Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Baffled and dissapointed in VR

    • 2 posts
    November 17, 2023 3:37 AM PST
    If it's that easy for you to change your graphics why on earth did you choose to make the graphics worse when you could make it better?

    Have you seen what UE 5.3 has to offer??? (I would choose a relaunch of original everquest ported to UE 5 before investing my time in Pantheon - any day - twice on sunday)

    I myself played Everquest (still do from time to time because of gameplay), I played World of warcraft and coped with the cartoonish graphics - not a fan though.

    I pledged to your game because I saw the dream - gameplay and great graphics coming together. Then you choose to change graphics to this shitty 2010-looking abomination of a game?!

    Might aswell make this a single player game since your servers wont have any players - Do you really think people will invest their time in a dated game like this?! If we want cartoonish game we have World of warcraft classic servers - if we want dated graphics with good gameplay we have Everquest TLP servers or Everquest 2.

    You have thrown away what made your IP unique - Potentiel good gameplay (I as an Alpha pledge since 2014 haven't tested any yet..) and great graphics.

    Niche and could have been epic....

    PS. And no I don't have faith in the projet anymore final nail in the coffin - Had hopes before but was VERY doubtful.
    This post was edited by Nicoladen at November 17, 2023 3:38 AM PST
    • 1289 posts
    November 17, 2023 9:38 AM PST

    Just to clarify (or ask you to clarify) ... are you saying that they threw away their potential for good gameplay?  
    Or just the combination of great gameplay and graphics?  (just asking because I think the gameplay definitely still has potential to be great regardless of graphics).

    • 394 posts
    November 17, 2023 10:54 AM PST

    "Ok, see you." - Appa 

    • 226 posts
    November 17, 2023 1:36 PM PST
    There is no hope for a good looking game. Listening to the Q&A from 2 days ago, there was no mention of this at all. The game is ugly for sure, but it’s a moot point because after 10 years, very little work has been done and we are obviously years and years away from release.
    • 2094 posts
    November 17, 2023 6:49 PM PST

    Mod Edit:

    Allegations about Brad from the past, as well as discussions about his passing, are not acceptable topics for discussion on VR's forums.

    • 133 posts
    November 18, 2023 7:19 AM PST

    Jothany said:

    Mod Edit:

    Allegations about Brad from the past, as well as discussions about his passing, are not acceptable topics for discussion on VR's forums.

    Wait, what do you mean? I get getting rid of stupid things, but why can't we talk about his passing? What, we can't mention he's gone or how sudden it seemed? I don't understand this reasoning for having stuff deleted. What was said? What rule is this under for the forums? Is this a specific rule no one has heard of before? Look, I get it, Brad was a friend and it probably still hurts for some that he's gone, but this is a very vague and not a very thought out reason for deleting things. If it's clearly bull, get rid of it, but explain just a little better as to why stuff was deleted; because this screams of "just because"

    • 226 posts
    November 18, 2023 9:51 AM PST
    OCastitatisLilium said:

    Jothany said:

    Mod Edit:

    Allegations about Brad from the past, as well as discussions about his passing, are not acceptable topics for discussion on VR's forums.

    Wait, what do you mean? I get getting rid of stupid things, but why can't we talk about his passing? What, we can't mention he's gone or how sudden it seemed? I don't understand this reasoning for having stuff deleted. What was said? What rule is this under for the forums? Is this a specific rule no one has heard of before? Look, I get it, Brad was a friend and it probably still hurts for some that he's gone, but this is a very vague and not a very thought out reason for deleting things. If it's clearly bull, get rid of it, but explain just a little better as to why stuff was deleted; because this screams of "just because"

    It's been established that some of the volunteer moderators freely edit posts they don't like or disagree with. Ridiculous, but factual. Today is 4th anniversary of Brad's passing, heaven forbid we remember a man that started this company and gave his entire professional life to the gaming industry.
    • 167 posts
    November 18, 2023 10:20 AM PST

    It's been established that some of the volunteer moderators freely edit posts they don't like or disagree with. Ridiculous, but factual. Today is 4th anniversary of Brad's passing, heaven forbid we remember a man that started this company and gave his entire professional life to the gaming industry.

    Yes, it has been strongly established that the rules, listed in the link below, must be followed to avoid having your posts edited or deleted, this is a fact. Correct, Sweety.
    • 133 posts
    November 18, 2023 11:45 AM PST

    Prevenge said:
    It's been established that some of the volunteer moderators freely edit posts they don't like or disagree with. Ridiculous, but factual. Today is 4th anniversary of Brad's passing, heaven forbid we remember a man that started this company and gave his entire professional life to the gaming industry.
    Yes, it has been strongly established that the rules, listed in the link below, must be followed to avoid having your posts edited or deleted, this is a fact. Correct, Sweety.

    Okay, but none of this answers the questions I asked...

    • VR Staff
    • 536 posts
    November 18, 2023 11:45 AM PST

    We aren't here to speculate on the passing of a VR team member. It isn't appropriate.

    • VR Staff
    • 536 posts
    November 18, 2023 11:48 AM PST

    Sweety said:
    OCastitatisLilium said:
    Jothany said: Mod Edit: Allegations about Brad from the past, as well as discussions about his passing, are not acceptable topics for discussion on VR's forums.
    Wait, what do you mean? I get getting rid of stupid things, but why can't we talk about his passing? What, we can't mention he's gone or how sudden it seemed? I don't understand this reasoning for having stuff deleted. What was said? What rule is this under for the forums? Is this a specific rule no one has heard of before? Look, I get it, Brad was a friend and it probably still hurts for some that he's gone, but this is a very vague and not a very thought out reason for deleting things. If it's clearly bull, get rid of it, but explain just a little better as to why stuff was deleted; because this screams of "just because"
    It's been established that some of the volunteer moderators freely edit posts they don't like or disagree with. Ridiculous, but factual. Today is 4th anniversary of Brad's passing, heaven forbid we remember a man that started this company and gave his entire professional life to the gaming industry.


    The post was not a polite remembrance. The moderators have been instructed to remove posts that violate our rules rather than edit portions of them, expect to see that moving forward.


    • 133 posts
    November 18, 2023 11:52 AM PST
    Sweety said:
    OCastitatisLilium said:
    Jothany said: Mod Edit: Allegations about Brad from the past, as well as discussions about his passing, are not acceptable topics for discussion on VR's forums.
    Wait, what do you mean? I get getting rid of stupid things, but why can't we talk about his passing? What, we can't mention he's gone or how sudden it seemed? I don't understand this reasoning for having stuff deleted. What was said? What rule is this under for the forums? Is this a specific rule no one has heard of before? Look, I get it, Brad was a friend and it probably still hurts for some that he's gone, but this is a very vague and not a very thought out reason for deleting things. If it's clearly bull, get rid of it, but explain just a little better as to why stuff was deleted; because this screams of "just because"
    It's been established that some of the volunteer moderators freely edit posts they don't like or disagree with. Ridiculous, but factual. Today is 4th anniversary of Brad's passing, heaven forbid we remember a man that started this company and gave his entire professional life to the gaming industry.

    I get that, but this doesn't answer my question on the reason why any of that was taken down. If you all were just remembering him and just casually chatting, then it shouldn't have been deleted, if there was some bullshit going on like people were just saying outright nonsense about him, then the deletion should quote what rule is being used as justification on the deletion and a brief description of what was deleted. Like:

    Post deleted for Rule 1:"-Show respect to other users at all times. No name-calling, insults, or personal attacks toward anyone." Please do not perpetuate rumors of Brad partaking in illicit or criminal acts, and please do not perpetuate rumors of his cause of death. This falls under Rule 1 and had been removed for the violation.

    At least this gives people the reason why it was taken down so they are not repeating the offense, be that accidental or purposefully. It also tells people how to avoid being deleted in the future. This isn't rocket science, it's basic CS skills. If they really wanted to, they could quote the most egregious one as the example so that people can see what was deleted and how to avoid it. They don't have to, but you need to at least give people more than what the dude said.

    EDIT: I should edit in here that the example I gave isn't implying anyone was saying anything like that, but was given as an example of what a mod could put up to give a more clear reason for people reading the thread.
    This post was edited by OCastitatisLilium at November 18, 2023 11:54 AM PST
    • 194 posts
    November 18, 2023 11:59 AM PST
    OCastitatisLilium said:
    Sweety said:
    OCastitatisLilium said:
    Jothany said: Mod Edit: Allegations about Brad from the past, as well as discussions about his passing, are not acceptable topics for discussion on VR's forums.
    Wait, what do you mean? I get getting rid of stupid things, but why can't we talk about his passing? What, we can't mention he's gone or how sudden it seemed? I don't understand this reasoning for having stuff deleted. What was said? What rule is this under for the forums? Is this a specific rule no one has heard of before? Look, I get it, Brad was a friend and it probably still hurts for some that he's gone, but this is a very vague and not a very thought out reason for deleting things. If it's clearly bull, get rid of it, but explain just a little better as to why stuff was deleted; because this screams of "just because"
    It's been established that some of the volunteer moderators freely edit posts they don't like or disagree with. Ridiculous, but factual. Today is 4th anniversary of Brad's passing, heaven forbid we remember a man that started this company and gave his entire professional life to the gaming industry.

    I get that, but this doesn't answer my question on the reason why any of that was taken down. If you all were just remembering him and just casually chatting, then it shouldn't have been deleted, if there was some bullshit going on like people were just saying outright nonsense about him, then the deletion should quote what rule is being used as justification on the deletion and a brief description of what was deleted. Like:

    Post deleted for Rule 1:"-Show respect to other users at all times. No name-calling, insults, or personal attacks toward anyone." Please do not perpetuate rumors of Brad partaking in illicit or criminal acts, and please do not perpetuate rumors of his cause of death. This falls under Rule 1 and had been removed for the violation.

    At least this gives people the reason why it was taken down so they are not repeating the offense, be that accidental or purposefully. It also tells people how to avoid being deleted in the future. This isn't rocket science, it's basic CS skills. If they really wanted to, they could quote the most egregious one as the example so that people can see what was deleted and how to avoid it. They don't have to, but you need to at least give people more than what the dude said.

    EDIT: I should edit in here that the example I gave isn't implying anyone was saying anything like that, but was given as an example of what a mod could put up to give a more clear reason for people reading the thread.

    It was removed because it speculated on Brad's vision. Brad is no longer with us.
    • 5 posts
    November 18, 2023 3:49 PM PST
    I was sold a vision of Pantheon when I pledged in 2016. No speculation there. I am now seeing a generic looking game being made instead of the epic vision I was sold. Truly disappointed.
    This post was edited by Perl at November 18, 2023 3:49 PM PST
    • 80 posts
    November 19, 2023 1:54 PM PST
    Jothany said:

    Mod Edit:

    Allegations about Brad from the past, as well as discussions about his passing, are not acceptable topics for discussion on VR's forums.

    You cannot accurately summarize the history of Pantheon without including it's creator Brad. Furthermore, you didn't just delete the parts with Brad, you deleted the whole post, conveniently censoring the messy past of Pantheon.
    • 2094 posts
    November 19, 2023 2:51 PM PST

    RedGang said:Furthermore, you didn't just delete the parts with Brad, you deleted the whole post, conveniently censoring the messy past of Pantheon.

    Savanja said:

     The moderators have been instructed to remove posts that violate our rules rather than edit portions of them, expect to see that moving forward.

    • 902 posts
    November 19, 2023 2:52 PM PST
    As Savanja said above, the moderators have been instructed by VR to remove the entire post when inappropriate. What Brad would want or not is inappropriate for this site. And I for one concur. Its just not right.
    Make your case. State why without breaking the rules of VR's site and posts will not be removed. Pretty straight forward if you ask me.
    • 226 posts
    November 19, 2023 3:36 PM PST
    RedGang said:
    Jothany said:

    Mod Edit:

    Allegations about Brad from the past, as well as discussions about his passing, are not acceptable topics for discussion on VR's forums.

    You cannot accurately summarize the history of Pantheon without including it's creator Brad. Furthermore, you didn't just delete the parts with Brad, you deleted the whole post, conveniently censoring the messy past of Pantheon.

    Yep, happens all the time. Most the supporters are super fanboys and remove some of the critical opinions they don't agree with. Which is why I am also, "Baffled and disappointed in VR." They most definitely go way past just moderating.
    • 80 posts
    November 19, 2023 6:36 PM PST
    So I went through the rules:

    What part of my post broke any of these rules? There's no mention of bringing up past allegations. Brad is a key part of Pantheons past. One could even say it's disrespectful to censor Brad out of Pantheons history. It's also shady to limit the full story of this game, when would be pledges deserve to know what they are supporting.
    This post was edited by RedGang at November 19, 2023 6:38 PM PST
    • 902 posts
    November 19, 2023 11:42 PM PST
    If you didn't notice, there are post's with his name as long as it is in passing. For it to be removed there musts have been something along the lines of "Brad would..." or "Brad would not...". This is not rocket science. Leave his memory out of arguments, as you just do not know. Just disrespectful!
    Make your case without using his name. Move on. PLEASE!
    • 1430 posts
    November 20, 2023 2:10 AM PST
    graphics isn't everything though. maybe the gameplay is gonna be s tier. plus with simpler graphics, it would be easy to implement new dungeons and assets that won't be out of place. there's tradeoffs and if there's anything i know its keep it stupid simple kekw!
    • 902 posts
    November 20, 2023 7:20 AM PST
    NoJuiceViscosity said:
    graphics isn't everything though. maybe the gameplay is gonna be s tier. plus with simpler graphics, it would be easy to implement new dungeons and assets that won't be out of place. there's tradeoffs and if there's anything i know its keep it stupid simple kekw!

    For some this is true. For others, it is not. For some immersion is broken when the graphics don't fit or there are issues. This immersion break can be enough for some to move on somewhere else.
    • 80 posts
    November 20, 2023 8:05 AM PST
    chenzeme said:
    If you didn't notice, there are post's with his name as long as it is in passing. For it to be removed there musts have been something along the lines of "Brad would..." or "Brad would not...". This is not rocket science. Leave his memory out of arguments, as you just do not know. Just disrespectful!
    Make your case without using his name. Move on. PLEASE!

    I don't know why you're pretending like you read my deleted post. I never claimed Brad would or would not do anything. But even if I did, it's not in the forum rules anyways, which means rules are being made up on the fly. Does Brad just have a passing involvement with Pantheon? No and it's disrespectful to suggest otherwise.
    • 1289 posts
    November 20, 2023 11:54 AM PST

    Looks like this has turned in to an argument about the rules of the forums.  If you have questions about forum rules you can DM Savanja (or another mod if you're more comfortable discussing with a certain mod).  If a rule isn't clear I'm sure it can be cleared up that way and then Sav can determine if her posted rules should be modified for clarity.  


    Time to get this back on topic or it'll be locked.  

    • 2 posts
    November 21, 2023 1:35 AM PST

    Ranarius said:

    Just to clarify (or ask you to clarify) ... are you saying that they threw away their potential for good gameplay?  
    Or just the combination of great gameplay and graphics?  (just asking because I think the gameplay definitely still has potential to be great regardless of graphics).

    Good gameplay and poor graphics already exists - Everquest TLP's - What I was hoping for here was both great gameplay and atleast present day graphics. Imagine insane graphics with UE 5 and the gameplay from Everquest - the imersion would have been epic