 AM PDT
    Ok here is another thing. I enjoy Mysteries. Though I rarely see it in gaming let alone MMOs (except maybe TSW). But Id really love some investigative style quests. You know.... clues, puzzles, conspiracy, murder, drama, etc. But in a real Nancy Drew or Sherlock Holmes sort of way.
    • 70 posts
    July 20, 2015 9:58 AM PDT
    Amsai said:
    Ok here is another thing. I enjoy Mysteries. Though I rarely see it in gaming let alone MMOs (except maybe TSW). But Id really love some investigative style quests. You know.... clues, puzzles, conspiracy, murder, drama, etc. But in a real Nancy Drew or Sherlock Holmes sort of way.



    I have to say that while otherwise sucking some of the puzzle and main quests for TSW are hands down the best quests in any MMO I have ever played.  I love that some of them required actual knowledge of various subjects and/or problem solving skills to successfully complete.  While a lot of quests in EQ lean this way they never felt as well implemented as they are in TSW (though obv the sci fi modern real world setting does allow a lot of leeway there).  I think EQ quests required a bit too much talking to every NPC to figure out who/what the quest was alluding to.  Maybe I'm just not into RP so the EQ quests seemed clunkier as I wouldn't otherwise talk to any of the NPCs.  *shrug*

    • 384 posts
    July 20, 2015 10:29 AM PDT
    Amsai said:
    Ok here is another thing. I enjoy Mysteries. Though I rarely see it in gaming let alone MMOs (except maybe TSW). But Id really love some investigative style quests. You know.... clues, puzzles, conspiracy, murder, drama, etc. But in a real Nancy Drew or Sherlock Holmes sort of way.

    That is a Great Idea. The quests in TSW almost made that game sorta bearable. :) Something similar in Pantheon (lore appropriate obv) would be Very cool! I can imagine finding clues in the Keeper's Vault.
    • 105 posts
    July 20, 2015 12:47 PM PDT

    Reading jezebel's response reminds me of another little thing--doors that open.  So very simple and so neglected in some of the newer games.  Nothing says 'filler' like a bunch of buildings with no access.  Having doors that you click to open helps to make me feel like care was taken in designing the world.

    • 753 posts
    July 20, 2015 12:56 PM PDT

    Bags, item size, and item weight.  Or maybe not specifically those things - but the broader sense of what those things represent.


    The whole concept of needing to be aware of how much weight you were carrying, where you could put items you pick up, what items you might have to decide to discard (or go into town to sell), etc...  Was, to me, an important TYPE of mini-game within the game.  It's one of those "pseudo-reality" things you used to have to contend with.


    I would (again) seek to remind anyone reading that an MMO is different than other games by virtue of the fact that they are virtual worlds - and as such, require some sense of virtual reality to really come alive... and that those virtual realities must - to some degree - consist of mundane things like dealing with item weight. 


    Does that mean that the game must be absolutely flooded with these virtual realities (mundane or otherwise) - no - it does not mean that.  It means that there must be enough of them to add flavor - to pull you away from "just kill, baby" - and into LIVING within the virtual world.

    This post was edited by Wandidar at July 24, 2015 12:55 PM PDT
    • 308 posts
    July 20, 2015 1:02 PM PDT

    I am going to give a short list.


    1. Quests that feel like QUESTS!!! if the farmer needs his chickens corralled because he is too incapable to build a fence that is not a QUEST, walking 5 minutes away to slay 5 wolves and bring back the teeth for proof is not a QUEST, now if the kings daughter is ill and needs you to travel to the dangerous land of Velvatine Rabbits to bring back the hard to find rare herb that is guarded by the bunny of caer-bannog and requires me to gain the help of the church to provide me with the bane weapon needed to kill it is a QUEST.


    2. solid crafting with items that can actually be used.


    3. intricately crafted Lore.

    • 384 posts
    July 21, 2015 5:56 AM PDT
    There seems to be a unifying concept that I see in a lot of the posts above (please correct me if I'm wrong) but I think what excites us about Pantheon is the promise of returning a world that feels like a living, real place. Some of the rules will be different (better?) from our own of course but not too different. I think that was the magic that both EQ and VG (and probably vanilla WoW) captured. When you logged in it could feel like you were entering an breathing, living world. A big part of that (for a lot us it seems) are the little things. Attention to detail. Working doors, items having weight, realistic quests, realistic layout of towns, etc.

    Sorry hope I didn't derail the thread too much. Just an observation. Now please return to the regularly scheduled thread and continue posting the little things you want too see. :)
    • 409 posts
    July 21, 2015 10:00 AM PDT

    NPCs that move around according to stuff like night and day, lunch time, dinner, etc, and stores/merchants/etc that actually close at night and on whatever rest day the Pantheon world has for merchants to enjoy life.

    • 112 posts
    July 22, 2015 9:21 AM PDT

    One thing I enjoyed a good amount in WoW, was the developers sense of humor.  When it came to quests or npc's and how they acted - As well as everytime I came across a reference to movies/tv/books in an npc or item.