Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Act of Looting

    • 146 posts
    April 11, 2022 9:30 AM PDT

    What are your preferences for looting options?

    I'm not talking about need/greed systems etc. I mean, do you like to press a button and have everything within range looted and sent to your bags?

    Do you prefer to have to check each corpse one by one and decide between individual items or using the "Take All" option?

    Do you like a mix where one button brings up a window of all the within range loot and you select or take all?

    Do you want it to be fully automatic and have everything just go into your bags as you kill? 

    Is there another option I'm missing that you'd like to see?

    This is probably the second most common thing we will do in-game aside from using our skills, and it's rarely discussed. I've been playing a game where the looting feels like a chore and unnecessarily slow for me, which made me curious what others think. Tell me your expectations and dream options for the act of looting.

    • 690 posts
    April 11, 2022 12:17 PM PDT

    I prefer having to check each corpse.

    The more you do for something, the more you value it, and having to loot and look through the loot is that one final act you have to take to get that rare and memorable piece of equipment.

    I don't think it's particularly stressful, and can even help to break up repetitive mob genocide(but it won't do the job alone of course).

    • 2752 posts
    April 11, 2022 12:30 PM PDT

    Individual checking each corpse and clicking each item to loot. Auto and AoE looting fits more for games that expect you to be mowing through mobs/packs quickly.

    • 146 posts
    April 11, 2022 12:41 PM PDT

    Thank you for your responses, BeaverBiscuit and Iksar. 


    Maybe I'm in the minority here. I would like to press a button to loot and get a window with all the mobs listed along with the items they dropped. Something like:








    To add to this discusion, should the gold dropped by enemies be automatically received when the corpse is looted or be a separate item on the list like a coinpurse?

    • 1404 posts
    April 11, 2022 12:48 PM PDT

    Feastycentral said: Do you prefer to have to check each corpse one by one and decide between individual items or using the "Take All" option? 

    Being one for the "OLD SCHOOL" soap box, this is the one I'm inclined to lean toward this one... Slows things down, makes the looting process actually BE a process, I don't know how many times I "looted" something in auto loot games and never even knew I had it, Not to mention I think looting needs to be considered when managing bag space. However I conceed, this may be too tedious for a moder MMORPG, I think VR can improve on it.

    Feastycentral said: Do you want it to be fully automatic and have everything just go into your bags as you kill? 

    This being the other end of the extreem, and a big Absolutly Not from me... this is a fast track method and pretty much takes looting compleatly out of the picture. I'll be extreamly disapointed if they end up with something like this.

    Feastycentral said: Is there another option I'm missing that you'd like to see? 

    I would like to see a mix, but not as the one you shared with "all the loot in range" no the player need to touch the corpse. I DID like how newer Everquest let's you set catagorys for loot items such as Never, Always Need, Always Greed, ect. However this did negate some special EQ Game Mechanics I'd like to see in Pantheron. I'm thinking of those giant ass Bolders off Giants that encumbered all the casters if they werent paying attention.... "Never" and you wouldent have to pay attention. 

    • 422 posts
    April 11, 2022 1:12 PM PDT

    I would prefer that each corpse need be checked, but that's in aperfect world without douche bags who will ninja loot everything in site.

    So due to this, I want to see an interface that forces loot to be rolled on need/greed style in AoE of the party and cannot be modified by any party member. The system just sets everything to be rolled on and people will need to pass or roll, with no options to auto-roll to avoid AFK auto looting, and prevent party leaders from abusing it to ninja loot. If you cannot equip the item you cannot roll need for it and if you already have the item then you cannot roll need for it again.

    Force fair looting and fair play. Players do not need the option to be a douche bag.

    • 888 posts
    April 11, 2022 2:18 PM PDT

    I want a loot system where loot is not too frequent. Far too many games use constant loot as a way to make games more addictive (similar to how casinos use frequent lights and sound). I also don't want loot that seems like it was created to force cash-shop storage purchases. Even without  cash shop, Pantheon needs to ensure it isn't using the same high frequently loot drop approach.  

    The interface I want depends largely on the above. How often loot drops, how valuable  it is, and how much we can store will determine if I want a more thoughtful UI where I look at everything, or whether I want to automate loot spam.  Personally,  I want to feel excited by loot, so it should be less frequent and more valuable. But modern loot too often feels like I'm playing a Tetris-like inventory sim and keeping up feels more like a chore than a reward.

    • 729 posts
    April 11, 2022 3:02 PM PDT

    I want the enemies to freeze just before death, do a little spin,  yell out, "they got me" then proceed to squat and lay a large colorful egg.  

    The egg can then be cracked open with a weapon releasing a little explosion of confetti and we get to role on the goodies as the confetti rains down around us.  

    Too theatrical?

    • 5 posts
    April 11, 2022 4:07 PM PDT

    Zorkon said:

    Feastycentral said: Do you prefer to have to check each corpse one by one and decide between individual items or using the "Take All" option? 

    Being one for the "OLD SCHOOL" soap box, this is the one I'm inclined to lean toward this one... Slows things down, makes the looting process actually BE a process, I don't know how many times I "looted" something in auto loot games and never even knew I had it, Not to mention I think looting needs to be considered when managing bag space. 

    Completely agree. I want to have to loot each mob individually and see the items it has and decide what I want.  One of the things I am most looking forward to in this game is the level of immersion it looks like it will have, and Auto looting takes away from immersion in my book.  I also want deciding what to loot to be and Actual difficult decision, with bag space being more limited than what we see nowa days.

    I am hoping that mobs in general will be much more difficult than in most other games out there now, so you will have fewer but longer and harder fights, and therefore will be looting much fewer mobs and so it won't be a amount huge time spent looting anyway.

    I think bag space has become a serious issue in games these days.  Yes its convinient to be able to carry 200 weapons and whatever other crap you find, but it just seems silly to me (yes there could be magic bags, that have larger space on the inside and negate weight and all that, but to me too much stuff like that also takes away from a game)

    • 113 posts
    April 11, 2022 4:37 PM PDT

    Yea for real please no auto looting of items. 

    Auto looting and not paying attention to loot Cheapens the experience of looting something. 

    Looting a cool item is one of the most important things, we don't need to lessen that.

    Plenty of games where fast paced zerg fighting, showers of loot, in such a rush you just click Take All or Too much loot ala ARPG... Pantheon should not be one of those games.


    I'm okay with when a group member loots a corpse the NBG dice roll pops up for everyone, as long as the timer on the roll is long enough to kill off adds in a longer fight hehe. That being said, it was certainly a different beast back in the day when things stopped for a minute while medding up and everyone talked in group chat about the drops. Social



    This post was edited by GeneralReb at April 11, 2022 4:39 PM PDT
    • 454 posts
    April 11, 2022 5:33 PM PDT

    I definitely want to loot each corpse separately.  A big fat no to auto looting. Slow things down a bit.  Take some time to discuss loot.  I'm ok with auto plot on coins.

    • 2419 posts
    April 11, 2022 5:36 PM PDT

    You killed it, you loot it.  No mass looting. It doesn't take that long to loot stuff so don't act like its its such a PITA to loot them individually.

    • 56 posts
    April 11, 2022 7:57 PM PDT
    In games where you kill hordes of enemies at once auto looting makes sense. Auto looting has its place for currency that is split evenly amongst the party.

    In a game where you are fighting fewer enemies I think looting each enemy one at a time is ok... but I would like to see comprehensive loot options for the groups leader. A group should be able to set thresholds on when they want to roll for certain item rarities or if they would prefer to have a master loot option where the leader decides who gets what. Groups may prefer to roll on everything in a game where loot doesn't bind on equip because everyone can make money in the auction house when item drops or hand items off to alts. Some groups may prefer a need before greed system where classes that can make use of the item have priority over classes that cannot. Whatever the group decides is best for their run they should have the option to change the loot rules for the play session or encounter.

    The downsides of looting one corpse at a time is when corpses start stacking on top of each other or they clip through terrain. Clicking through 10 corpses hoping to find the item you needed can be annoying. Having a loot window that displays all the items on the corpses in a small radius is probably the best way to solve this. But if there's going to be a system like this you might as well implement clicking on one corpse in an area displays all possible loot in that given area.
    • 1921 posts
    April 12, 2022 7:22 AM PDT


    I'd rather not have to manually drag and drop each item from each corpse into my inventory, and manually allocate them into stacks.
    Provided it's not -that- tedious? Meh.
    Trying to pick out (manually, with a mouse, with competing objects nearby) the one un-looted corpse in a stack of corpses.. also not awesome.

    There was some recent game (embers? fractured? the other one with bards?) I can't recall, but it forced you to double click to open the corpse, double click to open your bag, manually drag and drop each item into the bag, and it didn't auto stack.  Plus there was an agressive timer on corpse decay, so if you didn't do it quickly enough, you lose everything, and corpses piled on top of each other.  So you couldn't click the ones earlier/lower, until the top ones decayed, by which time you had mere seconds to perform your RSI-inducing looting actions.

    Not awesome, didn't love, would not implement that way personally.  I have no issues with /snc; /lootall; assigned to a hotkey.  Looting is resource acquisition.  It's not a religious experience, to me.

    • 3852 posts
    April 12, 2022 8:49 AM PDT

    1. Of all things what I want to avoid most is a system where there is a benefit to being the first person in a group to click on a corpse. This rewards greed. It punishes those who focus most on accomplishing group objectives (such as killing the remaining enemies). It leads to painful wipes where people loot instead of fighting or race greedily to a corpse without noticing that another group of enemies is in aggro range. 

    2. I prefer having to loot, not getting things automatically as an enemy dies. I prefer having to loot body by body, not being able to loot everything within range. Once I am looting a body I want there to be a "loot all" button.

    My ideal system for enemies killed by a group would be that cash loot, if any, be automatically distributed to all group members or to a master looter if there is one. 

    Trash loot, if any, be automatically given to a group member on a rotating basis or randomly but under no circumstances with a priority to the character clicking on the body. Or to a master looter if there is one.

    Valuable loot to be rolled on under whatever system of priorities is applicable or given to a master looter if there is one.

    This post was edited by dorotea at April 12, 2022 8:52 AM PDT
    • 295 posts
    April 12, 2022 9:13 PM PDT

    StoneFish said:

    I want the enemies to freeze just before death, do a little spin,  yell out, "they got me" then proceed to squat and lay a large colorful egg.  

    The egg can then be cracked open with a weapon releasing a little explosion of confetti and we get to role on the goodies as the confetti rains down around us.  

    Too theatrical?



    Add a few balloons and a murder of Skar blowing a trumpet to the confetti and you got yourself a deal bud.

    • 2095 posts
    April 12, 2022 9:48 PM PDT

    StoneFish said: Too theatrical?

    Not if, on rare occasion, instead of loot the egg hatches a small but really nasty dragon. He takes Herculean efforts to kill. And if the group fails and he kills you all, he steals all the loot in your bag that you have gathered in that dungeon. Laughing loudly while doing it.

    This post was edited by Jothany at April 12, 2022 9:48 PM PDT
    • 56 posts
    April 13, 2022 12:35 AM PDT
    Let's remember while some older games may have had you click each item and drag it into your inventory... even modern iterations of those games have added more convenient loot options. I'm not a fan of tedium or frustrating mechanics for the sake of nostalgia or immersion.

    A modern MMO should have a robust looting system focuses on ease of use ans customizability. If you want to loot each corpse one at a time that should be an option if you're the party leader but other groups that want a loot management tool should have that option available as well.
    • 48 posts
    April 13, 2022 2:28 AM PDT

    dorotea said:

    1. Of all things what I want to avoid most is a system where there is a benefit to being the first person in a group to click on a corpse. This rewards greed. It punishes those who focus most on accomplishing group objectives (such as killing the remaining enemies). It leads to painful wipes where people loot instead of fighting or race greedily to a corpse without noticing that another group of enemies is in aggro range. 

    2. I prefer having to loot, not getting things automatically as an enemy dies. I prefer having to loot body by body, not being able to loot everything within range. Once I am looting a body I want there to be a "loot all" button.

    My ideal system for enemies killed by a group would be that cash loot, if any, be automatically distributed to all group members or to a master looter if there is one. 

    Trash loot, if any, be automatically given to a group member on a rotating basis or randomly but under no circumstances with a priority to the character clicking on the body. Or to a master looter if there is one.

    Valuable loot to be rolled on under whatever system of priorities is applicable or given to a master looter if there is one.


    I cannot agree enough with this. Especially point 1.Yes we should loot every body, but also yes there should be a system in place for fairness. Or at least a robust enough system that it can be modified to fit you or your groups desires.

    • 256 posts
    April 13, 2022 6:15 AM PDT

    Personally, I prefer the loot system to match the gameplay. If the gameplay is quick and you are killing multiple mobs in a short amount of time, then I prefer a loot system that consolidates loot to one corpse. If the gameplay is slower and more methodical, then I don't mind looting each individual corpse. I think that the best system I've ever engaged with is EverQuest's current system. It has the ability to be a good solution for both extremes of the spectrum. 

    Some other side notes

    I am not really a fan of personal loot systems. I think that they can be good depending on the game, but they wouldn't be my first choice.

    I also don't really like it when things are passed out automatically. This can make it extremely tedious to manage inventory space and I like to have control over what I am picking up.

    I am a fan of master looter when it is used right. I think that having this ability can give organized raiding guilds the ability to give loot to those who need it the most, and it allows guilds to have more control over their progression and support of their raiders.

    This post was edited by FatedEmperor at April 13, 2022 6:15 AM PDT
    • 175 posts
    April 13, 2022 6:44 AM PDT

    vjek said:
    I have no issues with /snc; /lootall; assigned to a hotkey.  Looting is resource acquisition.  It's not a religious experience, to me.

    Yep... +1

    kellindil said:
    I want to see an interface that forces loot to be rolled on need/greed style in AoE of the party and cannot be modified by any party member. The system just sets everything to be rolled on and people will need to pass or roll, with no options to auto-roll to avoid AFK auto looting, and prevent party leaders from abusing it to ninja loot. If you cannot equip the item you cannot roll need for it and if you already have the item then you cannot roll need for it again.

    Force fair looting and fair play. Players do not need the option to be a douche bag.

    I would love this. I did a ton of pick-up groups in EQ and the drama of loot issues... well most of you know... DRAMA! PUGs eventually started to get a bad rep which ruined some of the fun of EQ for me.


    dorotea said:
    1. Of all things what I want to avoid most is a system where there is a benefit to being the first person in a group to click on a corpse. This rewards greed. It punishes those who focus most on accomplishing group objectives (such as killing the remaining enemies). It leads to painful wipes where people loot instead of fighting or race greedily to a corpse without noticing that another group of enemies is in aggro range.

    2. I prefer having to loot, not getting things automatically as an enemy dies. I prefer having to loot body by body, not being able to loot everything within range. Once I am looting a body I want there to be a "loot all" button.

    My ideal system for enemies killed by a group would be that cash loot, if any, be automatically distributed to all group members or to a master looter if there is one.

    Trash loot, if any, be automatically given to a group member on a rotating basis or randomly but under no circumstances with a priority to the character clicking on the body. Or to a master looter if there is one.

    Valuable loot to be rolled on under whatever system of priorities is applicable or given to a master looter if there is one.

    Well said!

    Xanafel said:
    I cannot agree enough with this. Especially point 1.Yes we should loot every body, but also yes there should be a system in place for fairness. Or at least a robust enough system that it can be modified to fit you or your groups desires.

    I cannot agree enough with this x2!

    I'm willing to sacrifice "loot imersion" to prioritize fairness and minimize drama where it is possible.

    • 146 posts
    April 13, 2022 7:06 AM PDT

    I didn't even consider the looting options for groups. I think a good way to avoid issues is that anytime the loot system is changed from the normally typical round robin distrubtion, a message should pop up to all players in the group asking if they accept the change. That way no one changes it to master look just before a boss fight without others realizing. 


    You would have to re-approve each time a new person joined the party so they know what they are joining. If it's not unanimous then the option isn't changed. You can either kick out the person who is looking for something different or have a discussion.

    • 3852 posts
    April 13, 2022 7:59 AM PDT

    "I also don't really like it when things are passed out automatically. This can make it extremely tedious to manage inventory space and I like to have control over what I am picking up."


    A good point. If I had wanted my statement of preferences to be much longer - I did not - I would have added details such as that each character should have an option to accept or decline trash items. A separate option to roll on or decline valuable items.

    • 2138 posts
    April 13, 2022 10:12 AM PDT

    Once a corpse is touched to loot, I think the whole group should be able to see what is on it. I think corpses should be looted one at a time. I think as a person loots it should be broadcast to the group what person has looted which item. If items are left on a corpse it shouldn't matter who loots what's left. 

    Ability to roll on items by group.

    If it is possible and to satisfy the NBG nay-sayers, an option to place an item on the corpse. Ideally an inspect window will open for all players to the person who is NBG'ing so the other players see what that one person is wearing and what they will be placing on the corpse. It will be an instant and unavoidable inspect for all players in the group to the one. If there is a delay in looting the corpse, any other player can initiate looting the corpse to hurry things along and prevent bag-swapping for junk by the charlatan. This item will then also be able to be rolled on by all.

    • 334 posts
    April 16, 2022 10:28 AM PDT

    dorotea said:

    1. Of all things what I want to avoid most is a system where there is a benefit to being the first person in a group to click on a corpse. This rewards greed. It punishes those who focus most on accomplishing group objectives (such as killing the remaining enemies). It leads to painful wipes where people loot instead of fighting or race greedily to a corpse without noticing that another group of enemies is in aggro range. 

    2. I prefer having to loot, not getting things automatically as an enemy dies. I prefer having to loot body by body, not being able to loot everything within range. Once I am looting a body I want there to be a "loot all" button.

    My ideal system for enemies killed by a group would be that cash loot, if any, be automatically distributed to all group members or to a master looter if there is one. 

    Trash loot, if any, be automatically given to a group member on a rotating basis or randomly but under no circumstances with a priority to the character clicking on the body. Or to a master looter if there is one.

    Valuable loot to be rolled on under whatever system of priorities is applicable or given to a master looter if there is one.

    I definitely agree about not implementing a system where someone is rewarded for looting first, that is a system guaranteed to screw over tanks/healers especially. I also largely agree with your other ideas, that is basically how EQ2 handled looting and I think it's a near-perfect design. It has options for master-looting, need-before-greed, FFA, round-robin, etc that the group leader can set (with need-before-greed being default). And even more, it had sub-options for handling loot, so you could set need-before-greed to only apply to certain rarity items and above, and everything below (common or junk loot) would be round-robin distributed and coin evenly distributed.

    Pair that system with the need to still search corpses/chests, and I think it's a perfect system that allows for the flexibility needed to suit a variety of situations (because only having one loot distribution system available doesn't make sense, different situations/contexts require different solutions). Options for handling looting is a good thing to have.