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Asmongold's thoughts on PRotF

    • 22 posts
    April 26, 2022 7:42 PM PDT

    I know this is old, but his commentary just pains me...especially when talking about graphics.....What are your thoughts?

    • 258 posts
    April 26, 2022 9:17 PM PDT

    I like his attitude and portrayment towards his community. It's good to voice your own opinion. I don't see anything wrong.

    • 2094 posts
    April 27, 2022 12:47 AM PDT

    Asmongold seems to much prefer to find problems to complain about rather than value to be found, in the (admittedly few) vids of his that I've spent any time watching.

    In this particular case, he's watching a 720p Twitch stream of The Hive Leader playing an early (2018) development version of Panth. At the time, VR made ample disclaimers on all of the streams that it was PRE-Alpha content, all aspects being still in development, nowhere near final graphics, etc. yet Asmongold compares the gameplay and especially the graphics to other games that are finished and well past release. Maybe the Hive Leader made that clear in his stream, maybe he failed to. Either way, Asmongold's lack of knowledge about what he was criticizing seriously undercuts the validity of his conclusions.

    The Hive Leader's vid in full is still available on VR's Youtube channel here:

    I suggest you watch it yourself, and then compare it to the upcoming HRDP gameplay stream that I believe was teased in our last livestream from the Devs.


    • 258 posts
    April 27, 2022 2:39 AM PDT

    Jothany said:

    Asmongold seems to much prefer to find problems to complain about rather than value to be found, in the (admittedly few) vids of his that I've spent any time watching.

    In this particular case, he's watching a 720p Twitch stream of The Hive Leader playing an early (2018) development version of Panth. At the time, VR made ample disclaimers on all of the streams that it was PRE-Alpha content, all aspects being still in development, nowhere near final graphics, etc. yet Asmongold compares the gameplay and especially the graphics to other games that are finished and well past release. Maybe the Hive Leader made that clear in his stream, maybe he failed to. Either way, Asmongold's lack of knowledge about what he was criticizing seriously undercuts the validity of his conclusions.

    The Hive Leader's vid in full is still available on VR's Youtube channel here:

    I suggest you watch it yourself, and then compare it to the upcoming HRDP gameplay stream that I believe was teased in our last livestream from the Devs.



    I don't watch him very often and last time I watched him was a long time ago. One thing I can say about him is... he's either a good troll, which in no doubt in my mind he is, he still brings over 40k+ viewers every time. But, I guess there's different styles of entertainment, which I think a lot of people like him for that. Even if he is being such a critic in the media.. he's able to entertain so many people that support him as a streamer..and in my eyes .. he must be doing something right. Whether he's doing wrong or right... you can't please everyone. I just think sometimes you need to take things with a grain of salt and decide if that's the type of content you want to watch. I think at the end of the day.. at least he keeps people out of trouble? lol. I don't know... maybe I'm trying to be so analytical and forget there's things major celebrities like him get away with.. so, for me... it's just someone that is an entertainer. Maybe I've missed something but I will watch that video link you just posted @Jothany

    • 16 posts
    April 27, 2022 5:48 AM PDT

    Asmongold represents the type of playerbase that kept me away from WoW. I was wondering what would happen to Pantheon if some big WoW personality started doing to VR what they've done to Blizzard, I.E. drum up complaints until the complany gives in to a vocal minority, but Asmongold's response to the game makes me think the problem might take care of itself

    • 1479 posts
    April 27, 2022 7:34 AM PDT

    No one needs some nowhere's opinion.

    • 97 posts
    April 27, 2022 10:33 AM PDT

    I like Asmongold, but he made a poor judgement of Pantheon in that video. Him saying that the 'GFX are bad' as he continues to play WoW made me chuckle. 

    I'm sure Asmon and many others will see Pantheon's success and change their minds.

    • 256 posts
    April 27, 2022 11:40 AM PDT

    I respect Asmondgold as a content creator. However, I think that he gets stuck in his opinions and biases. He has held a torch for wow for years, even when its development team has shown they don't understand their player base anymore. He has a hope that WoW can be good again and that its development team will eventually get it together. Hope is a good thing to have, but there is a time when you have to be realistic. I feel like, in WoW's case, the time to be realistic has long since come and passed. 

    When it comes to his thoughts on the graphics in Pantheon, I feel like his feelings towards WoW at least partially impacted his opinion.  I also don't think that he fully understood where the game was at in its development cycle. I don't believe that his comments about the game came from a well-informed knowledge base when he made them. Since then, he has made comments about gaming in general, which lead me to believe Pantheon is just not a game that is going to appeal to him. There's nothing wrong with that. However, any opinions he may have about Pantheon are at least partially influenced by this bias.  

    Personally, I think that Pantheon is coming along nicely. Do I think it will have mind-blowing graphics that are at the pinnacle of MMO design? Probably not. However, I don't think the graphics are going to be an eyesore to look at. I think that graphics-wise Pantheon will be a modern enough experience that most people are ok with. Personally, the gameplay has always held more value than the graphics. I think the game play element of Pantheon is where the game is really going to shine, and that's the most important area for the game to shine. 

    • 258 posts
    April 27, 2022 12:03 PM PDT

    Man, look guys.. I think it's wrong to talk bad about people and have to come up with a thread on this forum or any forums for that matter on someone elses expense. Let them be them, you can't just come and say how bad of a said person someone is, just to get attention. If we start analizing about each one of us.. we all have our things that might not be likeable by someone else. No need to come with negativity and start spreading hate on a subject that's already done and done. I think we should be mindful about ourselves because you just never know what's on the other side of the spectrum until you experience it yourself...having an open mind goes a long way... just my 2 cents.

    This post was edited by Arzoth at April 27, 2022 12:05 PM PDT
    • 2094 posts
    April 27, 2022 12:22 PM PDT


    I pretty much agree with you. But I have to point out that the exact same thing can be said about Asmongold, in reference to his stream about Pantheon. He might have not known that he was watching a game that was in early development, but geez this guy has Three MILLION followers on his Twitch stream. When he gets on it and trash-talks Pantheon, he's not just entertaining his followers. He's potentially affecting VR and all of their employees (not to mention all of us Panth supporters) with some seriously bad publicity.

    IMO that means he has an ethical obligation to know what he is talking about. Then if he finds genuine problems with the game, the criticism is justified. In this case, one can make a pretty strong argument that Asmon himself did not have an open mind.

    This post was edited by Jothany at April 27, 2022 12:58 PM PDT
    • 22 posts
    April 27, 2022 12:37 PM PDT

    FatedEmperor said:

    I respect Asmondgold as a content creator. However, I think that he gets stuck in his opinions and biases. He has held a torch for wow for years, even when its development team has shown they don't understand their player base anymore. He has a hope that WoW can be good again and that its development team will eventually get it together. Hope is a good thing to have, but there is a time when you have to be realistic. I feel like, in WoW's case, the time to be realistic has long since come and passed. 

    When it comes to his thoughts on the graphics in Pantheon, I feel like his feelings towards WoW at least partially impacted his opinion.  I also don't think that he fully understood where the game was at in its development cycle. I don't believe that his comments about the game came from a well-informed knowledge base when he made them. Since then, he has made comments about gaming in general, which lead me to believe Pantheon is just not a game that is going to appeal to him. There's nothing wrong with that. However, any opinions he may have about Pantheon are at least partially influenced by this bias.  

    Personally, I think that Pantheon is coming along nicely. Do I think it will have mind-blowing graphics that are at the pinnacle of MMO design? Probably not. However, I don't think the graphics are going to be an eyesore to look at. I think that graphics-wise Pantheon will be a modern enough experience that most people are ok with. Personally, the gameplay has always held more value than the graphics. I think the game play element of Pantheon is where the game is really going to shine, and that's the most important area for the game to shine. 

    Well said! I think it's coming along pretty nicely too. The graphics are going to be good enough in my opinion.

    • 22 posts
    April 27, 2022 12:45 PM PDT

    Jothany said:


    I pretty much agree with you. But I have to point out that the exact same thing can be said about Asmongold, in reference to his stream about Pantheon. He might have not known that he was watching a game that was in early development, but geez this guy as Three MILLION followers on his Twitch stream. When he gets on it and trash-talks Pantheon, he's not just entertaining his followers. He's potentially affecting VR and all of their employees (not to mention all of us Panth supporters) with some seriously bad publicity.

    IMO that means he has an ethical obligation to know what he is talking about. Then if he finds genuine problems with the game, the criticism is justified. In this case, one can make a pretty strong argument that Asmon himself did not have an open mind.

    One of these days we gotta show  Asmon the new HDRP system changes and see if he changes his mind about the graphics xD 

    I really like him and I think Asmon would help Pantheon's publicity assuming he changes his mind. You're right that Asmon's opinion in that video could affect a large portion of people's opinion about Pantheon and affect VR


    • 258 posts
    April 27, 2022 12:59 PM PDT

    Jothany said:


    I pretty much agree with you. But I have to point out that the exact same thing can be said about Asmongold, in reference to his stream about Pantheon. He might have not known that he was watching a game that was in early development, but geez this guy as Three MILLION followers on his Twitch stream. When he gets on it and trash-talks Pantheon, he's not just entertaining his followers. He's potentially affecting VR and all of their employees (not to mention all of us Panth supporters) with some seriously bad publicity.

    IMO that means he has an ethical obligation to know what he is talking about. Then if he finds genuine problems with the game, the criticism is justified. In this case, one can make a pretty strong argument that Asmon himself did not have an open mind.


    I totally agree with you there. There's no doubt about that, but you have to realize.. that even though he's making fun on peoples expense, he's bringing joy to the / his public. If you think about it.. he does also contribute to Blizzards company and revenue. He carries on a torch of a revolutionary movement of 'joy' to people that enjoy that type of thing. Is it right? Maybe not, by our own standards, but at the end of the day... he makes people happy. It's a twisted reality and it's noticeable only to the affected. Is it going to change the person you believe you are? It shouldn't. Can we do something about how people think? We can't expect that to happen.. I've fallen into that spectrum and I've had to adapt to it myself. 


    Now, here's a thing that I have to point out: I personally have dealt with toxicity around people because of how people have portrayed themselves towards me as a player. And because it affected me so much and I'm sure other people in the community. I just couldn't let it happen for too long.

    My friends used to tell me to let it go, but man, talk about toxicity, I've seen it, trust me. I even had to be vocal towards the community after it just got to be too much because of how often it happened. It affected me as a player and as a person, which made me realize that it left me to adventure alone amongst other factors of how things played out because of these factors that I could go on about. I wasn't going to let that happen to a community vibe I once knew in EverQuest and because there's some things worth fighting for.

    Now, I think about how much that was affecting me as a player, I knew I had to do something and because there's certain things that get to be too toxic to someone and it's worth being vocal so that people realize that THAT toxicity shouldn't be tolerated.

    If Asmongold or any streamer ever decides to be toxic then they should be rectified and dealt with accordingly. I'm sure a lot of people have dealt with it as well... and... Asmongold is nowhere close to what I've seen people act towards me and I'm sure other people feel the same way. If anything.. If someone was that much toxic.. I hope they're dealt with accordingly. There's much difference as to what really is detrimental and we have to keep that in mind.. because we have to realize that we all come from different backgrounds and ideologies. I like talking $#!+ with friends and having fun in a sane way, because of my background there's certain vibes that make ME happy and I'm sure it does to a lot of people... but, with toxicity, you either take things lightly or ignore it. It is US who have to be the ones to be the judge of how us as a community will interact with each other in the game. They'll be toxic people, they'll be people of all kinds of beliefs, that I think the only thing we can do is have an open mind because you're the one to be the one who makes a difference in the community, not him, her or anyone else. We have to remember to keep composture, because if we don't we'll lose our strives.

    This post was edited by Arzoth at April 27, 2022 3:12 PM PDT
    • 16 posts
    May 1, 2022 3:38 PM PDT

    Asmongold literally took 10 seconds to start criticizing Pantheon.  He watched someone else's video breakdown of a pre-alpha romp and determine game play was not good and it was graphically the same as a game from the early 2000s.  He did not add any caveat of it being a pre-alpha game either.  He held it to the his gold standard game of WoW and to his gold standard company Blizzard.   I see  so many "reviewers" do the same thing with other games.  They just substitute in their favorite game and company.   The above posters are right, he has a large following and a good portion of them are like lemmings.  If he says it, it is so.  My kids parrot the dumb stuff he says about games all the time and they use those things as reasons to not even try a game.  Potentially a large number of folks will pass on Pantheon becomes Asmongold said the graphics were not good and gameplay sucked.  He is of a generation that wants fast and shiny gameplay.  I call them the arcade generation.  They don't actually want an MMORPG that you virutally live in, they want rankings and leaderboards.   They want flashy and fast and instant gratification.  I have watched enough of Asmongold to know his opinion is going to be jaded.   That being said, his gold standard game/company did have to bend to a large portion of their customers and create Classic WoW with its slower progression and more EQ like play style.  The tides are turning on MMOs now I think and Pantheon is going to be the "Vanguard" in the next wave of great MMOs.  A return to true MMO experience.


    • 258 posts
    May 13, 2022 4:06 AM PDT

    I think we all want the best outcome that can possibly have. I think when it comes down to it, we can't just be focused on the negative. Each other is how they are, and to say bad about someone is what's wrong in itself to keep talking about this because when it comes down to it.. if he soundds offensive  then not let that take control of your life. All you can do is set an example. The best we can do is show our respect, composure and know that we're in the right place. This goes for anyone of us and no one else. Sorry, just thought I'd share a few points of view.

    This post was edited by Arzoth at May 13, 2022 5:36 AM PDT
    • 724 posts
    October 6, 2022 11:26 PM PDT
    • 2094 posts
    October 7, 2022 11:21 AM PDT

    Rhazaghul said:

    The tides are turning on MMOs now I think and Pantheon is going to be the "Vanguard" in the next wave of great MMOs. 

    A tip of my hat for a great turn of phrase :)