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A stickler for names...

    • 383 posts
    March 26, 2015 10:58 PM PDT

    So I did some searching and didn't see a topic for it, however I was curious if anyone else has a similar problem like I have when it comes to names. I have this horrible problem(first step admitting it) with disliking people without getting to know them due to what I believe is a dumb/inappropriate name lol.


    I've actually turned people down from groups for it. I felt bad sometimes for doing it, however I just couldn't stand looking at their names to have them in the group for the new few hours. I mean of course I could have dealt with it if I had to, however... I choose not to if I have another option a lot of the time.


    Names like the below are similar to names I have seen in game that just turn me off from inviting those people to my group or guild:








    Anyway you get the idea... So yes I have a problem, I like to see fantasy based names in my fantasy based worlds... hate me if you have to haha..


    So again I'm curious if anyone else feels the same way, or if they might be on the opposite side of the coin where they made a less than fantasy related name and might have felt shunned for it?




    • 9115 posts
    March 26, 2015 11:45 PM PDT

    I am with you on this, I cannot stand stupid names in MMORPGs, just seeing some character named something silly because they lack imagination or do not care enough about their character or 10th alt throws the immersion off for me. I hope we do something to prevent silly names.

    • 180 posts
    March 27, 2015 12:23 AM PDT

    I enjoy fantasy names but I do get some laughs from silly character names and guild names. I would like to see this prevented however in Pantheon and all the inappropriate language/spam in general channels. Free to play games especially ones like AA that don't police their in game channels or forums create terrible communities. I played on a Euro server in AA and before I started I thought it was going to be awesome wow was I mistaken by the amount of garbage I read on faction chat.  Also please don't allow the ability to change names. You create a bad name for yourself then you are stuck with it unless you recreate a new character.

    Sorry, got off topic a bit but yes although funny I prefer standard fantasy type names.


    • 724 posts
    March 27, 2015 12:28 AM PDT

    A name sounding like a proverb can be funny sometimes. If it literally is one, not so funny IMO.


    • 1434 posts
    March 27, 2015 1:30 AM PDT

    I'm definitely guilty of making stupid names for bank alts, but any character I play has a legit name.  I really dislike when people put together a series of words and use it as a name.  Thats one of the few rules I actually liked on project1999.

    • 132 posts
    March 27, 2015 1:59 AM PDT

    There should be a server side textfile with banned names, that the game checks against when you create a char. Just like in EQ.


    Profanity filter should be toggleable from the client tough.

    This post was edited by sajbear at March 27, 2015 7:36 AM PDT
    • 9115 posts
    March 27, 2015 5:04 AM PDT
    sajbear said:

    There should be a server side textfile with banned names, that the game checks against when you create a char. Just like in EQ.


    Profanity filter should be toggleable from the client tough.

    Maybe that is something I can include you guy's in, not now obviously but when it comes time during Beta or closer to release, I can collect names from you all to add to the exclusion list/banned names?


    Something to think about anyway, please don't create a list, that is something I will do but I am just throwing ideas around and thinking of ways to get you all involved ;)

    • 753 posts
    March 27, 2015 5:13 AM PDT

    I actually have some fun with my names but try not to take it too far.


    Some names I've used in the past (no stealing please!)


    Monk:  Krakks Culls.  Phonetically "crack skulls" - but the word "cull" means, essentially, to eliminate the weak.


    Disciple in VG:  Omnotta Blackbelt  - "I'm not a black belt"  (I've used this one for other classes too... a bard might be "Omnotta Goodsinger")


    Any high burst caster:  Ayego Boome - "I go boom"


    And (according to my wife) the most descriptive name I've ever used...  Raksasa Pantat - which, according to google translate, is Indonesian for "Giant Ass"


    It all started with my ranger - Wandidar was a name generated by the EQ name generator.  I had been struggling for a last name and ended up holding a "name that ranger" contest in my guild.  One of the other rangers said "Aroundidar"  I didn't get it at first and he said "You're a ranger... Wandidar Aroundidar... WANDER AROUND!"


    I've struggled ever since to have a sort of silly name that still was not too offensive from a fantasy perspective.

    • 7 posts
    March 27, 2015 5:41 AM PDT

    I dunno what it is but this irks me as well. 

    Few months ago I seen somebody with the name "Quizno Subway" leveling up. I just shook my head, I would never group with that person...

    • 366 posts
    March 27, 2015 6:05 AM PDT


    For the most part I believe in freedom of speech and expression, and natural consequences.   I would not ban a name unless it was outright offensive to a group or individual. And for that - I would even love a game suspension!   I do hope there will be an in-game report feature to help facilitate it.  Other than that let them have their stupid name - it helps me decide not to include them in my group or at least be prepared  :) .  The natural consequence  of having a poorly named toon with that this type of community is that players will not include him as much.  I have to admit some names give me a good laugh!

    • 89 posts
    March 27, 2015 6:07 AM PDT

    I've also always hated it when people use phrases or random letters in place of or in front of names.


    However, there may need to be some compromise here because in my experience people tend to resort to phrases or random letters when the names they want to use are taken.  If I make a dwarf I'm going to try to give him a dwarven sounding name, but when Rurik, Durin, Baelin, and a dozen more are all taken (along with alternate spellings) it gets pretty frustrating.  This can be somewhat alleviated by allowing players to enter first and last names at character creation, or completely alleviated by allowing people to use whatever name they want and tying characters to the account name.

    • 148 posts
    March 27, 2015 6:31 AM PDT

    I don't think its a problem on your end for not liking these types of names, stupid names really annoy me and I constantly complain about them to my wife while playing MMOs. Guild names I think should have a little more leeway than character names, as in any world / setting people can name their groups / businesses odd things but it should still hold to some kind of filtered out words.

    • 753 posts
    March 27, 2015 6:47 AM PDT

    I think there is a "point too far" in silly names (and you could argue that some of the ones I listed above that I use might cross the line) - but I think that it can be done in a non-jarring fantasy sort of way.


    Another example of mine:  If I make a paladin, I usually name it something like "Valloran Donner"  (or something similar) with it being phonetically "Valor and Honor" - fitting for a paladin, still sounds fantasy - still is a bit of a silly name game played by me.

    • 1434 posts
    March 27, 2015 7:18 AM PDT

    Those are some pretty classic names.  They seem legit though.  I just think profanity, proper titles and combo word names like "Yourmomsfriend" or "Tinyhugefeetz" are the kind of crap I cant stand.

    This post was edited by Dullahan at March 27, 2015 7:36 AM PDT
    • 383 posts
    March 27, 2015 7:35 AM PDT

    YES! I'm not alone haha... Wandidar, the names you have used in the past for the most part wouldn't bother me and I would offer you a group. The names I listed or Dullahan listed are mostly the type I dislike.


    I would agree that some of them give me a good laugh, though it's when I see 90% of the population with non-fantasy based names. It's like everyone's trying to be a comedian instead of helping create an immersive world. Either way I appreciate everyone's feedback. It's nice to know that yet again that the community here is for the most part on the same page.


    Oh btw Wandidar, my name is auto generated from EQ as well lol... I forget if it was the beta or actual release. When I was 13-14 I used to make names in my muds like Slash, Arc, Arch, Archbane, Soulreap or Soulreaper. Not the kind of combo name I would pick today.

    • 753 posts
    March 27, 2015 7:42 AM PDT

    I do intentionally get way over the top with gnomes.... because let's face it, that's what gnomes are for.


    I have a gnome cleric right now named "Snoggin Beetlebutts"


    For those who don't know, "Snogging" is Brittish slang for kissing or making out...


    Not sure why - but if I play a gnome, I have to give it a name that basically says "laugh at me, I'm ridiculous"

    • 383 posts
    March 27, 2015 7:45 AM PDT

    Hmm, though that name seems like it fits haha...

    • 19 posts
    March 27, 2015 1:20 PM PDT

    I too dislike stupid names usually, though I have been guilty of it from time to time. In SoD we made a guild called TrevorQuest that they (unbelievably) approved. But typically nothing terribly egregious, and never for one of my own characters.

    • 49 posts
    March 28, 2015 5:22 PM PDT
    Bowjob is classic but I eschew grouping with people with unrealistic names too. Good general indicator of personality type, which is a big deal for grouping.
    • 49 posts
    March 28, 2015 5:25 PM PDT
    A "show names" toggle would go far toward fixing this issue for me. Not everyone is super into fantasy, or has an imagination up to par, and that's totally fine.
    • 384 posts
    March 28, 2015 9:36 PM PDT
    Naming policy is always such a divisive issue in MMOs and it's usually impossible to get the groups involved to find any common ground.

    I prefer names that fit in with the lore of the world we're existing in. Come to think of it, that may actually be the root of the problem. Some folks play like they are controlling a "toon" in a game while others play like they are the avatar in the virtual world they are existing in. It would perhaps make sense that names matter differently to those two different types of players. I don't know. I do know that seeing names that aren't lore appropriate is immersion breaking and kind of annoying for some reason. So sign me up as a supporter of the lore-appropriate-non-witty-real-sounding name policy. :)
    • 999 posts
    March 30, 2015 5:27 AM PDT

    MMO "RPG" should equate to requiring RP names.  If it was a MMO "G" (Game) then all bets should be off.  


    Names should be required to fit the lore/races of Pantheon as long as Pantheon is being advertised as a MMORPG, and, yes, I do get a laugh out of some of the names, especially the more creative ones, but it is definitely immersion breaking for me.

    • 201 posts
    March 30, 2015 6:38 AM PDT

    Besides the extreme, as much as I hate names like that.  At the same time, you can not block someone's right to name their character something weird.

    • 383 posts
    March 30, 2015 8:32 AM PDT
    Rivacom said:

    Besides the extreme, as much as I hate names like that.  At the same time, you can not block someone's right to name their character something weird.

    Any company with a pair of balls can block anyone from doing anything they want in their game. It's not their right, it's a privilege. No freedom of speech laws apply in game.

    • 201 posts
    March 30, 2015 11:44 AM PDT
    Niien said:
    Rivacom said:

    Besides the extreme, as much as I hate names like that.  At the same time, you can not block someone's right to name their character something weird.

    Any company with a pair of balls can block anyone from doing anything they want in their game. It's not their right, it's a privilege. No freedom of speech laws apply in game.

    Sorry, let me rephrase that a little.  They "Shouldn't" block.  Every company has the right to do whatever to the game.  But at the same time, how many restrictions do you want to put on a game.  Weeding out these names would be best left up to a RP type server.