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NDA lifted

    • 1404 posts
    • 15 posts
    December 2, 2023 7:24 PM PST
    heh... that was my question about leashing i think... im not a huge fan of the wow/eq2 type leashing where they walk back and are immune and non-kos... but if as you say it returns all agro like, that would be interesting lol

    i really dont like leashing in general and i guess i missed the fact that the game is zoneless.. i thought it was said there would be no leashing in the past
    This post was edited by bandit at December 2, 2023 7:25 PM PST
    • 1404 posts
    December 2, 2023 7:30 PM PST
    I’m not a big fan of leashing either, but if the zones are as big as they say (can be 20 min to run across) then I can see it needed. I would think the leash distance is a variable that can be adjusted to the given area.
    This post was edited by Zorkon at December 2, 2023 7:31 PM PST
    • 72 posts
    December 3, 2023 4:36 AM PST
    They're by no means finished working on it, but by my experiences it's something like this:

    If the player being chased dies, the mob will slowly walk back to it's spawn in an aggro state.
    If the player breaks combat by significantly ranging the mob--generally with snares or roots--then the mob will slowly walk back to its spawn in an aggro state.
    If the player breaks combat by running the mob to the end of it's leashing range, then the mob will quickly run back to its spawn in a non-aggro state.

    The leashing range is significantly longer than in other games, and most mobs run faster than a players regular run speed but slightly slower than player sprint speed. Some mobs are even faster than a players sprint speed--flying creatures generally but maybe others.

    So it doesn't really feel like it trivializes the world except maybe for shamans who can give themselves speed buffs.
    This post was edited by Turnip at December 3, 2023 4:41 AM PST
    • 3852 posts
    December 3, 2023 7:34 AM PST
    Unlike some I do not like leashing and think "training" in the EQ sense is a terrible mechanism. It allows players to use game mechanics to kill other players which is not a good thing on a pve server. I admit I have no sense of nostalgia for the mechanism since although my MMO background goes back to before 1999 it does not include much of EQ. Vanguard on the other hand ..... The Gods' gift to crafters and harvesters and with Nephele's help Pantheon may preserve that legacy.
    This post was edited by dorotea at December 3, 2023 7:34 AM PST
    • 1404 posts
    December 3, 2023 11:27 AM PST
    Thanks for the response Turnip. I’m glad to hear they are agro at least some of the time. I don’t understand why they wouldn’t be agro all the time.
    @dorotea it’s not about nostalgia, it’s about being in a world where an Orc or Goblin is my enemy, and they can’t or won’t just wander past me without attacking like I’m not even there. I’ll be very disappointed in pantheon if I ever get so complacent in the world where I can ignore my surroundings.
    As for intentional training, yea I don’t like it either and hopefully they can come up with a solution, but by no means NOT at the expense of the world. I feel that’s just to high of a price to pay, I would rather deal with the trains, again, by paying attention to my surroundings.
    • 1404 posts
    December 3, 2023 12:12 PM PST
    New Question :
    Merchants are in game. So obviously you can buy and sell. There was something said in the stream about Alt+Right-Click to sell, that I didn’t really catch, a bug maybe?

    My question about merchants is three parts.
    1) can you buy back from the merchant once you sold to them?
    2) can others buy back from them items you sold ?
    3) is there dumpster diving? This is where in EverQuest the merchant’s could only display like 20 items, but they could have unlimited inventory. By buying out the top items you could move hidden items onto the list. Was a miscast to kill time when waiting on group members or someone. I once found an awesome axe for my dwarf this way.
    • 2094 posts
    December 3, 2023 12:30 PM PST
    You right-click an item in the merchant's inventory to buy it. To sell something in your inventory to the merchant, you have to hold down 'alt' while you right-click. This is a precaution because it was so easy to accidentally sell something you didn't intend to.

    Nothing you sell shows up in the merchant's inventory. Thus the answer to all 3 of your questions is currently no.
    This post was edited by Jothany at December 3, 2023 12:31 PM PST
    • 1921 posts
    December 3, 2023 1:32 PM PST

    Jothany said: ...  Thus the answer to all 3 of your questions is currently no.

    Well that's disappointing and terrible. :)
    Is it currently a public design goal that prior to launch, the answer to all 3 of those questions will be yes?

    • 1404 posts
    December 3, 2023 4:08 PM PST
    vjek said:

    Jothany said: ...  Thus the answer to all 3 of your questions is currently no.

    Well that's disappointing and terrible. :)
    Is it currently a public design goal that prior to launch, the answer to all 3 of those questions will be yes?

    Yes, pretty disappointing. Until I hear otherwise, I’m going to assume it’s in the plans but just not implemented at this time as it’s not a priority. If someone could confirm or deny that would be great
    • 72 posts
    December 3, 2023 5:37 PM PST
    Zorkon said: Thanks for the response Turnip. I’m glad to hear they are agro at least some of the time. I don’t understand why they wouldn’t be agro all the time. @dorotea it’s not about nostalgia, it’s about being in a world where an Orc or Goblin is my enemy, and they can’t or won’t just wander past me without attacking like I’m not even there. I’ll be very disappointed in pantheon if I ever get so complacent in the world where I can ignore my surroundings. As for intentional training, yea I don’t like it either and hopefully they can come up with a solution, but by no means NOT at the expense of the world. I feel that’s just to high of a price to pay, I would rather deal with the trains, again, by paying attention to my surroundings.

    Because if they were aggro all of the time players would easily be able to abuse the leashing mechanism to break camps, get rare resources, train other people. I think it's pretty smart how it's set up currently.

    It can still be abused in a few ways, but it requires more player cooperation to do.
    This post was edited by Turnip at December 3, 2023 6:18 PM PST
    • 560 posts
    December 3, 2023 7:08 PM PST
    Good question so far. I agree an orc should agro on there way back to there spawn and never liked how WoW did it. The ability for other players to take advantage of this and train other players is annoying but worth it. I am guessing in part I am ok with it due to the fact the intentional training was rare for me to encounter in EQ. If it happened daily I might change my mind.

    Follow up question on agro how do the mobs deal with not being able to reach you? I am thinking about climbing or if they have it in the game levitate. I think I saw a video talking about how they would throw things at you if they could but even that I suspect would have a limited range?
    • 724 posts
    December 4, 2023 1:54 AM PST
    Zorkon said:
    If someone could confirm or deny that would be great

    Iirc Joppa said (in discord) he was pretty much in the pro camp for that feature, so it could make its way in the game :)

    @Susurrus: Mobs currently "teleport" to you if they cannot reach you. The ranged combat is currently not implemented yet, so once that goes online it will probably change how mobs behave if you're out of their range.
    • 1289 posts
    December 4, 2023 8:22 AM PST
    As far as buying items back from merchants is concerned, I do believe it's a planned feature. It's just not implemented yet. (and of course that could change if it never gets implemented lol)
    • 1404 posts
    December 4, 2023 7:40 PM PST
    From the 12/02/23 patch notes

    “Several more NPCs now have abilities that properly scale in power as they get higher level.”

    Is this to be read as the ability is on a higher level NPC? Or is it to be taken literally as they “get higher level” as in an NPC can level up by killing players?

    This was discussed by us a few years back.
    • 2419 posts
    December 4, 2023 8:38 PM PST

    Zorkon said: From the 12/02/23 patch notes “Several more NPCs now have abilities that properly scale in power as they get higher level.” Is this to be read as the ability is on a higher level NPC? Or is it to be taken literally as they “get higher level” as in an NPC can level up by killing players? This was discussed by us a few years back.

    It means that if you have an NPC of a particular class and is level 10 with a certain skill it will do X damage.  But another NPC of the same class but level 20 and using that same skill will have the skill do damage appropriate to the level.

    • 1404 posts
    December 4, 2023 10:19 PM PST
    Vandraad said:

    Zorkon said: From the 12/02/23 patch notes “Several more NPCs now have abilities that properly scale in power as they get higher level.” Is this to be read as the ability is on a higher level NPC? Or is it to be taken literally as they “get higher level” as in an NPC can level up by killing players? This was discussed by us a few years back.

    It means that if you have an NPC of a particular class and is level 10 with a certain skill it will do X damage.  But another NPC of the same class but level 20 and using that same skill will have the skill do damage appropriate to the level.

    Yea that’s what I assumed, just like any other game. It’s the standard. I was excited for a second there. Since that conversation years ago I always thought it could lead to some epic battles.
    • 1404 posts
    December 23, 2023 8:16 PM PST

    With the Alpha invited Pre-Alpha I was able to get into game and actually look around and see what, if anything was missing that I found memorable from my early EQ days. 

    Items Dropped on the ground by other players. These little items are generally worthless, sometimes amusing, sometimes treasures. But more than that they were signs, tracks left by other players indicating other players were recently there, another small thing that made the world feel alive. Yet I noticed I couldn't drop anything in Pantheon. Only option was to delete.


    Can any VIP, PA-tester, or Dev confirm or deny that a decision has been made to allow this in game? To change the default action when dropping something to be dropping it instead of deleting it?



    • 1289 posts
    December 23, 2023 9:31 PM PST

    I don't think any final decision has been made, but I have heard talk about how much pain that caused in EQ and people have "learned their lesson" from allowing players to do that.  I don't have specific examples, but I'm pretty sure it's a tool that players used to crash servers intentionally or something like that.

    • 1584 posts
    December 24, 2023 4:32 AM PST
    Realistically I don't see why items should be able to be dropped, it doesn't really add anything to the game. Like even in EQ, yes people dropped things but nothing worth mentioning, the best thing might of been something like a FS weapon, which again is kind of a junk item with a lot of weight. I think people who found the items being dropped as a great feature came into the game well after release, most people who were dropping items, if it was simply a delete process they wouldn't of complained simply due they just wanted it out of there bags. And the other reason they dropped items was cause back than they didn't have a shared bank so they had to drop them so there alt can pick it up once they got there.
    • 2094 posts
    December 24, 2023 12:28 PM PST

    Dropping items on the landscape has a history of abuse and I'm sure is why we can't do it.

    On the positive side, if you kill a mob but don't loot it, it stays there for a short while after the 'lockout' for the person who killed it expires.

    I've found dead mobs from someone who was just seeking xp and was able to loot them, and more important - to me - was able to skin them.

    • 1404 posts
    December 24, 2023 3:16 PM PST


    Jothany said:

    Dropping items on the landscape has a history of abuse and I'm sure is why we can't do it.


    bah, what doesn't have a history of abuse? I'm not one for supporting throwing the baby out with the bath water. I'd like to hear some examples, I know of one, from early EQ there was a Cloning bug that people found related to dropping items. They were able to clone Platinum. Never heard of anybody crashing a server with it. As for those coming into everquest well after release, I started in April of 99 so if 30 days is considered "well into release" then I would have to concede that. As for anything worth any value, even a FS weapon is huge for a noob. although I have found better, and imersion was more my reasoning for wanting it in game. 

    Again on the abuse problems, the implementation was abused, not the feature. It can be implemented different that wouldn't allow the abuses.

    • 1584 posts
    December 24, 2023 3:25 PM PST
    Zorkon said:


    Jothany said:

    Dropping items on the landscape has a history of abuse and I'm sure is why we can't do it.


    bah, what doesn't have a history of abuse? I'm not one for supporting throwing the baby out with the bath water. I'd like to hear some examples, I know of one, from early EQ there was a Cloning bug that people found related to dropping items. They were able to clone Platinum. Never heard of anybody crashing a server with it. As for those coming into everquest well after release, I started in April of 99 so if 30 days is considered "well into release" then I would have to concede that. As for anything worth any value, even a FS weapon is huge for a noob. although I have found better, and imersion was more my reasoning for wanting it in game. 

    Again on the abuse problems, the implementation was abused, not the feature. It can be implemented different that wouldn't allow the abuses.

    I mean but it doesn't make anything more immersive, and the feature doesn't hold any true value, and FS isn't that big of a deal to a noob either, FS is barely better than a rusty weapon, so again I will state again, items being dropped doesn't hold any true value in any kind of game, and honestly if it never finds itself in another MMO, I wouldn't miss it.
    • 560 posts
    December 24, 2023 3:43 PM PST

    I find this an interesting timing for an item dropping topic to get attention. Just recently in the Monsters and Memories free to play I ended up getting my best weapon from when some random person dropping it on the ground. It was crap spear but better then anything else I had. It is not a major game changing feature as long as we can trade and have shared bank accounts with our alts. All the little things like this add up and for this reason as long as it is easy for the devs I say add it.

    I am sure there are other ways to help prevent abuse that are less drastic then just not allowing it.

    This post was edited by Susurrus at December 24, 2023 3:44 PM PST
    • 264 posts
    December 24, 2023 4:21 PM PST

    M&M is going full EQ style, that's not the case for Pantheon. I'd rather see items be able to be dropped on the ground myself.